
First part of bullshit

Nov 23rd, 2017
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  1. Smokeless: [he mani ]
  2. Tsaaq: ((Hey.))
  3. Smokeless: [he is gone and bea is in the halls walking around ]
  4. Tsaaq: ((So he's just parked?))
  5. Tsaaq: ((And that's fine.))
  6. Smokeless: [yeah]
  7. Tsaaq: ((well just post and I'll post.))
  8. Smokeless: [ok]
  9. Smokeless: Bea pulled her jacket around her body and sighed some pulling her phone out of her bag. She slid the lock screen up and she was looking through her class schedules for after the holiday.
  10. Tsaaq: ((Is she like... Walking?))
  11. Smokeless: [yeah she is walking sorry i was being talked to while typing ]
  12. Tsaaq: ((I'm posting I swear.))
  13. Smokeless: [you are fine im talking to someone who is interested in joining]
  14. Smokeless: [ryyyyyyyaaaannn]
  15. Polyblank: ((Herro))
  16. Polyblank: ((Whats everyone up to?))
  17. Smokeless: [bea is walking through the halls so far and rich is afk]
  18. Tsaaq: ((I'm about to post but im on the phone.))
  19. Smokeless: [[ok]
  20. Polyblank: The sounds of clapping filled the classroom as a student sat back down and a professor stood back up at the front of the class. "Very good Brendan, very nice work. Alright and next up we have Sean, Sean mind showing us what you got for your project?" The professor waited as Sean stood up and quickly made his way to the front of the class, clearing his throat at he pulled out his flash drive and plugged it into the computer connected to the large screen. Once his art piece loaded up he began to speak up. "So I went with something alittle different this time, I went with a more natural look and abit of a rustic feel to the advertisement. As you can see this is the magazine spread and the ad's are actually the ones from previous projects from last semester, figured they were actually ones you would see in an article related to this topic. So uhm...any questions? Critiques?" The class began to ask a few questions, offer corrections and such before the teacher would give her perspective on it. As the class went on student after student, the class ended and those who showed their projects recieved their grades at the end. When Sean was the final student to remain, the professor handed him his grade as he saw he got a '93', sighing in relief as he thanked her before heading out of the classroom and into the hallway.
  21. Tsaaq: She finished fixing her hair in the girl's bathroom. She hurriedly got out of the bathroom and walked right into Bea by mistake. "I'm sorry." She said hurriedly as she put up her hands.
  22. Smokeless: Bea was bumped into by Penelope and looked up from her phone."It's okay." she kept walking and tucked her phone into her back pocket sighing. The library was all closed up and taken care of today. She ran her figners through the end of her har a little.
  23. Polyblank: ((Dat har tho))
  24. Smokeless: [XD]
  25. Tsaaq: Penelope put her hands on her hips and watched as she walked away. "Wait a moment." She called out to the other female but didn't move from her spot, waiting for Bea to turn.
  26. Polyblank: Sean walked through the halls relieved as he passed by a few of his frat brothers. "Hey Sean, you going to the party tonight?" One of them called out to him as Sean turned to them and raised his eyebrow, in a good mood the last thing he wanted to do was go right to the books. "Yeah sure Ill go, fuck it." he shrugged as a few of them cheered. "Sweet bro, same as always bring any shit you want and get ready for some FP!" He rolled his eyes but smirked knowing what FP entailed. "Oh shit that again? Fine, see you crazy fucks at the dorms tonight."
  27. Smokeless: Bea stopped and turned looking at Penelope."Yeah?" she waited to see what she wanted. She pulled her bag up her shoulder some more because it was slipping. She heard a bunch of cheering and turned her head to see what was going on for a second before turning back to penelope.
  28. Polyblank: Sean made his way down the hall again and stopped to see Bea and Penelope, waving to them both. "Hello ladies, having a decent day so far?"
  29. Tsaaq: "I hope you aren't cross with me for yesterday." Penelope said as she waved her over. "But I think you should know that I telephoned daddy about hiring security, or building a fence. He said he'll pick the cheaper option." She lifted her shoulders into a shrug. "Hello Sean." She greeted as her eyes went to him.
  30. Smokeless: Bea shrugged."I'm not crossed with anyone. Just because you were a complete douche bag to me for no good reason doesn't mean anything figured you were on your period or something." she nodded her head."We really don't need all that. It is just stupid pranks. Ones I tend to find annoying after awhile but none the less pranks." she turned and saw Sean waving back to him."hey"
  31. Polyblank: He raised his eyebrow and looked at them both, suddenly unsure of what he just walked into. "Well uhm...did I interrupt something?...Cause I can leave you two to have your talk otherwise..." He backed off a step feeling like he just walked into the start of a cat fight.
  32. Tsaaq: She tilted her head. "A little crass but no. You're incorrect. I'm not on my menses and I'm not a feminine vagina wash." Penelope said firmly. "Well you see it's too late. Daddy already has everything in the works. Probably the fence option." She said. Penelope crossed her arms over her chest and turned to Sean. "Yes." She answered immediately but was still smiling. "And yes, that would be preferable."
  33. Smokeless: "No you aren't interupting anything."Bea shrugged"That's nice. So i'm guessing you are sorority president or something now? That's cool" Bea seemed rather calm and she just stuffed her hands in her pocket and rocked back and forth on her heels waiting for penelope to be done with her.
  34. Polyblank: Sean began to raise his hands in the air as he slowly began to back off. "Alright alright sorry ladies another time than." He began to shrug it off as he continued down the hallway past them both and around the corner. "Sheesh from casual lingerie to a fiesty attitude she is a real number that one..." he mumbled to himself as he exited the building and began to head outside waiting for Chad to come pick him up in the parking lot.
  35. Tsaaq: "I disagree." She laughed with a tilt of her head. "But I suppose you can stay. If you aren't disruptive-" She laid out the terms as he walked away. She let out a high pitched sigh and turned to Bea once more. "Nothing official has been declared so I wouldn't go too far in saying that." Penelope giggled. "You should smile more."
  36. Smokeless: Bea raised her brow."yeah we are done here." she turned from Penelope and walked out of the building pulling her keys out and pressing the button to unlock her car. She turned her head seing Sean."hey. Need a ride? Trying to escape the princess so I suggest you hurry up."
  37. Polyblank: Seans attention was drawn to Bea calling out to him as he raised his eyebrow. "Hmm? Oh sure, im just heading back to the dorms for now, gotta get changed for the party tonight at Sigma Lamda Zeta."
  38. Tsaaq: She furrowed her eyebrows as Bea ran off then pursed her lips walking behind her. "Wait." Penelope called out as she caught up to Bea, cause she was an expert in running in heels. "Are you headed back to the house?" She asked hurriedly. "I don't have anything to do tonight." Flashing another smile.
  39. Polyblank: ((Herro))
  40. Foux: ((Hi x3 ))
  41. Smokeless: Bea smiled nodded her head towards her car" well hop in I'll take you. "she closed her eyes and took a deep breath hearing penelope right behind her. She let the breath out and forced a smile on her face and turned to look at Penelope"Oh no im taking Sean to the dorms then going to a party with him. Isn't that right Sean." she looked at Sean just begging for help.
  42. Polyblank: Sean looked between them and sort of stuttered for a second before he scratched the back of his head. "Well uhm yeah, of course, we have to hurry too to pick up some drinks for the party too." He gave Bea a sideways concerned glance before heading over to her and her car opening shotgun.
  43. Tsaaq: "Oooo, I love parties." Penelope grinned as she applauded softly. "May I join you?" She asked with an excited smile as she followed them to the car. "I have very good taste in fine liquors." She insisted perkily.
  44. Smokeless: Bea looked at Sean and then Penelope."It's a frat party penelope. You sure you want to go I mean its going to be pretty rough it's not fancy and all." she went to her car and opened the drivers side and motioned sean to get in with her eyes.
  45. Polyblank: Sean did as was suggested as he hopped into the passenger side and buckled up with his bag in his lap, mouthing to Bea. "What are you doing...?" as his wide eyes grew more and more concerned of what he was now getting involved in.
  46. Tsaaq: ((Quick question, is the back door of the car open?))
  47. Smokeless: [no sean is getting in the passanger side and bea is in the driver]
  48. Tsaaq: ((Not physically I mean like the car is unlocked?))
  49. Smokeless: [oh yeah bea unlocked all the doors with the key button thingy i cant remember its remote]
  50. Tsaaq: Penelope waved her hand. "That's fine. A party is a party. How dreadful could it be? You two will be there." She shrugged. "And neither of you seem to be rough at all." She declared as she went to stand by the back door and pulled it open as she invited herself in and shut the door behind her. "I'll even help pay for it." Penelope offered.
  51. Tsaaq: ((That's all I need to know lmao.))
  52. Polyblank: ((brb))
  53. Smokeless: Bea looked at Sean and shrugged her shoulders. She buckled in and smiled to penelope."oh I mean Chad and his friends you know frat boys booze and football." she waited till penelope was in the car and started it. She figured hell more booze sean didnt have to pay for right?
  54. Tsaaq: ((Do we skip him D:?))
  55. Smokeless: [yeah]
  56. Tsaaq: "The usually rough housing. I got it. I might've went to private school but I'm wise boys in cars. I assure you." She said. She sat up staight and dellicately crossed one leg over the other. Her large red lips forming a smile as she glanced at her reflection in Bea's rearview mirror. "I require social interaction at any rate. Even with the diamonds in the rough. How will anyone get to know me if I hide off in the shadows?" She inquired softly.
  57. Polyblank: ((back))
  58. Smokeless: [wb]
  59. Polyblank: ((tyty))
  60. Tsaaq: ((Weebee.))
  61. Polyblank: Sean began to slump in his seat, his mood now sort of killed with the idea of bringing her to his Fraternities party, afraid of the consequences that could unfold as he gave Bea some peeved looks silently as he waited for them to arrive to the dorms.
  62. Polyblank: ((tyty))
  63. Smokeless: Bea looked at Sean catching the looks he gave her. She frowned some and just kept driving."I'm sure you will be just fine Penelope." she drove off towards the boys dorms.
  64. Smokeless: [ok where to?]
  65. Polyblank: ((guess the boy dorms lol))
  66. Tsaaq: ((Okie dokie.))
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