
The Event - Part 1

Apr 6th, 2012
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  1. There was a pause, and in that moment you look over and take stock of the new arrival. Out of all the anons you have seen in the silver bowl this one was unremarkable, Indeed his averageness was the only notable feature.
  2. You have seen anons clad in armour, or as naked as a newborn foal. Others still that were rotund from inactivity and becoming pale like cave-fish.
  3. As the silence became uncomfortably long, you took a tentative step forward ready to catch him should he faint. Most do either from shock or trauma, quite understandable indeed.
  4. Seeing you step forward snapped annon out of his reverie and he tensed, weight distributing to the balls of his feet, ready to jump away.
  5. "Stop, stay out of the light!" You cry with sudden alarm. He paused on top of the roots, perhaps considering what you have said, deciding on what was more dangerous.
  6. "Please, I know you are frightened but hear me, stay in the shadow. My sister can see all that the moonlight touches, and I do not wish her to know you are here."
  7. He narrows his gaze, scrutinising the shaft of moonlight just inches away from his hand. And then slowly settles down into the dark crook of the tree's roots.
  8. "Please don't hurt me." He said as fear for the first time began to grow inside him. "I'm... I'm sorry alright, I just uh, how do you know my name?"
  9. "That is for now unimportant" your regal composure never slipping to reveal your own terror. "My name is celestia, ruler of the land equestria, your new home."
  10. Even as you said those words the weight of their consequences weighd heavily on your mind. Although it was not an odour in the normal sense this human reeked of chaos. It was not his fault goodness no, but you knew from witnessing it many times that wherever a human landed calamity was soon to follow.
  11. "I'm not on Earth am I? Oh god, those lights, they were headlamps weren't they? Now I'm dead on the highway crushed behind the wheel. Christ, so tell me 'celestia', is this heaven or hell?
  12. Seeing that his fear was working up into a panic you interject calmly with "no anon, you are not dead. An event has seen to bring you here to my kingdom an event fortold only with your name, if it's alright may I sit with you? The night is cold and it is warm under my wing."
  13. He nodded slowly, allowing you to trot over to his crook and sit, left wing gently wrapped around his shoulder, the whiteist of cloaks.
  14. From here sitting down he was so small, his eyes tiny compared to a p0ny betraying a inner turmoil of emotions now stretched to include wonder as he stared at your flowing eatherial mane, and felt the soft downy
  15. interior of your wing. "Thank you. It... it is sure cold out tonight huh." He paused again, thinking carefully. "So if I'm not dead, and this is ' my new home equestria' like you say, what will happen to me."
  16. Smiling you look down and say "Anything could happen. I am not a tyrant, you are free to learn a trade and make friendships that will last a lifetime and integrate in my kingdom as a equal to any of my little p0nys."
  17. This was a bitter, black lie to say aloud. Your world functioned without chaos and in perfect harmony, a system of precise arrangements meshed together and tentatively maintained. Most of the calamities
  18. that you saw came from anons breaking this chain of cooperation, with ruinous effects on the elements of harmony's health, or in the worst cases causing the deaths of many, including yourself.
  19. You could not allow this human shaped spanner fall into the equine machine.
  20. "P0nies huh, are they all like you? A.... actually what are you; some kind of, I don't know, allicorn?" He was warming up now both from your wing and your smile. Allicorn? Ha! Regaining his wits to.
  21. "In a way anon. I and my sister are as you say allicorns, but my little p0ny's have either wings, A horn or neither. So many questions you must still have, and I feel that the Woods are not quite the right place
  22. to answer them. May I offer you a room for the night in the Palace of canterlot? We may speak more... comfortably there."
  23. He looked down at the forest floor, damp and leaf covered then back up, straight into your trusting eyes, and nodded again.
  24. You stand, still careful to stay within the shadows, stretching your wings out to the full extent then lowering your fank slightly to the ground. "Excellent, shall we depart? By air shall be a lot safer than walking!"
  25. Treading a little tentatively towards your pearly self, anon seemed surprised that you a Royal would ever allow passengers on your back. But with his fears of a faux pas put to rest by a wink and a cheeky smile you were soon soaring away, hidden from your sister's light by the passing clouds. Demeaning as it was to carry him there was little choice. Excessive magic from teleportation would even with cloud cover reveal your location to any unicorn nearby.
  26. And yet even that was not the biggest hurdle. Since his arrival you felt a void, some deadness about him that while it did not suppress magic you suspected he was immune to it.
  27. Immunity! That was the other concern. A world you saw that haunted you still was one where no p0ny was immune to the microscopic creatures that swarmd and multiplyed on the recently arrived anon causing a
  28. pandemic of devastating proportions. Not that you worried for yourself. Godhood trivializes any xenozoonotioc threat, but for the others....
  29. quarantine! that was the answer! Felling two griffins with one stone! It was a diplomatic and a smart way of keeping anon a secret from everyone; and everyone safe from anon.
  30. Banking suddenly, causing anon to tighten his grip you rolled down out of the sky towards your private quarters high above the city. brought out a rush of emotion.
  31. "That was incredible!" gasped anon breathing heavily down your neck as with a tinkaling laugh you lower him down through the balcony door into your chambers. " You should try asking Spitfire for a lift, now thats a ride!"
  32. It was strange these anons, so quick to adapt, experts at survival wherever they land. Scared like a lost filly one moment, dominant and full of Dragon swagger the next. "Please make yourself comfortable, I shall send for tea if you like."
  33. "Why thank you your Majesty." he said, followed by a little bow. " Please call me celestia." Then locking the chamber door with the tiniest flick of your horn, you walk back out onto the balcony to take off, swiftly flying back to earth ready to walk in the front door of your castle, with a catalogue of lies waiting to be told to the staff, to your friends, and to your sister. The moral strain of this juggling act of deception you could take, knowing that you did it for the greater good of Equestria, and your precious little p0nies.
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