
NN Harem Ch 1

Sep 6th, 2013
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  1. >be Norman
  2. >got called a skinhead, even though you have a full head of hair
  3. >some girls referred to you as "that racist" as they walked away from you in disgust
  4. >its been about a week since you last checked your privilege
  5. >being branded as white scum on your first day of school really helped your social standing
  6. >with absolutely no one
  7. >well, except for that new girl
  8. >Twilight, I believe her name was
  9. >she's even newer than you, and she's a bit strange
  10. >talks about magic and horses
  11. >since she doesn't know about the whole racist thing, she's really your only friend
  12. >during history, she would ask you a lot about human history
  13. "Did you just say 'human' history?"
  14. >"Yes. This place is entirely new to me and it must have some fascinating history so I can learn the traditions and possibly integrate myself into your society if I'm trapped here for more than 3 days."
  15. >this girl is pretty weird
  16. >but she seems genuinely interested and she has never given you a reason to hate her
  17. >so out of boredom, you continue to listen to her ramble on about magic
  18. >lunch time
  19. >today is pizza day
  20. >while you are usually indifferent to the food the school serves, pizza is always good to you
  21. >in line you notice the people behind you are talking shit about you
  22. >just ignore them
  23. >you get your tray and pick an apple, some milk, and a slice of pepperoni pizza
  24. >you see all the people at the tables in the cafeteria
  25. >wish you had some friends to sit with
  26. >but you never had the chance to really talk to anybody since they all think you are a racist bigot
  27. >"Norman!" you hear
  28. >you turn your head and see Twilight walking towards you
  29. >she puts her arm through yours and hooks it
  30. >"Come join me at my table."
  31. >she pulls you along
  32. >not wanting to spill your tray, you follow her to an almost empty table, save for one yellow girl
  33. >you set your tray down as Twilight goes over to the Yellow girl, who is eating a fruit salad
  34. >"Norman, this is Fluttershy."
  35. >you wave your hand at the girl, who lets out a faint smile
  36. >"Isn't that guy the racist?" you hear Fluttershy whisper to Twilight
  37. >"What's a racist?" Twilight responded, dumbfounded at this new term
  38. >apparently the land of magic horses don't discriminate based on the color of their coat
  39. "I'm not racist. That was just a misunderstanding."
  40. >"Well you don't seem like a bad person"
  41. >thank you for being so understanding, Fluttershy
  42. >Twilight then talks about her abdomen hurting lately and why do the inhabitants here wear clothing all the time
  43. >maybe she is from a nudist colony
  44. >you finish your food and notice Twilight talking about cramps
  45. >well, this talk is something you rather not listen to
  46. >you dispose of your trash, and wave at the two girls
  47. >you exit the cafeteria into the main hall
  48. >you know you have math class next, so you decide to go to your locker
  49. >you twist the combo and swing open the metal door
  50. >"Oh look who it is."
  51. >you look to your right and see a golden idol with fiery hair and a leather jacket walking towards you
  52. >"It's the racist. Nice beanie white scum."
  53. "Who the hell are you?"
  54. >"I'm Sunset Shimmer, and you better watch your tone, and your privilege."
  55. >privilege status [ ]not checked / [x] checked
  56. "What do you want?"
  57. >"Oh nothing, just wanted to see if there were any white trash around here."
  58. >jeez, what's up with this bitch?
  59. >bet she menstruates every week
  60. >or she is just another stuck up cunt
  61. >but let's give her the benefit of the doubt
  62. >maybe she truly thinks your a racist and reacts like a feminist would to a rapist
  63. >talking about rape, she is pretty hot
  64. >oh shit, she noticed you staring at her rack
  65. >she grabs the side of your locker door and pushes with such force that she slams it against your face
  66. >had you not gripped the locker door, you would be lying on the floor unconscious
  67. >"Pig"
  68. >she walks away
  69. >great first impression
  70. >rubbing your head, you think about why the fuck you're at locker again
  71. >the bell rings, signaling your return to the boring, mandatory activity known as "school"
  72. >math is next
  73. >now you remember
  74. >you grab your textbook, close the locker, and follow the mob of students mindlessly walking to class
  75. >you enter the classroom and see students on the back wall
  76. >"Ah Norman, go the back wall, I'm assigning new seats."
  77. >and when you just got used to your new sleeping quarters in the back of the class
  78. >you walk to the back and lean against the wall
  79. >not having any friends, people either move away or completely ignore you
  80. >maybe you just smell bad
  81. >all you can smell is bigotry
  82. >"Norman."
  83. "huh?"
  84. >you look up and see the teacher pointing to a desk in the 2nd row, on the left side
  85. >you grab your bag and slump to your new seat
  86. >you set your bag down and lay your head on the cold wood desk
  87. >the teacher is still assigning seats so you close your eyes and take a well deserved break
  88. >this place is so cheery and colorful
  89. >there are flowers, and colorful houses and horses
  90. >wait, why are there so many horses
  91. >"Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle."
  92. >Twilight?
  93. >you turn around, expecting the goofy new girl at your school
  94. >instead you are face to face with a purple horse
  95. "What the hell?!?!"
  96. >you back away from the talking abomination
  97. >"Twilight, why are you a horse?"
  98. > she looks at you funny and raises an eyebrow
  99. >"You say it like I used to be a different species. Have we met before?"
  100. >you reach your hoof out and place it on her shoulder and look her in the eye with a solemn look on your face
  101. >what the fuck happened to my hands!
  102. >you back away and take a moment to examine your new appendages
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