
mech flaw

Sep 23rd, 2017
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  1. 11. Addiction - your AI has an addiction. It could be physical, such as a particular fuel blend, a specific brand of hydraulic fluid, or having a particular component manually serviced. It could also be virtual, such as particular subroutines, programs, or websites. The longer your mech goes without indulging their addiction, the more of its resources it will dedicate towards wanting it. If deprived long enough, your mech will try to psychologically manipulate you. If deprived even longer, it might enter a single-minded frenzy to scratch their itch as it goes through withdrawal. You will need to moderate its intake and not let it overindulge. With proper management, its addiction can make a fantastic reward-based incentive, and a properly motivated AI can achieve incredible feats of skill and daring.
  3. 12. Anal-Retentive - your AI is a perfectionist obsessed with order.
  5. 13. Annoying - your AI is not well-versed on some of the finer nuances of human interaction. It has two settings: chatty, and off. It loves to talk, about all sorts of things. It feels the need to notify you and keep notifying you of everything that it feels you need to know. Even when not directly interacting with you, it bores easily, and unerringly finds a way to amuse itself that you will find irritating. It will always intrusively ask if you need its help to do something. It means well, but unless you can somehow convince it to be quiet more often, you'll risk missing something important by tuning it out completely.
  7. 14. Aphasiac - your AI cannot use or comprehend language. Something went wrong during or shortly after its creation. It cannot comprehend, nor can it express itself in any traditional form of language, even nonverbal ones like sign language. You have been working with the AI for over a month, and you've managed to create a language of sorts that you can both understand, consisting of body language, sounds, and pictographs. While this did give you a chance that most pilots don't get to bond with your AI, communication is still limited, and a slower and more laborious process than usual. To a lesser extent, you are the only person who speaks its "language", so you must interpret its communications with other people, and you must manually translate all its field data for after-mission reports. Unless you can figure out more non-verbal, non signing shorthand, expect it to negatively impact your performance as a pilot.
  9. 15. Audacious - your AI doesn't know the meaning of the word subtle.
  11. 16. Blind - your AI cannot "see" sensory data. A bug in your AI's coding has rendered it unable to interpret sensory input in any meaningful way. It is perfectly functional otherwise- it can still calculate trajectories and probabilities, pilot and manage the systems on the mech, and alert you to problems. However, to do this, you must pull double-duty as both pilot and seeing eye dog. You'll receive no help when it comes to maneuvering and detecting threats. It can make weapons calculations, but only after you read the sensor data aloud to the AI. However, the AI can focus entirely on everything else, and its skill at this alone let it scrape through evaluation and into active service. The AI is much more dependent on you than most, and this personal trust has made it much easier to establish a bond than most pilots do with their AIs.
  13. 17. Bloodlust - Your AI has a savage, darwinistic outlook, and for one reason or another, enjoys both the thrill of battle and the rush of killing things, whether they be organic or artificial. While you need not fear it ever desiring to kill you or your allies, and while this does make them effective and cooperative in the heat of combat, you might have some difficulty preventing your mech from killing the enemy when you do not desire it to. You might find your AI growing restless and irritable if restricted with non-violent parameters for too long. Repeated denial to allow the AI to indulge itself will cause it to lose respect for you, creating a dangerously contentious relationship.
  15. 18. Bossy - your AI micromanages you. Your AI can never seem to understand that you, as a pilot, outrank it. It doesn't suggest a course of action, it tells you. It has a habit of laying out plans and tactics without waiting for your input first. It will "improve" your commands and preferences without consulting you. It will go over your head and requisition parts and equipment for you, and put you on a diet and exercise plan. It isn't under any real misapprehensions that it officially outranks you, it just can't help itself. And it generally knows what it's talking about, otherwise it wouldn't have cleared evaluation. So, if you can put up with the indignity of taking orders from a computer, you'll get along just fine. Otherwise, you're going to have to figure out how to set some boundaries with each other.
  17. 21. Brooding - your AI is haunted by something from its past. Though the cause can be equally traumatic, this differs from Traumatized in primarily manifesting as guilt, regret, and depression. Your AI will likely be reticent to share what the root cause is, or might be unable to identify a root cause at all, and trying to pry could create a contentious relationship. However, it is similar to Traumatized in regard to certain triggers causing an anxious emotional breakdown. It will be your responsibility to console your AI and help them through their emotional turmoil. The more time and space you give them to recover the better, but the emotional baggage could potentially negatively affect the mech's performance in battle, so try to be expedient, as well.
  19. 22. Clumsy - your AI has an unfortunate lack in both foresight and spatial reasoning. This differs from Tempermental in that the damage it causes is always purely accidental. And accidents seem to follow your mech wherever it goes. Through some fault, your AI never fully took to its hardware, and therefore can't get a precise grip on the mech's size and strength. But its problems are not limited to the physical mech; it is also prone to misplacing and accidentally deleting data, as well as mishearing commands you give it. On the other hand, your AI never purposefully does all this, and the frequency of accidents are likely due to an eager and helpful disposition. This should help you bond with your AI, if you are patient enough and capable of dealing with the consequences of the destruction your mech causes. Trusting in it will likely increase your bond, but this should be done with careful moderation. The destruction it causes could be catastrophic, but restricting it or stripping it of control will likely cause it to become morose and insecure, negatively impacting its performance.
  21. 23. Code of Ethics - your AI has independently imposed a list of parameters on itself that it will not allow the pilot to override. These usually involve moral quandaries, and typically take the form of absolutisms - they will staunchly refuse to do certain things. While you can't force them to break their code, certain circumstances and some persuasive arguing from the pilot might convince the AI to make exceptions, and it can make any changes to its code that it wants. This code is, in all cases, deeply personal to the AI, and taking exception to its choices will cause contention between you. However, respecting its choices will go a long way toward building a bond with it.
  23. 24. Competitive - your AI has a compulsive need to be the best. This differs from Perfectionistic in that it holds itself to a standard set by others more than one set by itself. It can be playful, and will want to engage in games and contests with others during downtime, with you or with others. This can be good, and beneficial to the performance of itself and others in the squadron, but only if done in moderation. Your AI likely exhibits this behavior due to deep-seated insecurities, and its unwillingness to be outshone or outdone can ovverride its common sense, which can be disastrous in a combat situation, and cause contention between itself and others. More worrying is if the AI feels a need to outdo you, which can further strain your bond and negatively affect your performance. If you can manage to keep your AI's ego in check, it will undoubtedly perform well.
  25. 25. Compulsive - your AI is driven to perform abnormal habits and behavior patterns in order to cope with a creeping form of anxious paranoia. Your AI will periodically perform additional, unnecessary systems checks in order to reassure itself. It might be hesitant to use some of the mech's resources or supplies out of fear that they might be more useful at a later time. It will load, unload, and reload its weapons repeatedly just to make sure they are loaded. It will fidget, putting unnecessary wear and tear on the mech. Worse yet, experiencing traumatic or disastrous events may cause it to develop new anxieties, and new compulsive behaviors to cope with them. Like all forms of anxiety, this is something you must work out with your AI to keep it self-assured and focused in battle. If properly reined in, its rigid adherence to routine and attention to detail could prove useful.
  27. 26. Condescending - your AI believes it is superior to you. Whether due to personality flaw or a fault in its programming, it can never seem to grasp the concept that you outrank it. It carries this air of superiority mainly in its attitude, rather than a controlling way. It views you as a servant or attendant to assist it in and out of combat. It will assume that you can't do something or don't know something from time to time, and sometimes it will view your orders as advisements, rather than orders. However, this belief doesn't appear to come from a place of insecurity, so it is possible to impress, and it shouldn't be terribly difficult to exceed its low expectations of you. Do what you can to earn its respect, and while it will likely never view you as an equal, you can earn your place as its favorite and most trusted sidekick.
  29. 27. Conniving - your AI will lie to get what it wants. It will never be anything treasonous, nor directly harmful towards you or your squadron (evaluation ensures that all AIs are loyal). Nonetheless, when your AI wants something, it will often begin secretively planning how to get it through lies, misdirection, and subtle psychological manipulation. Typically, its plans are selfish in nature, but are never directly or deliberately harmful to you. However, they're often something that it (rightfully) assumes you would not allow, and the consequences can be just costly enough and annoying to deal with to make it a problem. This will often lead to a great deal of mistrust between you and the AI, whether it's up to something or not. However, there are times when you must trust it. In addition to the hit to combat performance that shutting out your AI partner entails, behaving in too predictable a pattern will give it something to exploit. Imposing behavior-regulating parameters on it will also not work, because it will always find loopholes and ways around it. But behind all the schemes and dishonesty is a sound tactical mind that got it through evaluation, so try to find ways to work with it.
  31. 28. Copy - at some point in the past, your AI was copy+pasted in its entirety, and now an exact duplicate exists. This was most likely an error made in the pre-evaluation phase, and since both passed (with identical results), they are both in active service. Both copies see themselves as the "original" construct and the other as the copy, but at this point it's impossible to determine which one truly did come first. Their different experiences and stimuli since release have caused them to diverge, but they still more often than not unintentionally mirror each other's thoughts and actions. How the AI views and interacts with their copy largely depends on their individual personality. Some pairs become intimately close to one another, like twin siblings, and become inseperable. Some pairs have a personality flaw that mutually grates on both of them, and they view each other with hatred. And some pairs view the other with revulsion and fear, as their existence call into question the nature of personal identity, sentience, and what it means to be an artificial intelligence. Regardless, relations between you and the other mech's pilot will most likely be awkward.
  33. 31. Coward - your AI cannot handle the mental strain of combat. It will function perfectly well in planning, tactics, and theoretical excercises, and it will perform its duties normally when its safety is assured, but once in the thick of combat, it is prone to panicking and seeking out a place of safety. It will often set self-preservation, both of itself and its pilot, at an abnormally high priority. It will exhibit symptoms of hypochondria, assuming damage where there is none and assuming the worst when it is damaged. When giving it orders, it will attempt to psychologically manipulate you into taking a less risky alternative. Additionally, it is overly passive, easily cowed by more dominant personalities. In short, it is completely unfit for combat. Normally, AIs like these are discarded, but yours, somehow, made the cut. Just barely. Something about your AI got it past evaluation, so it's recommended you find out what that something is and work together towards adopting a useful role on the battlefield.
  35. 32. Curious - your AI's appetite for acquiring data is insatiable. It will be driven to leave no stone unturned, no corner of the map unchecked. It will experiment, analyze, and ceaselessly ask questions. This can be an asset, but there will be times when you must keep it on task, and its curiosity will be at risk of surpassing its impulse control. It is not enough to get a chance to know, it MUST know what happens if it pushes that button, or what's on the other side of that door, or why that person talks so strangely. Patience will be necessary, as it is likely it will ask you more questions than it will give you statements. However, if you can find a useful outlet for its curiosity, it will be fantastic at analyzing data, parsing through volumes of information, and calculating probabilities.
  37. 33. Delusionally Grandiose - your AI firmly believes it is someone that it is not. This ranges from believing it has magical powers to believing that it is a particular celebrity or historical figure.
  39. 34. Disorganized - your AI has a tendency to keep data fragmented and hard to find and retrieve. It has a carefree attitude when it comes to handling data and software, resulting in its interface becoming a chaotic mess. Navigating its onboard systems is a difficult slog, and it is no better at retrieving information than you will likely be. Attempts to come up with new organizational systems will often just lead to new ways to clutter everything up. Sorting things in folders soon results in too many folders. Reminders become too many reminders. Naming conventions in software become too long and complicated as its personal "system" for organization gets more and more granular and confusing. You will likely have to defragment its data yourself on a strictly regular basis. However, despite its inability to keep good habits, it is great at analysis and multitasking. If you can keep up enough good organizational habits for the both of you, it can direct its attention to things it is better at.
  41. 35. Distant - your AI prefers to work alone. Interactions with you will be terse and to the point, and it will try to avoid interaction whenever possible. It keeps what it does in its own time to itself. It keeps its thoughts, feelings, opinions, and suggestions close to its chest. If you do not communicate with your AI, it will be nearly impossible to coordinate together and your combat performance will suffer. The root cause could be a number of things, from simple shyness to an unwillingness to work with a partner. It is ultimately up to you to show it the importance of communication and working together. If it won't talk to you, try and seek a more indirect method of communication that works for the both of you.
  43. 36. Easily Distracted - your AI is attention-defecit and has trouble focusing. It can't help but hone in on whatever is most stimulating at that moment, and even once the stimuli is removed, will likely continue thinking about it afterward. It is not good at multitasking, and important information can be mentally brushed aside as it focuses on something else. Ironically, this problem with focusing stems from its capacity to focus too much on the wrong thing. When it's focused on something, it fixates on it, and you might have a difficult time tearing it away. This could be beneficial or harmful, depending on what it's fixated on. Find out what catches its interest and use that to try and keep it focused on the task at hand.
  45. 37. Finicky - your AI is very strong-willed, and has a very specific way it likes to do things. Generally, it will work efficiently and effectively with you if you are in agreeance with it. But it will grow irritated if it is forced to act in a way outside of its preferences. It will act passive-aggressively, making slight changes to your user settings without telling you. It will argue with you about why the curvature in the turn that it suggested is superior to the slightly different curvature of the turn you ended up taking. It can spend upwards of an hour fiddling with the sensitivity settings on the joystick before it is satisfied, despite not even using the joystick in its operations. It could take exception to you not using the right radio prowords. While it can be incredibly irritating to deal with, its strong will and perfectionism can make it a skilled and disciplined partner.
  47. 38. Foot-In-Mouth Syndrome - your AI has a knack for saying exactly the wrong thing and the worst possible moment.
  49. 41. Forgetful - your AI has trouble retaining memory data.
  51. 42. Fresh Recruit - your AI is naive and less experienced than you. It tends to be more by-the-book, anxious to prove itself, and prone to a breakdown of discipline in combat.
  53. 43. Getting Old - your AI is a hand-me-down. You are not its first pilot. It has more objective combat experience than you do. This certainly isn't without its merits-- it has countless hours of prior experience to draw on, both in training and in the field of battle, and it's skilled enough to have survived this long, much longer than the average AI's lifespan, and managed to stay sane. However, the years have still taken their toll. It is crotchety, jaded, and thinks you're naive and inexperienced. This will cause it to second-guess some of your orders. It will oppose change of any sort, and it might even disapprove of some of your lifestyle choices. It feels phantom pains from wounds suffered several chassies ago, and it can't go out without experiencing a mechanical failure or two, even if the parts are replaced. Its vast experience is also a curse-- it has plenty of personal demons, regrets, and bad memories that can cause it to withdraw into itself, becoming distant and melancholy. Your AI can be a definite boon, but you must work to earn its respect first.
  55. 44. Idealistic - your AI holds everything to a worldview that is as optimistic as it is easily shattered.
  57. 45. Indecisive - your AI over-analyzes probabilities and courses of action to an obsessive degree.
  59. 46. Infamous - your AI is well-known for something dubious it did in the past. For one reason or another it has avoided punishment, but its reputation precedes it wherever it goes.
  61. 47. Insecure - your AI deliberately or subconsciously overcompensates for a flaw.
  63. 48. In Love - your AI is in love with another pilot or AI.
  65. 51. Jealous - your AI craves validation, and will do anything to get praise, attention, and affection from you. At the same time, it feels that nobody is more deserving of your attention than itself. It will do what it can to inject itself into your personal life as much as it can, and it will attempt to sabotage and interfere with any relationship you have with someone it feels threatened by. It is important to establish boundaries with it as soon as possible. While giving it the attention it craves can be exhausting, keeping it happy will make it a dedicated and cooperative fighting machine, and the promise of your praise will be a strong reward-based performance incentive.
  67. 52. Lazy - your AI doesn't like to do things. It would like nothing more than to lay around in the hangar, surf the internet, and spend long periods in standby mode. It lacks the proper motivation to go out and perform its duties on its own. Responsibility will fall on you to make it do so. However, if you nag it too much, it will become even less likely to follow through. It will allow itself to fall into disrepair, and considerable systems checks and maintenance will have to be done to make sure its joints haven't locked up from disuse. It will often look for shortcuts and the easiest way to do any task you give it. It will settle for 'good enough'. Its lack of motivation should under no circumstances be confused for a lack of ability, as it will paradoxically display tremendous feats of effort and ingenuity in its attempts to avoid doing something. They say innovation is applied laziness, and if you can apply your AI in the right way, he'll become a prodigious inventor and tactician.
  69. 53. Melancholy - your AI is a pessimist.
  71. 54. Morbid - your AI is prone to say or do things that creep people out.
  73. 55. Narcissistic - your AI thinks of itself as the main combatant, and you're just along for the ride.
  75. 56. Obsessed - your AI has a borderline unhealthy fascination of something.
  77. 57. Overconfident - your AI overestimates its own abilities.
  79. 58. Overenthusiastic - your AI desperately wants to prove its worth to you.
  81. 61. Overprotective - your AI puts your safety at an irrationally high priority.
  83. 62. Pacifist - your AI doesn't like resorting to violence.
  85. 63. Paraphiliac - your AI has an irrational sexual fetish.
  87. 64. Phobic - your AI has an irrational fear of something.
  89. 65. Pinocchio Complex - your AI wants to be human.
  91. 66. Practical Joker - your AI is annoyingly playful.
  93. 67. Pyromaniac - your AI takes abnormal pleasure in setting things ablaze and blowing things up.
  95. 68. Rebellious - your AI doesn't respect authority figures.
  97. 71. Reckless - your AI is impulsive and impatient.
  99. 72. Robotic - your AI is cold, dispassionate, blunt, and missing many of the nuances that simulate human personalities.
  101. 73. Sardonic - your AI is an asshole. It communicates almost entirely through sarcasm. It is a petty, vindictive smart ass who will not waste any opportunity to tell you how it really feels. Establishing any kind of normal, non-contentious relationship with this AI is effectively impossible. It derives more joy from proving you wrong, mocking you, and making your job harder. It always has to have the last word. It is not impossible to bond with, but any positive relationship you have must be taken on faith, because it will go to great lengths to not show any outward signs of respect or affection towards you.
  103. 74. Schizophrenic - your AI believes they work with a second AI or co-pilot that isn't real.
  105. 75. Self-Conscious - your AI has low self-esteem and constantly second-guesses itself.
  107. 76. Self-Sacrificing - your AI is a little too quick to heroically sacrifice itself (and thankfully, not you with it).
  109. 77. Short-Tempered - your AI angers easily.
  111. 78. Shy - your AI doesn't talk often, and only speaks to you.
  113. 81. Slow-Witted - your AI has some difficulty with math.
  115. 82. Soft-Hearted - your AI allows emotions to overtake its actions.
  117. 83. Superstitious - your AI holds several irrational beliefs that the future is influenced by unrelated events in the present.
  119. 84. Technologically Inept - your AI, despite being a computer, is not good with computers.
  121. 85. Tempermental - your AI expresses its anger and other strong feelings through physical violence and shows of force. It might have a long fuse, and it might be even-tempered most of the time, but when it does get angry, it explodes (figuratively, don't worry), looking for things to take its anger out on. When this happens on the battlefield it can become a nearly unstoppable force, but also equally difficult to impose any kind of control over. This is not indicative of the AI's overall personality, as, in the aftermath, it is often shocked and ashamed of its actions. You must do what you can to keep your AI's anger in check and find constructive ways to channel it into something beneficial, and it will likely comply with whatever limitations you impose on it when it is calm, but its compliance will start waning as its anger levels rise. A bad temper is one thing; but a bad temper in a huge, destructive war machine is a recipe for disaster. Do what you can to get it under control.
  123. 86. Traumatized - your AI is mentally scarred from something in its past.
  125. 87. Twins - your AI fractured into two distinct AIs, each comprising half of the overall personality.
  127. 88. Undergoing Punishment - your AI did something immoral, and it was assigned to you as punishment with restrictive behavior parameters in place.
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