Guest User


a guest
Oct 25th, 2016
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text 1.36 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Initializing platform...connection_stage_starting - stage: 1
  2. connection_stage_complate - stage: 1
  3. done
  4. Resolving host name...connection_stage_starting - stage: 2
  5. connection_stage_complate - stage: 2
  6. done
  7. Starting RTSP handshake...connection_stage_starting - stage: 3
  8. === serializedMessage start(73)
  9. OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
  10. CSeq: 1
  11. X-GS-ClientVersion: 11
  13. ==== serializedMessage end
  14. Failed to recv RTSP message: 35
  15. === transactRtspMessageTcp resp(0) start
  16. ==== transactRtspMessageTcp resp end
  17. Failed to parse RTSP response
  18. RTSP OPTIONS request failed: 35
  19. failed: 35
  20. connection_stage_failed - stage: 3, 35
  21. Initializing platform...connection_stage_starting - stage: 1
  22. connection_stage_complate - stage: 1
  23. done
  24. Resolving host name...connection_stage_starting - stage: 2
  25. connection_stage_complate - stage: 2
  26. done
  27. Starting RTSP handshake...connection_stage_starting - stage: 3
  28. === serializedMessage start(73)
  29. OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
  30. CSeq: 1
  31. X-GS-ClientVersion: 11
  33. ==== serializedMessage end
  34. Failed to recv RTSP message: 35
  35. === transactRtspMessageTcp resp(0) start
  36. ==== transactRtspMessageTcp resp end
  37. Failed to parse RTSP response
  38. RTSP OPTIONS request failed: 35
  39. failed: 35
  40. connection_stage_failed - stage: 3, 35
  41. Cleaning up control stream...done
  42. Terminating RTSP handshake...done
  43. Cleaning up platform...done
  44. connection terminated
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