
OC Profile - Agape Hilaria

May 5th, 2012
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  1. Age: 25 (775 years since death)
  3. Gender: F
  5. Height: 5'4"
  7. Weight: 121 lbs.
  9. Birthday: August 23, 1211
  11. Skin: Olive
  13. Eye color: Green with yellow pupils (originally green)
  15. Hair color: Black
  17. Likes: Collecting junk, stealing, doing good (especially if there's some sort of reward)
  19. Dislikes: 'Bad' people, which basically consists of criminals and policemen. She also hates people who control others.
  21. Storyline:
  23. A long, long, time ago, Agape was a young woman who lived on the streets of Rome. She was a fairly good thief, and often overheard things. One time, thanks to one of these overhearings, she uncovered a plot to destroy all of the city by one of the top politicians. She ratted him out on it, expecting to receive plenty of money and fame. Instead, the politician had her killed by assassins.
  24. As a result of her crimes and desires to get rich, she ended up very decisively in Hell. Now, normally, people who end up in Hell turn out being terrible beings. Agape actually wised up, however. She realized that there was no way she could make it here, and decided to try and run away from Hell. Despite her power increasing down there, she failed every time, and was eventually punished by being made the slave of a higher demon named Mendosus, who had himself made many almost successful attempts at taking over Hell. During her servitude, she buried away any courage she had left, and became a very cowardly and obedient girl.
  25. When Mendosus was banished, Agape was freed from her servitude. However, Mendosus had no intention of losing so useful and obedient a servant. So he lured her to come with him with the promise of freedom - and effectively made her his servant once more, telling her that unless she stayed with him, he would send her back to Hell - and she was far too familiar with what they would and did do to people who escaped.
  26. With the help of a woman named Kyoko, Agape was freed, and was allowed to stay up on Earth, so long as she never returned to Hell. However, she had to deal with culture shock, learning a new language, and generally getting used to the fact that it simply isn't the world she used to know.
  27. Along the way, she met a guy by the name of Alex. Claiming partial demonic heritage, the two became good friends. He helped her get used to the new world, and taught her how to use firearms (more on that later). When he finally revealed that he was the leader of a group of bandits who were planning to create a time travel device of their own so they could steal from ages past, she decided to join not for the possible riches, but to try to stop them from going through with their plans - she already knew what Hell was like, and didn't want Alex or his partners to end up there themselves. And with that, she began her attempts to try to correct them to her view of goodness.
  28. Along the way, she met up with a woman named Kyoko, who wanted to stop Agape's group of friends from screwing with time, thus changing the way the future went. Even with this threat apparent, Agape didn't want to lost people who she had become attached to, and sincerely wanted to help, and so she defied her every step of the way. However, that changed when Agape realized that the reason she might still be in the world of the living might be because she was being given a second chance - which seemed to be confirmed when she met someone who claimed they could get her a new soul, which to her knowledge would allow her to work towards fixing her sins, and regain her lost humanity. Thanks to that person, she managed to let go of her hatred of demons.
  29. As part of her attempts to become a better person, she decided to share the location of her friend's base and tried to explain to them why she was doing so. It didn't work out, though, as she was basically betrayed by all but Alex, and she basically snapped, losing control over herself. It took a few good blows from Kyoko and Alex, and a little more of a psychological influence from Kyoko, Agape managed to be defeated and calmed down.
  30. And what about the soul? It turned out that she had it all along - corrupted a great deal by Hell and her sins, but still there nonetheless. Deciding to take on her problems, she has retired from being a thief, and is currently looking to improve herself as a person. She's also taken an interest in learning magic, but how that will last remains to be seen.
  32. Personality:
  33. ~ Agape hates being controlled or told what to do. However, there is a contradiction in that she'll try to control others.
  34. ~ Agape can be quite forward, even to the point of sounding pessimistic in some cases. She doesn't intend to hurt others with what she says, but rather she prefers to be honest with people.
  35. ~ In normal circumstances, Agape is actually quite confident, and this is even more the case when she is dealing with or around someone she considers a friend. However, like what happened in Hell, it's not all that difficult to emotionally break her. It can go two ways - she can become incredibly meek and obedient, like how she was with Mendosus, or as recently seen, she can just become incredibly mad and lose her self-control.
  36. ~ Agape is quite clumsy with technology. When she first got a gun, she made the very foolish mistake of pointing it at herself and pulling the trigger, which resulted in her losing one of her eyes. Moreso, she actually doesn't understand how many basic mechanics work, and there are also several words which aren't in her vocabulary. This doesn't mean she's stupid, she's just experiencing a completely different world from the one she's used to.
  37. ~ As an artifact of her past, she has an irrational mistrust of the police and the church. She views the former as a group of people who seem to do no better than mess with the way people live their lives, and the latter as a brainwashing corporation.
  39. Weapons & Abilities:
  40. * Symbiote - A unique gun that was created by a gun maker from Hell. It does not run on bullets, but rather, the rage a person builds up. It also cannot hurt it's owner, since they are connected to some degree. Alex has had one of these for a long time, but gave it to Agape, since she wanted to learn how to use a gun despite being completely afraid of being shot by them. She's become quite fond of it, to the point of treating it like a (rather lifeless) pet.
  42. * Clearshot - A bow that Agape uses. Originally a bow user, she decided to try her luck with guns. It didn't work out as well, though, so she decided to go back to using her bow. Although the bow itself is nothing special, she does have a variety of special shots:
  43. ~ Eurus arrows - These increase the size of whatever body part they hit, and continue to do so to at least five times their original size, until they're pulled out. They do very little damage otherwise.
  44. ~ Zephyrus arrows - These will move Agape and whoever is holding on to her to wherever she shoots it. It's extremely fast, making it just about always a good getaway tool.
  45. ~ Notus arrows - The most offensive tool in Agape's arrow set, this creates a large burst of flame upon contact with anything. Not as strong as Agape's own natural magic, but it's good if there's a lot of flammable stuff around.
  47. * Agape has fairly high speed, and has very good jumping ability. She is capable of running up to 130 miles per hour, and can jump well enough that she can wall jump between two buildings that have an average-sized alleyway between them. These came after she died, of course - she needed something to get through Hell, no?
  49. * Even though she doesn't want to admit it, Agape was a demon, and she does still have access to a large amount of power inside of her. She isn't particularly good at accessing it, due to a lack of practice, but thanks to Symbiote's properties, she is capable of accessing it in limited bursts.
  50. Agape's power gives her access to fairly powerful fire magic. She can also use this power to momentarily increase her speed by about 50 mph.
  52. * Agape is an untrained boxer, who believes in the philosophy that one should go into a fight with all-out power. However, she does know how to dodge - she can dash a very small distance left or right of wherever she is facing - she just doesn't like doing it much.
  54. Clothing:
  55. * Agape wears a white sweater with a brown jacket over it. She has the word 'FREE' stitched sideways on the left flap of this jacket.
  57. * She also wears a navy blue skirt, with royal blue trimming, and similarly colored stockings underneath.
  59. * On her feet, she wears oversized, black work boots, which are somewhat personalized - she stitched the words 'NEVER KNEEL' and 'NEVER REST' to her left and right boots, respectively.
  61. * She also has a royal blue beret leaning on the right side of her head, which is just something she thought looked cool. She also wears an eyepatch with a tilted skull-and-crossbones, which is actually the logo of Alex's gang.
  63. * For work, instead of the coat and sweater she normally wears, she wears a pastel green long-sleeved shirt, as well as a large pink apron with the symbol of the coffee shop she works at on it.
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