
richard johnson

Jan 7th, 2014
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  1. >be me
  2. >have single child
  3. >forcibly tattoo a penis onto its shoulder at birth
  4. >have a spinning toy over its phallic crib completely composed of miniature dildos
  5. >nightlight with dicks painted on it so that when turned on would cast dozens of shadow dicks onto the walls
  6. >raise the kid around the very idea of penises, never explaining what they are or what they do
  7. >have a penis cereal spoon and a ballsack cereal bowl
  10. >he starts going to school
  11. >give him penis lunchboxes, backpacks, pencil bags, etc.
  12. >teachers try and take them away
  13. >keep resupplying him with more, eventually the teachers and staff just accept my dick child
  14. >teach him about how sex and cussing and stuff like that is wrong, still reinforce dick culture
  15. >get him solid gold miniature dildos for earrings
  16. >he invites his friends over
  17. >his room is decorated with peen wallpaper, cock bookshelves, dick bed, the whole 9 yards
  18. >they play with all of his dick themed action figures
  20. >watch him grow up
  21. >he becomes an architect
  22. >designs his own house
  23. >its a penis
  24. >causes local controversy
  25. >mayor gets involved
  26. >soon news reporters catch wind of the story
  27. >live tv reports on the status of operation dickhouse
  28. >millions of dick-rights activists protesting against the mayor
  29. >president steps in
  30. >allows the construction of the schlong shelter
  31. >congratulates my son on pubic television for his success.
  33. >he becomes a national icon
  34. >soon tons of people begin to adapt to dick culture
  35. >entire cities begin to succumb to the hot new fad
  36. >eventually entire portions of the United States are inhabitated by dicktians
  37. >fast forward 50 years
  38. >one of the new dicktians takes office after a rowdy campaign
  39. >President Richard Johnson
  40. >leader of the Demophallic party
  41. >penis pandemonium takes over as new president redesigns country
  42. >cock currency
  43. >Scrotal school districts
  44. >Erect Economy
  45. >the united states finally gets back on track in terms of education and debt
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