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Jul 25th, 2015
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  1. “Do you even know who the real you is?”
  2. I am in a room. An audition room to be exact. Actually, it could just be a normal room where auditions happen to be held. Not specifically for auditions. Anyway.
  3. “I fail to see how that is important” I say. “Money’s coming in and I have steady work for the next few months” I’m nervous. I take a breath. “This could lead onto some even bigger jobs, you know that”.
  4. I’m currently auditioning for an acting part, in case you hadn’t already figured it out. It’ll be my first major part, if I get it. Maybe I’m too nervous. I wonder if they’ve noticed.
  6. In a bright and well-lit room, a group of people sit behind a table, one of those cheap plastic fold out tables, taking notes and filming, while a man and a woman recite a script to each other. They all look overly tired and bored, signifying a long day of sitting in their current chairs listening to the same lines over and over. Most of them are older men. You could say middle-aged, depending on what your definition of it is. The one behind the camera is younger-looking. One of the men is fighting hard to stay awake.
  7. In front of the table the woman has the typical body language of a pretty younger woman who just doesn’t give a shit about what she’s currently doing. Total disinterest. She chews on gum that has lost all it’s flavour, which now is simply chewing gum. The man on the other hand, is a stark contrast to everybody else in the room. The script in his hand is quivering, and his wide-eyed face looks around every few moments to the people behind the table. He is a tall man, somewhat swarthy looking suggesting some sort of mediterranean descent. Good-looking too, but you wouldn’t notice given how unconfident he looks. The girl reading the script blows a bubble of her chewing gum and pops it. The man jumps slightly when it does.
  8. “I do, but you are not the man I agreed we’d spend our life together with”. She says this in a way that seems like the words are just falling out of her mouth. Going from the script into her eyes, into her brain then falling out her mouth.
  9. “Well, it’ll all be over when the jobs finished. I promise you it’ll all go back to normal afterwards”
  10. “You promise?”
  11. “Of course, honey*. We’ll be alright”
  12. *he says “honey” in a most uncomfortable manner
  13. “Cut!” yells the young man behind the camera.
  15. I breathe a sigh of relief. I don’t think I did very well. I wonder if they thought it was crap. It was crap. Total crap. I’m never getting this part. Why isn’t anyone saying anything?
  16. “That was good, mister….” starts the director as he looks down at a piece of paper, moving his head close and squinting.
  17. “I can’t pronounce that. Anyway, thanks for your audition, we may call you”
  18. The director is a one of the new-age type directors. Or at least he looks it. Someone like Spike Jonze or Wes Anderson. Rich hipster guys who seem to have watched a lot of kids movies.
  19. “Thank you sir, I look forward to it” I say. I realise this line was probably my best line of the whole audition, likely because I’ve said it so many times. I look at the director for a moment too long, then walk out of the room. Once outside with the door closed, I lean on the wall immediately next to it.
  20. A muffled voice from behind the door “let’s pack this shit up and get out of here already”.
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