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- /*
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at
- *
- * This is a fork of Small Tabs, written by ใญใทใข,
- *
- */
- @namespace url(;
- @-moz-document url(chrome://browser/content/browser.xul) {
- #TabsToolbar {
- }
- .tab-background-start::after,
- .tab-background-start::before,
- .tab-background-start,
- .tab-background-end,
- .tab-background-end::after,
- .tab-background-end::before,
- .tabbrowser-tabs {
- /* Force that these items do not have a minimum height. This is
- * especially needed for supporting TabMix Plus. */
- min-height: 0px !important;
- /* Make sure that the text is correctly aligned. */
- -moz-box-align: none !important;
- }
- /* Needed to make sure that the tab bar will not grow by one pixel
- * if it overflows. */
- #TabsToolbar > #alltabs-button,
- #TabsToolbar > #new-tab-button,
- #tabbrowser-tabs > .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > * {
- margin-bottom: 0px !important;
- }
- /* This is the box at the left and right of the tabs. */
- #tabbrowser-tabs > .tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox > .arrowscrollbox-scrollbox {
- -moz-padding-end: 0px !important;
- -moz-padding-start: 0px !important;
- }
- /* The image of the tabs. */
- .tab-throbber,
- .tab-icon-image {
- }
- /* The image of not pinned (normal) tabs. */
- .tab-throbber:not([pinned]),
- .tab-icon-image:not([pinned]) {
- /* Consume some of the space to our left to move the text closer if there is an icon. */
- -moz-margin-end: -2px !important;
- }
- /* The image of not pinned (normal) tabs. */
- .tab-throbber:not([pinned]),
- .tab-icon-image:not([pinned]) {
- /* Consume some of the space to our left to move the text closer if there is an icon. */
- -moz-margin-end: -2px !important;
- }
- /* The contents of the tabs. */
- .tab-content:not([pinned]) {
- }
- /* The label which holds the site name. */
-[pinned]) {
- /* Move the text away from the left edge, especially needed if there is no icon. */
- /* Part of this is consumed again by the image. */
- -moz-margin-start: 5px !important;
- }
- /* The close button of the tab. */
- .tab-close-button:not([pinned]) {
- -moz-margin-start: 0px !important;
- }
- }
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