
Uri - Death of his Twin Sister Faira...

Apr 9th, 2020
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  1. 12:42] Failure...He did try...He did all that he could but it wasn't a power that could be reached just because someone wanted to to....For the first time he let tears well into his eyes.
  3. He let his sadness overwhelm him and he'd start to sob. There wasn't anything he could do to Help her...Faira was gone for good. He failed her. and everyone.
  5. He couldn't even muster words or a sentence all that could be shown was the lake of tears on his robes. A clear sign that he'd done all he could. After all they came to him for hell and he could do absolutely nothing.
  7. He had to leave. If no one would stop him he'd make his way to the Church. Everyone could infer what was to come next but Inante could no longer be there. He was spent from this attempt both physically mentally and emotionally.
  10. (Inante arl Salis)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [12:44] Deixis attempts to follows Inante to the church. She tries to follow them quietly, before walking along with them, her hands still clasped.
  14. (Deixis Hymn)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [12:44] Florale whispers something.
  18. [12:44] Florale whispers something.
  19. [12:45] Dorothea whispers something.
  20. [12:45] Esbern, still mostly standing still in a state of shock. No one had responded to his offer for encasing Faira in ice, so he could only assume they knew it wouldn't work.
  22. Nevertheless, seeing and hearing the Stellus weeping triggered something in Esbern, a sort of... mechanical part of him, the urge to help.
  24. "Stellus… inante", he'd say softly in Inante's direction. Esbern didn't know what to do, or how to help, so all he could do was say his name in some form of sympathy.
  26. Esbern hated his uselessness at this moment.
  27. (Esbern Antioch)
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [12:48] Taken once more. The urchin-gone-knight had lost something again just when it was within his grasp. They were supposed to go eat this morning for Gods' sake. Continuing to shake in place as the tears flowed down his cheeks his gaze finally lands on Uri.
  32. Shit.
  34. "I'm sorry." Thalis muttered, promptly falling to his knees beside the casket-basket. He'd failed; It was just that simple to understand now.
  36. Yet there remained that little spark of electricity in his chest-- The anger that stemmed from loss he could've oh so easily stopped had he focused a bit more. Hazel hues stare now back at the ashen corpse.
  38. A friend gone; A treasure stolen. Theria had to pay up within the oncoming war - Perhaps even within the day.
  39. (Thalis Avitus)
  40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. [12:48] Bernadette Bianchi whispers something.
  43. [12:49] Florale offers an apologetic bow to the Arch-druid, he shouldn't have even contemplated the idea of invoking that ritual. "My um... apologies, sir..." He voices Aerilon.
  44. (Florale)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [12:49] Florale whispers something.
  48. [12:50] Aerilon Tsuchai says, "*offers the Teraphim boy a sympathetic look, a rare slip of the facade."
  49. [12:50] Aerilon offers the Teraphim boy a sympathetic look, a rare slip of the facade.
  50. (Aerilon Tsuchai)
  51. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. [12:50] Tiernay whispers something.
  54. [12:51] Aerilon Tsuchai says, "It- We could not have helped. Not this far gone."
  55. [12:51] Florale says, "...Yeah."
  56. [12:51] Urizen Lee whispers something.
  57. [12:51] Florale whispers something.
  58. [12:52] Bernadette Bianchi whispers something.
  59. [12:52] Florale whispers something.
  60. [12:52] Bernadette Bianchi whispers something.
  61. [12:52] Urizen Lee whispers something.
  62. [12:52] Florale whispers something.
  63. [12:52] Florale whispers something.
  64. [12:53] Kofe walks up from behind Alice, standing at her side with a stop and a smile on his face. A gentle nudge is offered— how bold!
  66. "I've heard someone was looking for me. Some even say you were ready to venture out to find me. Or at least they were worried of it."
  67. (Kofe)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [12:53] Bernadette Bianchi whispers something.
  71. [12:53] Urizen Lee whispers something.
  72. [12:53] Florale whispers something.
  73. [12:54] Bernadette Bianchi whispers something.
  74. [12:55] Florale whispers something.
  75. [12:55] Florale whispers something.
  76. [12:55] Urizen Lee whispers something.
  77. [12:55] Bernadette Bianchi whispers something.
  78. [12:55] Tiernay whispers something.
  79. [12:57] Uri was simply out for a walk. He had a long night of medical work, and many patients to deal with. That's when he stumbled upon a massive gathering. "Huh? So early in the morning with the gatherings huh? What's the occasion?" The young doctor would ask...
  81. "Thalis? Esbern? Mind filling me in on the parade?" Young Uri did not know what to expect when he walked up to Inante and the others. Things seemed strange, dark, and off in many forms, more ways than one. "Hold on..." He said as he came across the coffin... "Is this a ...Funeral?" He asked while trying to indentify the body... He only got closer, and closer, until.. He would be able to verify that the person in this coffin...
  83. Was none other than Faira Sanctum, his beloved twin sister... It was a tragedy, one that will hit Uri like an incoming train! "F---Faira?...Is that you?..." He asked, as his heart would skip beats.. "Faira, this is all a joke right? Come on, wake up for me, we've got adventures to go on..."
  85. Uri would have placed his warm hands upon the cold face of his sisters soulless body. He felt nothing more than death, and a hole or some form of magama made injury upon her body, which boiled her from the inside out. "Faira… We've havn't achieved Nobility yet, remember? We're going to become Nobles in the name of of ancestors who fought... And died... For Osrona...Faira, come on sis, wake up..."
  87. Tears would begin to roll down his cheeks. "WAKE UP----" Upon the ground, around his ankles...Grew a sinka, a blood flower, and one he will keep with him...Forever and always... "Faira, no, your spirit has to come back... Please, don't leave me Faira… We're twins! We're incomplete without the other... Faira!" He would place both hands onto the cold dead shoulders of the body of his late sister....
  89. Uri would then lean forward, placing his forehead onto hers... "Please tell me, this is nothing but a dream, that you will be with me always Fair... " The young Sanctum had nothing but the memory of his sister within his mind... Times when he, Faira and Thalis would play as children...
  91. "Ever since... We joined, we've only suffered from loss after loss and now... You left, long before you could even dream of writing your own story within the family tome... Is this the post of... Nobility? And yet... Still empty handed we are, after sixty years of hell... Still... The dark forces laugh at our faces, killing for trivial...Nonsense... Faira…"
  93. "For you, my beloved sister... Will I let beauty come out of ashes... For you, I'll keep our family safe... For you... I'll achieve Nobility... So please, watch over us, bless Osrona with your fire... So that we can burn this war to the ground... But for now, I only ask of you this one favor... To rest easy, and tell me, in a dream, what the other side is like..."
  95. Uri stood by the coffin of his sister... He wouldn't move, he would plant a kiss onto Faira's forehead. Only to stare at the damage that had been done, thinking only of how her final moments were like...
  97. Let Beauty Come Out Of Ashes...
  102. (Uri Sanctum)
  103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. [12:58] Uri Sanctum says, "After this war..."
  106. [12:58] Uri Sanctum says, "I'll resign..."
  107. [12:58] Uri Sanctum says, "Only will my hands heal... Hoping never to feel another lifeless body of a loved one..."
  108. [12:58] Uri Sanctum says, "If any of you have something to say about that..."
  109. [12:58] Uri Sanctum says, "Then I will deal with you personally..."
  110. [12:58] Elora Renae Otho says, "Let them, for I shall stand with you."
  111. [13:04] Tiernay crosses his arms, perhaps not having been the only one to find himself slightly bothered by the sight ahead. Yet what usually bothers the quiet adolescent brings about a comforting smile within his countenance.
  113. Nervousness? Indifference? Apathy? It's hard to pinpoint the awry recollection of what it is that fuels so many sorrowful fates upon Esshar.
  115. "Ah, I wonder if the flowers will remain when all that's left is ash from fire. I've never seen so much anger birthed within the wilds, and that bridge."
  117. It only felt like things would get worse, though what else could he do but steel himself and hopefully embrace what fate may have had designed for him.
  119. "From here on, we'll have to be cautious Urizen, Florale."
  120. (Tiernay)
  121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. [13:04] If anyone needed support right now, it was Uri. The twin of Faira. If anyone needed consoling, or comfort. It was this young man. and so despite her own rage, she moved to stand behind Uri, she moved to place a hand upon his shoulder and to give it a rub. Her own body shook. As her eyes got watery. She had befriended Uri to some degree. And so her empathy was starting to take effect. Even still, she would whisper to him.
  125. "I will do my best to help you avenge your sister, Uri. I promise you that. She was one of our bravest and brightest... I am sorry for your loss." Though Dorothea was a warrior by blood. She understood loss. When she was six, her entire clan was wiped out. Onl for her to be adopted by Serea Petrakis. With a sigh, she aimed to be there as a comfort for the young man.
  127. A loss of a Knight no matter who, was always something Dorothea felt hit home. They were her brothers and sisters in arms. Defenders of the peace of Osrona. "Any help I can provide you with Uri. I'm here. Don't be afraid to ask me anything." She may not have been family to him, but she'd do her best as the senior knight to look out or all other Knights and Cadets.
  128. (Dorothea)
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  131. [13:04] Elora stepped closer.
  132. (Elora Renae Otho)
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  135. [13:10] Moments bleed by as he remains silent; Staring simply at the body before him that Uri had joined him at. As much as he'd wished this was a dream it wasn't-- It was harsh reality. It was war for a bunch of kids who were but fifteen.
  137. Yet they were told to fight with their lives.
  139. A hand weakly reaches forward to place itself on Uri's shoulder. A sign he was there - If not just for those few fleeting moments. Electrical, weblike burns began to fade back into his skin as he stumbles up to his feet.
  141. "... We'll get 'em. Ain't nothin' coin-wise tha's keeping m' back from wha' I'm goin' t' do. I'll... Talk t' y' in a bit. I need some time t'..."
  143. The Avitus falls silent. The tears that stained his cheeks were still fresh, and by the Gods where they going to get fresher. With a light squeeze to the Sanctum's shoulder he'd begin trudging towards Sudbury.
  145. The hunt would begin in due time. There were wounds to lick right now.
  146. (Thalis Avitus)
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  151. [13:14] Two deaths, both of them Osronan. It was clear to see that these Therians weren't joking around. But, Urizen had long since known this. Time and time again, it felt as if they were underestimating the Fireblooded. But right now, his concern wasn't Theria. Instead, it was on his closest allies being caught in the cross-hairs.
  153. Tiernay is glanced towards, no a single hint of silly in his gaze, nor when he speaks. "It's fine, Tiernay. I'm always on my guard." He needed to be, especially now that Florale might very well be a target simply for who he was born as. "Try not to wander too close to the bridge, Florale. You should be safe, most of all."
  154. (Urizen Lee)
  155. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  157. [13:15] The Archdruid sidles his way through the growing crowd, edging away as yet another child's corpse arrives. He wasn't going to watch any more of this.
  159. Another sympathetic nod is given to Florale as he passes.
  160. (Aerilon Tsuchai)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [13:15] Aerilon Tsuchai whispers something.
  164. [13:15] Florale whispers something.
  165. [13:16] Aerilon Tsuchai whispers something.
  166. [13:17] Florale whispers something.
  167. [13:17] Florale whispers something.
  168. [13:18] Erehn says, "Hello hello Xyth, hello hello Ryuko, hello hello Oracle."
  169. [13:19] Aerilon Tsuchai whispers something.
  170. [13:19] Florale whispers something.
  171. [13:20] Florale whispers something.
  172. [13:20] Urizen Lee whispers something.
  173. [13:20] Were they serious? Were they all seriously asking Uri to fight, after losing his sister... The inconsideration in this town was strong. Yet, he would honor not them, but Faira's wishes... Besides, Uri wouldn't have to fight anyhow as he was a medic, he would merely participate in the war.. However, he possessed the strength equal to Faira… He could only fill in for her...
  175. But the question came, again and again... Was it worth, staying in Osrona? An UNGRATEFUL ASS town that NEVER granted the family of Sanctum the nobility they deserved? Would he even be able to let this pass? Would he still remain as its guardian long after the war? The answer? A soft yes, as Uri loved the crown as he would his own family.
  177. "Everyone... Shut up... Stop talking to me," he said with teary eyes. "I'll cremate my sister... I don't need an audience when this happens..."
  179. He looks back over his shoulders... "Some of you wanted her dead, for being stronger... Funny how fickle people could be, when they want to benefit from another's demise...." He did not think of his words... He was still suffering from the rage of loss...
  181. "Thalis..Dorothea...Grandmother...Esbern'o I trust the rest to you... I'll be in my study, preparing to return all that the Order has given me... My only regret... Is that I won't be able to see my sister become a Radiant..."
  184. Uri was pissed... Because people were pretending to miss Faira… When some of those same people either hated her, or never knew her... And to him, that was a dishonor in itself.
  186. "One day, when I'm ready to fight again... I'll actually be able to protect everyone... One day... For you, my dear sister...Faira…" He looks to the sky before taking his leave...
  187. (Uri Sanctum)
  188. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  190. [14:23] So that's how it is.
  192. That's how Faira, the Blazing Knight met her end.
  194. Based on what he's hearing, they don't understand how bad it is that it ended that way.
  196. Soon. Soon, he could cry. He just needed to be stronger for a while longer, and now he stares at the floor. Akame's was unfortunate, but it seems to be more of a strange case than anything else. He couldn't feel the pain quite as hard as somebody he's known for years, and that's only natural. He needs a moment to stare at the floor and contemplate.
  198. It doubly serves as a moment of silence.
  200. This is the result of her inaction when somebody was being harmed. She was made the victim of an attack now, and that made him sick his stomach thinking about. Maybe, if only she hadn't let Bella so callously beat up Iris, she wouldn't have had to die for it. This feels strangely karmatic, yet painfully unfortunate at the same.
  202. He holds his face and stands there for a time. Not yet time to cry.
  204. ".. Faira's cremation as well as Akame's burial will be handled both by their friends and family respectively. Everything here will be reported to the crown and we'll figure out a proper response of action in due time. If you can give me anymore details on the Drakanite, it would be very much appreciated. Other than that, if you have no business here anymore, you're free to leave. Thank you for lending me your--"
  206. Gugh. He gulps a lump in his throat down before he continues, head down.
  208. ".. time."
  209. (Lloyd Durages)
  210. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  212. [14:25] Uri, after dealing with the patient, would take his leave and enter the main room of the church. "The patient...Will make a slow recovery..." He looks at all who has gathered within the room. He saw many friends, many familiar faces amongst them. So... He would go back by Faira's coffin, tugging at the rope, and throwing it over his shoulder all in order for him to take it down to the cremation room, or rather, the room which had a giant star within its center....
  214. "And handled by family it will be...." Uri takes the coffin, and if anyone would follow in order to watch, he would not stop them, for this was a day of Requiem...
  216. "Today, will be the only day that my flames will destroy... In honor of my sister, a Wildfire...To send her ashes into the stars above..."
  217. (Uri Sanctum)
  218. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  221. [14:28] Xyth nodded toward Lloyd, though the moment he was told that Faria's cremation would be handed down to their family, Xyth walked up toward Uri, handing him the Coffin.
  223. Though when it time, he nodded to Lloyd, only to look at Oracle.
  225. "We should bury him at the house Oracle..."
  227. He frowned, hearing that his brother died via heart attack or that of something strange, though thinking, he frowned again.
  229. "We need to find Erehn, and get his head screwed back on not to make jokes....even faced with something.
  230. (Xyth)
  231. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  233. [14:29] Esbern would look to Lloyd one more time before following Uri out. Information flashed before his eyes as he recalled the event.
  235. "The girl that was attacked by the Teraphim, Iris. She described her drakanite friend as having red wings, pink eyes. Goes by the name of Sythaerin. I don't know if he uses magma magic, but he's the best place to start looking.", he'd say, doing his best to give what he hoped was valuable information.
  236. (Esbern Antioch)
  238. [14:42] Slowly... He dragged the coffin by a fine rope, taking the remains of his sister into the room of the church which was blessed by the stars. He looks to Esbern, seeing no one else following behind... Figures, there was no real love out there, only fakers who wanted to use Faira's death as a way to gain favor from the Gods above... That's all they wanted, was development, false development for the purpose of taking powers from the blessed later on...
  240. Uri would place Faira's coffin on the center of the star statue... He did this so that she'd have her body in the heavens, so that she could possibly gain access to the gates of Avalon... Uri was careful, he loved his sister, even now as he would have backed away from the massive formation...
  242. "Faira… These past few years... They have been exciting, so much so.... That I think I might actually make you proud and find myself a suitable girlfriend... Maybe... Amalia... Marie... Hell, even Elizabeth if you wanted... But, I won't be able to share those moments with you … Not physically at least..."
  244. He would take this time, to create an aura of flame and cosmic energy around himself... The Phoenix fires that shall be used, to let beauty come out of ashes... "But, you will always be apart of me... And I will continue living for you... To reach nobility, in the name of the Sanctum... It's what you always dreamt of right? To be nobles... Well... Consider this, an inherited Will, won't ya, big sis?"
  246. Uri had one last tear fall from his eye as he would finally send the flames onto the coffin... It was dragged on, for a while, he had to make sure the flames were controlled... That the heat was right enough to turn ALL of Faira's body into ash... So that she would not rot away on this ungrateful land of posers. So that Uri could keep a piece of her with him always.... The flames of hers, would now, be his own after all...For thiswas a day where he would have to part ways with his beloved sister, forever...
  248. The flames would burn the body away, and left nothing, not even the coffin would remain as ash would ascend into the skies through a collection of star dust and energies mixed from both Uri and Faira's old spirit... Maybe, he would take in a piece of her power... Maybe he would have continued to shine and ignite in the name of his sister.... But, for now, he would not focus on what could've been and instead, look at what WILL be by tomorrow... He would not see Faira again, not for a very long time... Though if he creates a stronger connection with the stars... Maybe her soul will become one with him... Eventually... As this was nothing short of...
  250. A Divine Departure
  251. (Uri Sanctum)
  252. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  254. [14:52] In some ways, Esbern was glad that the horde of on-lookers were gone. He'd always thought of them as fake opportunists clinging to Faira simply due to her glory, they way she'd burnt so brightly... but when they gawked over her lifeless body like an attraction? They were like vultures, he thought. It was a shame Thalis and Bart weren't here to join them, but he'd be sure to tell them how her body was dealt with later.
  256. Esbern said nothing, and didn't move at all, standing back as Uri positioned the coffin. He waited two steps behind Uri, remembering his place even now. Esbern listens attentively to Uri, thinking of how Faira had been before, and all that she had meant.
  258. Esbern had expected her to be the fire that burned through the bandit camp that was Theria, never did he think she would fall to them...
  260. As Uri's flames purge her corpse and the accompanying coffin, Esbern thinks of how he'll never have her visit him at the market, or at his guild again...
  262. A tear falls from his eye, this time not stopping to freeze as he lets his emotions flow, and he says;
  263. "Goodbye, Ms. Sanctum."
  264. (Esbern Antioch)
  265. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. [14:57] All he could do now... Was watch, as the skies were filled with stardust and ash from what remains of Faira… "I hope, she reaches the heavens... All we can do now old friend... Is live, so that she could continue smiling at us, from above..." Uri turns to Esbern… He was tired and in need of some rest. "I'll be at the clinic if you need me... But, I will still fight in the war... We've no choice after all... I can only hope that my golden flames will surface by then and give me the ability to protect the crown.."
  269. He looks to the sky one last time before parting ways. "Travel the universe while you wait for the rest of us... Little Wildfire."
  270. (Uri Sanctum)
  271. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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