
Five Nights at Freddy's Moderators

May 16th, 2015
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  1. Hello, this is Silence and I would like to share with you my story of becoming a FNaF moderator for
  3. Noticing that there was the game now on the website, I decided to check it, although it was fairly well made, there were somethings that I was confused about/wanted to be changed. I then decided to submit a forum post on the game to ask about the changes. I assumed he had stopped using the website since it had been two weeks since anything had happened:
  5. Anyway, after the two weeks, I then remembered that I could request moderator for the game/series, which I did then:
  8. Then once I got the moderating abilities, I then began adding the other 2 two games, adding rules to the first game, and also adding descriptions to them. I also changed the previous timing to which what I thought made more sense, which now I see how the old timing was better.
  10. I then did a run for the any% category and added it to the website.
  12. I was then commented on my run by the other moderator as seen here:
  13. Which he said: "how the fuck did you get mod on MY speedgame you fag"
  15. To which checking back to the page, Moo had removed me as a FNaF1 game moderator, as well as changing the timing back and performing a new run.
  17. Previously, I had changed a part of the other runner's old comment by adding a part at the end saying something along the lines of "Moderator Note: (then I explained why I moved the run to a different category and changed the timing)"
  19. He then edited my note saying "Moderator Note: im not a real moderator i just asked to be one without even asking the REAL runner of the game"
  21. He then also edited my comment on my previous run which was originally my youtube video's description to "im a fucking faggot who somehow got mod on moo's speedgame i should kill myself"
  23. After which, I thought that was done with and I would make I new run, I then returned to the moderator request page and noticed something interesting in which Moo had also replied with wanting to remove me from the series as a moderator but with a striking resemblance to my first response:
  25. What I said: "I'm hoping this is the right place to request this, but I would like to become a moderator for the Five Nights at Freddy's series. The current moderator has very little things set up. And has not been responding to messages about the games or questions. I would to become moderator so I can add other games and make speedrunning the series more welcoming. Thanks in advance!"
  27. What Moo said: "I'm hoping this is the right place to request this, but I would like to remove SilenceErupts as a moderator for the Five Nights at Freddy's series. He has messed all of the categories up and added timing differences which were not agreed with by the rest of the runners. I would to become moderator so I can add other games and make speedrunning the series more welcoming. Thanks in advance!"
  29. He even forgot to put "like" in his last sentence just like I did.
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