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Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. What is your first name for your RP character? : Gimmah
  3. What is your last name for your RP character? : Pancakerson
  5. What's you Arma 3 UID?: 76561198133137429
  7. Is your in-game name, forum name and teamspeak name the same?: No
  9. What is your full DoB, and age? : 10/13/89, 25
  11. Where are you from? : Tyler, Texas, USA
  13. Do you both speak and understand fluent English?: Yes.
  15. In at least 125 words, explain why we should allow you to join ArmA 3 Life: You should allow me to join Arma 3 Life because I am someone who has a desire to bring a rich RP experience to the other members of Arma 3 Life. I'll bring a unique persona that will become known to those on the server, and will become someone who is bother feared and well respected. I'm also known for developing and bug finding, and would be happy to help in any way I can, and report any bugs I may find. I've much experience as a gang leader, Police Leadership Position, and an Administrative position. This experience will help result in a richer role play, a strong community member that is willing to help other members, and an individual who is understanding of rules, and the reasons behind having them.
  17. In at least 150 words, tell us why you want to join ArmA 3 Life: I would like to join Arma 3 Life because I want to play on a server that has more in-depth role play, a well regulated police force that enjoys a good roleplay, and developers that are always pushing out new models, scripts, textures, etc. I've been following the development of Arma 3 Life since the news first came out that it would be brought to Arma 3. I've heard many good and bad things about the server, but I saw your head admin make a great decision last night, and that pushed me to join. I've watched streamers play on your server, and I'm looking to get a piece of the action myself. I'm interested in playing on this unique map, that will bring new challenges, new avenues of attack, and geographical challenges that are unfamiliar to me. I'm highly looking forward to the unique, and no doubt hilarious role play scenarios that will no undoubtedly ensue with the amount of characters dedicated to role play such as I.
  19. Give us a background of your RP character in at least 200 words: Gimmah "Floppy" Pancakerson had a very easy childhood growing up. He had a good family, a family of incredible wealth and recognition. His family owns and operates the largest breakfast food markets, known for "Pancakerson Pancakes", "Pancakerson Pancakes - Quick Mix", "Pancakerson Pancakes - Microwaveable" and "Pancakerson Pancakes - Mormon Friendly." Through many years the family enjoyed the life that comes with incredible wealth, never once worrying about health, finance, or possessions; their riches took care of them all.
  21. But having their riches and wealthy lifestyle didn't come without it's enemies, those who were overcome with jealousy.
  23. When Floppy was around the age of 16, his father, CEO of Pancakerson Pancakes, Richard Pancakerson, partnered with another business, Phat Bakery, to use The Pancakerson Pancake Batter in their new cake line, called Batter Baking. Long story short, it didn't end well, and The CEO of Phat Bakery, took it personally. VERY personally.
  25. With a new born on the way in the Pancakerson family, the Batter Baker set out to ruin the addition to their family. Keep in mind, he and Richard used to be the best of friends, so they knew each others lives well.
  27. Mrs. Pancakerson had been planning on gettings some bigger honkers for who true love, and had a plastic surgery appointment a week after the baby was to be due.
  29. Well, the time came, for the surgery, and with the new born in the family, she was ready to turn her attention to her husband a little more now, and went in the for the surgery. But The Batter Baker had bided his time, and placed the surgeon with one of his own. During the surgery, they implanted a poison into the mammary glands, so as to poison the baby.
  31. Sure enough, the baby became sick a few days later. And soon passed.
  33. Present day, Floppy is looking for both the Batter Baker, and The Breast Milk Killer. he has searched far and wide, from Altis, to Statis, from Takistan, to Cherno. Killing the Batter Bakers minions and associates all along the way. And now, he is coming to Lake Side, following a new lead that both of them are located here.
  35. Vengence, shall be had.
  37. Do you have any previous experience in ArmA Roleplay?: Yes.
  39. Are you part of any other RP communities?: Seal Team Sloth, and Asylum
  41. Have you read and understood our rules?: Yes
  43. How did you find out about us? : Google, Armaholic, Friends.
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