
Fruitful Discussion (FiE: 15)

Oct 5th, 2012
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  1. Part 15: Fruitful Discussion
  2. >You walk into the boutique, the white mare and the Doctor in tow.
  3. >”Hello, ma'am. I'm the Doctor.” he smiles
  4. >His smile seems genuine, but only you can truly see the pain behind the facade.
  5. >”Where are my manners! My name is Rarity.” She does a strange pony curtsy
  6. >The Doctor bows in response.
  7. >You ignore their little ritual as you sit on a lounge chair.
  8. >You need to bring Celestia to justice. Or at least bring her crimes against the draconequus to light.
  9. >An eloquent mare's voice interrupts your very short train of thought
  10. >”Would you like something to eat?” she looks towards you with a warm smile
  11. >”Oh no thank you, I'm not too hungry.” The Doctor responds.
  12. >She glances over to the brown p0ny.
  13. >”Ahem, right. How about you Fid?”
  14. >”Do you have any pears?” You look towards the marshmallow
  15. >”Yeah, of course. Ever since you mentioned how much you love them, I've been keeping them in the fridge... just... in case...” she begins to trail off.
  16. >There's an awkward silence in the room.
  17. >The Doctor looks at you flabbergasted.
  19. >”Wait just a minute, wait just a damn minute. There's something very important I need an answer to, something very VERY important.” He says, approaching you with slow, deliberate steps.
  20. >You poker-face, staring at him as he gets within a foot of your face.
  21. >”Did you just say you like pears?” He looks at you with a questioning eye, a hint of rage in his expression.
  22. >”Yep. Love the things. Absolutely delicious.” you say as you grab the magically grasped pear out of the air.
  23. >”You like... pears? Of all things in the world to like... Pears? Pears are squishy and disgusting! I hate pears, and I can honestly say that you are completely out of your mind for enjoying such a vile thing. Gah, that's almost as disgusting as enjoying fish fingers with custard!” He sticks his tongue out and shakes his head side to side.
  24. >”They're better than apples,” You say as you move your face inches from the Doctors.
  25. >You take a crisp bite of the pear.
  26. >“Mmm. Juicy.”
  27. >The Doctor stares at you with a horrified expression.
  28. >”You disgust me!”
  29. >”I have that effect” You say with a smile, pear juice dribbling down your chin.
  31. >”I can't be around you right now. Rarity, I wish you the best. It's good to see you again.” The brown p0ny says, not taking his eyes off you.
  32. >”I don't believe we've met before though...” Rarity gives the Doctor a confused look. “What do you mean, again? Are you a p0nystalker?”
  33. >”Oh, no! Nothing of the sort. Its just... Well, I can't really tell you. Spoilers and all that.” He says through a slightly manic smile “Fid my friend, we will be in touch, I'm sure. Goodbye all!”
  34. >And out the door walks another dimension hopper that you now call “friend”
  35. >Speaking of friend...
  36. >”It's good to see you again, Rarity.” You grin like a fool.
  37. >”And to you as well. How were things wherever you were sent?
  38. >You're struck deep in the chest with a feeling. A feeling that can be summed up in one word.
  39. >”Lonely...” Your eyes drift from hers to the ground.
  40. >You feel her hop onto the couch next to you.
  41. >She places a hoof on your shoulder, and turns your head towards her with the other.
  42. >”You aren't alone anymore.” she smiles, her eyes glistening.
  43. >You smile again, and wrap your arms around your best friend, holding her tight.
  44. >Yep. Still fluffy.
  45. >”It's so good to be back.” You hold back more tears of joy.
  46. >”It's good to have you back.” Her voice is genuine, but distant.
  47. >You pull back
  48. >”What's the matter?”
  49. >”Fid, it's been almost 6 months. We all thought you were gone forever.” It's her turn to look down now.
  50. >”You won't be rid of me that easily.” You chuckle as you turn lightly pat the top of her head.
  51. >”Where have you been?”
  52. >”It's... complicated.”
  54. >”So you went back in time 30 odd years, and began to relive your old life?” she looks at you with a quizzical expression.
  55. >”When you put it that way, it makes it a lot less interesting” You poker-face.
  56. >She cracks a smile at your non-reaction.
  57. >”So you said I was gone from here for 6 months? What happened while I was gone?”
  58. >”Things were hectic at first. Discord reappearing put all of Equestria into a state of panic, but it seems he disappeared after you did. For a while, Celestia demanded your head on a platter. Extremely barbaric, especially for a p0ny as refined as her.”she says with a look of mild disgust.
  59. >You let out a thin smile and nod along for her to continue.
  60. >”Anyways. After a while, she realized that you weren't you when you attacked everyp0ny at the award ceremony. She called back her royal orders, and we have all generally been living our day to day life as anyp0ny would.” She turns slightly and begins to gaze into the distance.
  61. >”Rarity?”
  62. >”Oh, sorry,” She snaps out of her stare “I was just remembering how hard it was to... cope.. .with losing my best friend.”
  63. >”If I didn't suffer from the worst case of amnesia in existence, I would have felt the same, darling.”
  64. >She raises an eyebrow towards you.
  65. >”What?” you ask.
  66. >”Darling? Really?”a smirk graces her otherwise incredulous expression.
  67. >”What? Does it not fit me?”
  68. >”Darling, you saying that is like Applejack saying peaches are her favorite fruit.” She chuckles
  69. >”That bad, huh?” You say with a slight smile.
  70. >”Oh yeah.” her smirk turns into a full blown, ear to ear smile.
  71. >”Speaking of Applejack, how are your friends?”
  72. >”They're ok now.”
  73. >”Now? You're implying they weren't alright before.” Your smile fades.
  75. >”Well, Pinkie took it pretty hard when you disappeared. AJ as well. Fluttershy seemed to recover the quickest of us all, which is odd, considering.”
  76. >Makes sense. Even though you scared the hell out of AJ, you two were on speaking terms. And Pinkie was your friend.
  77. >Then again, she was everyone's friend.
  78. >Your begin to frown.
  79. >”What. about-” Rarity cuts you off.
  80. >”Twilight is fine. She didn't leave her library for a few days because she was so busy studying ways to stop this catastrophe, but that's normal behavior for her”
  81. >You let out a sigh of relief.
  82. >”And what of Sweetie Belle? And the Princesses?”
  83. >”Oh dear little Sweetie is fine. She misses you immensely. Celestia and Luna went into a panic due to their old rival's release, but they calmed down after a while, what with him not showing up anywhere anymore.”
  84. >So he was being honest about you being the reason he was brought back.
  85. >”I'm glad to hear everything is alri-” You freeze.
  86. >She didn't mention the cyan pegasus.
  87. >”Aren't you missing somep0ny?”
  88. >Her eyes shift side to side nervously.
  89. >”Rarity...”
  90. >”Yes Fiddlesticks?”
  91. >Uh oh. Full name drop.
  92. >Somep0ny is hiding something from you.
  93. >”Rarity, What about Rainbow Dash?”
  94. >The ground becomes infinitely more interesting to her.
  95. >”Tell me what happened. Please.” She shudders when you brush your finger on her cheek.
  96. >She lets out an exacerbated sigh.
  97. >”Rainbow's in the psych ward.”
  99. >Woah
  100. >This isn't good.
  101. >At all.
  102. >You terrorized her right into the psych ward.
  103. >Your stone face fails you for only a split second.
  104. >Unfortunately for you, Rarity happened to glance at you at just that exact second.
  105. >”Fid, don't blame yourself. Please don't blame yourself.” She puts a hoof on your shoulder.
  106. >”How could I not? I am the one who attacked her. She was loyal to her leader, and she lost her mind because of it!” You rise from your seat and begin pacing around the small coffee table.
  107. >”You weren't yourself Fid. Your mind was altered by Discord” she rises to follow you on your very short walk.
  108. >”I should have been strong enough to fight it though. I have fought off mind control spells from very powerful champions back when I was in the League. I should have-”
  109. >You stop just short of bumping into Rarity, who has turned around and is giving you the most angered stare you have ever seen.
  110. >”Quiet!He is a god of chaos! The very fact you got into a duel of minds and blades with him and survived at all is really an accomplishment. You need to stop dwelling on the past. You can't change the past”
  111. >You know of a particular Doctor who would disagree.
  113. >But besides that fact, she is completely right. Well, mostly right
  114. >You were too busy being hard on yourself to think of the fact you fought a god and survived.
  115. >She's making you sound pretty bad ass in order to make you feel better.
  116. >For such a cheap trick, it's surprisingly effective.
  117. >”That still doesn't change the fact that Rainbow Dash is not doing well. And whether I was in control or not, it was my blade that struck her.”
  118. >Rarity arches her eyebrows at you for a second.
  119. >”But you didn't attack her...”
  120. >”Rarity, that was an analogy. Its basically saying that I was the one who... You know what? Never mind.” You rub your face in your hands.
  121. >You know what you need to do.
  122. >But just knowing doesn't make it any easier.
  123. >You turn around and face the door, with a new, more important objective.
  124. >Something far more important than revenge, or exposing hidden truths and horrible secrets.
  125. >You need to help a friend.
  127. >Opening the door, you take a look at the town.
  128. >Yeah, there's a crowd.
  129. >And by crowd, you mean your 4 friends who aren't hospitalized, and that Roseluck mare.
  130. >You stare between them all for a moment.
  131. >Come on now, Fiddle, break the silence.
  132. >”Hello”
  133. >Damnit,will you ever learn?
  134. >”Well hey there sugarcube. Long time no see.”
  135. >”Agreed Miss AJ.” You nod your head towards her.
  136. >”Where did you go? What took you so long to get back? Did you not like us? I thought we were your friends.” The pink mare's eyes begin to well up.
  137. >”Pinkie, I was sent to a very far away place. Do not worry, you are still my friend. All of you are still my friends... Except I haven't formally met you before.” You look at the cream earth pony again.
  138. >”Oh! So we haven't,”she chuckles nervously “My name is Roseluck. You're Fiddle, right?”
  139. >You approach her, kneeling to get to her level.
  140. >”My full name is Fiddlesticks. Fid for short. It's always nice to see a familiar face.. What brings you around here?”
  141. >”Nothing, really. I just heard a very familiar sound... The greatest sound in the universe...” Roseluck's eyes go distant, as if she longs for something not quite within her grasp. Something taboo.
  142. >The 6 of you stare among each other for a minute before Roseluck speaks again.
  143. >”Well, I really need to be heading back. I'll be seeing you all around town probably. Say hello to the Doctor for me, Fid. Goodbye!” She turns tail and trots off into the distance.
  144. >”Alright, I'll see you around, Roseluck.” you watch as she leaves.
  145. >Wait, did she say something about the Doctor?
  146. >You're jolted from your train of thought by a certain mare of elegance and class.
  147. >”Well girls, we were just on our way to see Rainbow Dash. Would you like to accompany us?”
  148. >”Ohmygosh we were too!” the pink demon hops excitedly around the group of you.
  149. >”Well that settles it. We shall visit Ponyville General together.” Twilight announces.
  150. >She's a natural leader, that one. A good head on her shoulders, too.
  151. >You can see why she's Celestia's prized student.
  153. >You've never been to the hospital, so you don't know how to get there.
  154. >Fortunately, the others do. Apparently this isn't Rainbow Dash's first visit to PG.
  155. >That doesn't surprise you, really.
  156. >She seems just adventurous enough to get herself hurt.
  157. >But she didn't do this to herself, did she Fid?
  158. >Buzz off, brain.
  159. >Just reminding you.
  160. >As you walk down the road, you notice it is paved with colored bricks.
  161. >You look down the path further, and sure enough, the entire pathway to the hospital is colored.
  162. >”Hey Twilight. Why is the path here paved in a different color brick than the rest of the road?”
  163. >”Well Fid, the road is colored because it makes it easier to find the hospital in case you are hurt.”
  164. >Makes sense. That also explains the bright color choice.
  166. >After another minute of walking, you try to start conversation again.
  167. >”So you all visited Dash before, right?”
  168. >”Eeyup”
  169. >”Is she in good care?” You aren't sure how medical treatment here in Equestria is, so you don't quite know what to expect.
  170. >The yellow mare speaks up this time.
  171. >You still have to strain yourself to hear her.
  172. >”Oh yes. Very much so. Ponyville General has some great doctors. Dash's doctor is actually a unicorn who's very well trained in mental health. He's wonderful, and so nice!” she lets out an adorable smile.
  173. >”It's true! He is often called 'the Starswirl of mental health!' ” Twilight beams.
  174. >So she is in good hooves.
  175. >A question arises though.
  176. >”Who's Starswirl?” you ask.
  177. >Twilight freezes, giving you a stupefied glare.
  178. >”Really?”
  179. >*nod*
  180. >”He's only the single greatest wizard unicorn of all time. No big deal.” her voice drips sarcasm.
  181. >”No big deal? That explains why I don't know him then, huh?” You let out an ear to ear smile.
  182. >Before you turn back around, you swear you see Twilight's eye twitch.
  183. >You think to yourself for a moment.
  184. >Here you are following the yellow brick road, on your way to see a wonderful wizard.
  185. >You feel an urge to burst into song and dance, but the feeling quickly fades.
  187. >You arrive at the hospital, and not a moment too soon.
  188. >Twilight hasn't stopped prattling on about this Starswirl character.
  189. >Damn that purple mare and her obsession with powerful figures
  190. >You hold the door open for your friends.
  191. >”Thank ya kindly, Fid.” The orange pony tips her hat.
  192. >”Yes, you really are quite the gentlecolt aren't you?” Rarity says with a wink.
  193. >You sigh and roll your eyes.
  194. >Entering the hospital, all of your senses are assaulted.
  195. >The bright white lights pierce through your eyelids, and the smell of cleanliness and air fresheners permeate your nostrils.
  196. >It's a lot to take in.
  197. >While you try to gain control of your senses again, Twilight approaches the front desk.
  198. >”Hello. We're here to see...”
  199. >”Rainbow Dash, yes, I know. You're here almost every day, Twilight. Of course I know who you're here to see!” the registrar responds with a bubbly tone. “She's still in room 14B.”
  200. >”Thanks!” the purple mare turns towards the hall, motioning for you all to follow.
  201. >You oblige, opting to stay near your best friend.
  202. >This place unsettles you immensely.
  203. >You feel an urge to escape the place as quickly as possible.
  204. >The heart that beats within your chest is thumping faster than it should.
  205. >Your hands start to feel a bit damp, and you feel a slight shiver.
  206. >This isn't fear. It's similar to fear, but it isn't.
  207. >You know the feeling of terror. You are a master of terror.
  208. >This is something else entirely.
  209. >But what?
  210. >You'll have to ask somep0ny la-
  211. >”Don't be nervous! Everything is going to be alright, alright?” Rarity glances at you, giving you a warm smile.
  212. >So that's what this feeling is.
  213. >”If you say so.” Your mind may agree, but the pit in your stomach does not.
  215. >The lot of you approach the door marked 14B
  216. >You stand back for a moment, not wanting to open up the door.
  217. >You turn to the group.
  218. >”Perhaps you should prepare her for my presence. If I was her, I wouldn't want to be surprised by the very thing that put her in here in the first place.”
  219. >”Didja really just say that?”Applejack looks at you incredulously.
  220. >You mentally recap what you said and think about it for a moment.
  221. >”Yes?” You questionably reply.
  222. >”What in tarnation do you mean by that?” She steps closer to you, making you back into the wall.
  223. >You look to your other friends, specifically Rarity.
  224. >She is always in your corner, she would surely-
  225. >Nope. She's giving you the stink eye too.
  226. >You look quickly from mare to mare.
  227. >Oh yeah, they're all mad at you.
  228. >You blink a few times before asking the question of the ages.
  229. >”What?”
  230. >”What exactly do you mean by 'thing', Fid?” Rarity steps up, looking far angrier than any of the other mares.
  231. >”I...uh...I mean... uh...” you try to find the right words, but they escape you.
  232. >This is the first time in your entire life you've been at a loss for words.
  233. >And you do not like it. Not one bit.
  234. >”Answer me, Fid.” Rarity is within an inch of you face, staring deep into your eyes.
  235. >”Well, what I mean is... Just because I look like a human doesn't mean I am a human. This is simply a disguise. Yeah, its a really elaborate disguise, but it's still just a disguise. In the end, I am still just an object. A thing. I'm still just a scarecrow.”
  236. >You stare back into Rarity's eyes, ignoring your other friends.
  237. >“A scarecrow that drank a potion so it could fool itself into thinking it's something more than just a burlap sack with a consciousness.”
  238. >You simply stare for a moment at the white mare. You revealed far more than you'd have liked, but you couldn't stop yourself for some reason.
  239. >”Fid.. You're far more than that. We will talk more about this later.” her voice is tender, yet resolute.
  241. >You stare the door, then back at your friends.
  242. >Yeah, they are gonna make you go in there first.
  243. >Damn them.
  244. >Taking a quick breath, you turn the nob on the door, and open it slightly, peeking in to the room.
  245. >The room is a light green color, with a bed, and a nightstand stacked high with books.
  246. >Glancing around, you see the aspiring Wonderbolt sitting in the corner of the room, staring right at you, book in her hooves.
  247. >Okay, you know that expression. One of 2 things is going to happen.
  248. >Moment of truth...
  249. >She screams.
  250. >What is it with creatures and screaming in your presence?
  251. >You duck just in time for the book she was holding to soar over your head.
  252. >And the throwing of things too! They constantly throw things at you!
  253. >”Get out GET OUT GET OUT YOU MONSTER!” She yells, walking towards you angrily with moist eyes.
  254. >This pretty much sums up your first encounter with pretty much every p0ny in this town.
  255. >”Rainbow, please stop.” You hold up your hands in a submitting fashion.
  256. >She pauses for just a moment. Just long enough for you to say something in your defense.
  257. >You're too stunned to actually say anything. This is the first time something like this has happened.
  258. >She continues to stare at you, directly into your eyes.
  259. >Wait a second, hold on. You may be able to do something.
  260. >You focus on her own magenta eyes and think as hard as you can about one thought.
  261. >Apologizing.
  262. >The cyan pegasus cocks her head curiously, and does something you would never expect.
  263. >The corners of her mouth crease ever so slighty upwards.
  264. >Holy shit, that actually worked. That's really something else.
  265. >In for a penny....
  266. >Not averting your gaze, you take a step towards her, and start digging into her mind.
  267. >You pull and skip the memories of fear and terror, most of which contain your burlap form now.
  268. >A pang of regret and guilt ring deep within your chest.
  269. >You caused this. But you know how to fix it.
  270. >You dive deeper into her mind, and find a memory.
  271. >No, not quite a memory... more of a... dream?
  272. >The cyan pegasus soars through the air in her blue suit and goggles.
  273. >Flipping and spinning through the air, executing stunts that are worthy of an ogle.
  274. >The other pegasi fly close, forming a V in the air.
  275. >She is the lead of the group, soaring high without a care.
  276. >She quickly drops formation, and plummets straight to the ground.
  277. >The other pegasi circle around her, flying around and around.
  278. >The roar of the wind is deafening, and through the clouds she can't see a thing.
  279. >Suddenly, without warning, there's a loud boom, and shes surrounded by an enormous rainbow ring.
  280. >The smile on her face would crack a lesser mare's face in half.
  281. >And even though she's sailing that fast, you can still hear her lighthearted laugh.
  283. >You pull out of her mind and take a step back.
  284. >The familiar feeling of being well fed after terrorizing something is there, but it's different.
  285. >It doesn't feel like as hollow as before. It feels more... genuine.
  286. >And it's also exhausting as all hell.
  287. >You immediately fall on your rump, using your arms to hold yourself steady.
  288. >You have to brace yourself in order to not spin with your head.
  289. >Rainbow Dash simply sits there staring at you with a smile on her face.
  290. >You break the silence.
  291. >”Sorry about... scaring you before” You say quietly.
  292. >Dash doesn't respond verbally. Her posture relaxes a bit as she wraps you in a hug.
  293. >Freezing for a moment, you re-assume control over your body and return the friendly gesture.
  294. >She releases you, taking a step back.
  295. >”Don't sweat it. You weren't yourself when you did that, Fid. I can see that now. In fact, I should be thanking you!”
  296. >What the hell kind of opposite world does she live in? Is she still out of her mind?
  297. >”Pray tell... Why should you be thanking me?” you tilt your head slightly, raising an eyebrow.
  298. >She looks out the window for a second before looking back at you.
  299. >”Because you're a good friend, Fid. You came back to help me when you could have just stayed gone. Real loyal of you to do that. And I can respect loyal.” She smiles again.
  300. >A good friend? Well that's a new one.
  301. >”Thank you, Rainbow Dash.”
  302. >The two of you glance around the room for a moment.
  303. >”So how does it feel?”
  304. >”How does what feel?” You feel your muscles start to tense up at her tricky smile.
  305. >”How does it feel to be a friend of the coolest pony in Ponyville?” Her smile grows wider.
  306. >You smile to yourself and shake your head slightly.
  307. >”I've been Rarity's friend for a while. Why are you only asking now?”
  308. >She blinks a couple times, the gears in her head working overdrive before she bursts into uproarious laughter.
  309. >”You got me, Fid.” She wipes a tear from her eye, still chuckling. “You're pretty cool, you know that, potato man?”
  310. >”I have my moments.” You smile simply.
  312. >The door opens behind you, a posh voice speaks into the room”I hope we aren't interrupting something, but we'd like to see our friend before visiting hours are over.”
  313. >You turn your head to see Rarity looking into the room.
  314. >”What do you mean 'before visiting hours are over'?” Your head tilts again.
  315. >”Fid, you've been in there for at least 4 hours,” She says with slight concern in her voice. “Are you alright?”
  316. >You blink, stupefied by this new development.
  317. >”Yeah, I'm fine. Just lost track of time, I guess.”
  318. >That wasn't really a lie, either. Whenever you pull up a victims fear, it takes mere seconds, maybe a minute at the most.
  319. >Then again, you've had who knows how long to practice and perfect that skill.
  320. >Dash speaks up in your defense.
  321. >”Hey, lay off the guy, huh? He hasn't been around in a while, and he wanted to see his friend. Nothing wrong with that.” She looks to Rarity, then back at you, smiling.
  322. >”I didn't mean to offend... I was simply... It's not like...” She turns her head, hiding behind her mane a la Fluttershy.
  323. >Is she...blushing?
  324. >”Relax, Rare. I'm just yanking your tail,” Dash chuckles in a tomboyish fashion. “Although I am a bit tired. I could use a nap.”
  325. >She yawns to emphasize the point.
  326. >”I could actually use sleep myself. Crossing across the entirety of space and time really does take a lot out of you.” You half smile.
  327. >Suddenly, Twilight out of nowhere.
  328. >”So I guess it's settled then. We'll see you tomorrow, Dash.”
  329. >You blink, slightly perplexed at this random intrusion. But she has a point.
  330. >Saying goodbye to Dash, you rise and leave the room, and the hospital with the rest of your friends at your side.
  331. >Laying on your bed, you summarize the events of the day.
  332. >Today was a good day.
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