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- <?php
- include("Mail.php");
- /*
- * Author: Fernando Possebon
- * Date: 01/25/2010
- * Credits: This script was developed based on script posted by aadreja on his blog
- *
- */
- #Setup configuration
- $redmineURL = "";
- $redmineDatabase = "redminedevelopment";
- $redmineDatabaseServer = "localhost";
- $redmineDatabaseUser = "redminedev";
- $redmineDatabasePassword = "dbPassword";
- $svnpath = "/opt/svndevelopment";
- $svnrepotemplate = "/opt/redmine-additionals/svntemplaterepodev.dump";
- $SCMType = "Subversion";
- $svnURLRoot = "";
- $SVNReadOnlyUser = "redmine.svn";
- $SVNReadOnlyPassword = "svnPassword";
- $logMessage ="";
- $mailFrom = "redmineadmin@localhost";
- $mailHost = "";
- $mailPort = "25";
- $mailAuth = false;
- $mailUsername = "smtpusername";
- $mailPassword = "smtppassword";
- $mailSubject = "[Redmine & Subversion] - Results from script";
- date_default_timezone_set('America/Sao_Paulo');
- $authfile = "/etc/svndev-acl-conf"; //path of AuthzSVNAccessFile
- /* Tables and columns used
- * repositories (id, project_id, url, login, password, root_url, type)
- * projects (id, name, identifier, status)
- * users (id, login, mail, status, admin)
- */
- //Read projects database from Redmine
- //only projects that there is no repository configured on database
- //and for projects active i.e. status=1
- $redmine_link =mysql_connect($redmineDatabaseServer, $redmineDatabaseUser, $redmineDatabasePassword) or die("Couldn't connect to MySQL Server on $myServer");
- if (!mysql_select_db($redmineDatabase, $redmine_link)) {
- echo 'Could not select database';
- exit;
- }
- $query = "select id,name,identifier from projects where status=1 and id not in (select distinct project_id from repositories)";
- $result = mysql_query($query,$redmine_link);
- while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- $projectid = $row["id"];
- $projectident = $row["identifier"];
- $svnprojectpath = $svnpath . "/" . $projectident;
- //First create the repository
- system("/usr/bin/svnadmin create " . $svnprojectpath,$logMessage);
- //Load the template (directory structures and SVN properties)
- system("/usr/bin/svnadmin load --ignore-uuid " . $svnprojectpath . " < " . $svnrepotemplate,$logMessage);
- // Insert repositories information on Redmine database
- $queryinsert = "insert into repositories (project_id, url, login, password, root_url, type) values (" . $projectid . ",'" . $svnURLRoot . $projectident . "','" . $SVNReadOnlyUser . "','" . $SVNReadOnlyPassword . "','" . $svnURLRoot . $projectident . "','" . $SCMType . "')";
- $resultinsert = mysql_query($queryinsert,$redmine_link);
- $logMessage = $logMessage . "\n" . "Repository for " . $projectident . " configured on Redmine.\n";
- }
- mysql_free_result($result);
- //Set the permissions on ACL file (project members)
- //Every administrator user on Redmine will be granted on subversion
- //as administrator
- $admin_users = NULL;
- $fp = fopen($authfile, "w");
- fwrite($fp, "# Subversion authorization file created by script \n");
- #section [groups]
- fwrite($fp, "[groups]\n");
- $queryadmin = "select login from users where admin=1 and status=1";
- $resultadmin = mysql_query($queryadmin,$redmine_link);
- while ($adminrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultadmin)) {
- $admin_users = $admin_users . ($admin_users != NULL ? ", " : "") . $adminrow["login"];
- }
- mysql_free_result($resultadmin);
- $group_name = "svnadmin";
- fwrite($fp, "$group_name = $admin_users \n");
- #create groups from redmine projects
- $query = "select id,name,identifier from projects";
- $result = mysql_query($query,$redmine_link);
- while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- $group_name = $row["identifier"];
- $group_id = $row["id"];
- $group_users = NULL;
- //get users for this group
- $query = "select, b.login from members a, users b where AND a.project_id=$group_id and b.status=1";
- $usvn_users_result = mysql_query($query,$redmine_link);
- while ($userrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($usvn_users_result)) {
- $group_users = $group_users . ($group_users != NULL ? ", " : "") . $userrow["login"];
- }
- mysql_free_result($usvn_users_result);
- fwrite($fp, "$group_name = $group_users \n");
- }
- mysql_free_result($result);
- #section [project]
- fwrite($fp, "\n\n#Projects from Redmine \n");
- #First give permission to SVNAdmin group
- fwrite($fp, "#Project / \n");
- fwrite($fp, "[:/] \n");
- fwrite($fp, "@svnadmin = rw \n\n");
- # Now add the rest
- $query = "select id,name,identifier from projects";
- $result = mysql_query($query,$redmine_link);
- while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- $project_name = $row["name"];
- $project_id = $row["id"];
- $project_identifier = $row["identifier"];
- fwrite($fp, "#Project $project_name \n");
- fwrite($fp, "[$project_identifier:/] \n");
- fwrite($fp, "@$project_identifier = rw \n\n");
- }
- mysql_free_result($result);
- fclose($fp);
- print("SVN Auth file $authfile generated sucessfully\n");
- $logMessage = $logMessage . "\nSVN Auth file $authfile generated sucessfully\n";
- //Send an email to Redmine administrators with the results
- $queryadmin = "select mail from users where admin=1 and status=1";
- $resultadmin = mysql_query($queryadmin,$redmine_link);
- while ($adminrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultadmin)) {
- $admin_users = $admin_users . ($admin_users != NULL ? ", " : "") . $adminrow["mail"];
- }
- mysql_free_result($resultadmin);
- /* mail setup recipients, subject etc */
- $recipients = $admin_users;
- $from = $mailFrom;
- $to = $recipients;
- $subject = $mailSubject;
- $body = $logMessage;
- $host = $mailHost;
- $username = $mailUsername;
- $password = $mailPassword;
- $headers = array ('From' => $from, 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject); $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array ('host' => $host, 'auth' => $mailAuth, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password));
- $mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body);
- if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
- echo("" . $mail->getMessage() . "");
- }
- else {
- echo("Message successfully sent!");
- }
- mysql_close($redmine_link);
- ?>
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