
Top Notch 2 2013-09-09

Sep 9th, 2013
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. Notes at
  4. "Top Notch 2 2013-09-09"
  5. ---
  6. After one week, you *must* have a textbook. If
  8. you don't have one, you cannot come to class.
  9. ---
  10. Workbook, p. 2-3
  11. (6)
  12. 1 Have you had, I have had
  13. 2 Have you been, we have been
  14. 3 Have you exercised, I have gone
  15. 4 Have you read, I have been
  16. I read every day. "reed"
  17. I read yesterday. "red"
  18. I have read many books. "red"
  19. (7)
  20. 1 seen (lately=recently=not a long time ago)
  21. Yes, I have. I saw Titanic last Saturday.
  22. 2 met
  23. No, I haven't.
  24. 3 been / gone
  25. Yes, I have. I go to Europe every weekend.
  26. 4 eaten
  27. Yes, I have. I ate pasta and chicken and rice
  29. and beans and salad, and French fries too.
  30. 5 done
  31. Yes, I have. I did my homework at school.
  32. No, I haven't. I will do it after school.
  33. OK: I have been to Europe.
  34. OK: I have gone to Europe.
  35. Not OK: I was to Europe last year.
  36. OK: I went to Europe last year.
  37. Not OK: I am to Europe every summer.
  38. OK: I go to Europe every summer.
  39. (8)
  40. 1 Have you taken
  41. 2 came ("two years ago" = finished)
  42. 3 was
  43. 4 Have you been
  44. 5 visited (2002 = finished)
  45. 6 didn't see (I didn't see it in 2002.)
  46. haven't seen (ever in my whole life)
  47. 7 was
  48. 8 read
  49. 9 Have you met
  50. ---
  51. p. 6: "already", "ever", and "yet"
  53. Have you eaten lunch yet? (maybe not, but I
  55. think you will soon)
  56. I haven't learned English yet. (but I will learn
  58. it in the future)
  60. Sorry, I have eaten lunch already.
  61. She's already married. = We are surprised,
  63. because she is young to be married.
  65. - "already" and "yet" ask about recent
  67. experiences
  69. Have you ever been to Rio before?
  71. - "ever" and "before" ask about life experiences
  72. ---
  73. Have you seen Elysium yet?
  74. Yes, I have already seen it twice.
  75. No, I haven't seen it yet.
  76. ("Elysium" is a new movie. This is about a
  78. recent experience.)
  80. Have you ever seen Titanic?
  81. Have you seen Titanic before?
  82. ("Titanic" is an older movie. This is about a
  84. life experience.)
  85. ---
  86. go sightseeing: visit the important tourist
  88. places in a city
  90. Have you ever climbed Mt. Fuji?
  91. Have you ever gone sightseeing in NYC?
  92. Have you ever gone to the top of the Eiffel
  94. Tower?
  95. Have you ever tried Korean food?
  96. Have you ever taken a tour of the Tower of
  98. London?
  99. Have you ever taken pictures of the Great Wall?
  100. - Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
  101. ---
  102. "Never Have I Ever" (game)
  104. Never have I ever climbed Mt. Fuji.
  105. -> I have never climbed Mt. Fuji.
  106. eaten shrimp.
  107. gone to Canada.
  108. worn a miniskirt.
  109. ridden a roller coaster.
  110. ...
  111. If you HAVEN'T done this, don't change anything.
  112. If you HAVE done this, put down one finger (and
  114. drink some alcohol).
  116. wear wore worn
  117. ride rode ridden
  118. run ran run
  119. come came come
  120. swim swam swum
  121. (list of irregular verbs on p. 126)
  122. ---
  123. I have not tried sushi.
  124. I have never eaten sushi.
  125. I don't like alcohol.
  126. I can't drive a car.
  127. I never watch TV.
  128. I don't have cable.
  129. - Me neither. (because it is NEGATIVE)
  131. I have ridden a roller coaster.
  132. I enjoy teaching.
  133. I can speak Portuguese.
  134. I always watch TV at night.
  135. I watch a lot of Netflix.
  136. - Me too. (because it is AFFIRMATIVE)
  137. ---
  138. I didn't go to the beach this year.
  139. = And now summer is finished, so I won't for the
  141. rest of the year.
  143. I haven't gone to the beach this year.
  144. = But it is still warm outside, so I might go in
  146. September or October.
  147. ---
  148. Body Language (p. 8)
  149. - facial expressions
  150. - hand gestures
  152. "get off on the wrong foot" - start a
  154. relationship in a bad or unfriendly way, because
  156. of a mistake or misunderstanding
  158. p. 9
  159. "When in Rome, (do as the Romans do)."
  160. = follow the customs of the place you're
  162. visiting
  163. ---
  164. Homework: workbook p. 5
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