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Nov 28th, 2012
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  1. @NpcInfo npc(actor) == 29025 : PlaySound enemy
  4. L SetupMobs
  5. //
  6. L GroupShow PP off ; GroupShow PE off
  7. ?C T(1000) alive(me) and skillCoolTime(1324) == 0 and countNpcTargeters == 0 and itemCount(1785) > 100 : Cast 1324
  8. S EnableGroup C off
  9. L AutoParty Renevan Sunny Entalphy Iceman Cyjaa Zami Light Qisa abi Zext Novikov ilIllijlflIjl
  10. S EnableGroup G off
  11. ///red 21422 21423 21425 21406 21415 21424 21410 21418
  12. L BlockNotification on
  13. L TimerDispersion 20
  14. L ForceSkills on
  15. L HoldWeapon off
  16. L ViewHidden on
  18. V saveTarget
  19. L HoldTarget on
  23. /////@SkillDone actor == me and skill == $Stealth : Command /nick -=<Hidden>=-
  24. @CreatureSay isMember(actor) and text =="pl1" : Command ("/changepartyleader "..aname)
  25. S EnableGroup U off
  26. ?U >_1 Augment 7887 8732
  27. ?U >_2 AugmentCancel 7887
  31. V: TBH
  32. V: mraz
  33. ?CP @TargetSelected actor==me and class(target(me)) ~= 107 and class(target(me)) ~= 99 and class(target(me)) ~= 100 and class(target(me)) ~= 106 and class(target(me)) ~= 91 and class(target(me)) ~= 90 : TBH=target(me)
  34. ?CP @MagicSkillUser target(actor) == me and skill == $Aggression : Select(actor) safe > mraz=actor
  35. ?CP T(400) target(me) == (mraz) and alive(me) : select(TBH) safe
  37. ///>+S Command /channelinvite King
  38. //////>+A Command /channelinvite lnr
  39. /////>+U Command /changepartyleader Renevan
  40. ////antihate////
  43. @MagicSkillUser skill == $RestoreLife and npc(target(actor)) : Select(actor) > clipboard (name(actor))
  46. >_4 isTwoWayWar(target(me)) and zone ~= 12 : If (angle(target(me), me) >= 17000) Cast $Backstab noreuse forced : StepBack(target(me)) 40 > Cast $Backstab noreuse forced
  47. >_4 not isFriend(target(me)) and zone ~= 12 : If (angle(target(me), me) >= 17000) Cast $Backstab noreuse forced : StepBack(target(me)) 40 > Cast $Backstab noreuse forced//
  50. T(1000,600000) alive(me) and zone == 12 : EnableGroup XP off; EnableGroup W off; EnableGroup RS off
  51. T(100) alive(me) : Dispel $Invigor $Concentration $Empower $ResistWind $ResistWater $ElementalProtection $Regeneration $ResistAqua $BlessShield $AdvancedBlock $WildMagic $AdvancedBlock $ResistHoly $FlameChant $Acumen $KissOfEva $FlameChant $ChantOfEagle $Prayer 1004 1261
  52. _` Select (listNext("major", 2))
  53. #E Select (listAt("bishi", 0))
  55. >#Q Select (listAt("skill", 0))
  57. #E Select (listAt("bishi", 0))
  59. >+X ChangeRelation char enemy
  60. @Item item == 1 or item == 2 or item == 3 or item == 4 or item == 5 or item == 6 or item == 7 or item == 8 or item == 9 or item == 10 : PlaySound teleport ; Notice 0 ("GM HERE")
  63. L AutoPickup 300 300 mine 3 GSS
  64. ////alarm////
  65. S EnableGroup A off
  66. ///?XP @CreatureSay not isFriend(actor) and distance(actor) < 1000 and class(me) == 46 : PlaySound enemy
  67. @CreatureSay aname == "admin" : PlaySound teleport ; Notice 0 ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN
  68. @CreatureSay aname == "gmchief" : PlaySound enemy ; Notice 0 ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN
  69. V: nCheck
  70. ?A T(1000,50000) not alive(me) : nCheck = now
  71. ?A T(1000) now - nCheck > 50000 and not alive(me) : PlaySound enemy
  72. ?A T(1000) alive(me) : nCheck = 0
  76. ?A T(1000,5000) pcp(me) < 70 : PlaySound enemy
  79. ?A PT(1000,5000) pcp(actor) < 20 and isMember(actor) : PlaySound enemy
  80. @CharInfo name(actor) == "admin" : PlaySound refresh ; eval ("ADMIN")
  81. @CharInfo name(actor) == "JoscelinVerreuil" : PlaySound refresh ; eval ("GM verre")
  82. ?A T(1000,5000) enemiesInRange(0,4000) > 5 and zone~= 12 : PlaySound enemy
  83. ?A @CharInfo isEnemy(actor) and zone~= 12 and isTwoWayWar(actor) : PlaySound enemy
  84. ?XP T(3000) alive(me) and isSitting(me) : (3000) actionuse stand ; PlaySound teleport ; Notice 0 GM SIT
  85. F isGM(a) = match( 'GM.*' , name(a) )
  86. L CharFunctor 15 (isGM(actor))
  88. T(1000,6500) CharsFind(15) and zone ~= 12 : PlaySound refresh
  89. @CharInfo isGM(actor) and zone ~= 12 : PlaySound refresh ; Display 2 (name(actor))
  92. ?P T(1000) inRange(15,me) and not isEquiped(7887) : UseItemAug 7887 1067913608
  93. @CreatureSay text == "pr3" and (isMember(actor) or actor == me) : Cast 3205
  95. L MobFunctor 1 (npc~=21422 and npc~=21423 and npc~=21425 and npc~=21406 and npc~=21415 and npc~=21424 and npc~=21410 and npc~=21418 and inRange(3,actor) and npc~=16035 and npc~=14251)
  96. /////?XP T(1000,5000) MobsFind(1) : PlaySound enemy ; Eval ("Mobs in range")
  99. ///////////XP//////////
  100. S EnableGroup XP off
  101. S EnableGroup R off
  102. S EnableGroup W off
  104. ?XP @Resurrection isMember(actor) or actor == (me) : (1200) Revive 1
  108. ////
  111. ////////EXPOMETR////////
  112. S Assign sdamage = damage
  113. S Assign sexp = exp
  114. S Assign ssp = sp
  115. >+H Assign sexp = exp ; Assign ssp = sp ; Assign snow = now ; Assign sdamage = damage ; Assign mobco = 0 ; Assign SS = ItemCount(1467)
  116. >+B display 2 (damage-env("sdamage"))*1000/(now-env("snow"))
  118. ///>+B display 2 (exp-env("sexp"))*60*60/(now - env("snow")).." | "..(now - env("snow"))/60000.." min ".."dps: "..(damage-env("sdamage"))*1000/(now-env("snow"))
  120. ////////////XP////////////////
  121. ?XP T(1000) alive(me) and ItemCount(22086) < 1000 and ItemCount(22108) >= 1 : UseItem 22108
  122. V selectedSK2
  123. V nextCastSK2
  124. V assistSK2
  125. @SkillDone actor == (me) : Assign nextCastSK2 = now
  126. %MOBS2 ( npc(actor)~=16035 and npc~= 22322 and npc~= 21356 and not isAfraid(actor) and alive and attackable and abs(zdiff) < 1500 and (inRange(1, actor) or inRange(2,actor) or inRange(0,actor) or inRange(3,actor) or inRange(4,actor) or inRange(5,actor)) and not isMedused and not isCelestialed and now > get(actor, "UD") and now > get(actor, "BAD") and now > get(actor, "bug")
  127. +U Clipboard (env("xx1").." "..env("yy1").." "..env("zz1"))
  128. +F Assign xx1 = xpos(me); Assign yy1 = ypos(me); Assign zz1 = zpos(me)
  129. ///L RoundRange 0 183709 -83846 700
  130. L RoundRange 0 -24406 246894 1950
  131. L RoundRange 5 -22689 243786 1800
  132. L RoundRange 15 -16357 208788 3000
  133. @CreatureSay (aname == "ZooM" or isMember(actor)) and text == "zone" : RoundRange 5 -22689 243786 0
  134. @CreatureSay (aname == "ZooM" or isMember(actor)) and text == "zoneall" : RoundRange 5 -22689 243786 1700
  135. ////L RoundRange 0 -23162 243774 2100
  136. L RoundRange 1 -19380 257697 2222
  137. L RoundRange 3 189430 -83781 700
  138. L RoundRange 6 142757 -61197 1555
  139. L RectangleRange 4 116480 -78698 115444 -75299
  143. ////invite////
  145. ?XP T(500) effecttime(4699) < 10000 and effecttime($ChantOfVictory) > 10000 and isMember("Zami") and not isMember("Qisa") and partyleader == me and distance("Zami") < 4000 : Dismiss Zami
  146. ?XP T(500) effecttime(4699) < 10000 and effecttime($ChantOfVictory) > 10000 and not isMember("Zami") and not isMember("Qisa") and partyleader == me and distance("Zami") < 4000 : Invite looter Qisa
  147. ?XP T(500) effecttime(4699) > 10000 and isMember("Qisa") and not isMember("Zami") and partyleader == me and distance("Zami") < 4000 : Dismiss Qisa
  148. ?XP T(500) effecttime(4699) > 10000 and not isMember("Qisa") and not isMember("Zami") and partyleader == me and distance("Zami") < 4000 : Invite looter Zami
  153. ?XP T(500) npc(target(me)) and Alive(target(me)) and not isMedused(target(me)) and npc(target(me)) ~= 32665 and npc(target(me)) ~= 32667 and npc(target(me)) ~= 32668 : Come(target(me)) 0 50 > Attack
  157. ?XP T(500) (alive(me) and not Alive(target(me)) or distance(target(me)) > 1000) and countNpcTargeters > 0 : SelectMob (target == me and now > get(actor, "UD") and distance < 1000)
  159. ?XP T(500) alive(me) and not Alive(target(me)) and (countNpcTargeters("A114U") > 0) : SelectMob (name(target) == "A114U" and now > get(actor, "UD") and distance < 1400)
  161. ?XP T(500) alive(me) and distance(target(me)) > 1500 and Alive(target(me)) and npc(target(me)) and countNpcTargeters <= 1 : SelectMob %MOBS2 and distance < 1500)
  162. ?XP T(500) alive(me) and distance(target(me)) > 1000 and Alive(target(me)) and npc(target(me)) and countNpcTargeters <= 1 : SelectMob %MOBS2 and distance < 1000)
  163. ?XP T(500) alive(me) and distance(target(me)) > 650 and Alive(target(me)) and npc(target(me)) and countNpcTargeters <= 1 : SelectMob %MOBS2 and distance < 650)
  164. ?XP T(500) alive(me) and not Alive(target(me)) or not npc(target(me)) or npc(target(me)) == 16025 or npc(target(me)) == 16035 or isAfraid(target(me)) or isMedused(target(me)): SelectMob %MOBS2)
  166. ?XP @TargetSelected actor == me : Assign selectedSK2 = now
  168. ?XP T(100) now - nextCastSK2 > 1000 and alive(me) and (effectTime(5603) > 500 or effectTime(209) > 500 or effectTime(3343) > 500 or effectTime($MaximumAbility2) > 500) and pmp(me) > 50 and target(me) ~= 0 and npc(target(me)) and alive(target(me)) and acting == 0 and php(target(me)) > 12 : Come(target(me)) 0 50 > Cast $DeadlyBlow noreuse
  170. ?XP T(100) now - nextCastSK2 > 1000 and alive(me) and pmp(me) > 30 and npc(target(me)) and alive(target(me)) and acting == 0 and hp(target(me)) < 6000 and skillCoolTime($LethalBlow) == 0 : Come(target(me)) 0 50 > Cast $LethalBlow noreuse
  172. ?XP T(100) now - nextCastSK2 > 1000 and alive(me) and (effectTime(5603) > 1000 or effectTime(209) > 1000 or effectTime(3343) > 1000 or effectTime($MaximumAbility2)) and pmp(me) > 50 and target(me) ~= 0 and npc(target(me)) and alive(target(me)) and acting == 0 and php(target(me)) > 12 : Come(target(me)) 0 50 > Cast $LethalBlow noreuse
  174. ?XP T(100) now - nextCastSK2 > 1000 and alive(me) and pmp(me) > 50 and target(me) ~= 0 and npc(target(me)) and alive(target(me)) and acting == 0 and php(target(me)) > 12: Come(target(me)) 0 50 > Cast $LethalBlow noreuse
  176. ?XP T(1500) npc(target(me)) and (now - selectedSK2 > 20000) and php(target(me)) == 100 : AssignObject (target(me)), BUG = now + 200000 ; SelectMob %MOBS2)
  177. ?XP @SystemMessage message == 181 and php(target(me)) == 100 : AssignObject (target(me)), BAD = now + 7000 ; SelectMob %MOBS2)
  182. ?W T(1000) alive(me) and effectTime($DanceOfFury) > 25000 and effectTime($DanceOfTheWarrior) > 25000 and effectTime($DanceOfFire) > 25000 and partySize < 8 and not isMember("Qisa") and distance("Qisa") < 1500 : Invite looter Qisa
  184. ?W T(1000) alive(me) and effectTime($DanceOfFury) > 25000 and effectTime($DanceOfTheWarrior) > 25000 and effectTime($DanceOfFire) > 25000 and isMember("Cyjaa") and distance("Cyjaa") < 1500 : Dismiss Cyjaa
  186. ?W T(1000) alive(me) and effectTime($DanceOfFury) < 2000 and effectTime($DanceOfFire) < 2000 and (effectTime($DanceOfTheWarrior) < 2000 or effectTime($DanceOfTheVampire) < 2000) and isMember("Qisa") : Dismiss Qisa
  189. ?W T(1000) alive(me) and effectTime($DanceOfFury) < 2000 and effectTime($DanceOfFire) < 2000 and (effectTime($DanceOfTheWarrior) < 2000 or effectTime($DanceOfTheVampire) < 2000) and not isMember("Cyjaa") : invite looter Cyjaa
  197. ?XP T(500) alive(me) and alive("Qisa") and countNpcTargeters("Qisa") > 0 : SelectMob(name(target) == "Qisa")
  200. @CreatureSay isMember(actor) and text == "stop1" : EnableGroup XP off ; EnableGroup GXP off
  201. @CreatureSay isMember(actor) and text == "start1" : EnableGroup XP on ; EnableGroup GXP on
  202. @CreatureSay isMember(actor) and text == "af1" : AutoFollow (aname) 0 100
  203. @CreatureSay isMember(actor) and text == "af0" : AutoFollow 0 0 0
  204. @CreatureSay isMember(actor) and text == "as1" : EnableGroup RS on
  205. @CreatureSay isMember(actor) and text == "as0" : EnableGroup RS off
  206. @CreatureSay isMember(actor) and text == "war1" : EnableGroup W on
  207. @CreatureSay isMember(actor) and text == "war0" : EnableGroup W off
  210. %MC1 (effectTime(5603) > 1000 or effectTime(209) > 1000 or effectTime(3343) > 1000 or effectTime($MaximumAbility2) > 500)
  211. S EnableGroup RS off
  212. ?RS T(100) assist Renevan safe
  213. ?RS T(100,1500) alive(me) and target(me) ~= 0 and npc(target(me)) and attackable(target(me)) : come(target(me)) 0 50 > attack
  214. ?RS T(200,1200) now - nextCastSK2 > 200 and %MC1 and pmp(me) > 30 and target(me) ~= 0 : Cast $LethalBlow noreuse
  215. ?RS T(200,1200) now - nextCastSK2 > 200 and %MC1 and pmp(me) > 30 and target(me) ~= 0 and angle(target(me), me) >= 23576 : Cast $Backstab noreuse
  216. V: LastSkill22, LastSkillTarget22
  217. @MagicSkillUser actor == me : Assign LastSkill22 = (skill); Assign LastSkillTarget22 = (victim)
  218. @MagicSkillUser actor == me and skill == $CriticalWound : AssignObject (target(me)),VT22 = 1
  219. ?XP T(100,500) alive(target(me)) and not skillCoolTime($CriticalWound) and npc(target(me)) and distance(target(me)) <= 600 and not get(target(me),"VT22") and not acting and php(target(me)) > 70 : Come(target(me)) 0 300 > Cast $CriticalWound
  220. @SystemMessage message == 139 and LastSkill22 == $CriticalWound : AssignObject (LastSkillTarget22),VT22 = 0
  222. ?CP T(100,2000) effectTime(4342)==0 and effectTime(1504)==0 and effectTime(1535)==0 and effectTime(2034)==0 and effectTime(1282)==0 and effectTime(1359)==0 and effectTime(1361)==0 and enemiesInRange(2000,0)~=0 and zone~=12 and effectTime($Hide) == 0 : UseItem 1374 //ww
  223. L ForceAttacks off
  224. L ForceSkills on
  226. ///////////////pvp//////////////
  227. ?CP PT(500,5000) (isMember(actor) or actor == me) and not(isDead(actor)) and effectTime(actor, 1323) == 0 and distance(actor) < 1800 : Display 0 (name(actor).." Nobless")
  228. @MagicSkillUser isEnemy(actor) and (skill == $UltimateEvasion or skill == $GhostWalking or skill == $ExcitingAdventure or skill == $WindRiding) : Display 2 (name(actor).." UE")
  230. @MagicSkillUser isEnemy(actor) and (skill == $RagingWaves or skill == $Volcano or skill == $Cyclone) : Display 2 (name(actor).." NUKER BUBBLE")
  232. @MagicSkillUser isEnemy(actor) and (skill == $SymbolOfNoise) : Display 2 (name(actor).." NOISE")
  234. ?CP @MagicSkillUser isEnemy(actor) and (skill == $DayOfDoom) : Display 2 (name(actor).." DoD")
  236. ?CP @MagicSkillUser isEnemy(actor) and (skill == $Frenzy or skill == $Zealot) : Display 2 (name(actor).." Frenzy/Zealot")
  238. ?CP @MagicSkillUser alive(me) and (skill == 1254 or skill == 1420 or skill == 1419 or skill == 1421 or skill == 455 or skill == 11784 or skill == 3263 or skill == 21054 or skill == 21102 or skill == 2049 or skill == 2062 or skill == 9398 or skill == 14265 or skill == 1428 or skill == 1505 or skill == 1506) and isEnemy(actor) and distance(actor)< 600 : select(actor) > cast forced $Switch noreuse; PlaySound targeting
  240. ?CP @MagicSkillUser alive(me) and (skill == 1254 or skill == 1420 or skill == 1419 or skill == 1421 or skill == 455 or skill == 1428 or skill == 1505 or skill == 1506) and isEnemy(actor) and distance(actor)< 600 and skillCoolTime($ShadowStep) == 0 : select(actor) > cast forced $ShadowStep ; PlaySound targeting
  244. #4 SELECT("ljlilijiflIjl")
  246. ///////////WEAPON////////////////
  247. ?CP T(100, 1000) (not isEquiped(7887) and not isEquiped(4725) and not isEquiped(7814) and not isEquiped(4901) and not isEquiped(6621) and not isEquiped(6590) and not isEquiped(14149)) and effectTime($Disarm) == 0 and effectTime($MassDisarm) == 0 : UseItem 6590
  248. S EnableGroup CP off
  249. ?CP T(290) eatcp(300) and effectTime($SealOfLimit) == 0 and effectTime($FlamesOfInvincibility) == 0 and effectTime($CelestialShield) == 0 and effectTime(1505) == 0 and effectTime(5576) == 0 and effectTime($Hide) == 0 : UseItem 5592 ; UseItem 5591
  250. ?CP T(575) php(me) < 55 and effectTime($SealOfLimit) == 0 and effectTime($FlamesOfInvincibility) == 0 and effectTime($CelestialShield) == 0 and effectTime(1505) == 0 and effectTime(5576) == 0 and effectTime($Hide) == 0 : UseItem 13750 ; UseItem 1540 ; UseItem 9207
  251. ?CP T(100, 300000) pcp(me) < 20 and php(me) < 60 and effectTime($SealOfLimit) == 0 and effectTime($FlamesOfInvincibility) == 0 and effectTime($CelestialShield) == 0 and effectTime(1505) == 0 and effectTime(5576) == 0 and effectTime($Hide) == 0 : UseItem 8639
  252. ?CP T(100, 300000) php(me) < 20 and effectTime($SealOfLimit) == 0 and effectTime($FlamesOfInvincibility) == 0 and effectTime($CelestialShield) == 0 and effectTime(1505) == 0 and effectTime(5576) == 0 and effectTime($Hide) == 0 : UseItem 8627
  253. ?CP T(100, 15000) php(me) < 65 and countDetect and effectTime($SealOfLimit) == 0 and effectTime($FlamesOfInvincibility) == 0 and effectTime($CelestialShield) == 0 and effectTime(1505) == 0 and effectTime(5576) == 0 and effectTime($Hide) == 0 and enemiesInRange(2000, 0) > 1 : UseItem 1539
  254. ?CP T(100, 15000) php(me) < 65 and countDetect and effectTime($SealOfLimit) == 0 and effectTime($FlamesOfInvincibility) == 0 and effectTime($CelestialShield) == 0 and effectTime(1505) == 0 and effectTime(5576) == 0 and effectTime($Hide) == 0 and enemiesInRange(2000, 0) > 1 : UseItem 1539
  256. ?CP T(1000) isUD(target(me)) and isFlagged(me) : PlaySound refresh
  257. ?CP T(1000) isMedused(target(me)) and isFlagged(me) : PlaySound refresh
  259. ?CP @MagicSkillUser alive(me) and (skill == 1254 or skill == 1420 or skill == 1419 or skill == 1421 or skill == 455 ) and isEnemy(actor) and distance(actor)< 1000 and skillCoolTime($ShadowStep) == 0 : select(actor) > cast $ShadowStep forced
  262. /////MSU/////
  263. S EnableGroup MSU off
  264. L GroupShow PE off
  265. ?PE T(100,1000) effectTime(25209)<50000 and zone ~= 15: cast 25209
  266. ?PE T(3000,1000) effectTime(25209)<50000 and zone == 15 : cast 25209
  267. S EnableGroup FF off
  268. L MobFunctor 123 (npc==32345)
  269. ?FF T(100) target(me) == 0 : Select (mobsFind(123))
  270. ?FF T(100) alive(me) : Dialog .*Enter the Magic Force Field.*
  271. ?FF T(100) npc(target(me)) and alive(me) : attack
  275. V: pidar
  276. @MagicSkillUser isEnemy(actor) and name(actor)~=0 and skill == $RagingWaves or skill == $Volcano or skill == $Cyclone : Assign (name(actor)) = now+7000
  277. @SkillDone isEnemy(actor) and name(actor)~=0 and skill == $RagingWaves or skill == $Volcano or skill == $Cyclone or skill == 1276 : Assign (name(actor)) = now+0
  278. @MagicSkillUser isEnemy(actor) and name(actor)~=0 and skill == $SymbolOfNoise : Assign (name(actor)) = now+3000
  279. @SkillDone isEnemy(actor) and name(actor)~=0 and skill == $SymbolOfNoise : Assign (name(actor)) = now+0
  281. ?FF T(100) target(me) == 0 : Select (mobsFind(123))
  282. ?FF T(100) alive(me) : Dialog .*Obtain Talisman.*
  283. ?FF T(100) alive(me) : Dialog .*Give Knight's Epaulettes.*
  284. ?FF T(100) npc(target(me)) and alive(me) : attack
  287. S EnableGroup FF off
  288. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9937) > 0 : DestroyItem 9937
  289. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9959) > 0 : DestroyItem 9959
  290. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9924) > 0 : DestroyItem 9924
  291. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(10424) > 0 : DestroyItem 10424
  292. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9920) > 0 : DestroyItem 9920
  293. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9931) > 0 : DestroyItem 9931
  294. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9915) > 0 : DestroyItem 9915
  295. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9926) > 0 : DestroyItem 9926
  296. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9938) > 0 : DestroyItem 9938
  297. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9934) > 0 : DestroyItem 9934
  298. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9929) > 0 : DestroyItem 9929
  299. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9917) > 0 : DestroyItem 9917
  300. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(10421) > 0 : DestroyItem 10421
  301. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9928) > 0 : DestroyItem 9928
  302. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9954) > 0 : DestroyItem 9954
  303. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9958) > 0 : DestroyItem 9958
  304. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9957) > 0 : DestroyItem 9957
  305. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9923) > 0 : DestroyItem 9923
  306. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9935) > 0 : DestroyItem 9935
  307. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(10419) > 0 : DestroyItem 10419
  308. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9922) > 0 : DestroyItem 9922
  309. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9916) > 0 : DestroyItem 9916
  310. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(10418) > 0 : DestroyItem 10418
  311. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9955) > 0 : DestroyItem 9955
  312. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9956) > 0 : DestroyItem 9956
  313. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9953) > 0 : DestroyItem 9953
  314. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9952) > 0 : DestroyItem 9952
  315. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9925) > 0 : DestroyItem 9925
  316. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9949) > 0 : DestroyItem 9949
  317. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(10519) > 0 : DestroyItem 10519
  318. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9947) > 0 : DestroyItem 9947
  319. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9948) > 0 : DestroyItem 9948
  320. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9914) > 0 : DestroyItem 9914
  321. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9921) > 0 : DestroyItem 9921
  322. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9964) > 0 : DestroyItem 9964
  323. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9962) > 0 : DestroyItem 9962
  324. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(10422) > 0 : DestroyItem 10422
  325. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9960) > 0 : DestroyItem 9960
  326. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9944) > 0 : DestroyItem 9944
  327. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9936) > 0 : DestroyItem 9936
  328. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9939) > 0 : DestroyItem 9939
  329. ?FF T(1000) alive(me) and itemCount(9946) > 0 : DestroyItem 9946
  331. ////////OLY COUNT/////////
  332. @SystemMessage message == 1492 : EnableGroup PvPA off ; EnableGroup CP off ; EnableGroup WW off ; EnableGroup Buff off ; HoldTarget on ; EnableGroup OLY on ; EnableGroup PVPW off ; PlaySound enemy
  333. @SystemMessage message == 1497 : EnableGroup PvPA on ; EnableGroup OLY off
  336. //////////OLYMPIAD///////////
  340. ?OLY T(100, 1000) (not isEquiped(7887) and not isEquiped(4725) and not isEquiped(7814) and not isEquiped(4901) and not isEquiped(6621) and not isEquiped(6590) and not isEquiped(14149)) and effectTime($Disarm) == 0 and effectTime($MassDisarm) == 0 : UseItem 6590
  341. S EnableGroup OLY off
  342. V pud, myDamage, startDamage, hisDamage, xBleed, xFreezing, xIcy, xIcy1, matchEnemy, cancelcast, udcast
  343. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser skill == ($ShieldOfFaith) : Display 2 PARTY UD!!!!!!
  344. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser actor ~= me and skill == (1532 or skill == 1533 or skill == 2660 or skill == 2661) : Display 1 ENLIGHTEMENT!!!!!!
  346. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser actor ~= me and skill == $FinalSecret : Display 2 (name(actor).." FinalSecret")
  348. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser actor ~= me and skill == (483) : Display 2 BERS UD!!!!!!
  349. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser actor ~= me and skill == (3284) : Display 2 TALISMAN UD!!!!!!
  350. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser actor ~= me and skill == (8334) : Display 2 LORD UD
  351. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser skill == (916) : Display 0 REFLECT!!!!!!
  352. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser skill == (916) and target(me) ~= me : Cancel
  353. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser skill == (1411) : Display 0 MYSTIC IMMUNITY!!!!!!
  354. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser (class(actor) == 113) and skill == ($Frenzy) : Display 0 Frenzy
  355. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser (class(actor) == 113) and skill == ($Guts) : Display 0 Guts
  356. ?OLY T(100,5000) alive(me) and isBleeding(target(me)) : Display 2 BLEED ON
  357. ?OLY >#Z UseItem 9965 ; UseItem 9937
  358. ?OLY >#X UseItem 7814
  359. ///?OLY >#A UseItem 9592
  360. ?OLY >#S UseItem 9941 ; UseItem 10543 ; UseItem 9940
  362. ?OLY T(1000,10000) pcp(me) < 99 and effectTime($MentalShield) == 0 : Display 0 NO MENTAL
  363. L SystemMessageArguments on
  364. F myDamage = damage - startDamage
  365. +P startDamage = damage ; hisDamage = 0
  366. +O display 1 ("Me: ("..(myDamage)..") He: ("..(hisDamage)..")")
  367. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser me and (skill == $LethalBlow or skill == $Blizzard or skill == $FrostWall) and not pet(target(me)) and not npc(target(me)) : Assign matchEnemy = target(me)
  368. @SystemMessage message==1492 : startDamage = damage ; hisDamage = 0
  369. ?OLY @SystemMessage message==2262 and effectTime($ArcaneShield) == 0 : hisDamage = (hisDamage+arg(2))
  373. ?OLY @MagicSkillUser target(actor) == me and skill == $Cancellation or skill == $TouchOfDeath : Select(actor) safe > cast $ShadowStep forced
  377. V: zone1
  378. T(1000) zone == 15 and zone1 == 0 : zone1 = now
  379. T(1000) zone ~= 15 and zone1 ~= 0 : zone1 = 0
  380. ?OLY T(350) isEquiped(7814) and now - zone1 > 61000 : Cast 3158
  383. #V Display 2 (now - zone1)
  384. #G Display 2 (zone1)
  385. >+A UseItem 6379 ; UseItem 6381 ; UseItem 6380 ; UseItem 6382
  386. >+S UseItem 5779 ; UseItem 512 ; UseItem 5767 ; UseItem 2407
  387. >+D UseItem 2395 ; UseItem 5775 ; UseItem 2419 ; UseItem 5787
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