

Aug 28th, 2014
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  1. Athletics
  2. Acrobatics
  3. Sleight of Hand
  4. Stealth
  5. Endurance
  6. Arcana
  7. History
  8. Nature
  9. Religion
  10. Insight
  11. Perception
  12. Deception
  13. Intimidation
  14. Persuasion
  15. Performance
  18. Athletics:
  19. -Swimming, climbing, breaking objects, bending objects, generic feats of strength
  21. DC 5: Doing a push up
  22. DC 10: Climbing the average tree
  23. DC 15: Breaking down the average wooden door
  24. DC 20: Breaking down a strong wood door, ripping a phonebook in half
  25. DC 25: Breaking chains, breaking down an iron door, climbing up a cliff face without equipment
  26. DC 30: Burrowing at half speed without a Burrowing Speed, Shattering your way through concrete walls
  27. DC 35: Stopping a train by pushing on the cow-catcher
  29. Acrobatics:
  30. -Balancing on narrow surfaces, doing parkour, avoiding fall damage, etc.
  32. DC 5: Standing on your tip toes without falling over
  33. DC 10: Doing a handstand for a few seconds
  34. DC 15: Walking across a six inch wide beam at half speed without falling off.
  35. DC 20: Dropping 30 feet without injury
  36. DC 25: Dropping 100 feet without injury, running across a 3 inch beam at full speed.
  37. DC 30: Balancing on a sword or lily pad, running on the surface of water.
  38. DC 35: Dodging raindrops as they fall, surviving any fall without injury, gaining the ability to Fly for 1 turn at your speed.
  40. Sleight of Hand:
  41. -Lockpicking, pick-pocketing, stealing, etc
  43. DC 5: Taking candy from a baby
  44. DC 10: Picking the average home's lock
  45. DC 15: Pickpocketing the average person
  46. DC 20: Cracking the average safe
  47. DC 25: Hiding a knife during a full body cavity search
  48. DC 30: Stealing someone's underwear off of them without them noticing.
  49. DC 35: Stealing the thoughts out of someone's head [works as Alter Mind's erase memory, augmented to an MP cost equal to your level].
  51. Stealth
  52. -Hiding, sneaking up on people, etc
  54. DC 5: Hiding from a blind man in the dark
  55. DC 10: Hiding from the average person at night
  56. DC 15: Sneaking up on the guard
  57. DC 20: Sneaking into the average home without being noticed
  58. DC 25: Sneaking into an armed fortress without being noticed
  59. DC 30: Sneaking through a crowded room where everyone inside is looking for you.
  60. DC 35: Doing the same thing, but dressed as a clown and wearing a sign loudly proclaiming your identity.
  62. Endurance:
  63. -Resisting environmental effects, enduring fatigue
  65. DC 5: Walking a mile without becoming winded
  66. DC 10: Running a mile without becoming winded
  67. DC 15: Running a marathon
  68. DC 20: Surviving in a tundra or desert for 1 day without proper equipment
  69. DC 25: Swimming in boiling water without injury, living prolonged periods in tundra or desert without proper equipment
  70. DC 30: Running or fighting indefinitely without becoming tired.
  71. DC 35: Swimming in lava without injury. Holding one's breathe indefinitetly.
  73. Arcana:
  74. -Understanding magic and magical creatures
  76. DC 5: Knowing that magic exists
  77. DC 10: Knowing the various subtypes of magic user.
  78. DC 15: Activating the average scroll
  79. DC 20: Knowing the average spell effect when you see it
  80. DC 25: Recognizing a magic user without being told
  81. DC 30: Detecting Magic within 30' of you [as Detect Magic]
  82. DC 35: Knowing what Cthulhu got for Azathothmas last year
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