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openni_tracker log

a guest
Feb 2nd, 2012
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  1. me@ubuntu:~$ roslaunch person_tracker openni_tracker.launch
  2. ... logging to /home/me/.ros/log/180d043c-4dce-11e1-9a77-68a3c47265d3/roslaunch-ubuntu-5911.log
  3. Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
  4. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
  5. Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
  7. started roslaunch server http://ubuntu:40121/
  10. ========
  13. * /rosversion
  14. * /rosdistro
  15. * /openni_tracker/tf_prefix
  16. * /openni_tracker/camera_frame_id
  18. NODES
  19. /
  20. openni_tracker (openni_tracker/openni_tracker)
  22. ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
  24. core service [/rosout] found
  25. process[openni_tracker-1]: started with pid [5929]
  26. 177 INFO OpenNI version is 1.3.2 (Build 1)-Linux-x86 (Sep 1 2011 17:49:16)
  27. 235 INFO Filter Info - minimum severity: INFO, masks: ALL
  28. 7702 INFO Creating node 'Script1' of type Script: OpenNI/OpenNI/
  29. 8027 INFO USB is initialized.
  30. 12511 INFO Creating node 'Device1' of type Device: PrimeSense/SensorV2/
  31. 15603 INFO Property Device.ShareMode was changed to 1.
  32. 15636 INFO Property Device.InstancePointer was changed.
  33. 15670 INFO Property Device.ShareMode was changed to 0.
  34. 15784 INFO Creating node 'Depth1' of type Depth: PrimeSense/SensorV2/
  35. 31079 INFO Creating stream 'Depth1' of type 'Depth'...
  36. 31240 INFO Property Depth1.RequiredDataSize was changed to 614400.
  37. 31737 INFO Property Depth1.OutputFormat was changed to 1.
  38. 31766 INFO Stream 'Depth1' was initialized.
  39. 31773 INFO 'Depth1' stream was created.
  40. 33597 INFO Property Depth1.ActualReadData was changed to 1.
  41. 507420 INFO Property Depth1.State was changed to 1.
  42. 507476 INFO Stream Depth1 is open.
  43. 515027 INFO Creating node 'User1' of type User: PrimeSense/XnVSkeletonGenerator/
  44. [ INFO] [1328209726.574207419]: New User 1
  45. [ INFO] [1328209726.636180032]: Lost user 1
  46. [ INFO] [1328209726.677570700]: New User 1
  47. [ INFO] [1328209727.410660876]: New User 2
  48. [ INFO] [1328209730.169322385]: Lost user 2
  49. [ INFO] [1328209730.839468375]: New User 2
  50. [ INFO] [1328209733.633119938]: Lost user 2
  51. c^C[openni_tracker-1] killing on exit
  52. 37098788 INFO Destroying node 'Script1'
  53. 37098925 INFO Destroying node 'User1'
  54. 37108060 INFO Destroying node 'Depth1'
  55. 37495196 INFO Property Depth1.ActualReadData was changed to 0.
  56. 37495751 INFO Destroying stream 'Depth1'...
  57. 37497375 INFO Destroying node 'Device1'
  58. 37570333 INFO Client connection was closed gracefully
  59. 37571384 INFO Destroying context
  60. shutting down processing monitor...
  61. ... shutting down processing monitor complete
  62. done
  63. me@ubuntu:~$
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