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- me@ubuntu:~$ roslaunch person_tracker openni_tracker.launch
- ... logging to /home/me/.ros/log/180d043c-4dce-11e1-9a77-68a3c47265d3/roslaunch-ubuntu-5911.log
- Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
- Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
- Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
- started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:40121/
- ========
- * /rosversion
- * /rosdistro
- * /openni_tracker/tf_prefix
- * /openni_tracker/camera_frame_id
- /
- openni_tracker (openni_tracker/openni_tracker)
- ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
- core service [/rosout] found
- process[openni_tracker-1]: started with pid [5929]
- 177 INFO OpenNI version is 1.3.2 (Build 1)-Linux-x86 (Sep 1 2011 17:49:16)
- 235 INFO Filter Info - minimum severity: INFO, masks: ALL
- 7702 INFO Creating node 'Script1' of type Script: OpenNI/OpenNI/
- 8027 INFO USB is initialized.
- 12511 INFO Creating node 'Device1' of type Device: PrimeSense/SensorV2/
- 15603 INFO Property Device.ShareMode was changed to 1.
- 15636 INFO Property Device.InstancePointer was changed.
- 15670 INFO Property Device.ShareMode was changed to 0.
- 15784 INFO Creating node 'Depth1' of type Depth: PrimeSense/SensorV2/
- 31079 INFO Creating stream 'Depth1' of type 'Depth'...
- 31240 INFO Property Depth1.RequiredDataSize was changed to 614400.
- 31737 INFO Property Depth1.OutputFormat was changed to 1.
- 31766 INFO Stream 'Depth1' was initialized.
- 31773 INFO 'Depth1' stream was created.
- 33597 INFO Property Depth1.ActualReadData was changed to 1.
- 507420 INFO Property Depth1.State was changed to 1.
- 507476 INFO Stream Depth1 is open.
- 515027 INFO Creating node 'User1' of type User: PrimeSense/XnVSkeletonGenerator/
- [ INFO] [1328209726.574207419]: New User 1
- [ INFO] [1328209726.636180032]: Lost user 1
- [ INFO] [1328209726.677570700]: New User 1
- [ INFO] [1328209727.410660876]: New User 2
- [ INFO] [1328209730.169322385]: Lost user 2
- [ INFO] [1328209730.839468375]: New User 2
- [ INFO] [1328209733.633119938]: Lost user 2
- c^C[openni_tracker-1] killing on exit
- 37098788 INFO Destroying node 'Script1'
- 37098925 INFO Destroying node 'User1'
- 37108060 INFO Destroying node 'Depth1'
- 37495196 INFO Property Depth1.ActualReadData was changed to 0.
- 37495751 INFO Destroying stream 'Depth1'...
- 37497375 INFO Destroying node 'Device1'
- 37570333 INFO Client connection was closed gracefully
- 37571384 INFO Destroying context
- shutting down processing monitor...
- ... shutting down processing monitor complete
- done
- me@ubuntu:~$
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