
Mind of Matter - Chapter 07

Aug 6th, 2012
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  1. Celestia indeed was right about meeting up with an envoy, but it wasn't her; Luna had been instructed to pick you up instead as the setting sun signaled the hardest part of Celestia's day.
  2. The Moon princess didn't present her flowing mane, but her sky blue hair was brilliant in its still form; not often you can see it like that, but it certainly was beautifyul even without the star-glitter.
  3. Her chariot was not the same as Celestias, where gold had been, a dark blue and midnight blue with pale white lining cover the chariot in a near sinister view, and it made little difference to the two "nightly" guardspegasus who pulled it. Both donning dark grey fur and large crested helms of near bat-like brims, their wings capped with a prim in the same way as their helm, making them look 'bat-like'
  4. If Luna was considered Nightmare Moon as a villian, the chariot she left behind certainly sealed that fact.
  5. You watch as they flew through the clouds as the sun began to set slowly behind the 'canterlot mountains' bathing the perpetually white city in a wonderful florescent glow.
  6. "So its harder to rest the sun then rise it?"
  7. "Yes. Dearest sister Celestia has to work exceptionally hard to make sure it doesn't crash down and hurt itself."
  8. "What?"
  9. "The sun, it is her source of power anon, as the moon is thy source of power, so is the sun for her. We both take time to recharge before it settles for the day or night, though, thy difference is quite obvious as to who is stronger."
  10. You look at Luna, she gives a sheepish smile.
  11. "I kid sir Anon, I speak merely the fact since the moon is smaller, I receive only a fraction of power compared to what thy sister attains. Her mane ever flows with the warmth and energy the sun, even within the night. It is something fascinating to behold, I do so enjoy watching her each dawn and dusk."
  12. "So that explains why your mane was ever flowing?"
  13. "Yes, because the moon and stars shared their light with me, and I witness the strength of the entire cosmos blessing me with eternal life."
  14. "Sounds...creepy."
  15. "Oh....I did not mean to...fear thy fellow, I hope my words were not too mistaken of thought?"
  16. "No thy lady of the night its just...the ambiance we have here seems eerie, and the slight taste of the night seems to wickedness to it."
  17. She blushed
  18. "Oh ...I had no intention to sound such a way! I merely only speak in fact, oh bother, thy still show of Nightmare Moon hath thou continue to be cursed by it."
  19. "I wouldn't say least you realize its more or less 'kidding around."
  20. Her wings seemed to straighten slightly at your words as she blinked
  21. "Y-yes...kidding around as you say? A joke...?"
  22. "Pretty much, but I wouldn't worry about it much. We're entitled to make mistakes, big and small, and simply brooding on the fact of what we've done, well that's just a waste of energy. What matters is what you do tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, how we learn from it and make ourselves for tonight.." he fixed his collar a bit "lets see what all this fuss is about."
  24. You near Canterlot as the sun continues to fade, cresting the world in a dark purple haze, the mist of the very falls cascading from the edge of the city had turn near crimson, catching the light perfectly in their wake, but...almost presenting the look of blood in the water.
  25. Anon probably was the only one who noticed this as he turned to the city, fixing the necking on the turtleneck.
  26. The spires all around him reached much further than he had first thought, they were huge.
  27. Most of what the city was made was built around them, smaller shops and homes litter the bastions beneath, covering the entire city with a lush, rustic glow of lights and rooftops. it was almost calming to see such a perfectly settled city amidst pillars of the sky. The largest boasting itself square in the center the royal cauldron of the basin.
  28. The chariot slowly descended towards the giant spires landing pad, its main crystalline lights glinting over the edge of the wooden and stone pad that the flying craft gently touched down on. The guards huffing, fluttering their wing as they made perfect 3 point-landings. They seemed pleased, smirking at one another...perhaps a mutter about their...unusal cargo.
  29. They seemed to stare quitre a lot at Anon, the fact that he wasn't even a pony was one thing, but nothing even like a griffon, dragon, or beast of the forest; he was...just him.
  30. You move aside, easing the space open fort Luna to exit first, she smiles, bowing respectfully before stepping off, you follow suit, fixing your cuffs under the shirt you were wearing.
  31. A walkway was stretched from the pad inwards towards the main spire as there, standing not too far ahead was the very one Princess Celestia.
  32. Her and her guards of course.
  33. all twenty of them.
  34. "Luna!" she called with delight as the night time princess rushes to nestle with her bigger sister, the very sensation of love almost riveting from the pair as they embraced.
  35. They had a bond of good sisters, even despite the past, they loved each other as family, probably why it was so hard for them to fight; Celestia didn't have the heart to slay her family.
  36. It was heart warming but at the same time almost degrading; what had caused a family pair such torment that they had to witness a chilling realization of whats to come.
  38. "She is tried for Treason"
  40. Those words...those words shattered anything that you hoped to see come good of this. Their connection would be cut, and something like that would definitely be the end of them
  41. Was this...was this the reason she wanted Anon?
  43. "Treason?" You had to say something from the utter shock.
  44. "I"m sorry Anon, but that is the situation at its best...and....I'm glad you're here."
  45. "Well...could have said that first."
  46. "I couldn't anon, I needed to see my sisters reaction myself.
  47. Luna was probably in the worst of shape. Its not that she was surprised, in fact it almost seemed she was far from it. Her expression was downtrodden, depressed to a sullen level of despair sheilded under amass of uncertainty and despair
  48. "I know that it would eventually be considered, the Law had stated such acts would merit a form of punishment."
  49. "So what do the charges dictate?"
  50. Celestia sighed "Luna of Canterlot has been tried for Treason on accounts of one Nightmare Moon. The tries count for the first, a thousand years ago, and the second, only recently this year."
  51. "Recently? You're kidding right? I heard that from some of the ponies, but it sounded so far off!"
  52. "At the start of the Summer Sunset Festival, the ending of the seasons to bring about the new seasons."
  53. "That was where you had Twilight..."
  54. "Yes...i could not get involved, not a second time...I had to trust my student, and she pulled through."
  55. "But why?"
  56. "She is part of a bond-ship unlike any other Anon, through thick and thin she and her friends will always endure, I could see that, something only the best of fillies can get when they meet for the first time.
  57. "Consider it fate..." LUna muttered "they were the ones to become the new bearers, just as time held before."
  58. "It is...something that happens, but in centuries, millenniums even. Twilight and her friends all possess the elements within them, and therefore, the very power to wield them.
  59. "Each one is a strand of a full wand of magic. Its something only so few can get, only those few who can control them are chosen for it, and they often are called upon to help maintain order between law and chaos."
  60. "Such as Nightmare Moon."
  61. "Correct, though, I was impressed with my sisters formatude this time around...never thought she'd banish me to my own sun."
  62. You blink at Luna, jaw agape as she seems to be too embarrassed not to look away.
  63. "I-it was not meant to hurt her. She is immune to the suns heat even as a banishment...b-besides, the spell was not that strong."
  64. "OH I think it was, a little too strong sister, you've certainly gotten better."
  65. She blushed further, almost sinking low against Anon as he stood beside her.
  66. "Yes...well...if we are done making the little one wet herself, shall we move in."
  67. "Oh, yes, of course Anon, but, may I make a request; there is something I feel that should be explained..."
  69. She led you to her room; the guards slowly parting in pairs along the trek, taking positions along the lengthy corridor to corral a path to the exit way, permitting Anon some degree of freedom as he fell slightly behind.
  70. He had reached down into his pocket, fiddling with his phone as he realize the fact its there.
  71. Drawing it out, he taps it, creating an odd *clicking* sound with each tap.
  72. Celestia's ears suddenly twitch as she pauses and looks back, seeing the human staring at...what looks like a window into something she can't quiet see.
  73. "A-anon?" Celestia asked as you look up at her. "What are you doing?"
  74. Luna eventually paused and turned to, both looking at you as you raise it, pointing a small black lens-
  75. FLASH
  76. The camera on the back lights up the room instantly. Everyone who stared at it was blinded, temporarily at least as all their eyes sank to tiny pupils.
  77. Two guards instantly fainted as the other began to blink slowly.
  78. "w-what is that!? Celestia barked, quickly magicking the phone away from your hands
  79. "HEY! Easy with that, its not a toy."
  80. "Such...such a device, did it create such a blinding light?"
  81. "Its...cause it has a Camera"
  82. "Camer-a?"
  83. "You know, for taking photos"
  84. "fo-tos?"
  85. "Pictures."
  86. Celestiaq Blinked as she looked at the window, only now, it seemed like a mirror. There, on the screen she saw herself, Luna and several guards all staring directly at the picture-taker. It was...interesting to say the least, their eyes weren't phased by the slightest until that flash had done them in.
  87. The picture was well done too, not as though by hand., but the light from around seem to brighten the room.
  88. "Fascinating...such a device for pictures? But...where does the film eject?"
  89. " film in that one...its called a Digital camera."
  90. "Digital? Explain this...Digital?"
  91. "Digital is something along the lines of electrical energy, I belive with the use oif the lights here that could be an example. Digital is the use of COMPUTERS, not sure if you have those sorta things but they allow us to deal with information and communication on a method...I guess you can say simulates magical capabilities."
  92. They all blinked for a second
  93. "Uhhh, like
  94. the Television, it uses digital 'magic' princess..."
  95. "OH yes!"
  96. Luna sighed, shaking her head. She didn't know Digital, but electronic wasn't unfamiliar to them; bigger cities such as Manehatten and Fillidelphia and a good portion of Canterlot relied solely on Electrical fuel.
  97. Lighting was in sufficient supply these days, it was quite useful for powering big cities.
  98. Celestia...on the other hand believed in older ways, simpler ways; despite her love of the television, she preferred to remain in the ordinate style of living; she did it very well.
  99. "Hrmmm...I must request I relinquish this device from you only until we get to our destination?"
  100. "Eh...uh sure, just be gentle."
  101. "This screen, how interact with it? I see no remote.."
  102. She tried to "tap it with magic...oddly enough it didn't seem to make any effect.
  103. "Its know as a TOUCH screen, you have to put something against it."
  104. "Oh, like this?" she rose it above her head, gently tapping it with her horn.
  105. "Ayeee NO NO NO NO NO NO..." you exhale deep as she eases it back down.
  106. "It senses warmth of a finger, your body temperature and even a returning energy. Cold objects don't work."
  107. Celestia nodded, easing the phone back to her face, causing a small swirl of magic to form into a rather...misty-looking ball. It almost seemed water-like, but pressed neatly against the screen, causing the lock screen to appear.
  108. 'ah, its...password is MY stuff,but the camera can still be used... there is a camera symbol at the bottom of the screen."
  109. Celestia looked down
  110. "Yes, I see it."
  111. "Press it."
  112. "The orb of magic did so, opening what LOOKED like a shutter from the screen and exposing the ground in front of her.
  113. "Oh yes! how wonderful!" she began to whiz the thing around, trying her best to steady and shoot the camera, but the unusual 'delay' of the process was something to get used to.
  114. Luna giggled, causing Celestia to turn and take a picture of her.
  115. "HA! I see a Luna in this my sister did you put on weight?"
  116. "EIIYAAA...w-where?"
  117. Celestia laughed
  118. "Ah, dear me I kid, that is simply how I thought I saw it on the screen."
  119. Luna's huffed "I wish to see dear sister, please may I ask you relinquish that to me."
  120. "No" she said, but not in a mean way, a cutesy, childish way.
  121. "Whaaa, not fair....i wanna see!":
  122. Luna set a magic spell around the base of it, but its whipped quickly away by Celestia before it can stick,.
  123. "Tsk tsk, you can wait your turn dear sister, I still have much picture-taking to do!" she pranced a bit ahead as Luna sighed, sulking her head low in a cute pout.
  125. It takes about half an hour to arrive at the top of the stairwell. Had you known they were this high up you would have requested if you could be flown up; it seemed the tower had been built with that in mind as Luna flew up with her own guards to her chamber just below the one your set path was taking you.
  126. Sadly, Celestia had insisted they WALK the spiral staircase to her chamber.
  127. Fuck i hate stairs.
  128. You can see the guards don't like it either.
  129. "Here are my quarters.." she said as she tossed the phone back to you, magicing it over into your hands without a worry of dropping before she waved off the last two guards who flew back to the base of the stairs. Celestia smirked at Anon
  130. "Come please, I wish to show you something before the trial."
  131. Her room was quite...elegant, its nighttime wallpaper carefully placed to show the vastness of their known sky at night, distant planets and millions of stars dot sections along its placing as Celestia paused near the entrance. her horn pointed to one section of the wall.
  132. "I'm watching you."
  133. It was like someone had carved it out of the wood...
  134. "Such a thing had occurred when you arrived, I had witness you...Anon, in my dream and with it, a creature I had never day, I had witness this beast in my mirror and had a dreadful fright of it! I sought it out, but only found these words..."
  135. Her expression turned cold
  136. "It dared to expose itself to me, it has made it clear what its intent is... as my duty as princess, I must deal with this matter personally....It is taunting me, I wish to know what you may know about it."
  137. You face palm instantly, she gives you a blank stare.
  138. "And what does that mean?" she asked, looking at you "did the creature make you hit yourself!?"
  139. "No no.,..this is....god....this is so stupid."
  140. "Stupid? How can you consider such an act Stupid Anon? Royalty targeted by such a threat? I cannot allow myself to fall whim to this, let alone it dare to approach my Sister."
  141. "I don't think that's the issue, you're sister is perfectly fine. This...creature...just wants you."
  142. Celestia took a step forward
  143. "So my suspicions were right...and how would you know it just seeks I and not my sibling?"
  144. "Because its...a creature of MY creation."
  145. There are no words.
  146. Just the feeling of magic wrapping around your body, and hooves slamming you into the door you had came from.
  147. "YOU CREATED IT?"
  148. Your glad the vest was on, you felt better already pinned against the doorway, Celestias body weight pressing into you like a knife as he glared deep into your eyes.
  149. "You...explain this transgression!"
  150. "T-transgression?"
  151. "You had ordered it to STALK me...had you not?"
  152. "What...what the hey are you talking about? I SAID I created it, I NEVER said I had told it to do that."
  153. Celestia paused, her expression went quizzical.
  154. "What...your beast is of your charging, does it not...obey you as ordered?"
  155. You slowly ease off the door, dusting yourself off slowly, coughing a bit from the excitement.
  156. "If I ever gave them, yes, but Stalking you wasn't one of them...this is definitely her handy work, but its far from stalking."
  157. "Then...tell me what it is?"
  158. "She's challenging you, she's not looking to kill you, she's looking to fight you."
  159. "and which would be worse? At least one gives a fighting chance."
  160. "No...she's above the art of simple killing, no joy, no real achievement. The nobility of the Dragon dictates her ethos on the matter of combat is to find the strongest foe and defeat them."
  161. Celestia blinked, part of her was almost touched that this beast, this dragon, sought her strength to challenge.
  162. She couldn't help but feel excited.
  163. "A...dragon you say?"
  164. Celestia paused for a second, she looked at you then turned and trotted off, going over to her massive bookshelf.
  165. "Can see where Twilight got the idea for having a library..." you mutter to yourself as the princess fiddles through texts.
  166. "There was once, long ago such a beast existed... I wounder.." Celestia spoke aloud as she began to magic books out and back into the shelve, diligently reading each title before she pulled out the one she sought.
  167. "AHA, I knew it was familiar."
  168. Celestia returned with a large, blue cover book with golden embroidery along its edges.
  169. "Equestrian Ancients." it was titles as she put it before you.
  170. The pages Celestia had turned to had a large picture taking up. Early. Oth page with a. Arrow paragraph along he right side. The pictures luster was certainly fitting for the space it occupied.
  171. It was a picture of a lavished Alicorn donning impressive armor set made of shiny metal, surrounding her are ponies of all kinds, Unicorns, Pegasus, and of course Earth ponies. To the opposite side are tree large dragons, each one a different colour blue, green, and red. They looked calm and complacent as they seems to stare at the Ponies across from them.
  172. Between hem however are two large, anthropomorphic dragons, beasts that looked far more elegant than even the Alicorn and the dragons thy divided.
  173. Each one held out arms to their respected sides, a glow drawn around them as their robed clad bodies seems to show a sense of... Calm between them...
  174. Cermina was no different in design.
  176. "Year 0279, Fall Season: End of the Draconis Struggle or "Great Dragon War"
  177. princess Platinum along with her subjects and the dragons of the scorched lands were brought to a peaceful truce moments before a cataclysmic battle was to ensure between these two parties.
  178. Moments before he order was given, two. Easts, bearing the features of dragons. Ht walking upright higher than any alicorn, stood between the two armies mere moments before the clash of steel and claw. Their words touched all who witness and a resounding calm seemed to envelope all around them. As though by the sheer valiance of these two beasts, both armies laid down their weapons and killing intentions, seeking to rebuild rather than destroy. In the seasons to follow, the Equestrian and the Draconis issued a treaty, the dragons would not harm the Equestria s on heir land while the Equestrians allows for the dragons to migrate above their land each year for their migration. After that truce, he two beasts simply vanished. To this day, no one knows of where they went, but peace between dragon kind and ponykind had been achieved rather than the two kinds slaughter."
  180. "They had done a diligent service to our kind those years ago, but their origins are shrouded in mystery."
  181. They did look like Anthromorphic dragons alright, Cermina was no different, but they felt... Out of place with his world.
  182. "You are familiar with these creatures, being the "creator" of one?"
  183. You rub the back of your head before you look at Celestia, seeing her return the book to the shelve.
  184. "Well... Yes and no."
  185. "Oh?"
  186. "Dragons in general don't "exist", they are mythical creatures of legend and fiction. However, creatures like mine and those im the ones here however, yes i have seen them, in literature fiction and fantasies, but. Ever reality"
  187. "Then how does such a creature come to exist here if they do not in tour world?"
  188. "I asked myself the same question."
  189. "and?"
  190. You shrug
  191. "I'unno"
  192. Celestia sighed as she watched you step into he middle pf the room.
  193. If Cermina was "stalking" as Celestia put it, he. She wouldn't be too far.
  194. You start to humm.
  195. "hmm humm hmm... Knock three times on the ceiling if it you want me... Oh ohh... Twice on the pipe, if you aint gonna showwww~"
  196. Celestia blinks as she watches you waltz around her room, tapping on the different wooden furniture in sync with the song.
  197. "Oh my darling! *knock knock knock* on the ceiling if you want me.. H mmmm... Twice on the pipe..."
  198. A slight pause as he sudden *tink tink*
  199. "... If you aint gonna show...."
  200. There she was.
  201. On he balcony, back to you both, though only through your eyes she could be seen as the large drakess was clinking a claw on the metal banister surrounding the balcony outside.
  202. "Finally decided to arrive eh comrade?"
  203. "From the one who sneaked off to seek her quarry?"
  204. "Tsk, she was too powerful to just let slip away... Even after she decided to snoop on you and Luna."
  205. You loo at Celestia, though she cannot hear, her sudden attention made her look right back at you, somewhat surprised as you had a bit of a
  206. "serious face"
  207. on.
  208. "Well, it seems my friend here's told me you were snooping on myself and Luna, that's not a very nice thing to do."
  209. She huffed,ruffling her wings
  210. "When you care for the well being of your sibling, is it not right to take the proper...precautions to make sure what she seeks as joy and pleasure be fitting for her? I would not have willed it so she find herself somepony...or some thing, that would do her harm, but you, well you already understand that I see little worry for you being with her."
  212. You grin "good answe-" you pause as you see Cermina walk directly up to Celestia, the Alicorn watches your expression change
  213. "A-anon, wh-what are you staring at?"
  215. Cermina slowly stepped closer, a grin, broad and toothed was on her maw as Celestia just blinked,suddenly feeling a rather...chilling sensation down the mares spine. her wings twitched, and her horn began to glow, almost as if signaling something as the Princess gazes up at it with bewilderment.
  216. "W-what is this...why does it suddenly feel so c-cold?"
  217. You inhale, clenching your fists, you DIDN'T want Cermina to do ANYTHING rash, not now anyways you see her ease herself right before the princess, standing slightly taller than she as she cupped her chin.
  218. To the Princess however, all she would feel would be an unknown force suddenly pulling her chin upwards slightly and a chilling cold to slowly be replace by a soothing heat. Celestia began to blush as you watched Cermina slowly eased close, sniffing her. It was obvious Celestia couldn't see this and the slight tint of fear in her eyes made it apparent she was quiet surprised.
  219. "Such a sweet...scent..." Cermina whispered, pressing her maw gently along the flank of the Alicorns head, just inches from the cheek as she hissed in her ear almost with a hint of allure before lapping her tongue along its rim.
  220. Celestia quivers, closing her eyes as she seems to fidget quite a bit in place as you see the once strong barred Drakess warrior now becoming a suitor for the princess...or perhaps fixing some other sickly agenda she had in mind. You honestly didn't mind the showing, but the Princess certainly wasn't to comfortable with the fact something invisible or even non-existant was...hitting...on her.
  221. "A-anon... is this y-your doing?"
  222. I'm standing right here princess, I ain't got a finger on you
  223. " your....oooh my!"
  224. Cermina clasped her cheeck, gently stroking claws along its flesh cold and warmth fluxtuate from her as the feel gently began to caress and sooth her.
  225. The princess's eyes closed, almost lidding as she seemed to comfort herself, blush rippling along her cheecks before the drakess pulled away, her satisfaction quite guaranteed as she turned to your side. The princess stood there...dazed in a blissful, almost whimsical feel as her body seemed near slouch forward, her mane flowing as vibrantly as before as her wings were...perked...slight from the concert.
  226. "oh m-my...A-anon, is your..."
  227. you nod as she gazes over to you
  228. "Dear me...such...a warming sensation it presents..."
  229. She paused her eyes slowly returning to normal as she began to realize what she was doing.
  230. "O-h unfitting..." she blushed as she quickly shook her head, gently fluttering her wings over her face to hide the blush still present as you smirk.
  231. Cermina hurred "challenge can mean any number of things comrade...I plan to make use of the'ones for her."
  232. You roll your eyes, slowly easing back against the wall as the Princess recomposes herself and trots over.
  233. "A-anon...I must ask that your friend certainly controls itself in the future...I...I would not like to have it find me so suiting when i have no idea of what it may be...attempting."
  234. "She...means well Princess, I don't think she would find reason to destroy you in a fight."
  235. Celestia's head tilts a bit, getting a rather odd...sensation
  236. "DO you consider me weak in doing so?"
  237. What?
  238. "Why does she not seek to engage me, yet, if she could do such a thing as-that-why not anything else?"
  239. You shrug
  240. "I have...some ideas."
  241. "Such as?"
  242. "The fact that perhaps her non-existence in reality would be tampered to a point that even the blaze in its being could be felt through small openings of connection?"
  243. The princess hrmmmed a bit, thinking it through
  244. "Such folley is to note on dimensions, but I can understand what you would mean. She is not present, but her connection with you...."
  245. "You could say she's within me, I can see perfectly fine, but you, well you cannot see her, but by some break in the line, she can "intimidate" you."
  246. "Intimidate, what do you mean by-" it took her a second to realize something you had said, the strange fact that one word had echoed amongst the rest.
  247. "SHE?"
  248. "Yes, its a she."
  249. "A she who....dare say finds attraction in me?"
  250. Cermina snickers, seeing the princess squirm with her mind like a child watching a cartoon.
  251. You roll your eyes."
  252. "Uhem...well yes, it is...good to know the answer tomy question was granted in good time Anon..." Celestia began, using her wings to 'cough" into "I beliveit is almost time for the trial."
  253. "Oh, I was wondering about that..."
  254. "Are you uncertain of your desire to attend?"
  255. "What...err no, I just wanted to ask if there was...someon-somePONY I should watch out for?"
  256. "Dearest Anon, the court is the most bewildering thought of this era, surely you would know which beasts to look out for.":
  257. "I take it you're still going to tell me."
  258. She sighed "There is one figure, and that certainly is all Anon; HE is still the barest extent..."
  259. "SO...would you...ever mind me hitting him?"
  260. "What? HOW dare you ask such a request, no, I shall not let you strike him,. especially in the court."
  261. "What? You mean to say that if this dodo begins to belittle Luna for her "traitorous acts", I swear I will beat his head so far up his FLANK he won't be able to go to the bathroom without s- Celestia swats a wing at your mouth.
  262. "You shall NOT disrespect my own family in MY court Anon...I know you care for Luna, and I know the words I spoke of him, but he is STILL family....and you know that I will defend him as needs must..."
  263. "Then I must oblige yeh by saying that I would not dare care....I would rather fight my way to him then let his relative protect him."
  264. "YOU....such an insult, is this what you would be willing to commit?"
  265. "Damn well if I need're an idiot if you feel your "relative" is more important than your sister!"
  266. No words again
  267. in fact nothing again as her expression presented rage under the utmost of control.
  268. "Out.
  269. "Wha-"
  270. "OUT!"
  271. she didn't hesitate, magicing your whole body she litterly passed you right out the door, down the stairs and to the very BASE of the case where you once began, the slam of her door echoing deep down into the caverns below.
  272. "Smooth..."
  273. Cermina whispered as you flick your hand away and turn to walk towards the hallway.
  274. "Sir...Anon....Sir, may i request your audience."
  275. It was one of Luna's GuardStallions, he was presented in his armour, quite impressive at this closeness.
  276. " with me?"
  277. "Yes sir...well...WE do..."
  278. Another guardStallion approached from behind, their features oddly familiar as you recognize them as the two Pegasus from the chariot ride.
  279. "What do you want."
  280. "We seek nothing but answers-
  281. "-of what you considered to be reason WHY you stay with our maiden."
  282. Oh god...
  283. THOSE kind of guards.
  284. "uhhh well, more or less SHE came to me, I simply was doing my business when she...well...showed up."
  285. They look at you quizzically, but their expression returns to the serious, almost...foreboding face they could muster.
  286. "She speaks many words of you Sir Anon-"
  287. "-the beast that calmed her wounded heart...a "gentle human" as she had said it."
  288. "Now all we seek to know is what you had DONE to her..."
  289. "Nothing.."
  290. They suddenly push into you, one pinning your back, the other in your front. You can't feel the pain; Rarity's vest helped with that, but it certainly would still be a hurtful thing to be pinned by two Armoured Knights.
  291. "Urgh...I am serious."
  292. "You lie....what would be considered simple to impress-"
  293. "-us not of what our princess posses."
  294. "I did only the thing I did, she was Happy to see me as a creature of the night."
  295. They pressed harder.
  296. "Trully you test our patience-"
  297. "-our time with you is growing short."
  298. "Grant us the answers we seek-"
  299. "-and perhaps you will live for another week."
  300. You guys are crazy
  301. "You're nuts, fine...then if you want to do it, gut me...right here. I stand by the fact I did nothing to her, and was more then willing to share her company during the night. Yes...and you can ask her yourself....I did try and tease don't gotta take these measures to make me feel it wasn't tolerated."
  302. The pause, slowly parting from your body, keeping quite close, but not to the point of pressing
  303. "Speak then..."
  304. "SHe had arrived when I was working in the orchard at Sweet Apple Aches, I simply hid in the tree above where she landed because I wasn't too sure what to expect from a magic Alicron
  305. "And the fact I warned you comrade..."
  306. You nod a bit, but that wasn't something for THEM to know.
  307. "And then what, decided it best to toy with her?" They step close by one hoof, the clank of armour resignating along the corridor and their helms coming quite close to your frame.
  308. They looked sharp.
  309. "no...I didn't, it got out of hand a bit, she tried to attack me and...I defended myself. She went into a tree on her own accord when I side-stepped, since magic didn't exactly work on me."
  310. They look at one another
  311. Taking a step back
  312. "After I freed her, she had a sudden horn pain...and well, I did what I could to relieve it, required some washing afterwards, but she was alright, not a taint upon her."
  313. The two looked at each other again, then back at you, then each other....
  314. "We see that you meant no harm-"
  315. "-to our lovely miaden's star."
  316. "But we cannot just let you go unscathed-"
  317. "-Because we do not wish for you to run away.":
  318. "Well, duh, I still have to be ready for the trial."
  319. "That is not the meaning!" they both say at once, suddenly talking as they shake their heads.
  320. "Act is over, but we have said our peice-"
  321. " We seek to know if you are geniune."
  322. "Keeping in mind that you had shared your tale."
  323. "We shall be certian to remeber every detail."
  324. "From here on in we stand by you."
  325. "So nothing bad will crud."
  326. "Always at the ending Airstone?"
  327. "Well I'm sorry Sunshine if I can't figure out how to rhyme that last word..."
  328. You blinked as the two simply trotted off back to the opening of Luna's chamber, standing tall as they mirrored beside their celestial counterparts.
  330. --
  332. Fillies and Gentlecolts of the Court, you may now reside at your standings, the Princess has arrived.
  333. Celestia gently trotted in from behind her throne, a royal crown placed upon her head and her necklace and hoof outfit glinting with the utmost in design and antiquity. Everypony bowed...everypony aside from one...white....Unicorn.
  334. He knelt, not even going low enough to consider the full sign of respect, his eyes fixated upon his "dear' aunt as she returned the gaze with the same chilled intent.
  335. "Thank you my Loyal subjects...The charges of the trial this night is pressing, all those set to attend are to remain settled UNTIL the final verdict will be required. what we are dealing with tonight, and it is of the have to admit to the seeting as the Judge. All final say shall be settled by me it affects me the most. Tonight, we stand for the trail of my Sister...Luna... that settles the act of TREASON she held against this court as Nightmare Moon."
  336. There was sullen murmur in the courtroom as the vast jury listened to Celestias statement.
  337. From the door were two "blocks" of stalls for the jury along the west side of the room; 16 ponies, 8 mare and 8 stallions, all settled in rather elegant garments positioned in two rows.
  338. Closer towards the "thone" for the judge was the Prosecution table...there...BlueBlood and several of his "mentats" sneered over at the culprit across the room.
  339. Luna...the prosecuted, sat in the view of all at the sole table on the East side of the court room, she donned an expression of deep regret, her eyes shallow as she kept her gaze down, occasionally looking at her sister, but being given no sign of sympathy.
  340. "She has no choice.,.." Anon whispered to Luna "She can't take a side, it will be bad for her as much as it would be for you."
  341. The human had taken the other seat at the defense table, everyone had looked at you with expressions of surprise and bewilderment.
  342. Only BlueBlood and his "cronies" expressed distaste towards this "creatures" presence.
  343. "Dearest Celestia, may i ask of this "thing" you have to defend Luna during your trial?"
  344. Blueblood words almost hissed with a venom of discontent as you feel the anger inside you.
  345. Five seconds in and already you hate this guy.
  346. Must be a new record.
  348. Celestia flutters her wings, keeping herself composed as she looked at her nephew.
  349. "Filles and Gentlecolts, the defense is residing with one Sir Anon, a creature who has resided his existence during the night as Luna has, and per my request, shall stand as her defense consulate."
  350. BB doesn't seem amused
  351. "Really Princess, a creatire not of Equestrian blood in the royal court, whst bext, shall we be greeted by Griffions or even Dragons next?"
  352. A ripple of laughter
  353. Celestia is not amused, neither are you.
  354. *ahem*
  355. they look at you
  356. "I didnt rhink they would bother letting children in here either, if such rudeness is what an ambassidor is met with."
  357. BB tsked "Save your words beast, you are a colt among stallions."
  358. "If the colt is you, then yeah, but last i check i was no colt."
  359. BB sneers
  360. "Whatever you are, you have no place here."
  361. "I know, but for he sake of princess Luna, i shall stand hy her side and defend her from he likes of creeps like you. Not a lick of sense in yeh for this whole thing."
  362. Celestia stamps her foot "Order... We shall begin with the prosecution... BlueBlood, you have the floor."
  363. Blueblood
  364. You couldn't understand how he got the name, the most logical reference you could think were the police, but...this was a prince, what rule of law did he....
  365. Oh shit...
  366. "Fillies andf Gentlecots of this court, I come to you with a propsition; does the right of Luna's freedom from the fears she put is through worth porividing her with solast from the law that was signed for her?"
  367. Some acknolwdeging mutters rippled through the crowd as the white unicorn smirked, his expression poised as he prepared to state his claim.
  368. "I ask you tonight why we are here; a menace to our society has been regardeda a] a creature we should show sympathy for. Yes, she is a princess, but sadly, she is also a monstrosity that had torumented us not once, but twice in the lifetime of this grand city. Is it right to let her be granted the privileges of us, the subjects, who suffered under her darkness?"
  369. More can feel your stomach twists with this bastards tongue.
  370. He turned to Luna, trotting towards her.
  371. "I'm deeply apologetic to you your highness, such a lovely pony having to deal with such...issues in regards to her past certainly can feel the strain of having to see her subjects in anger over her past, trully I am-"
  372. "Oh fuck off..."
  373. BlueBlood turned to you.
  374. "A tounge you have on your maw...I suggest you control it."
  375. "And I suggest you back off from my client before I am force to do it."
  376. Blueblood just smirked, turning away and trotting back to the crowd.
  377. "I have with me a document that had been drafed post events of Nightmare Moon, in wich the grand chancelors of the Royal Court at the present time dictated as the result of seeing the situation having deteriorated so quickly. Several weeks of darkness under the rule of Celestias Sister.
  378. It was a complete disregard of the love and affection towards the royal subjects of the court and had been instigated with the hopes it shall never happen again."
  379. *uhhum*
  380. ...SHould the presence of Nightmare Moon continue to be viable within the history of our Great Canterlot, the resulting punishment towards Nightmare Moons...Luna's...actions must be contained within the walls of the Canterlot court. As such, Post-Banashment of Luna "Nightmare Moon" shall be regarded as holding herself account at all times within the city of Canterlot.
  381. Failure to abide by such law is considered an act of TREASON and should be dealt with as proper matters may reside at the time."
  382. Silence
  383. BlueBlood rolled up the sheet of paper and slid it back into his coat.
  384. "The document states that such an occurance would be resulted with this task, and now it falls upon us to settle this situation TONIGHT. I do not need to remind you the fears we all had with thenight of forever more, nothing had even been as frightful not by just ourselves, but our children. We could not conduct our work, we could not conduct our trade, our livelyhood would have been in shambles has she ruled entiey. Perpeual night, a desire we seek none of our fillies and colts to bear."
  385. More murmurs of agreement.
  387. A fucking law.
  388. You turn to Luna, her face almost as pale as her sister; it seemed she certainly wasn't aware of how grave the situation had become and the sheer fact of the matter was we were fuck.
  389. You cannot beat what was written on paper.
  390. Then it hit you.
  391. That thing was from the Royal court....
  392. It...
  393. No...
  394. She have had to...
  395. You clench your fists tightly, fuck, what would make Celestia DO that, your whole mind rages as you think of what the shit was just going on with this whole fucked up trial.
  396. Was she trying to play a plot game against herself or was she really letting BlueBlood have it this time... there wasn't just the fact LUNA was at risk.
  397. She was too
  398. and if this was a gamble, then...well she plaid her cards already.
  399. You sigh
  400. You have to beat this, but without much paper infront of you, you're options are extremely limited.
  402. You look at Celestia
  403. Nothing in her gaze as she stompped her hoof.
  404. "Order..." she turned to you "Will the defense present its case."
  405. "Yes ma'am, but..may I just say that this is a waste of time and a serious diversion of attention and resources this city may need."
  406. "Your case...."
  407. You cough "I'd give you one, but I'm not sure I can trust you to realize this, or perhaps the fact YOU MADE A LAW OF IT!"
  408. You glare at the Princess.
  409. "This whole thing sickens me, but if I must abide by your rules, then I'll be the mamma's boy."
  410. You look at BlueBlood, he looks to you, that snived smirk now a frown of resentment as you look down, closing your eyes.
  411. "Ladies-"
  412. Not that
  413. "Fillies and Gentlecolts of the Jury and this Court. I request your time for just a mere beast to explain his mind, for you see I am no Pony, this place is unfamilair to me as are your history and royal customs. I stand before you, litteraly, upon two leg, and as different as I may appear, I still wish to find the right and just means to condem this lousy excuse for a law."
  414. "It and this whole trial don't make a lick of sense either."
  415. "I saw that life is a game, we are each players on a side of good and evil, we choose where we go, what we do, how we live. Those few who are destined to be more..."
  416. You look at Celestia
  417. "....are meant to act as examples and lead their people to victory through development and expansion. Such is the way of all Royalty yes? To serve and Protect their SUBJECTS as their guards serve and protect them."
  418. You shoot a glance at Luna's guards, standing at the far edge of the room hidden behind the Celestial throne, out of sight of the normal mares and stallions who did not wish to see.
  419. They nodded...slowly.
  420. "You see, I think I understand the entier claim in this case; if i may regurgitate what my counterpart has said "the Law is stated to have Princess Luna cast within the city limits for eternity"...well that certainly seems like a reasonable solution, she cannot leave to allow herself to become corrupted by the darkness again.
  421. Need I remind you that she still performs her duty as diligently as ever, I have witness the splendor of her night and the serenity it has given me. But, preventing her from leaving trhe castle has a very big flaw.
  422. She cannot protect you while you sleep, and is that not what her true duty detailed?"
  423. The crowd seems...stunned.
  424. Their expressions were quite...focused at this point.
  425. Suprisal in several sections, a pocket of sudden uncertainty, and a few...small..becons of true understanding fluttering through the mass of faces.
  426. BlueBlood seems a bit...absent, his expression focusing entierly on Anon to noteven witness a few of his onw advisors muttering amongst themselves.
  427. "I had said before I am no Pony, this of coruse is true...i mean, I don't look like a pony."
  428. You stand before them all.
  429. "In fact, I don't even walk on all fours."
  430. For shits
  431. You go down on all fours and "walk" about.
  432. Oddly ernough you do a good job.
  433. "I bet I look silly like this, a creature that walks with a grasp pace at this kind of path.
  434. But...that is not what I'm here to talk about."
  435. You stand up, walking towards the audiance.
  436. "I had come to this land during the night, a time where you and your family are sleeping soundly, atime of innocnence and serentiy, of peace and harmony, silence....but not stillness.
  437. I had ventured through the fields towards your homes, towards your place of living, and thoughI may not seem harmful here, what if I had been sent to slay?
  438. Sent to Kill
  439. Sent to Destory
  440. What if I had been a creature so diabolicval in design and fashion that no possible attempt could be made to stop me.
  441. You would suffer much worse than anything you could experience.":
  442. EVERYONE is now scared shitless...
  443. " it not?"
  444. You smirk
  445. "I degress my reasons here, for I don't want to talk about the what ifs, I want to explain the situatuion and the result of it, not by some pompus bastard here who seeks to make wordsof a law written in the past with such...vauge...mention of the real responsibilities that I could not hope to explain or even ask you to grasp the concept of what it means."
  446. "Luna had done something that was against that law...she had indeed committed the crime of leaving the cvity bounds, but by her royal decree, she had been diligent in her duty, seeking what this..."Creature" is.
  447. You turn to Luna
  448. "Luna...tell me, of the events three nights ago, when you were commenciong your duties for the "night shift."
  449. The Princess blinked a bit, somewhat shaking from the suprise of your speech, but she nods, closing her eyes to think a bit.
  450. "I had taken my place atop the Sentinel Tower of the South Eastern Tower, the Telescope there had a wonderful view of Ponyville in its arch range and I did so enjoy seeing the wonderful candecent glow of their town. I had started to pan over the farmlands when I noticed a strange...thing...moving admist the trees.
  451. At first I thought it to ber some wild beast, a deer or perhaps a bear rummaging for food; no concernthere, many of the wild ones tendedto keep to the fields than bother the residence art theirhomes.
  452. Strangly though, this...thing wasn't just rmmmaging about.
  453. I noticed it walking...upright.
  454. Certainly no DEER could do that, popssibly a BEAR?
  455. No, it was too thin, not enough gerth in the center.
  456. Bears tend to keep to the woods though so again that-"
  457. "Uh Princess.."
  458. "Y-yes?" LUna looked up
  459. "Can you skip the details and tell us the main facts."
  460. "O-Oh...of course...I had seen you, and you certainly weren't a creature of ANY beast that I had ever encountered."
  461. "And then what did you do?"
  462. "What COULD I do? That was the first thing to mind, what COULD I do? Was this thing a threat, a new creature of a farr off land? I had no idea! I had wanted to wake Sister, but she often would slumber late into the night for her duties in the day were tenious...strange, often I would hear her in there...but wonder why she would not come out?"
  463. Celestia blushed
  464. No one saw...
  465. "I degress....I had only one thought in mind.
  466. Investigate it for myself."
  467. "And so you left the castle common."
  468. "Yes....I did."
  469. "Luna, let me ask, were you AWARE of this law?"
  470. The Night Princess looks up at you, shaking her head slowly.
  471. "It never was spoken to me by the chancelors OR my Sister upon my return to the castle as my released form. I never...never knew it would be a crime for their royal leader to be forbade to leave the grounds to aid her subjects."
  472. "And yet you did, against this "invisible" law.:"
  473. :"My subjects...matter most my dear...I shall, nay I SHANT EVER let beast of beyond our realm harm them.."
  474. You pause, extending your hands, palmsup towards Luna./
  475. "Such a wonderful princess is she not? Need I remind you, according to your scripters of the incidentof a thousand years ago that no Mare or Stallion was ever harmed during the rule of Nightmare Moon? Despite the fear and commonalities as subjects, mortals as we share compared to your Alicorn royals, you never once were parted by force from any posessions or accounts you held dear."
  476. Nods of agreement now, you're getting somerwhere.
  477. "I Object!"
  478. BlueBlood stomped forward
  479. "You dare to compare yourself with us? What right do you possess to consider the fear and torment we had to deal with?"
  480. You turnto him
  481. "Let me give you a little view of my world. It was right of your Princess to investigate me, had I been something much worse then you wouldn't even be standing here right now."
  482. You would all be dead..
  483. "Luna confronted me.
  484. She came to ME.
  485. She committed her life at that VERY moment to the duty of her royalty and of her SUBJECTS saftey, to see what I was."
  486. "And you know what?"
  487. "It was a smart choice."
  488. You smile at Luna
  489. "Luna had shown me a kindess that I never had recived in my existance, she had shown me the small hospitality of her world to me, and that moment was something I cherish, something that made me see some good in her. Luna had taken a stand for her people, and its fortunate that she had done the right way."
  490. Course she needs to REALLY work on her combat...
  491. "Fillies and Gentlecolts. I said it before, this was a waste of time, but as we are here to conduct the duty of the Court for the best interests of the people, then I say that you make the choice that will benefit the whole, rather than the few."
  492. You nod over tyo BlueBlood.
  493. "Insolence!" he barks, slamming his hoof on the table.
  494. He magics the scrll from his shirt and pulls it out, flailing it.
  496. "Your ruling, or the ROYAL ruling?"
  497. Blueblood stammered back
  498. "How....DARE you..."
  499. You start turning away
  500. "If you need me to explain to you the laws flaws, then I can do so on a sentance level...Tell me BlueBlood...what DOES an Act of Treason detail? And in relation to that, what does it STATE as punishment for commiting it?"
  501. BlueBlood
  502. he just looks at you
  503. he stutters
  504. Choked
  505. "If you ask me, that law sounds unusal in ever sense of the way....if I may your honour have a moment to inspect that?"
  506. Celestia looks down, noddoing slowly as she magics it to your hands.
  507. You open it
  508. ]Its not fake.
  509. Thats what your gut tells you, this BlueBlood DID have a legit copy of this law, markings and rulings were all present as were.
  510. Shit
  511. There it was.
  512. Celestia's signature...
  513. You inhale a bit, studying the passage he read.
  514. "Act of Treason...."
  515. wait...thats not a Tr
  516. Thats just a R
  517. you gently brush over the letter
  518. its...printed, not...falsified.
  519. Was there stains on.....
  520. You put down the scroll
  521. Turning from the table you return to yours, placing your fists down on the counter of it. You look over, Luna seems...confused.
  522. "A-anon?" she asks, seeing your eyes almost...glazed...
  523. You gently reach down and grab your stool, pulling it up and over the desk you turn and walk back to the Prosecution stand, slowly raising the chair as you did while stepping briskly towards BlueBood
  524. you aim
  525. and then rush the swing
  526. For some reason, BlueBlood reacts
  527. A guard to his left had no idea what had happened.
  528. His mind was without witness to the trial at hand, not much else for him to do but stand pretty
  529. Yup, a perfect position in a nice cozey j-"
  530. A chair impacted his head
  531. The cushion and head of the stool slam right into the metal helment of the guardponies armour, rippling along the metal frame as the top of the stool almost decipates, sending the head flailing off behind him as only the legs and the connection trianglke were all that was left in Anons hand.
  532. "You...."
  533. Backswing the stoold, riaisng it over your head
  534. and thren stopped
  535. Magiced
  536. Celestia is looking down at you
  537. She is PISSED
  539. "ANON!" she barked
  540. "Princes..."
  541. "Anon, dare NOT continue that motion...put the stool down..." she said it slow as you growl, you don't want to, you want to see this bastard, you could still do this.
  542. You toss the stool down, making a few rounds in place, pacing in a small circle before you kneel down beside the injured guard.
  543. "Anypony going to call the medics?"
  544. Everyone blinked
  545. "Hey, you...guard pony...get over here..."
  546. The second guard approches, eyeing both of you with uncertainy and fear
  547. "Hey...focus...I need you to help me take your buddies armour does th helm remove itself?>"
  548. "W-well uhh.."
  549. "Forget it...just help me pull it off."
  550. You look down at the armour ensamble, from the design it looks like a full connection ofplates from thge upper body alongthe neck and to the head where the helm is, a giant dent on the left side of it as you begin to seek clamps, clips, anything that held-"
  551. "Click"
  552. one of the clamps fell from the neck and the helment; so it was seperated.
  553. You fiddle the opposit side, removing the roman style helment from the ponies head.
  554. It was a stallion of course, perhaps since most guards were male.
  555. You gently stroke his head along the injured side
  556. No blood, the mane seems okay...there is a big bump on the head but you casn't feel too much swelling. You heard clopping, two more ponies enter the room
  557. The first was a white earth pony wearing a full nursing outfit, her green eyes casting over the guard with shock as she rushes over. Behind here was another white stallion, a unicorn with a pair of sleek glasses, his black mane gently brushed along his neck and his tail tied just along the end to lenghten it slightly. His cutiemark was a stencile pad and pencile, perhaps he's good a perscriptions.
  558. "What seems to be the..." the Doc pauses as he suddnely rushes to the gfuard
  559. "Oh Dear me....this is serious."
  560. "Uhh not really."
  561. The doc turns to you
  562. "What?"
  563. "Hes's suffering a mild concion, the helment took most of the damage but I can't tell if there are any hairline fractures of the skull, if you can check that out for him then he should be okay with some rest and hot and cold compress on his head.'
  564. the doc seems...confused as he nods "r-right...wellthen we shall gethoim off your hands."
  565. He magiced a strecher into place as the second guard and you help the earth pony lift the injured guard onto the strecher.
  566. "go with them, he's you buddy right?" you ask the second one, he blinks, empty stare like he's seen a ghost.
  567. You sigh
  568. "Go with them, they could use another pair of hai- err...hooves."
  569. The Guard nods, walking with them to the door and following them out.
  570. You're walking with them till the door, he is your "victim", stopping to see them leave down the hall.
  571. You sigh, closing the door as you walk past the Jury, all of them empty stares as you return infront of Celestia.
  572. Perplexed
  573. Wellthats good.
  574. *ahem*
  575. BlueBlood began to speak "I see that we have a rather unsettling problem in the court room today, but perhaps I shall be most correct in saying that the defendant is dare he commit such an ACT towards the Royal Court."
  576. "Its not your court you moron!" you bark back "For pete sakes, you put a guard infront of you, that crime isn't going to be paid by anything but you."
  577. "You accuse ME of committng that act? It was you who sought to harm ME!"
  578. "Yeah, and you made ME hit a guard rather then your sorry ass face."
  579. "Why you little ingrint1"
  580. "Screw yourself."
  581. you turn from him, walking towards your table when
  582. "ANON!"
  583. Luna shouted just as you felt the impact of the stools HEAD in your back.
  584. feel the vertigo of the fall, but there is no pain on your back end as you slam to the ground.
  585. Wind escaping, the VEST certainly did its job, but the impact wasn't on the fabric itself.
  586. Something else had stopped it, and your back certainly felt the sting of the bruise from the book slamming hard into your skin and frame.
  588. ANON!
  589. Luna shouted again as you slowly open your eyes, vision slightly blurred as you clench your fists and slowly slam them into the ground. you cant help but feel stunned BB actually went through with it, it was obvious you struck a nerve with him and now he wass wallowing iin dread about the whole thing.
  590. HE was breaking, thats a good thing..
  591. You rise slowly, palms opening as you press upwards to raise your body off the floor before slowly trodding your way over to the defense table and slamming both fists on it, supporting your body against it, eyes unseen as you smirk at Luna, only yoyr maw can be see with that toothy grin.
  592. "It seems the snake has struck, a certain fashion is it to strikw your foes when their back is turned; it is a sure sign of a coward. Normally i may have been unAble to take such a hit and geet up, but i was certain of my gut something such as this mmay happpen.
  594. yyoou begin to fiddle with your shirt
  595. "so i took precautions, something a creature of survival acts on instinct.
  597. fwip
  598. tthere is a blue book embroidered with a cold rimming; its brass plated titld "Canterlot Refference to Court Debates"
  599. Celestias eyes go wide
  600. "Anon, where did you aquire that text?"
  601. 'your student, Twilight Sparkle. i had made mention of myy reasons going to her and she presented me with this book to read up on. Problem was i didnt have time to readd it, so i did the next best thing; body armour, as seeing the chicken has become a goose."
  602. 6you glare at blueblood as Luna suddnly magics the book.
  603. "Anon, i am familiar with this text, will thy sir relinquish possession of it to me?'
  604. you pause, she had the mind for it.
  605. she did study a lot, you nod in agreement, slipping the book off from under your bblazer and off your shirt, laYing it face up, your hand still on it as you look at luna.
  606. 'as long as the one in its capable charging see it returned, I shall gladly give thiis to you.
  607. Luna nods 'i shall make it so dear anon'
  608. sshe magics the book, magicking it open as she begins fllippimg pages beforeshe stumbles across a chapter on the act of treason,flipping all the way to the end and closing the book with a proud hoof stamp
  609. 'no act of treason law had been recorded on the sanctions of its being broken; as though it never existed... it is not reference in the scripter; it is a lie.'
  610. Blueblood went pale as the crowd began to mutter
  611. 'Fillies and gentlecolts. what you have witnessed today is a prime example of Lunas capability, she has not only proven you to her diligence in the night, but wisdom and knowledgee of laws and structures a society must live on. i ask again if it is worth keeopiing such a law, even if it wassnt a lie? luna is for her people, she is their leader, their maiden of the night. Give her your trust, love, respect, she is here for you and she is willing to fight to pprotect you. yoou got to give her the best chance in life, anytning can be possible for her.'
  612. more mutters, loud, almost breaking out into shouting and cheers, they were convinced as you turn to Celestia, she smiles, almost a tear in her eye as she stomppped her foot''
  613. my loyal subjects, you have heard both sides, now make your verdict whenn the time is right.
  614. one pony stands 'we... the jury have unanimously declare the oone princess Luna of Canterloot Not Guilty, may her moon shine strong as her Sisters Sun.'
  616. The court had adjuoured, everypony began to file from the hall, weary but proud nfaces the right thing had been done as you and luna sit atop the prosecution table beside blueblood
  617. 'so mind telling me why i shouldnt be utterly pissed off with thiis... cretin, i swear hhe stooped so low...'
  618. 'well it is not just that good sir anon, the unatomous vote score makes it unchangeable for all eternity, you cant fail a perfect score.'
  619. you grin
  620. 'true dat, seems old blowblood is out of hot air.
  621. you mockery wench...i shall see to it the day you are kept behinnd bars for this action, you dare insult me as within my own crowd and shuffle the people from my political grasp.
  622. you took everything...
  623. 'well maybe not lying about it and being a cock and balls sorta pony, then maybe you should finne better lies to spill, or whoo the day it comes crrasshing down.'
  624. yiu ignorant...
  625. 'fuck you, i had come to your table to be civil and yet you mock me, this was yyour ;istake and now you dont want to ma....stallion it up and move on with a better life.'
  626. blueblood is steaming as he slams a hoof on the table
  627. you grab him by the collar
  628. 'dont you dare use force on me pal.'
  629. "Anon!"
  630. 'Celestia'
  631. "put my relative down...slowly"
  632. you drop blueblood and turn to her, flicking the scroll ouut from your pocket and unfrrilling it.
  633. 'why did you sign it?'
  634. "I had no choice-"
  635. 'save me the coffee spill Celestia, why did you sign it?'
  636. she doesnt respond, you push it right into her muzzle
  637. 'why?'
  638. nothing
  639. 'Why?'
  640. she looks at you, determined expression on her face as you shift your gaze.
  641. 'your a coward to want to stand up for this moron, even worse for this signature. a peice of shit is worth more than this and frankly its only because it has your-"
  642. you feel her mane wrap around you as she got in close, you barely have time to guard as she swumps into youe body, neck wrapping around you and bringing you in close
  643. "i dont want to fight you Anon, please, do not relent on my newphew, i understand everything and know why you are upset, please, dont let hate control you."
  644. inhale
  645. shes right, god she was right.
  646. you calm, lowering your guard as yoou just lean on herrc, sighing as you push away from her and return to Luna, you and her nod, perhaps she wanted to do as you as she fllutters up beside you.
  647. "you are welcome to stay in my quarters; i-if you dont mind of course."
  648. 'I wouldnt but your guards?'
  649. "they trust you completely."
  650. thats assuring as you both leave the court room, justas celestia passed a devious, almost uncommpromised determind rage "Blueblood...a word with you."
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