
FoE RPG G0 - #044 Salvage Farm: For a New Tomorrow

Jan 24th, 2014
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  1. [21:50]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #44 starts now
  2. [21:51]<SpiritOfFate> ===========================================
  3. [22:00]<SpiritOfFate> The dust settles down from today's battle. The bodies are piled up and striped from their possessions, the blood seeping with the rainwater into foul puddles. Chroma Cure does what she can to care for the living, but her meager supplies don't allow her for much. Hearty Broth, the giddy small jenny, is having her mane messed by Tamara by the slavehouse.
  4. [22:00]<SpiritOfFate> The slaves are all free. Some have never dreamed of a different life, others wonder where can they go from here. But many celebrate.Flanel, shaken and confused, is being comforted by Boiling Carrot at the main house.
  5. [22:04]? Hawkeye stands by, watching the spreading realization that life has just changed dramatically for everyone present. Most for the better, but some for the worse. Particularly the griffon mercenaries, Hawkeye realizes. She walks toward the group of nervous and disarmed griffons, her gun slung over her back instead of raised. It might be fun to spook chickens, but it don't do no good for their little...
  6. [22:04]? Hawkeye ...hearts, after all. "Hey," the sniper says as she gets close to Jamal and the others. "Who wants to get paid?"
  7. [22:09]? Royal_Lace is finally confident the defenses were under controle and steps out of the shed, looking around at the fruits of there labor. Sighing contently she begins to move towards the old slave house.
  8. [22:09]? Firefly is sitting in the control room, looking over the blue prints for the giant robots.
  9. [22:09]<SpiritOfFate> Jamal grins as the expression of the other allied griffin lights up. "See. I told you it would be worth it." He seems a bit relieved himself.
  10. [22:10]? Ignis is sorting out the loot...just...checking. Sure that it did brough much happyness to his heart to see an actual hoard of loot instead of mere scraps...dragon, much...teehee.
  11. [22:10]? Sotho is still upstairs, trying to decide exactly what to do with the vile piece of pony infront of him
  12. [22:12]? Wintergreen is still waiting for Knick Knack to return with the rope.
  13. [22:15]? Royal_Lace walks up to the slave house and looks it over as well as the salves nearby, remembering something she trots over to the food trough and begins to at the dirt near it with her magic looking for something.
  14. [22:15]<SpiritOfFate> The blueprint seems very elaborate and detailed, but there are a couple burnt spots that need to be replanned. Firefly realizes it only addresses the main hull of the bot, and there is no information of weapons. There is also an arrow indicating "see no. 3" just under a burnt spot.
  15. [22:15]<Hawkeye> "Ah don't know what y'all were being paid before all this went pear-shaped for y'all, but we'll find out and make sure y'all get paid through today," the sniper continues. "And no penalty for breach of contract, neither. Weren't your fault y'all got your feathered rumps kicked, after all," she says with a chuckle. "Yer weapons'll be returned shortly. As fer further employment, since y'all...
  16. [22:15]<Hawkeye> ...*are* mercenaries, Ah suggest y'all talk to Tamara, and maybe Royal Lace, if y'all are interested." Hawkeye gestures at the molly. "Ponies here are gonna need protection until they get their hooves back under 'em, after all." Then she turns to the griffiness in charge. "'Cept you. You stay put." She shifts her shotgun into easy reach in case she needs it, and makes no attempt to hide it.
  17. [22:16]<SpiritOfFate> Gabrielle glares at Hawkeye.
  18. [22:16]? Hawkeye glares back.
  19. [22:16]<SpiritOfFate> Doodad is sweating and shaking. Knick Knack looks at him with pity before looking back at Sotho
  20. [22:17]? Sotho smiles softly to Knick Knack for a moment before still glaring at Doodad.
  21. [22:17]? Firefly looks through the schematics, trying to find number 3. "Hrm... where is the thing for my giant robot..."
  22. [22:17]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis has a large mound of armor and weapons before him.
  23. [22:18]? Hawkeye can barely contain the cold fury that eats at the back of her mind as she stares Gabrielle down. "You ain't going nowheres. Because you ain't a merc; you're a murderer, and we both know that. Ah highly doubt takin' hostages and blowing the heads off unarmed slaves was part of yer contract."
  24. [22:18]? Wintergreen glances at the rope, then to Sotho. "We should tie him up, Sotho... so he doesn't try anything."
  25. [22:19]<SpiritOfFate> There is only one of the schematics with Firefly. It's all Royal_Lace found in the garage
  26. [22:20]? Sotho nods to Wintergreen. "Of couse." He says, moving to Doodad and starting to tie him up.
  27. [22:21]? Firefly stomps a hoof before flying out of the garage looking for Royal_Lace and Hawkeye. Maybe one of them grabbed it?
  28. [22:21]? Hawkeye is standing by a bunch of griffons out in the main yard, and isn't hard to spot.
  29. [22:23]? Ignis sits by it and just awaits the others to finish their business so they could split everything...
  30. [22:26]<SpiritOfFate> All Royal_Lace can find is her note with a hoof mark.
  31. [22:27]<SpiritOfFate> Gabrielle smirks at the mention of the pony she killed.
  32. [22:27]? Royal_Lace smiles, a tear forming in her eyes as she makes a silent prayer for whoever found her gift suddenly feeling very emotional looking back at what all she and her friends had been through.
  33. [22:27]? Ignis isn't so sure why they were taking so long into the house...they weren't in trouble, were they? Probably not...otherwise they would've thrown a racket...
  34. [22:28]? Firefly hovers near Hawkeye. "Hawkeye, did you take one of these? I need it for the robot."
  35. [22:30]<Hawkeye> That doesn't help Hawkeye's anger any. "The difference between a merc and a murderer for hire," she says to the others, "is that fer a merc, it's all about the job. Y'all hurt people and break things for a living. But a murderer... they do it because they get off on it. Because it makes 'em feel powerful." She looks at Gabrielle with a steely gaze. "Mercs get paid. Murderers get justice."...
  36. [22:30]<Hawkeye> ...The sniper looks to Firefly and shakes her head. "No, sugarcube. Ah might have accidentally blown up a couple when muh grenades went off, but Ah didn't take any of 'em. Have y'all asked Miz Lace? She was squirrelin' 'em away when Ah last checked.
  37. [22:32]? Royal_Lace looks around at the slaves nearby, curious to see how they were carrying about with there newfound freedom.
  38. [22:32]? Hawkeye does a double take. "Wait, robot?"
  39. [22:33]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis sees a glint coming from the pile of loot. A different shine in the metallic armor.
  40. [22:37]<SpiritOfFate> Doodad is tied up. He struggles against the ropes. "You can't do this to me! You c-can't..."
  41. [22:38]? Firefly nods to Hawkeye. "The big one in that building over there." She points toward the factory building before taking off to look for Royal_Lace.
  42. [22:39]<Sotho> "We can and we did." Sotho says simply. "We need somepony to guard over him." He says to the two mares near him
  43. [22:39]? Ignis blinkyblinks. "Goddess if I did hit jackpot again..." The dragon draws close to examine it...maybe it was another blinged up armor he came across into? He still remembered that golden combat did impressed him that other dragons were so innocuously fixated into aesthethics over efficience to that point...anyways, he examines the noticeable glint
  44. [22:39]<SpiritOfFate> Many of the slaves are gathered up, discussing what they are going to do with their lives from now on, full of hope. A some of the others just gather around the food through.
  45. [22:40]<SpiritOfFate> "I'll do it,"says Knick Knack, stepping closer.
  46. [22:40]<Hawkeye> "Huh. If that don't beat all," Hawkeye says. "Glad we didn't have to fight an even BIGGER one than we- oh." She watches Firefly zip off, then shrugs and turns back to the griffons. "Anyway. Jamal, what were y'all being paid for this contract?"
  47. [22:40]? Sotho looks to Knick Knack. "I trust you Knick Knack, but if you do this you need to know if you let him out he will try to hurt you again."
  48. [22:41]? Wintergreen nods. "I can stay too, if you want."
  49. [22:42]? Royal_Lace smiles before moving off to see what the new managment was up to, searching out a certain auto axe weilding donkey.
  50. [22:43]? Firefly flies over near Royal_Lace. "Miss Pretty Pony? Did you take anymore of these?"
  51. [22:43]? Firefly gestures to the schematic she's holding.
  52. [22:43]? Sotho looks to Wintergreen. "If you like, though some of the slaves may need more medical attention."
  53. [22:44]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis finds a a strange spoon in a small toolkit embedded to the armor, as well as a small key.
  54. [22:44]? Wintergreen purses her lips, nodding. She blinks. "Or, Doodad can come with us." She explains, "He can't stay locked up here forever, so..."
  55. [22:45]? Royal_Lace looks up to firefly, still clearning a few stray tears of happiness, "No dear, I did not. Did you check the garage where the robot was?"
  56. [22:45]<Sotho> "True." He nods, moving to Doodad and lifting him up to his back.
  57. [22:46]? Ignis takes both things, mainly examinating the spoon...maybe it was this one? Extensive research did revealed how the Spoon was meant to look...the dragon also spends some time examinating the toolkit as to find some clue to where the key fitted...
  58. [22:47]? Wintergreen nods. "So, where to?"
  59. [22:47]? Ignis shakes his head in denial. "No, it's not the one..." The dragon said lowly. "I'm sure of it...the something else entirely."
  60. [22:47]? Ignis packs the spoon all the same, anyways...he planned in starting a collection.
  61. [22:47]? Royal_Lace continues to look for the Donkey leader.
  62. [22:48]<SpiritOfFate> "The four of us were being paid 200 each for our mission. The three of us, now." Jamal says. One of the other guards chimes in. "We were being paid 150 for guard duty, plus food and drink."
  63. [22:48]<Sotho> "Well to the yard to see if we can find our friends." He says, trotting with Doodad on his back.
  64. [22:49]? Wintergreen nods and follows behind. "C'mon Knick Knack," she gestures for the mare to follow.
  65. [22:50]<SpiritOfFate> Some of the tools seemed to be used for arcane matrixes. There was also a screwdriver and a few other mechanical tools
  66. [22:51]? Firefly shakes her head. "I'm gonna do that next. Thanks!" She darts off to check the area with the robot to find the other schematics.
  67. [22:51]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack nods, following along with Wintergreen and Sotho.
  68. [22:52]? Ignis takes the "screwdriver" and glares at it...what an odd-looking tool...
  69. [22:52]? Sotho trots on his way out, specifically the same way through the kitchen, so Doodad can see what Sotho did to his slavedriver.
  70. [22:53]? Ignis deposits it back onto the box and packs it up along with his things...maybe they would be of use to him later? he still had no idea whatsoever where that key fitted...or where he would find the Spoon...but something told him he was on the right path
  71. [22:54]<Ignis> "I should find the landfill's techlaborer..."
  72. [22:54]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye notices something off in the second guard's subtle smile.
  73. [22:55]? Hawkeye makes a wry but amused face. "Riiiight, and Princess Celestia personally appointed me to be the next tooth fairy," she says. "Look, y'all can make me dig through Doodad's account books and see what he was actually payin' y'all, and make it take even LONGER until y'all get paid proper. Or, y'all can stop trying to feed me a pile of brahmin droppins and play it straight. Ah guarantee the...
  74. [22:55]? Hawkeye ...latter gets y'all paid faster."
  75. [22:58]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara smiles as Royal_Lace approaches her. "Ah, one of our finest allies. We are planning our next moves here."
  76. [22:59]? Firefly flies over into the building with the giant griffin-bot and starts to look for the other schematics.
  77. [23:01]? Royal_Lace smiles as she trots up to Tamara, "Excelent, I am most interested in the details of what you have planned for the future. Would I be to presuptious to ask to be inlightened to your plans?"
  78. [23:01]<SpiritOfFate> The griffin leans back. "Hey, I tried. There aren't that many to pay here anymore. But it was 100 caps, I had enough fighting for today."
  79. [23:04]? Hawkeye nods. "Thankies. Ah can understand wantin' to get paid twice, but these folks ain't got much of nothin, and y'all should be ashamed of trying to take advantage of them like that." The sniper snorts. "Now. Ah'll make sure we take yer pay off the top of Doodad's assets," she says, tallying up how many caps they'll need to pay off the mercs. "And, looks like both the folks y'all need to talk to...
  80. [23:04]? Hawkeye ...about future employment, if y'all are interested, are right there." She gestures to Royal_Lace and Tamara. "Go ahead
  81. [23:04]<Hawkeye> "go ahead on over there."
  82. [23:06]? Ignis trots towards Hawkeye, seeing that she was dealing with the prisioners. "Hey, I see you've got things pretty much under control..." The dragon whistles, nodding. "Now with the new future laying ahead of us all and everything..." he remarks, idly staying close to the mare. " chance, haven't you checked a prisioner who is a bit...unlike the profile of those, Hawkeye?"
  83. [23:06]? Sotho trots out to the slaveyard, looking for anypony else to speak to about Doodad.
  84. [23:08]? Hawkeye quirks an eyebrow. "Say what, Fangs? All Ah've seen is a couple of the slavers..." She gestures at Tin Cone. "...and these mercs. The doc's over thattaway. What kinda feller were you looking for? Ah can keep muh eye out."
  85. [23:10]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly notices plates under the two griffbot pods there, like the others at the garage. They say "#4 Clothier" and "#5 Librarian". The giant one has "#7 Colossus" under it
  86. [23:10]? Ignis hmmms. "One who dealt with the robots mainentance and that sort of the deal..." the dragon raises an eyebrow at Tin Cone. "Say, that one doesn't look much like a fighter..." the dragon scoots towards the pony. "Hey,'re the one who tends to the robots?" he asks.
  87. [23:11]? Wintergreen follows Sotho, hoping to find Firefly...
  88. [23:12]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara explains to Royal_Lace. "We need to secure part of the urban area nearby so that our people will have a place to live. The raider presence needs to be pushed back."
  89. [23:13]? Firefly frowns as she looks at the griffin pods. She takes a closer look around the garage, tying to find the other four pods... or more?
  90. [23:15]<SpiritOfFate> Tin Cone shakes his head. "No sir, those are from Viktor."
  91. [23:16]? Ignis blinks. "Oh, you mean the griffon...and...what do you do, exactly? No offense, don't look /exactly/ like a slaver..."
  92. [23:16]? Royal_Lace nods, "Have you considered reaplying DooDads assests and hireing on the Anchor Company mercenaries to aid in cleaning house? I will also be more than glad to dedicate my own services however I can". Looking around at the slaves she taps her chin in thought, "Also do you have ponies taking stock of the supplies availiable? Food and caps to help this place stay afloat?"
  93. [23:18]? Sotho finds his way to Royal_Lace and Tamara, smiling ."Why hello. Look what we found." He says, showing Doodad.
  94. [23:19]? Royal_Lace glances over to Doodad and nods before looking back to Tamara waiting for her responce, glancing back at sotho she adopts a worried look at his wounds. "Whatever happened to you?"
  95. [23:19]<SpiritOfFate> "Broth is taking a group to check into the food warehouse. She doesn't know where the rest of the caps are kept though. We will take a group to investigate the main house soon after that"
  96. [23:19]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara says to Royal_Lace
  97. [23:21]<Sotho> "Hit with an energy weapon and then shot up by a turret." He says. "Then healed and shot again by a shotgun from this scum." He says to Royal_Lace, but then smirks. "But you know, no big deal."
  98. [23:22]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly finds 4 other pods. "#0 Signal", "#1 Bank", "#2 Cook" and "#3 Barkeeper". The last one has a red light blinking
  99. [23:22]? Firefly blinks at the barkeeper pod. "Why are you blinking?" She investigates!
  100. [23:22]? Wintergreen raises an eyebrow at Lace. "What should we do with him?" She glances at Knick Knack. "I know you don't want to hear it, but the Mudponies would probably kill him on sight..."
  101. [23:23]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara smiles. "Well, well, how the mighty have fallen." She looks at Doodad on Sotho's back.
  102. [23:25]? Royal_Lace nods, "Is there anyway I can be of imediate help? I noticed we seem to be short on medical supplies. While I dont personally have much in the way of medical aptitude I have managed to make a few good contacts in town and posses the ability to quickly go there and back. I had already planned on making a trip there to remove the wanted posters there in any case as well as talk to the Hell hound living there".
  103. [23:26]? Royal_Lace looks at Sotho with worry, "I had hoped you would be more carful, but I am glad you seem to be alright..."
  104. [23:27]? Sotho chuckled a bit. "I'm fine. I've fought worse beasts than this guy." He says nodding to Doodad.
  105. [23:27]<SpiritOfFate> There are no information on the pod per se, but one of the screens of the garage terminal has an equally red, equally blinky message under #3
  106. [23:28]<SpiritOfFate> Doodad groans.
  107. [23:29]? Ignis crouches down closer to the pony. "I just don't know where you fit in all of came with Viktor or were hired along the way...what do you do around these parts, pony? "
  108. [23:31]? Firefly flits over to the screen scratches her head. "Hrm... wonder if I can figure this out..." She pokes at the terminal and tries to get more information.
  109. [23:32]? Hawkeye sits back on her haunches and watches everything going on, keeping especially close tabs on Gabrielle. The crippled griffon isn't going anywhere with Hawkeye on watch.
  110. [23:33]<SpiritOfFate> "I keep an eye out for trouble. Always have. Guess you could call me a slaver. It's the chance I've been given." Tin Cone says to Ignis. "I'm supposed to regret it and pay for my mistakes now, isn't that right?"
  111. [23:35]? Ignis headtilts. "Don't we all? Isn't what life is all about, regret? Half of it regretting what you did...and the other half, regretting what you didn't..." He sighs. "Anyways..." The dragon digs his pockets for a toolbox and shows it to him. "Are these Viktor's?"
  112. [23:35]<SpiritOfFate> Buck trots to Hawkeye's side.
  113. [23:37]<SpiritOfFate> "Yes. He's the one with the glowing eye." Tin Cone says
  114. [23:37]? Hawkeye nuzzles the unicorn stallion, and suddenly notices her appearance. "Oh! Get away," she says. "Ah must look a fright with all this mud and blood on me... then again, y'all could use a bath too." The sniper gestures at the caked blood in Buck's mane from where he'd horn-skewered a griffon.
  115. [23:39]? Ignis nods. "Was." He retorts. "And don't fret too much about it, we aren't savages or is in both of our interests, for us...and for yourself, obviously... that you keep going alive and find a new lease in life...maybe not today, not tommorow...but...someday."
  116. [23:42]? Buck smiles. "That's not so bad." His eyes stop at Gabrielle and he tenses up, looking away. "How about we go and take a bath? There's nothing stopping us now." He says to Hawkeye
  117. [23:43]<SpiritOfFate> The terminal says "#3 Integrity Compromised: Unable to return."
  118. [23:44]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "Cain't yet, tempting though it may be," she says with a smirk. "Gotta wait until somepony takes this murderin' sack of feathers off muh hooves and delivers her t'justice." The sniper's glare at Gabrielle could possibly freeze the SUN solid.
  119. [23:44]? Firefly scratches her head. "Hrm... wonder if they mean the griffin bot we looted earlier?"
  120. [23:45]<SpiritOfFate> "That would be helpful. Chroma has reported she is understocked. Dr. Mooneye should be able to find us affordable supplies, especially now."
  121. [23:45]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara says to Royal_Lace
  122. [23:48]? Royal_Lace nods, "If we could work together on a list of supplies I can leave whenever we are ready, I should also think that an adress to these freed slaves of your intentions is in order". Turning her head she looks around at the slaves, "Most seem confused and I doubt many know of your intentions to build a proper community, some will obvious wish to leave this all behind them".
  123. [23:49]<SpiritOfFate> Buck mirrors Hawkeye's glare at Gabrielle. "There's no justice to somepony like that. She can only die once."
  124. [23:50]<Hawkeye> "That's the intent," Hawkeye says. "And Ah'm gonna make sure it's done proper. Speaking of, can y'all fetch me some more rope, hun?"
  125. [23:51]? Firefly looks back to the robot pods. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7..." Firefly scrunches her nose. "Something is missing..."
  126. [23:51]? Ignis sort of was expecting an answer somwhat....but since the pony keeps to himself, the dragon turns around and trots over to the garage...reaching there, he scavenges the room, noting the chunky mess that Hawkeye did... he looks for Viktor's stash.
  127. [23:53]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara nods. "After the meal. No better thing than food to gather a crowd."
  128. [23:53]? Wintergreen repeats, as Royal_Lace apparently didn't hear, and points to Doodad. "What should we do with him? The Mudponies would probably kill him on sight..."
  129. [23:54]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara says. "I don't see any good this pony can do out there."
  130. [23:54]<SpiritOfFate> "No!" Knick Knack shouts. "You don't need to kill him. He's not doing anything anymore"
  131. [23:55]<Sotho> "As much as I'd like to see him dead, she brings up a good point. He can't and won't do anything anymore."
  132. [23:55]? Wintergreen frowns. "That's not what I said." She repeats, "The -mudponies- will probably kill him. They're former slaves, and longer than us."
  133. [23:56]? Wintergreen adds, slightly annoyed. "That's why I asked what to do with him."
  134. [23:57]? Royal_Lace steps near DooDad, "I dont see what good murder would do, his means of hurting these ponies has been removed. And im sure he is wise enough to see that his hold of this place has passed".
  135. [23:58]? Wintergreen groans. "I know that Royal, that's why I'm asking what we -should- do, if you'd listen..." Wintergreen sighs, shaking her head. "If we don't want him to die, we shouldn't keep him hear. Former slaves wouldn't hold love for him, and would likely kill him.:"
  136. [23:58]? Royal_Lace nods to Tamara, "Yes, as a matter of fact I would suggest making sure to invite our new zebra friends"
  137. [23:58]? Firefly shakes her head. "Forgot number 0." She starts over. "0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7. That seems right."
  138. [00:00]? Royal_Lace looks downcast, "Im... not certain Wingergreen. I heard you fine but I am remis for a better proposal than letting him go. There is a nearby town he could inhabit, but I doubt he will wish to stoop to finding a propper job".
  139. [00:00]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly can't figure out what else is missing. It's all legit anyway
  140. [00:01]? Firefly shrugs. "Hrm... wonder if I get the other robots to come back."
  141. [00:01]? Wintergreen 's ears fall back. "Sorry, just... irritated. Didn't mean to get annoyed with you." She shakes her head. "But he can't stay here. If you want him safe, he isn't safe here."
  142. [00:02]<SpiritOfFate> "No, I'll find a job. I'll w-work, honest... don't kill me..." Doodad whimpers.
  143. [00:02]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack sighs
  144. [00:03]<SpiritOfFate> Buck pulls out an explosive collar. "I have another idea."
  145. [00:07]? Hawkeye scowls. "As much as that'd be poetic justice, Ah don't think it provides the closure these folks need," she says. The sniper looks right in Gabrielle's eyes. "And Ah know it makes me feel a mite dirty inside, but ah can't imagine a flying critter would particularly enjoy not bein' able to use her wings to support her own weight and keep from stranglin."
  146. [00:08]<SpiritOfFate> Gabrielle glares at both
  147. [00:14]<SpiritOfFate> "I'm not meaning to let her be. She's not getting the chance to escape." He pulls the same trigger Gabrielle dropped. "Remember this, you rotten vulture? Because I do." He says calmly. He turns again to Hawkeye. "It was her. And it has been her so many times before. She thinks she is the reaper, but she is no less flesh than any of us."
  148. [00:16]<Hawkeye> "Fine," Hawkeye says, taking the collar and snapping it closed around Gabrielle's neck. "But you give me that detonator. She won't be going nowhere until we get everyone together. Then, well... she's goin' away and never comin' back, if y'catch muh drift." The mare holds out a hoof for the detonator.
  149. [00:16]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis search only finds the same all of them seen before. Terminals, a table, a workbench with only tools and the griffbot pods: Signal, Bank, Cook and Bartender
  150. [00:20]? Firefly pokes and prods at the terminal, trying to get all the griffin bots to come back.
  151. [00:20]<SpiritOfFate> "Fine, but I'll be pressing that button." Buck passes it over and trots closer to Gabrielle. "How does it feel? The jagged edges scratching your neck, the weight of the bombs, having your life one click away from ending. You get used to it, only you won't."
  152. [00:21]? Ignis sighs and fiddles with the terminal...surely that Lace did tipped the robots towards their side, but...she didn't really checked Viktor's personal files, he would bet on that...
  153. [00:21]? Hawkeye stops and thinks a moment. "Wait... y'all mean it was her, or... 'it was HER'?" she says, looking at Buck's mirror cutie mark.
  154. [00:21]<SpiritOfFate> Gabrielle glares and grunts.
  155. [00:24]? Royal_Lace strokes her chin, "... I suppose I could drop him off outside of town when I make my trip there for the mud ponies", she says to Wintergreen reguarding Doodad
  156. [00:25]? Wintergreen nods. "That... could work." She looks to Knick Knack. "But you knew, and know, him best. Does he deserve that; a normal life, in the town?"
  157. [00:32]<SpiritOfFate> Buck nods. "Filly, yes." He strikes his hoof across Gabrielle's face. "Shut up!" He turns back. "She killed my sister. This won't change that, but it will have to do."
  158. [00:33]<SpiritOfFate> Firefly sees a red error message, before the terminal returns to normal.
  159. [00:33]? Hawkeye holds her tongue, but also holds Buck as she puts a foreleg on his shoulder and hugs him. "Leave her be, Buck. It's curtains for her. She knows it, you know it. Givin
  160. [00:33]<Hawkeye> "givin' her the satisfaction of upsetting y'all again ain't worth it."
  161. [00:34]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack is relieved. "Last Stop is a good place."
  162. [00:35]? Firefly taps repeatedly at the terminal. "Robits return? Ribots? Robots return!"
  163. [00:37]? Royal_Lace nods, "then I will take him there, what manner of supplies do we provide for hiim?"
  164. [00:37]? Buck leans against Hawkeye's hug, hugging back. "Yeah, it isn't. But I'm still going to make sure she can't hurt anyone anymore."
  165. [00:38]? Hawkeye nods silently. There's really not anything else to say.
  166. [00:39]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack looks around confused. "Uh, what would he need?"
  167. [00:40]<SpiritOfFate> After diverse flashes and odd messages, Firefly manages to bring the griffbots back. One of them with the head turned backwards and another holding a snack cake on their beak.
  168. [00:42]? Royal_Lace looks to sotho, "Well Sotho is much more practiced in survival than I, what would somepony who is starting over need?"
  169. [00:42]? Firefly looks at the robots and looks for the one that enters into the librarian pod.
  170. [00:43]<Sotho> "Well, obviously food, things to carry thier things in." He starts off. "Water, a bedroll, a weapon of somekind." He stops there. "And a few ropes just in case."
  171. [00:46]<SpiritOfFate> Ignis spots the arriving griffbots, and notices there is a keyhole on each of their chests
  172. [00:49]? Firefly looks to the griff bots and waves to Ignis. "Hey Ignis. Want to help me open them up?"
  173. [00:50]? Ignis fiddles with the controls, ordering them griffbots to standby. "Just a sec, kid...gotta make sure they'll keep still."
  174. [00:53]? Firefly flies over to them all, looking at each one. "Wonder what's inside..."
  175. [00:54]? Ignis blinks. "Who knows..." He takes his key and opens up each of the bots...
  176. [00:55]<SpiritOfFate> A light glows at Firefly and Ignis faces as they open.
  177. [00:55]<SpiritOfFate> ==============================================
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