
TSW 13: Mary talks with Walker Part 1

May 22nd, 2016
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  1. [00:16] Mary then knocks in the daark of the night , a dozing meagan on her amr on walkers door.
  2. [00:17] IcePickLobotomy You hear Walker shuffling about on the other side before she opens the door, her hair down and dressed in pajamas. "Oh hello Mary, what brings you here?" She steps aside and ushers you in.
  3. [00:21] Mary "Well uh, I kind of wanted to talki, if I am not disrupting you too much?"
  4. [00:21] Mary is also in cute, a bit childish for her age PJs.
  5. [00:22] IcePickLobotomy She nods and pulls out a seat for you, before sitting down on her bed across from you. "Not all, what's on your mind?"
  6. [00:27] Mary "Uh.. the fight, the pain.. me being stupid.. meagan.."
  7. [00:28] Mary slumbs togehter
  8. [00:28] IcePickLobotomy "Ah. Where do you want to start
  9. [00:36] Mary "uh you first?"
  10. [00:37] IcePickLobotomy "Well, I'm glad you survived." She leans over and Meagan grabs for her finger.
  11. [00:40] Mary leans half up as if she is trying but unsure to hug her
  12. [00:43] IcePickLobotomy "I know that you, or one of the others may well die under my orders. I just hope that it's worth it in that case."
  13. [00:56] scya " we talked about it but..."
  14. [00:57] scya (aw no hug reaction to the aborted ine)
  15. [00:57] IcePickLobotomy "Yeah, and I think you wanted to talk rather than hear more about my own hang ups."
  16. [00:59] scya "well it would make me stop feeling like that a bit.."she look at the officer baby handshake a bit sad
  17. [01:02] IcePickLobotomy "True, but if you didn't want to talk about it you wouldn't be here."
  18. [01:02] scya (read on mary prep or +15
  19. [01:02] IcePickLobotomy (Passed, 1 DoS)
  20. [01:02] scya "That is true...
  21. [01:04] scya (somewhere during the talk a catharsis and being screamed at would help with her guilt and punishment issue)
  22. [01:06] =-= scya is now known as Mary
  23. [01:07] IcePickLobotomy "Mary, can I ask why you feel the need to be punished exactly?"
  24. [01:13] Mary "I.. I do not...
  25. [01:14] Mary sounds unsure
  26. [01:15] IcePickLobotomy Walker looks up from Meagan to with a raised eye-brow "Then what exactly is eating at you?"
  27. [01:15] Mary "I mean if you f..if you mess up then...
  28. [01:16] Mary gets more quiet
  29. [01:17] Mary "it means that you are not okay with it ...and want to do it for ny own goof..
  30. [01:18] IcePickLobotomy "Mary, as far as I am concerned you made a good call. You stopped the Inturder, put a hurt on it, and knocked it's AT Field out so that Reagan and John could finish it off. Yes, you hurt yourself pretty badly and you should avoid doing that if you can, but we all know what we're fighting for here as well."
  31. [01:20] Mary And damaged the base... did.. did I hurt anyone else with it?
  32. [01:21] IcePickLobotomy "Other than yourself? No. And we were fully prepared for a running battle within the base, considering that the damage was below our expected levels."
  33. [01:21] Mary "oh...
  34. [01:22] IcePickLobotomy "Look," She puts a hand on your shoulder and looks you in the eyes "You did great out there. Maybe a little risky and we'd prefer that you test those sorts of things out in the sims before using them, but in the heat of battle you do what you need to."
  35. [01:30] Mary looks up at her "... I did not think i if i would survive...
  36. [01:32] IcePickLobotomy "Don't go seeking your death Mary, there's a difference between accepting your mortality and fatalism you know. Sell your life as a last resort, and for the greatest price you can get, *if* it comes to that, alright?"
  37. [01:34] Mary " I.. i nealy left her alone...
  38. [01:34] Mary starts to cry
  39. [01:34] IcePickLobotomy There's a moment's pause as Walker takes stock of the situation before she pulls Mary into a hug.
  40. [01:37] Mary melts in her arms.. and let the teats and the sobbing out.
  41. [01:38] IcePickLobotomy "Shhh, it's ok. You're alive and here for her."
  42. [01:39] Mary " b-b-b-bu-but"
  43. [01:40] IcePickLobotomy Walker resorts to rubbing Mary's back.
  44. [01:43] Mary What..what if not...
  45. [01:43] IcePickLobotomy ". . . We would mourn you, we would take care of Meagan and raise her as best we could, and tell her about how brave her mother was, and how important she was to her."
  46. [01:45] Mary I
  47. [01:45] Mary "I...
  48. [01:47] IcePickLobotomy "Sorry that probably isn't as comforting as I hoped it would be."
  49. [01:48] Mary it .
  50. [01:53] IcePickLobotomy "I'm not too good with this sort of thing."
  51. [01:56] Mary "I i neither
  52. [01:57] IcePickLobotomy Without letting you go, Walker grabs for her desk and offers you half of a chocolate bar.
  53. [02:00] Mary bites down not really chewing
  54. [02:01] IcePickLobotomy "Feeling a bit better?"
  55. [02:03] Mary "cry..crying helped
  56. [02:03] IcePickLobotomy She nods. "It does, though I find a sympathetic shoulder to be a better remedy."
  57. [02:06] Mary "i could only do so because you where therr...
  58. [02:07] IcePickLobotomy "I have no doubt that Reagan or Arina would be just as capable as I am."
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