

Mar 22nd, 2015
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  1. Dear Editor,
  3. I have recently read your article about how the increasing amount of electronic devices in our people's houses influences people's lives. You seemed to be very critical about this issue, and to be honest, I have to agree with your statements.
  5. Nowadays, the technology is rushing - you can buy a mobile phone, and a year later it is already obsolete. The same things happens to every type of machine - cameras, refridgerators, irons, microwave ovens, cars. We do not even have time to get familiar with a device, because it is already getting replaced with a new model that uses newer and better technology. Also, people often buy unnecessary and redundant gadgets, like electrical toothbrushes, which only make them more lazy.
  7. Technology seems to affect people negatively - mainly because of the popularity of smartphones. When you get on a bus or a train, you will most certainly see people staring at their phones' screens, mindlessly tapping the screen, scrolling Facebook or reading gossips. While not everyone does that and you can still encounter people reading books, it is undeniably a big problem. People lose the ability to communicate in real life in favor of artificial conversations through social networking sites.
  9. In my opinion, technology has a negative impact on people, so we should not let it take over our lives. We should treat it as an addon to our regular lives, not as a center point.
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