
Anon - Most Extreme Elimination Challenge

Dec 27th, 2015
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  1. Eh fuck it, I'll do it anyways.
  2. >What are all these multicolored children running from? They're not! They're running to the World's toughest competition in town: The Most Extreme Elimination Challenge!
  3. >Tonight Canterlot High takes on Crystal Prep!
  4. >It's the Classic Battle between Rhinestones and Cowboys! So what are you waiting for? Get fired up for MXC!
  5. >And now, here are two guys who are always at the top of the class, Kenny Blankenship and Vic Ramano!
  6. >"Have we got an episode today, Vic!"
  7. "Right you are Ken, tonight two classic school rivals are fighting for supremacy, to bring honor to their schools in the arena of ours."
  8. >"And the best part is that I get all of those chicks' numbers!"
  9. "Kenny! Those girls are underaged! Do you know how much legal trouble we'd be in if you- wait, wait a second. These are the waivers we hand out before every show, how did you get these?"
  10. >"I dunno, I just found 'em sitting around."
  11. "I'll leave you sitting around, let's go to Guy LeDouche."
  13. We cut to a scrawny asian man with a pencil-thin moustache wearing khakis and a pith helmet sitting in a control booth.
  14. "Do you believe in magic, because Guy does. After the events of this year's "friendship games" these two schools have decided on a friendly rematch right here! Oooh, Guy like. First we have the magical Wall Buggers, followed by a nice clean run of Sinkers and Floaters, then Guy's personal favorite; Wall Bangers, and finish up with Log Rollers. Guy would love to be a part of this but because of a restraining order from Miss Cinch and Vice Principal Luna guy is stuck 500 yards away from these children. How about you, Skipper?" He asked before turning to one of the monitors and giggling to himself.
  15. We go to Captain Tenneal on a nice pedestal above a group of Magical Technicolor High Schoolers. The Captain is wearing a japanese military uniform and holding an impressive black cane. "Thank you Guy. Now, who here thinks that magic is an incredible power that should be accepted and studied in order to use it to benefit all mankind? Show of hands now!" The entire crowd cheers, the good Captain laughs. "Well you're wrong! Magic is a dangerous and harmful energy that would kill us all if we dare trifle with it, and as such anyone who uses magic should be locked away for the safety of all involved! What say you, little lady?" He leans over and gives the mike to a girl with pink, fluffy hair and pink skin.
  16. "Well, I think magic is something we should all know and use, that way we can all become better people because of it!"
  17. "Ah, but that's communism, and not the American way!"
  18. "Wait, I don't think that's how that works."
  19. "Of course it works that way, are you doubting the captain? How about you?" He asked, passing the mike to a girl with pigtails and glasses before Pinkie could respond.
  20. "I actually want to try out a magic girl, Captain."
  21. "Kinky, LET'S GO!"
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