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May 2nd, 2016
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  1. documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{book}
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  17. %,ngerman
  18. ]{hyperref} % needed for creating hyperlinks in the document, the option colorlinks=true gets rid of the awful boxes, breaklinks breaks lonkg links (list of figures), and ngerman sets everything for german as default hyperlinks language
  19. usepackage[hyphenbreaks]{breakurl} % ben�tigt f�r das Brechen von URLs in Literaturreferenzen, hyphenbreaks auch bei links, die �ber eine Seite gehen (mit hyphenation).
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  42. begin{document}
  44. Someone name some man, citet{farrar2007introduction}. \ woman....citet{castillo2009unified}......asölwnd......citet{herrmann2014structural}....... SHM-Automotive..........citet{smith2007introduction}........ citet{wenzel2008health}.........
  46. bibliographystyle{plainnat}
  47. bibliography{sample_lib}
  49. end{document}
  51. % This file was created with Citavi
  53. @book{adams2007health,
  54. author = {Adams, D.},
  55. year = {2007},
  56. title = {Health Monitoring of Structural Materials and Components: Methods with Applications},
  57. publisher = {Wiley},
  58. isbn = {9780470511572}
  59. }
  61. @book{castillo2009unified,
  62. author = {Castillo, Enrique and Fern{'a}ndez-Canteli, Alfonso.},
  63. year = {2009},
  64. title = {A unified statistical methodology for modeling fatigue damage},
  65. keywords = {Fatigue;Materials;Mathematical models},
  66. address = {Abington},
  67. publisher = {Springer},
  68. isbn = {9781402091827}
  69. }
  72. @article{farrar2007introduction,
  73. author = {Farrar, C. R. and Worden, K.},
  74. year = {2007},
  75. title = {An introduction to structural health monitoring},
  76. pages = {303--315},
  77. volume = {365},
  78. number = {1851},
  79. issn = {1364-503X},
  80. journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences}
  81. }
  84. @incollection{herrmann2014structural,
  85. author = {Herrmann, S. and Wellnitz, J. and Jahn, S. and Leonhardt, S.},
  86. title = {Structural Health Monitoring for Carbon Fiber Resin Composite Car Body Structures},
  87. pages = {75--96},
  88. publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}},
  89. isbn = {978-3-319-01883-6},
  90. series = {Lecture Notes in Mobility},
  91. editor = {Wellnitz, J{"o}rg and Subic, Aleksandar and Trufin, Ramona},
  92. booktitle = {Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2013},
  93. year = {2014},
  94. address = {Cham},
  95. doi = {url{10.1007/978-3-319-01884-3{textunderscore }8}}
  96. }
  98. @book{smith2007introduction,
  99. author = {Smith, J. O.},
  100. year = {2008},
  101. title = {Introduction to Digital Filters: With Audio Applications},
  102. publisher = {W3K},
  103. isbn = {9780974560717}
  104. }
  107. @book{wenzel2008health,
  108. author = {Wenzel, H.},
  109. year = {2008},
  110. title = {Health Monitoring of Bridges},
  111. publisher = {Wiley},
  112. isbn = {9780470740187}
  113. }
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