
Friday, October 10th, 2014

Oct 11th, 2014
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  1. I took piracetam the two days leading up to the trip in hopes it would restore my nmda recptors. On Thursday I took 1600mg in the morning and 1600mg in the afternoon. On Friday morning I took 2400mg piracetam and then another 1600mg before noon. In Work I did some boring yet relaxing testing all day.
  3. So I get home on friday night and snort 10 mg mxe to start off my night. After a little while I hear a high pitched ringing, which usually only happens if i take 30+mg, so i know the piracetam did something to my tolerance. I snort 10 mg lines every 30 minutes to an hour, and when i have about 30 or 40 mg in me, it feels like the first time i ever did mxe. That drunk magical feeling was back. I put a piece of memory foam on the floor and laid on for a while getting tripped out by my hair. I was totally out of it.
  5. As the night went on I kept snorting 10mg lines to get higher and higher. I laid in my bed and holed pretty well, flying through other dimensions and shit. it reminded me a lot of a k-hole. it was more visual than mxe usually is. I decide to go into the steam room/shower. I'm in there and it's like im in the clouds, completely surrounded by steam. I get the bright idea that some psychedelic visuals would go well with this. Keep in mind I'm dazed and confused off mxe. I decide to snort some 2c-b. then i remember that 2c-b hurts like hell to snort, but im not in the mood for a 6 hour oral dose. I say "fuck it" and try vaping the 2c-b like it's dmt. I pack a bowl with some herb (American Spirit pow-wow blend) and sprinkle a few mgs of 2c-b on it. I proceed to vape/smoke it. I also took an 800mg piracetam capsule around this time.
  7. I laid down and proceed to tumble through alternate realities. I see all kinds of geometric shit and stuff that can't be real. I remember my mom's words "schizophrenia runs in my side of the family." I wonder if any of my online friends are even real. What if the love of my life is a hallucination? I merge with spiraling colors and try to accept life for what it is. Hallucination or not, i will follow through with it. At some point i ended up in the steam room again. I think i smoked more 2c-b before going in there. I experienced no nausea, which i always get from oral dosing. The steam went on forever. It was forming into all kinds of different patterns. I've seen similar things on dmt. I stayed in the steam/shower until i was relatively sober, and when i got out, i was surprised to see how resilient the mind is. It was insane that I could carry on with my night after all that had happened. The mind is very resilient. No matter how far from baseline i get, I always manage to find my way back.
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