
Playtest 5E Campaign #3 epilogue - 23 Feb 2015

Feb 24th, 2015
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  1. Start of #CoastalArea buffer: Mon Feb 23 08:56:12 2015
  2. [00:45] * Now talking in #CoastalArea
  3. [00:45] * Brutu (cgiirc@874831A0.A038BE32.E4D01511.IP) has joined #CoastalArea
  4. [00:45] * _Eva_ is now known as Michalla_Truesilver
  5. [00:45] * Brutu is now known as _3_
  6. [00:45] * _bukan_tidur_ is now known as _DM_darurat_
  7. [00:45] * _meh is now known as Vinan_M
  8. [00:46] <_DM_darurat_> _____________ ?
  9. [00:46] <_DM_darurat_> --- Previously, after giving the deceased proper burial ---
  10. [00:46] <_DM_darurat_> --- and watching a beautiful coastal scenery of sunset ---
  11. [00:46] * _____________ is now known as DRomero
  12. [00:47] <_DM_darurat_> --- with a background of some treasures inside the cave filled with Chuul's corpses and an Aboleth corpse ---
  13. [00:47] <_DM_darurat_> --- what do you do? ---
  14. [00:47] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  15. [00:47] <DRomero> *mencoba mengingat detail jumlah orang yang hilang*
  16. [00:48] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..." ( OwO) *liatin langit malam*
  17. [00:48] <Vinan_M> 4*examining handcrossbow*
  18. [00:48] <_DM_darurat_> DRomero: exactly the number of people buried
  19. [00:49] <Bruno_F> 2*melihat-lihat mace yang diambil*
  20. [00:49] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I...should start purifying the cave"
  21. [00:49] <Bruno_F> 2*mengagumi dan mengamati detil senjata*
  22. [00:49] <_DM_darurat_> Vinan_M: the handcrossbow looks peculiar; it can shed some light
  23. [00:49] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(._. ) *sambil ambil javelin case dr handy haversack* *buka javelin case* *masukin javelin baru* (=w= ) "mohon bantuannya ya mulai skarang nya!" *tepuk2 javelin baru* *tutup javelin case* *masukn lagi dalam handy haversack*
  24. [00:49] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*menaruh shieldnya di tempat biasanya menyimpan shield*
  25. [00:49] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( 'w') *balik liatin langit malam*
  26. [00:49] <_DM_darurat_> Bruno_F: you can see the perfect relief depicting the stoic dwarven citadel
  27. [00:50] <Vinan_M> 4O_O)
  28. [00:50] <DRomero> "So the main culprit is still on the run and now that Brother Gascone is dead we won't be able to know who it is."
  29. [00:50] <Vinan_M> 4(boltnya handcrossbow sama aja kan ama light crossbow?)
  30. [00:50] <_DM_darurat_> (sama Vinan_M )
  31. [00:50] <Vinan_M> 4*coba load+tembak ke mayat aboleth*
  32. [00:50] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"it seems so, Brother Domine"
  33. [00:51] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"nya..?" (OAO ) *nengok* "...iya jg ya nya.." ( O_O) *nods nods*
  34. [00:51] <DRomero> "Well, the aboleth and the rituals are here... so she must escaped somehow while brother Gascone is fighting."
  35. [00:52] <_DM_darurat_> Vinan_M felt a weird sensation when shooting, a bit of uneasy pain, but the accuracy and piercing capability was totally awesome
  36. [00:52] <DRomero> "How many days old are the corpses?"
  37. [00:52] <Vinan_M> 4"ow" ;A;
  38. [00:52] <Vinan_M> 4._.)
  39. [00:52] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Nya?" (O_O ) *nengok* "kenapa mbak Pega nya..?"
  40. [00:52] <Vinan_M> 4*simpan saja di tas*
  41. [00:52] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Huh?"
  42. [00:52] <Vinan_M> 4"oh"
  43. [00:52] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"It was...a few days old?"
  44. [00:52] <Vinan_M> 4"ga apa apa"
  45. [00:53] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O ) "..." *nods nods*
  46. [00:53] <Vinan_M> 4"senjatanya agak rusak kayaknya" -3-)/
  47. [00:53] <DRomero> "Any definite days? How many days have passed since their death?"
  48. [00:53] <Bruno_F> 2*mencoba mengayunkan mace, melihat ringan atau tidak*
  49. [00:53] <Vinan_M> 4"nanti kucoba minta benerin di kota"
  50. [00:53] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(=w= ) "oke nya! Kalo ada apa-apa bilang ya nya! luka kalo didemin bisa bahaya soalnya nya" *nods nods*
  51. [00:53] <DRomero> "We may ask the bartender if a woman came back to the inn around that day."
  52. [00:53] <_DM_darurat_> (due to the humidity and constant wetness, it is impossible to predict time of death, even with modern 21st century methods)
  53. [00:53] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO) "Ah.. kemaren kayaknya tuan Bronto bisa tau berapa harinya ya nya..? Paling ngga jejaknya nya"
  54. [00:54] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*nengok*
  55. [00:54] <DRomero> "So probably someone who was in the inn and came back right after brother Gascone left the inn."
  56. [00:54] <Bruno_F> 2*masih fokus mainin senjata*
  57. [00:54] <Vinan_M> 4(O_O
  58. [00:54] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Sir Frostbeard? Can I have your attention for a moment?"
  59. [00:54] <DRomero> "Our clues suggest a woman but let's not be hasty in our conclusion."
  60. [00:54] <_DM_darurat_> Bruno_F: it is light, easy to use, and somehow you can feel its magic
  61. [00:54] <Vinan_M> 4"tapi bukannya banyak orang yang keluar masuk inn tiap hari?" O_O
  62. [00:54] <Bruno_F> 2"Hmm? Ada apa?"
  63. [00:55] <DRomero> "But we still need to narrow the query..."
  64. [00:55] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Ms. Incendie asked you about the track"
  65. [00:55] <DRomero> "So... someone who left the inn before brother Gascone arrived in the inn and came back after that."
  66. [00:55] <DRomero> "Probably a woman who traveled alone."
  67. [00:56] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"About how old was the Brother Gascone's track"
  68. [00:56] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO) "Kemaren itu tuan Bronto bilang jejaknya Brother Scone berapa hari ya nya?"
  69. [00:56] <Bruno_F> 2*ngumpul*
  70. [00:56] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*udah brapa hari
  71. [00:56] <DRomero> "Is there any other fact we can use to narrow the query?"
  72. [00:57] <Vinan_M> 4O_O)/
  73. [00:57] <Vinan_M> 4"dia pernah ngobrol sama si penyihir yang mero ajak ngomong kan?"
  74. [00:57] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liatin pega*
  75. [00:57] <Bruno_F> 2"Oh itu..."
  76. [00:58] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liatin bruno lg* ( O_O)
  77. [00:58] <DRomero> "Ah, so someone who arrived in the inn a few months ago too."
  78. [00:58] <Bruno_F> 2"Aku tidak dapat mengatakan dengan pasti sudah berapa hari..."
  79. [00:58] <Bruno_F> 2"Tapi yang jelas, setelah kelompok Gascon tiba di penginapan Friendly Arms..."
  80. [00:59] <Bruno_F> 2"Aku melihat jejak mereka terburu-buru langsung mengarah menuju Candlekeep"
  81. [00:59] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"How about the new tracks near the cliffs?"
  82. [01:00] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I mean, the one which led us to the rope"
  83. [01:00] <Vinan_M> 4O_O)
  84. [01:00] <Vinan_M> 4._.)
  85. [01:00] <Bruno_F> 2"Itulah jejak kelompok Gascon..."
  86. [01:00] <Vinan_M> 4"mu..."
  87. [01:00] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( O_O) "...terburu-buru ya nya..." *mumbles*
  88. [01:00] <Vinan_M> 4"tapi emang pasti balik ke penginapan itu ya?"
  89. [01:01] <Bruno_F> 2"...dan jejak kelompok lain yang mengikuti Gascon, tapi mereka bernasib malang juga karena monster itu..."
  90. [01:01] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*masih ndengerin dulu* ( O_O)
  91. [01:01] <Vinan_M> 4"soalnya kemaren..."
  92. [01:01] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Ah...I see..."
  93. [01:01] <Vinan_M> 4"orc yang manggil monster... dibunuh monsternya" (._.
  94. [01:02] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13" bronto.. nya mau nanya nya.. itu mendadak terburu2 langkahnya.. pas keluar dari inn atau setelah beberapa jarak dari inn mendadak terburu2 nya?" ( O_O)
  95. [01:02] <DRomero> "But if they're dead the corpse should be here, no?"
  96. [01:02] <Vinan_M> 4"...enggak..."
  97. [01:02] <Vinan_M> 4"kalo dimakan..."'
  98. [01:03] <DRomero> "Yeah, but the remains should be there."
  99. [01:03] <DRomero> "Except if what you're trying to say is that you saw some orc entrails in the corpse of the Aboleth."
  100. [01:03] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14", anyone want to look around the cave once more before I start the cleansing?"
  101. [01:03] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O)/ *angkat tangan*
  102. [01:04] <Bruno_F> 2"Mereka sudah terburu-buru dari jejak yang kulihat di Baldur's Gate..." @Incendie_Scarlett
  103. [01:04] <DRomero> "Hm...
  104. [01:04] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"ah begitu ya nya..?" (OAO )/ *nods2 @ Bruno*
  105. [01:04] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO)/ "nya mau liat sekali lagi nya!"
  106. [01:04] <Bruno_F> 2"... bahkan setelah tiba di penginapan dan menuju Candlekeep pun mereka terus terburu-buru, walaupun dengan kecepatan yang kurang lebih sama"
  107. [01:04] <DRomero> "So... the tracks are newer than Brother Gascone's track?"
  108. [01:05] <Bruno_F> 2"Jejak yang mana?" @DRomero
  109. [01:05] <_DM_darurat_> --- FF sedikit, dicari2 lagi juga tidak ada tanda2 'pihak keempat' ---
  110. [01:05] <DRomero> "They might came here and found brother Gascone's corpse and ran to Candlekeep to inform them."
  111. [01:05] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*kasih tau hasil penemuan* ( O_O) *nods nods* *bahwa ga ada penemuan baru*
  112. [01:05] <DRomero> "But somehow the information got delayed."
  113. [01:06] <DRomero> "The tracks that came here with the rope." Bruno_F
  114. [01:06] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"..." ( O_O) *nods nods*
  115. [01:06] <Bruno_F> 2"Ah, yang itu?"
  116. [01:07] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  117. [01:07] <Bruno_F> 2"Ya, kalau dilihat dari tekstur tanahnya, jejak mereka memang lebih baru..."
  118. [01:07] <DRomero> "Then they must've came here after Brother Gascone's death."
  119. [01:08] <Bruno_F> 2"Sepertinya mereka berusaha mengejar Gascon dan lainnya, tapi sayang mereka harus bernasib sama"
  120. [01:08] <DRomero> "Hm?"
  121. [01:08] <Vinan_M> 4(._.
  122. [01:08] <DRomero> "That's weird..."
  123. [01:08] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O) "..."
  124. [01:08] <Bruno_F> 2"Kenapa?"
  125. [01:08] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*mencoba mengolah informasi* (@_@)
  126. [01:08] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I guess I shall start cleansing for now..."
  127. [01:08] <DRomero> "Why are they here in the first place?"
  128. [01:08] <_DM_darurat_> -- silakan Michalla_Truesilver --
  129. [01:08] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Excuse me"
  130. [01:09] <DRomero> "Are they Brother Gascone's ally or enemy?"
  131. [01:09] <DRomero> "When do they arrive here? After or before brother Gascone's death?"
  132. [01:09] <_DM_darurat_> *Sundere barks*
  133. [01:09] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*memulai doa dan ritual...dan mungkin sekalian minta bantuan buat ngebakar mayat aboleth ke yang lagi ga diskusi*
  134. [01:09] <_DM_darurat_> *as if reminding that the water level might go up*
  135. [01:09] <DRomero> "Since they all died then the enemy must've won, devil or aboleth."
  136. [01:09] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( O_O) "nya?" *kaget liat Sundere*
  137. [01:10] <DRomero> "And then they went out of the cave"
  138. [01:10] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liat air laut* ( ._.)
  139. [01:10] <DRomero> "But there's no track?"
  140. [01:10] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*bantuin Kayla dulu*
  141. [01:10] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13\(O_O )"~~~~ "lemme help mbak Sisir nya"
  142. [01:10] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*keluarin minyak dan siram minyak ke mayat aboleth*
  143. [01:10] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Thank you"
  144. [01:11] <Vinan_M> 4(._.
  145. [01:11] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*nyoba tes bisa nyalain api pke presti apa ngga* (O_O ) *snap finger*
  146. [01:11] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*kalo ga bisa pake flint n steel*
  147. [01:11] <Bruno_F> 2"Mengenai hal itu..." @DRomero
  148. [01:12] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(brb naikin sekring)
  149. [01:12] <_DM_darurat_> (bisa Incendie_Scarlett )
  150. [01:12] <_DM_darurat_> ( Vinan_M still looking at .. what? O_O )
  151. [01:12] <Bruno_F> 2"Kedatangan mereka aku perkirakan setelah kematian kelompok Gascon..."
  152. [01:13] <Vinan_M> 4*berusaha ikut berpikir*
  153. [01:13] <_DM_darurat_> --- the evil corpses has been purified, along with the caves ---
  154. [01:13] <_DM_darurat_> --- but the water is rising too ---
  155. [01:13] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*pastiin mayatnya terbakar sempurna* (=w= ) *nods nods* *extra crispy*
  156. [01:13] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*liat air laut* ( O_O)
  157. [01:13] <_DM_darurat_> --- you all need to go back as soon as possible ---
  158. [01:13] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(OAO ) "...airnya..naik lo nya"
  159. [01:13] <Bruno_F> 2*melihat Sundere apakah masih menggonggong atau tidak*
  160. [01:14] <_DM_darurat_> *masih*
  161. [01:14] <_DM_darurat_> *berusaha naik ke atas*
  162. [01:14] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( O_O) "..."
  163. [01:14] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"doggie kok panik nya..?" ( O_O)
  164. [01:14] <Vinan_M> 4"eh?" O_O)
  165. [01:14] <Vinan_M> 4*liat laut*
  166. [01:14] <Vinan_M> 4(O_O
  167. [01:14] <Vinan_M> 4"..."
  168. [01:14] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"...oh airnya ya nya.. anjing bukannya bisa berenang nya..?"
  169. [01:14] <_DM_darurat_> ( oh Vinan_M tau istilah laut pasang . Incendie_Scarlett jg harusnya tahu... )
  170. [01:15] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(tau kok)
  171. [01:15] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(OwO ) "Oh, lautnya bakal pasang sebentar lagi nya" *nods nods*
  172. [01:15] <Bruno_F> 2"Mungkin dia tidak mau kebasahan..."
  173. [01:15] <Vinan_M> 4"eh... kayaknya... sebaiknya kita pindah" -3-)>
  174. [01:15] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13d(=w= ) "jadi tempat ini bakal kerendem air nya" *nods nods*
  175. [01:15] <Vinan_M> 4*nod*
  176. [01:15] <Bruno_F> 2"Aku juga duluan ke atas, ikut naik ke atas*
  177. [01:15] <DRomero> "Hm..."
  178. [01:15] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I see"
  179. [01:15] <Bruno_F> 2*panjat*
  180. [01:16] <_DM_darurat_> --- also, the temple of Waukeen would like to have the information as soon as possible; just in case you guys become the next victim if you stay at unsafe place like this, and the information is buried... *plak*
  181. [01:16] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Let us head back to the, Baldur's Gate immediately"
  182. [01:16] <Vinan_M> 4*liat sundere*
  183. [01:16] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*pastiin smua naik dulu baru naik terakhir* *kalo sundere blm naik digendong deh* *iket tali di perut lapisin pake kain dan naikin pelan2*
  184. [01:16] <Vinan_M> 4O_O)
  185. [01:16] <_DM_darurat_> *manjat2*
  186. [01:16] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(._. ) *urus2 sundere*
  187. [01:16] <_DM_darurat_> *diangkat dengan muka bete*
  188. [01:16] <DRomero> "..."
  189. [01:16] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"We must inform the Temple of Waukeen as soon as possible"
  190. [01:16] <DRomero> "Hm..."
  191. [01:17] <Vinan_M> 4"indie, mau aku aja yang bawain dia?" -3-)>
  192. [01:17] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"ngga apa kok nya.." (=w= ) *chuckels* "mukanya lucu kok nya.." *nods nods*
  193. [01:17] <_DM_darurat_> *phei* *ga suka cewe apalagi dulu cewe human jg nyebelin* *pasang muka bitchface*
  194. [01:17] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*sambil angkat2 sundere pake tali*
  195. [01:17] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"And probably the Shooting Star Mercenary Charter...if they still have remaining members"
  196. [01:18] <Vinan_M> 4O_O)
  197. [01:18] <Vinan_M> 4"mu..."
  198. [01:18] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*sampe atas baru turunin*
  199. [01:18] <Vinan_M> 4"oke deh" -3-)>
  200. [01:18] <Vinan_M> 4*naik*
  201. [01:18] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*naik*
  202. [01:18] <_DM_darurat_> *menjauh dari Incendie_Scarlett menghindari Vinan_M dan Michalla_Truesilver mendekati Bruno_F *
  203. [01:18] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*chuckles* (=w= ) "doggienya tuan bronto lucu nya.."
  204. [01:18] <DRomero> "So... there's only the inn and Candlekeep around here..."
  205. [01:19] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Hm? I...don't know about that" @DRomero
  206. [01:19] <_DM_darurat_> --- anyways, since the hidden enemy covered the tracks well, you have with very few options left ---
  207. [01:19] <_DM_darurat_> --- FF to Baldur's Gate? ---
  208. [01:19] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Perhaps, Ms. Incendie or Sir Frostbeard knows better?"
  209. [01:19] <DRomero> "Candlekeep claimed they don't know anything about Brother Gascone when the temple of Waukeen asked them, so the inn must be where the culprit went to."
  210. [01:20] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O ) "nya? soal apa mbak Sisir nya?"
  211. [01:20] <DRomero> (Saya masih mau ke inn sih, nggak tahu yang lain)
  212. [01:20] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*sambil nengok ke kayla*
  213. [01:20] <Bruno_F> 2(ayo kita obrolkan~)
  214. [01:20] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"No, nevermind about it"
  215. [01:20] <_DM_darurat_> (oh pasti lewat / nginep di inn sih kl balik wkwk)
  216. [01:21] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( '_') *nengok ke langit* *kira2 jam brapa g bisa tau ya dm?*
  217. [01:21] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(mungkin dia mau nginep barang beberapa hari dulu *plak*)
  218. [01:21] <_DM_darurat_> (nah itu)
  219. [01:21] <_DM_darurat_> (gpp wkwk)
  220. [01:21] <DRomero> "But why is it that the adventurers who arrived after brother Gascone's death are also dead?"
  221. [01:21] <DRomero> "Are they stupid enough to let themselves got drowned?"
  222. [01:21] <Vinan_M> 4"diserang monster yang tadi?" (O_O
  223. [01:22] <DRomero> "Or the culprit left a devil in the cave?"
  224. [01:22] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13" the badguys need sacrifice nya..?" (O_O )
  225. [01:22] <_DM_darurat_> (wah jawaban yg sederhana)
  226. [01:22] <DRomero> "Or they actually met the culprit?"
  227. [01:22] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well, for now, let us get moving"
  228. [01:22] <DRomero> "If they were drowned, that'd be the end of the story."
  229. [01:22] <Bruno_F> 2"Kulihat dari kondisinya, mereka sepertinya dibunuh oleh monster bercapit itu juga..."
  230. [01:22] <_DM_darurat_> --- anyways, with more questions from DRomero , you traveled back towards the Inn, where you found no further leads, and then continuing to the Baldur's Gate ---
  231. [01:23] <_DM_darurat_> --- with a journey filled with questions ---
  232. [01:23] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*and food =3=/* *pesen makanan lagi*
  233. [01:23] <DRomero> "But if they met the monster and dead because of it, did all of them died after defeating the monster?"
  234. [01:23] <_DM_darurat_> --- Thank You For Playing ----
  235. [01:23] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"We will discuss it further...perhaps at the inn, about what we should do after this"
  236. [01:23] <DRomero> "Or there's a possibility that there's more monster and the survivor left the cave to roam the area around here."
  237. [01:23] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(O_O ) ( O_O) *celingukan*
  238. [01:24] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13\(=w=)/ "roast sheep nya~!"
  239. [01:24] <DRomero> "That is the most dangerous possibility."
  240. [01:24] <_DM_darurat_> (yg mau lanjut, silakan)
  241. [01:24] <_DM_darurat_> (yg mau off dulu, dipersilakan jg)
  242. [01:24] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...."
  243. [01:24] <DRomero> "The slightly more safe possibility is that they met the culprit, and then the culprit brought the surviving monster with them."
  244. [01:25] <DRomero> "Depending on what actually happen, we might have to prepare for the worst."
  245. [01:25] <_DM_darurat_> (tp further inquiry di inn tidak menghasilkan apapun)
  246. [01:25] <_DM_darurat_> -- Roast Sheep 1gp --
  247. [01:25] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"We should always be prepared for the worst, Brother Domine"
  248. [01:25] <_DM_darurat_> -- Tea and Coffee 1gp --
  249. [01:25] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13(siap =w=)7 dan tiramisu dan teh =w=)7)
  250. [01:25] <DRomero> "So I'll have to write a few letters."
  251. [01:26] <_DM_darurat_> ( DRomero ditunggu letters dkk di forum via Chronicles =3=b )
  252. [01:26] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Few letters? For who, if I may ask?"
  253. [01:26] * _DM_darurat_ is now known as _bukan_kabur_
  254. [01:26] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( OAO) "Eh, mbak Sisir, kita mau ke inn lagi kan nya?"
  255. [01:26] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*nengok*
  256. [01:26] <DRomero> "A report to the lady of the mansion with the library and her butler and the guys from the guild, since I asked them to lent their library."
  257. [01:27] <DRomero> "And tell them to be prepared of something dangerous."
  258. [01:27] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I see"
  259. [01:27] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Huh? I believe so, Ms. Incendie"
  260. [01:27] <DRomero> "And then to the wizard, asking about the aboleth and her take of this case since there's a lot of possibilities."
  261. [01:27] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13"Kalo gitu... Nya jalan ke inn dulu ya nya~! Roast sheep! Nya comming~~!" \(=w=\)"~~~~~ *lari2 kecil semangat*
  262. [01:28] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"...well...oh, alright. Be careful, Ms. Incendie"
  263. [01:28] <DRomero> "And then to Temple of Maukeen, about the possibility of Brother Gascone winning against that monster."
  264. [01:28] <_bukan_kabur_> ( kan ada caravan )
  265. [01:28] <_bukan_kabur_> ( you cannot escape from the questions, Incendie_Scarlett )
  266. [01:28] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"It's Waukeen, Brother Domine"
  267. [01:28] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13*lupa ama caravan* *lari aja terus* \(=w=\)"~~~~~
  268. [01:28] <DRomero> "And then to Candlekeep, asking them about the forbidden lores and telling them to be careful of some outbreak.'
  269. [01:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well...that was a lot"
  270. [01:29] <Incendie_Scarlett> 13( =w=/ makasih DM makasih smua =w=/ sera out!)
  271. [01:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Let me know if you need some help"
  272. [01:29] <DRomero> "And then I'll have to think about the possibility of the devil and aboleth's ritual being successful."
  273. [01:29] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"..."
  274. [01:30] <DRomero> "If it is succesful then the culprit must've had some marks in her soul since it's binded to a devil/aboleth."
  275. [01:30] <DRomero> "I mean, she succeded in summoning them."
  276. [01:30] <DRomero> "She will most likely do that again."
  277. [01:30] <Bruno_F> 2"..."
  278. [01:30] <DRomero> "And then the orcs and hobgonlin must be her way to experiment safely."
  279. [01:31] <DRomero> "To perfect her rituals by learning from the orcs and hobgoblins trial and error."
  280. [01:31] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14*mendengarkan dengan seksama...walau otak tidak sampai*
  281. [01:31] <DRomero> "I wish we could ask their cooperation instead, they should know that they're being used for something evil and it's dangerous for them."
  282. [01:32] <DRomero> "Then we could track the culprit."
  283. [01:32] <DRomero> "Hm."
  284. [01:32] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"That would be too easy, somehow"
  285. [01:32] <DRomero> "Somehow I'd like it if for the next mission we can capture an orc or hobgoblin summoner."
  286. [01:32] <DRomero> "Alive."
  287. [01:33] <Bruno_F> 2"Aku lebih memilih membunuh mereka, cepat dan mudah"
  288. [01:33] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Well...I could not promise it, Brother Domine"
  289. [01:33] <DRomero> "Hobgoblin is more prefered, we can use their blind loyalty to their clan to make them cooperate with us."
  290. [01:33] <DRomero> "Since these rituals are getting more dangerous."
  291. [01:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"You have a point..."
  292. [01:34] <DRomero> "Then we will talk to the upper brass and upper and upper and finally caught the culprit."
  293. [01:34] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Just remind me about it when we met one next time"
  294. [01:34] <Bruno_F> 2"Hobgoblin... yah, otak mereka lebih berisi memang..."
  295. [01:34] <DRomero> "That might be hard, so that won't be our main plan. But let's put it in our major priorities for now."
  296. [01:35] <Bruno_F> 2"Jadi apa rencana utama kita?" *senyum* @DRomero
  297. [01:36] <DRomero> "For you guys... just investigate and help the locals as much as possible, especially to get local news."
  298. [01:36] <DRomero> "I will try to gather more information and if we can somehow out-research the culprit, whatever she might have in store we will already have the counter."
  299. [01:36] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Very well"
  300. [01:37] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"I wish Tymora shall smile upon our efforts"
  301. [01:39] <Bruno_F> 2"Berita lokal apa yang kira2 kau butuhkan?" @DRomero
  302. [01:39] <DRomero> "The orcs and hobgoblin movement
  303. [01:39] <DRomero> "And the spread of the undead."
  304. [01:40] <DRomero> "Mapping it might give us some kind of pattern
  305. [01:40] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Orcs, hobgoblins, and undead. Understood"
  306. [01:41] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Should we include abberations as well?"
  307. [01:41] <DRomero> "Any other local news could help too but those are the priorities."
  308. [01:41] <DRomero> "Yes."
  309. [01:43] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Very well"
  310. [01:44] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"For now, shall we hasten our pace? It is getting late now"
  311. [01:44] <Bruno_F> 2"Akan kucoba kucari ketika aku mengunjungi kembali bar dan tavern di Baldur's Gate"
  312. [01:46] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(yak, bubar? *plak*)
  313. [01:46] <DRomero> (oke)
  314. [01:47] <Bruno_F> 2"Yah, ayo"
  315. [01:47] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14"Let us go"
  316. [01:48] * _3_ (cgiirc@874831A0.A038BE32.E4D01511.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  317. [01:48] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14* caravan atau ke manapun itu*
  318. [01:48] <Michalla_Truesilver> 14(yak, kayla over and out. Thank you for the RP =w=)/)
  319. [01:48] <Bruno_F> 2(yuk)
  320. [01:48] <Bruno_F> 2*ikut*
  321. [01:48] <Bruno_F> 2(Bruno bubar~)
  322. [01:49] * Bruno_F (cgiirc@FFF928CE.D42F01C2.1FC1205.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  323. [01:56] * Vinan_M (~Ixeaf@C6CC4516.A81FF04A.DAC9999A.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  324. [02:13] * Michalla_Truesilver ( Quit
  325. [03:18] * _evawan_ ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  326. [05:00] * DRomero ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  327. [08:00] * DRomero ( has joined #CoastalArea
  328. [08:12] * Vinan_Melivan (~Ixeaf@4FE3203.A81FF04A.DAC9999A.IP) has joined #CoastalArea
  329. [08:47] * DRomero is now known as _____________
  330. End of #CoastalArea buffer Mon Feb 23 08:56:13 2015
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