

Jul 4th, 2009
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  1. <[Mys]Melody> Alicia! Alicia! You won't believe what the Vargas gave me!
  2. * [Mys]Melody runs up to Alicia out of breath.
  3. * [Mys]Melody hands on knees she bends over for a second to catch some air.
  4. <Alicia> Huh?
  5. * Alicia is working on some documents.
  6. <[Mys]Melody> T-... Two tickets!
  7. <Alicia> Oh, that's nice. A movie?
  8. * [Mys]Melody inhales...
  9. * Alicia is still focused on the paperworks.
  10. <[Mys]Melody> Please go with me to this hot spring!
  11. * [Mys]Melody exhales
  12. * Alicia spill her tea.
  13. <Alicia> Wh--wh-wWHAT?
  14. * [Mys]Melody blushes and holds out the tickets.
  15. <Alicia> I mean, huh? Why don't you go with Ayelen or something? You're always stalking her around.
  16. * [Mys]Melody fidgets...
  17. <[Mys]Melody> Well, I used to, but... I only...
  18. <[Mys]Melody> I can only... think of you now...
  19. * [Mys]Melody trails off towards the end.
  20. <Alicia> uh... okay. A nice trip to hot spring might be good now.
  21. <Alicia> My shoulder's all stiff....
  22. * Alicia stretches.
  23. <Alicia> Thanks. melody. I'll be there.
  24. * Ayelen 's ear twitches as she listens from the hallway. ( What's a hot spring, i wonder? But it's Melody, so... )
  25. * [Mys]Melody wobbles a bit.
  26. <[Mys]Melody> .oO(She said yes...)
  27. * Alicia patpats Melody.
  28. <Alicia> I have work to do. Let's talk about this later.
  29. * [Mys]Melody legs buckle underneath her as she sits on the floor.
  30. <[Mys]Melody> Okay
  31. <Alicia> Now go play wit Ayelen.
  32. * Alicia get back to her work.
  33. * Ayelen perks up as she hears that last bit. ( ah, where to hide... )
  34. * Ayelen more accurately bolts to attention.
  35. * [Mys]Melody is unmoving on the floor, still quite dumbfounded. She stands shakily.
  36. * Alicia is humming. This time, it's "black magic woman" by Santana
  37. <Alicia> She's a black~ magic woman~
  38. * Ayelen doesn't dash away immediately though, since she hears Melody moving slowly.
  39. * [Mys]Melody actually gets to work. An excessive amount of work because of her high spirits!
  40. * [Mys]Melody cleans the rooms, tends the garden, prepares a meal, and does the laundry...
  41. * [Mys]Melody with amazing consistency and quality~!
  42. * Ayelen tries to evade Melody in the meantime, but seems to run into her at every turn instead.
  43. <[Mys]Melody> Hot springs~&#9835;
  44. * Ayelen becomes slightly distressed by this turn of fate, but is thankful that Melody isn't trying to cling to her like usual, for some reason...
  45. * Ayelen .oO( She's acting really different... )
  46. <[Mys]Melody> Ahn~&#9835; Alicia-sama~&#9834;
  47. * Alicia appears from the secretary office.
  48. <Alicia> Hey, Ayelen. Howdy.
  49. * Alicia waves at the foxgirl
  50. * [Mys]Melody stands raking leaves outside.
  51. * Ayelen jumps, having not noticed Alicia.
  52. <Ayelen> eh? ah, hi.
  53. * Ayelen copies Alicia's gesture shyly.
  54. <Alicia> how ya doing? Watching Melody, huh?
  55. * [Mys]Melody .oO(Hurt me more~&#9829; Alicia-sama~&#9829;)
  56. * Alicia ruffles Ayelen's hair.
  57. * [Mys]Melody begins hugging the rake and twirling.
  58. <Ayelen> Nyaah~
  59. * Alicia is disturbed by that image, somehow.
  60. <Alicia> Uh. What's wrong with her?
  61. * Ayelen shies away a bit from Alicia as she tries to ruffle her hair, but is caught slightly and likes it nevertheless.
  62. <Ayelen> She's been saying your name a lot...
  63. <Alicia> I guess she's really happy that I'm going with her to a hot spring vacation.
  64. <Alicia> How about you? wanna go too?
  65. * Ayelen 's ear twitches as she cocks her head and looks at Alicia.
  66. <Ayelen> What's that...?
  67. <Alicia> It's a place where we can have a bath while watching beautiful scenery.
  68. <Alicia> With a very good water.
  69. <Alicia> VERY, good, water.
  70. * Alicia simplify it for Ayelen
  71. * Ayelen recalls a faint image of a spring river clearing she visited once with her family, back when she was just a fox...
  72. * Ayelen smiles a bit, and asks with some excitement in her voice:
  73. <Ayelen> Is it like that clearing?
  74. * Ayelen doesn't realize that Alicia doesn't know what clearing she's talking about.
  75. <Alicia> ......I guess?
  76. * Alicia is referring to the clearing Melody is attending.
  77. <Ayelen> ah!
  78. * Ayelen seems upbeat.
  79. <Alicia> I dunno. Why don't you go and ask Melody?
  80. <Alicia> i'll go check things out on the other side.
  81. <Ayelen> That'll be fun, with Onele, and...
  82. * Alicia abdentmindedly strokes Ayelen's ear.
  83. * Ayelen falls silent quickly, her upbeat mood disappearing.
  84. * Ayelen keeps from frowning with Alicia petting her, but her mind still resides in regretful places...
  85. <Alicia> Okay. See ya. Be nice to each other, 'kay?
  86. * Alicia go get something to drink for Vargas. She should be working in her office.
  87. <Ayelen> nn.
  88. * [Mys]Melody is still doing house chores while on cloud nine~
  89. =-= Tesla is now known as [Tess]Vargas
  90. -->| [NPC]Waiter (~runningen@3547A5AA.D08D570C.8468D73D.IP) has joined #maidrpg
  91. =-= [NPC]Waiter is now known as [NPC]Narrator
  92. * Ayelen gives a listless affirmative, and wanders back to just outside the garden porch door to sit down with her thoughts.
  93. =-= Cruentus is now known as [Cru]Smith
  94. * Ayelen frowns now, seeming a little unhappy.
  95. * Ayelen ( How many years ago was that, now...? )
  96. * Ayelen 's ears droop and she holds her head in her hands.
  97. <[NPC]Narrator> [Okay! Here, Vargas is being visited by Smith, the man sent in to replace the officer lynched. He's just been brought to the mansion by some detectives, and has neither met the minister or knows why she wants to see him.]
  98. * Alicia is still holding a tray filled with washed cups, and is heading to the kitchen.
  99. * [Mys]Melody sees a visitor drive up while sweeping outside.
  100. <[Mys]Melody> Visitors?
  101. <[Mys]Melody> Ahh
  102. * [Mys]Melody runs up to greet them as they walk out of their vehicle.
  103. * [Mys]Melody bows deeply
  104. <[Mys]Melody> Welcome, Sir. How may I be of assistance?
  105. * Ayelen picks at some of the blood still on her, flaking off crimson powder.
  106. <Alicia> We got a visitors?
  107. =-= Ataisai is now known as [Atai]Maria
  108. * Ayelen doesn't speak, but moves to the upper floor of the main entry to observe.
  109. * [Cru]Smith closes the door behind him with a "Thanks for the lift, officer." He nods to the greeter, not quite sure what he's got here. "I'm here to see the minister."
  110. * Alicia put the tray down.
  111. <Alicia> Have you made an appointment?
  112. <[Mys]Melody> "I'll take you in right away... Mister?"
  113. <[Cru]Smith> "Smith. And I was told to come, so I should be expected."
  114. <[Mys]Melody> "Good to hear, Mr. Smith. Right this way."
  115. * [Mys]Melody turns and leads the guest into the mansion and up the Vargas' study.
  116. * Ayelen watches Melody and Smith as they walk up the pathway to the house.
  117. <Alicia> Melody!
  118. * Alicia frowned.
  119. * [Mys]Melody .oO(I hope this business ends well. I can't wait to see Alicia in the hot spr-)
  120. <[Mys]Melody> Eh!
  121. <Alicia> I have to check the schedule first!
  122. <Alicia> You can't just let anyone inside!
  123. * Ayelen follows after the group now, keeping watch.
  124. * Alicia whack Melody with a folder.
  125. <[Mys]Melody> ahn!~
  126. * [Mys]Melody flushes
  127. <Alicia> Your full name. please.
  128. * Ayelen pokes her head around the doorframe to the study to see what's going on.
  129. * Alicia take out the appointment table.
  130. * [Atai]Maria passes by the small crowd on her way. Who's this jerk?
  131. * Ayelen scratches her cheek, flaking off a little more crimson.
  132. <[Atai]Maria> ...Someone for the Minister?
  133. <[Atai]Maria> I'll go let her know he's arrived, then.
  134. * [Atai]Maria heads back upstairs.
  135. <Alicia> Thank you. please do.
  136. <[Cru]Smith> "John Smith."
  137. * [Atai]Maria . o O (Didn't recognize that jackass at all, but no surprise. And the chupcabra still hasn't bathed. How dis-- "John"? Must be foreign. Fucking gringos.)
  138. <Alicia> Nnnn.....not in the list. please wait here while we inform miss Vargas.
  139. <Alicia> And Ayelen. Follow me.
  140. * [Atai]Maria reaches Vargas' office and knocks on the door.
  141. * Alicia gesture Ayelen to follow her.
  142. * [Cru]Smith frowns. What the hell?
  143. <[Tess]Vargas> Come in, it's unlocked.
  144. * Ayelen nods, and disappears beside the doorway to stand by for Alicia.
  145. * [Atai]Maria enters and bows slightly.
  146. <[Tess]Vargas> Ah, Maria. What have we got?
  147. <[Atai]Maria> Someone has arrived, Minister. Name of 'John Smith'?
  148. <[Tess]Vargas> Hm, that guy. Alright, send him here.
  149. * [Mys]Melody follows behind J. Smith.
  150. * [Cru]Smith enters!
  151. * [Atai]Maria likes being in the presence of this cold-blooded whore even less since the restaurant. Is this what she always does? It's terrifying to think of someone so ruthless, yet amiable, in power.
  152. <[Atai]Maria> Very good, Minister.
  153. * [Atai]Maria exits, only to nearly bump into Smith himself.
  154. * Ayelen follows the party, poking her head around the open doorframe yet again to keep a watch on things.
  155. <[Atai]Maria> W-- Oh!
  156. * [Atai]Maria blinks, pauses, and sticks her head back into the office.
  157. <[Atai]Maria> Um. Mr. Smith to see you, then.
  158. * [Atai]Maria opens the door for him and gestures inside.
  159. * Ayelen glances at all of the occupants of the room, ending with Maria and getting a weird feeling about her again. ( Something's odd about her... )
  160. * [Cru]Smith steps forward to extend his hand. "How do you do, miss minister?"
  161. * [Tess]Vargas shakes Smith's hand.
  162. <[Tess]Vargas> I'm quite well. How about you?
  163. * Ayelen shakes her head and resumes general observation, but then gets an idea.
  164. * [Mys]Melody stands in her usual spot at the side of the room awaiting orders.
  165. * Ayelen steps so she's half visible in the doorway, swishing her tail and gesturing down the hallway to Vargas in an attempt to ask if she'd like tea.
  166. * [Atai]Maria Out of her peripheral vision, Maria notices the chupacabra's filthy eyes on her as she stands by at the ready.
  167. * [Mys]Melody 's mind wanders as she thinks of some steamy things she will do to Alicia when she has a chance...
  168. * [Atai]Maria . o O (...Stop fucking gawking, monster. The hell do you want with me? You see horns on my head? Fuck you, I'm a maid.)
  169. * [Tess]Vargas gestures for Smith to sit.
  170. <[Tess]Vargas> Ayelen, please get us some tea.
  171. * [Cru]Smith responds, "Good," taking a seat and waiting a moment to hear why he was called here.
  172. * Ayelen 's odd feeling flares for a moment, and she glances at Maria for a quick moment again before looking to Vargas to smile and nod.
  173. * Ayelen then takes off down the hallway on all fours to the kitchen for some tea.
  174. <[Tess]Vargas> So, where do I start...?
  175. * [Atai]Maria . o O (...Did Papa ever say anything about chupacabras reading your thoughts? FUCK. I hope not.)
  176. <[Cru]Smith> "Anywhere's fine."
  177. * [Atai]Maria . o O (Hey! Se�orita Chupacabra! I'M GOING TO KILL YOUR FUCKING OWNER! YOU HEAR ME? ...Jesus, she even runs like an animal?)
  178. * [Atai]Maria twitches slightly.
  179. * [Atai]Maria . o O (...As expected of the chupacabra.)
  180. * Ayelen 's sense flares again and much more strongly this time, even though it lies still on the level of suspicion rather than imminence...
  181. * Ayelen enters the kitchen and stands up, assembling random things together to try and make a good pot of tea.
  182. <[Tess]Vargas> Well, let's get certain things out of the way first. You haven't been told why you're here, I understand?
  183. <[Cru]Smith> "That's right."
  184. * Ayelen manages to finish with something that is a good pot of tea. It smells good, anyway.
  185. <[Tess]Vargas> I'll be a little roundabout, then. As you know, it is necessary to concrete the promises of the federal government, modernity, stability and justice; end corruption and above all, eliminate the problems caused by some troublemakers.
  186. * [Mys]Melody pulls a full tray of wonderfully smelling tea out from behind the bow of her dress and begins hand everyone a cup.
  187. * Ayelen piles the teapot and several c-
  188. * [Mys]Melody Odd... the tray seems to be missing one cup
  189. * Ayelen jumps. ( Whaa~!? Where'd it go! She stole it again, didn't she! Grr... )
  190. <[Tess]Vargas> There are those who don't understand that their purpose in public work is to serve, and take advantage of their position to enrich themselves at the expense of the state. This region needs of those truly dedicated, I've been led to believe you're one of them.
  191. * [Cru]Smith nods, listening.
  192. * [Mys]Melody places a cup beside the Vargas.
  193. * Ayelen simultaneously is a little sad and angry as she storms back to the office, teacup clenched firmly in her hand.
  194. * [Mys]Melody holds a cup out for Mr. Smith.
  195. <[Mys]Melody> If you would.
  196. * [Mys]Melody smiles and nods encouragement.
  197. <[Cru]Smith> "Of course," he takes the cup. "Thank you. Of course, I'm ready to serve in whatever way my country needs me."
  198. * Ayelen marches back into the office about then, growling softly as she glares at Melody.
  199. * Ayelen 's right hand that holds the cup seems to be twitching, slightly.
  200. <[Tess]Vargas> I could use your help. Did you hear about what happened in the southeastern district?
  201. * [Mys]Melody pulls a cup out from her pocket. The missing cup.
  202. * [Mys]Melody fills it with tea then offers it to Ayelen by the door.
  203. <[Mys]Melody> I knew I was forgeting someone
  204. * [Tess]Vargas picks up the tea, and sips it.
  205. * [Cru]Smith shakes his head. "I've been in transit."
  206. * Ayelen feels her clenched fist suddenly close, and she knows precisely what's happened, now.
  207. * Ayelen growls audibly, just glaring at Melody and restraining her fist behind her.
  208. <Ayelen> Grr......
  209. * [Atai]Maria watches that with confusion.
  210. * [Atai]Maria . o O (How the fuck...? And the tray, earlier? ...Mother of god, is she stretched as La Basilica down there?)
  211. * [Cru]Smith tastes the tea before setting the cup down over his lap.
  212. * [Atai]Maria stops that mind-bleaching train of thought.
  213. <[Tess]Vargas> Some people got upset, there was a problem in the area, and the ensuing movements have left the place without a certain level of authority. We have to name an interim sheriff for a few municipalities to keep order and function from now up until the next elections.
  214. <[Cru]Smith> "The entire district administration is out of commission?"
  215. * Ayelen suddenly bited at Melody's extended hand, just grazing it and giving off a very audible clack.
  216. * [Mys]Melody 's arm starts to get tired as she holds it for the youngest maid. She sets it down in front of her, and returns to her spot by the wall.
  217. <Ayelen> [=-= *bites, not bited]
  218. * [Atai]Maria . o O (No, no... it's ...I don't know what the hell it is, but this woman has an alux dyke and la chupacabra working for her. ...And here I thought she was the normal one. The Minister is a truly terrifying bitch, indeed.)
  219. <[Tess]Vargas> Not quite. Rather, the officer who headed those municipalities is... indisposed. Therefore, I'm serving as the conduct to tell you that you will be called in to replace him as sheriff for these areas.
  220. * [Atai]Maria . o O (And the only normal one left is me, and I want to kill her. I wonder if that stops making me normal, too?)
  221. * Ayelen grudgingly takes and quickly downs the tea in one gulp, even still not yet moving her eyes from Melody.
  222. <Ayelen> rrrr.....
  223. * [Atai]Maria . o O (......The fuck it does. I won't be lumped in with the rest of these freaks.)
  224. * Ayelen holds the empty cup again in her hand, white-knuckled.
  225. * [Cru]Smith brings the tea up to his lips, calming a nervous tremble. This is bigger than expected. Lowering it again, "Then I already have staff in the area, familiar with the situation?"
  226. * Ayelen 's growling falls a little more silent though her anger towards Melody has definitely not yet cooled.
  227. <[Tess]Vargas> That's right. You'll be briefed in greater depth before going into the job, but the system should be working well enough once you arrive. All that'll be left for you to do is work; go for the district and make a reality of the rhetoric of the federal government. I have my confidence vested in you, Smith.
  228. * Ayelen 's glaring would probably bore a hole through something right now, were it actually capable of doing so.
  229. * Alicia just arrived.
  230. <Alicia> My apologies. I'm working on some errands.
  231. <[Cru]Smith> "I've no intention of betraying that confidence, miss Vargas."
  232. * Alicia stands by Vargas' side.
  233. * [Mys]Melody offers a cup of tea to Alicia. Head turned and beet red, unable to meet her eyes.
  234. * Alicia take a cup of tea and set it on a nearby stool.
  235. * Alicia slightly nods at melody as a gesture of thanks.
  236. <[Tess]Vargas> Still, I have to leave one thing transparently clear. I don't want any problems, Smith. If anyone is to talk of the municipalities you handle, be it in that district or here in the capital, they should be talked of well. Do we understand each other?
  237. * [Mys]Melody pulls some of the emptied cups out of her apron front and places them on the tray to refill them.
  238. * Ayelen 's arm twitches as she witnesses Melody handing off her tea. Grrr... (that's my tea...)
  239. <[Mys]Melody> "Must be good tea today
  240. * Ayelen snaps and screams.
  241. <[Mys]Melody> ... bloodstains?"
  242. <Ayelen> IT'S MY TEA!!!
  243. <Alicia> !!
  244. * [Cru]Smith straightens, "I'm certain I and my staff will be able to--What was that?"
  245. * Ayelen chucks the teacup in her hand at Melody's skull, full force and with dead-on accuracy.
  246. * Alicia kicks Melody out of the way, gracefully snag the teacup out of the air, and place it on the table.
  247. * [Tess]Vargas deviates her eyes immediately, instantly preparing to scold Ayelen for causing the problem.
  248. * Alicia kneedrive Ayelen to the gut while placing her hand on Ayelen's mouth, preventing any further yelp.
  249. <Ayelen> ye-
  250. <Alicia> It is nothing, mister. Just a slight accident.
  251. * [Atai]Maria moves not. One. Goddamn. Inch.
  252. <Alicia> please, by all means, proceed.
  253. * Ayelen growls loudly, flailing in an attempt to get Alicia off of her.
  254. * [Atai]Maria . o O (...Definitely the only normal one here.)
  255. <[Tess]Vargas> ...Ayelen, please stop.
  256. <[Atai]Maria> ...Shall I splash a bucket of water upon them, Minister?
  257. <Alicia> I'll get caught in the crossfire too, Maria. So no.
  258. * [Mys]Melody .oO(Maybe I should stop them...)
  259. * [Cru]Smith gives Ayelen an incredulous glance, then visibly takes control of himself as he turns back to Vargas. He continues, "I'm certain I'll be capable of dealing with any trouble before it becomes a problem, along with my staff, miss minister." In the process of saying it, forcing himself to believe it.
  260. <Alicia> Excuse me.
  261. * Alicia bows, while dragging Ayelen out of the room.
  262. * Ayelen 's growling and flailing die off as she hears Vargas's request, instead being replaced by sadness and disappointment in having warranted her to be scolded.
  263. * [Mys]Melody lifts her hand as the lovely Alicia leaves the room, as if to stop her, but ultimately lets her arm drop.
  264. * Ayelen 's ears droop and she looks at Vargas sadly with a twinkle in her eye, as she is dragged out of the room.
  265. * [Mys]Melody .oO(I miss her so much, and she has barely been gone a moment.)
  266. <Ayelen> [=-= in having warranted a scolding.]
  267. * Alicia , after moving away from the room for some distance, release Ayelen.
  268. <Alicia> What did you just do, young lady?! What the hell's wrong with you?!
  269. * Ayelen sits on the floor, ears and body drooped with a frown on her face and precursory tears in her eyes.
  270. * Ayelen just stares at the floor, feeling guilty and melancholy.
  271. <[Tess]Vargas> My apologies, they're troublesome from time to time. So Smith, as I said, the only thing left to do is work. Have you got any questions?
  272. <Alicia> I don't know what is the cause of that outburst, but I'm totally sure it's a VERY, VERY UNSIGHTLY behaviour in front of miss Vargas' guest!
  273. * Ayelen seems extremely remorseful as she wispers.
  274. <[Cru]Smith> "This behaviour isn't typical of the area, isn't it?"
  275. <Ayelen> Melody stole my tea again...
  276. <Alicia> Tea? What are you talking about?
  277. * Alicia is not there when the tea incident unfolds.
  278. <Ayelen> The tea Melody was handing out...
  279. <Alicia> yes. And?
  280. <[Tess]Vargas> Oh, not at all. The area does have a reputation, I will admit, but what has you worried?
  281. <Ayelen> She takes it every time, even when i make it just for Vargas...
  282. <Alicia> Mmm... that's troublesome.
  283. * Ayelen sobs a little, though she doesn't cry.
  284. <[Cru]Smith> "Ah, it's only that, I can imagine things being more difficult if these people lack a certain level of respect for authority."
  285. <Ayelen> every time...
  286. * Alicia thinks for a bit
  287. * Ayelen 's ears seem to droop even more.
  288. <[Tess]Vargas> ...Authority?
  289. <[Tess]Vargas> Here, stand up a second. I'll demonstrate a concept for you.
  290. * [Tess]Vargas gets up, walking around to the front of her desk.
  291. * [Mys]Melody .oO(Cool! A demonstration!)
  292. * [Mys]Melody is more attentive then usual.
  293. * [Tess]Vargas pats her shoulder with her right hand.
  294. <[Tess]Vargas> Hit me here.
  295. * [Cru]Smith stands. "Pardon?"
  296. <[Tess]Vargas> Go on, there's no problem. Slowly draw back your fist, and hit me here.
  297. <Alicia> Ahh.... Okay. I'll get into it.
  298. <Alicia> But for now....
  299. <[Cru]Smith> "I... alright."
  300. * Alicia put both her hands on her hip.
  301. * Ayelen is still looking at the floor.
  302. * [Mys]Melody I can't let this happen
  303. * [Cru]Smith looks confused, but draws back a fist, boxer style.
  304. <Alicia>'re in for some punishment. Your fault or not, it's still a bad thing to do.
  305. * [Tess]Vargas punches Smith in the jaw before he can throw his punch, knocking him over. Laughing, she gently picks him up by the collar.
  306. * [Mys]Melody phew
  307. <[Tess]Vargas> You get it yet? You see, I'm your boss- your superior, understand? And whoever infringes the law confronts authority, and is punished. And I'm authority.
  308. * [Tess]Vargas gently pats his cheek.
  309. <[Tess]Vargas> Are we clear?
  310. <Alicia> I promise I'll do something about this later. For now, you sit here and think about what you just did.
  311. * Ayelen gulps, sniffs, and nods.
  312. <Alicia> I hope you might want to say sorry to Melody later.
  313. * Alicia head back to the room.
  314. * [Atai]Maria starts slightly.
  315. * Ayelen looks up a little to that and speaks, but to empty air.
  316. <Ayelen> but she-
  317. * [Cru]Smith nods, putting out of mind all specifics of how he'd just gotten sucker-punched.
  318. * Ayelen sighs, and drops her head back down.
  319. * Alicia appears again.
  320. * [Tess]Vargas lets him go, patting his chest a couple times in a friendly manner.
  321. <Alicia> My apologies. I need Melody's help for a while.
  322. * [Mys]Melody .oO(Alicia-sama~&#9829;)
  323. <[Tess]Vargas> But still, I know why you're worried. Here, I'll help.
  324. <[Mys]Melody> R-right away
  325. <Alicia> I leave miss Vargas to your care, maria.
  326. <Alicia> I'll be right back, miss.
  327. * Alicia bows.
  328. * [Atai]Maria nods.
  329. <[Atai]Maria> Understood.
  330. * [Tess]Vargas nods at her, and then walks back behind her desk. Opening a drawer, she pulls out a six-shooter and offers it to Smith.
  331. * [Mys]Melody floats out of the room. Weightless from happiness~
  332. * [Cru]Smith looks at the gun a moment before extending his hand to take the grip.
  333. * [Atai]Maria is cursing the fact that she isn't packing-- oh wait. Shit.
  334. * Ayelen becomes lost in thoughts of the past, taken by this melancholy mood. ( Mother... Father... Onele... )
  335. * Alicia , away from the room with Melody in tow, starts asking her in a quite-grumpy mood.
  336. <Alicia> What did you do to Ayelen, huh? I heard it's something about the tea.
  337. * Ayelen looks up, resting her head back against the wall. ( I'm sorry i'm not even good enough for this... )
  338. <Alicia> Confess now, and you might be forgiven.
  339. <Alicia> ....emphasized on MIGHT.
  340. <[Mys]Melody> Huh?
  341. <[Mys]Melody> I always pass out Ayelen's tea once she finishes making it.
  342. <[Mys]Melody> Did I forget something?
  343. <Alicia> ....
  344. * Alicia facepalms.
  345. <Alicia> That's the problem.
  346. * [Mys]Melody is lost
  347. <Alicia> Ayelen wanted to do the job herself. And with the way you did, it's like you stole her fame away.
  348. <Alicia> You hurt her feelings, y'know?
  349. * Ayelen slowly picks herself up and begins walking towards the backyard porch and garden.
  350. * [Mys]Melody puts a hand behind her head.
  351. <[Mys]Melody> Ahh, I never knew she felt that way.
  352. <[Tess]Vargas> If someone threatens you with a machete or a knife or something, draw that and you'll see that if they don't respect you for your position there's a good reason you're authorized to enforce order. Remember that, in the law, what refers to the judicial power of the state... that's you. If those who violate the codes do not accept coercion by words or threaten you, this is your tool to use.
  353. * Alicia whacks Melody's head. But just in the nick of time, Melody guard it using her hand.
  354. <Alicia> now go. Apologize to her.
  355. <[Mys]Melody> I mean it wasn't like she ever complained about this before.
  356. <Alicia> Are you stupid?!
  357. * Alicia gives elody another whack.
  358. <Alicia> [*melody]
  359. <[Mys]Melody> ahn~
  360. * Ayelen opens (one of) the back doors and plods her way out onto the grass. ( I wonder if all of you are still out there somewhere, together...? )
  361. <Alicia> You're expecting a shy foxgirl to actually COMPLAIN?
  362. <[Mys]Melody> o-okay
  363. <[Mys]Melody> Shy? I thought she was only like that with me?
  364. <Alicia> I'll get back to miss Vargas. You two make up already, okay?
  365. * [Cru]Smith pockets the shooter into his duster.
  366. <[Mys]Melody> hmmm... Anything
  367. * [Mys]Melody wanders off looking for Ayelen
  368. * Alicia get back to the room.
  369. <[Cru]Smith> "That's all the questions I have, miss minister."
  370. * Ayelen reaches the large garden, but ignores the many paths trailing throughout it and instead pushes her way past several bushes. ( I wonder... if i'd find you if i looked, if you'd even remember me? )
  371. <[Tess]Vargas> I'm glad to have you on board, Smith. Congratulations.
  372. * [Tess]Vargas extends her hand.
  373. * [Cru]Smith gives her hand a firm shake, and nods. "Glad to be here."
  374. <[Cru]Smith> "And thanks."
  375. * Ayelen follows her own way from memory, reaching a sort of shaded clearing hidden by most of the other plants around. ( But I bet i smell too human now... you'd all just run from me like good foxes... )
  376. * Alicia arrives again, for the thrid time today. She enters the room and just stay near the door in case Vargas needs anything.
  377. * Ayelen lowers herself onto her knees and curls up on a makeshift patch of bedding she's made from spare dryer lint and various plant clippings. ( I wonder why on that day, i couldn't run away, along with you...? Maybe that's why i'm here... )
  378. <[Tess]Vargas> If that's all, I'll have one of my subordinates get you back outside; the same men who brought you here will take you back to your post. You have packing to do, after all.
  379. <[Mys]Melody> "Sorry about earlier."
  380. * [Mys]Melody sits underneath a bush nearby hugging her knees.
  381. <[Cru]Smith> "Of course. Goodbye, miss Vargas."
  382. * [Cru]Smith stands.
  383. * [Cru]Smith remembers to finish his tea.
  384. <[Mys]Melody> "I'd say I didn't know how you felt, but that no excuse..."
  385. <Alicia> I'll see you out. Please follow me.
  386. * Alicia bows.
  387. * Ayelen closes her eyes, curling up around herself tighter. ( ... Did you search for me...? Ah... )
  388. * [Cru]Smith nods, wonders what to do with the teacup for a moment, and puts it back down on the table to follow Alicia.
  389. * [Mys]Melody looks at the little foxgirl and tries to put on the semblance of a smile.
  390. * Alicia leads Mr.Smith to the front door.
  391. * Ayelen passively realizes Melody's presence and her apology, but doesn't give any outward sign except for a heaving sigh.
  392. * [Tess]Vargas sits back down at her desk, getting her typewriter in front of her and hitting keys.
  393. <[Mys]Melody> "Sorry. From now on you can make the tea AND pass it out. And if I ever bother you again, just push me down and kick me till I understand. Okay?"
  394. * [Mys]Melody laughs quietly hoping some of her good humor will rub off.
  395. * [Mys]Melody reaches into her pocket.
  397. <[Mys]Melody> "I know that Alicia may be a little saddened by this, but...
  398. * [Atai]Maria knows when she's been beat, though.
  399. <Alicia> Have a safe trip, mister.
  400. * [Mys]Melody pulls out her Hot Spring tickets and hold them out to Ayelen
  401. * Alicia opens the door for the guy.
  402. <[Tess]Vargas> Maria?
  403. <[Mys]Melody> I think you should have these."
  404. <[Atai]Maria> ...Will there be anything else, Minister?
  405. <[Mys]Melody> I'll even convince Vargas to go with you~"
  406. <[Mys]Melody> "So cheer up! We"
  407. <[Mys]Melody> 're all family here!"
  408. * Ayelen shifts around a little, opening one eye to look at Melody.
  409. * [Mys]Melody smiles with both eyes closed. waiting for the weight of the tickets to leave her hands.
  410. * Ayelen 's heart lightens for a moment but then falls back, a single tear rolling from her closed eye at the mention of "family".
  411. * Ayelen closes her eyes again and curls up tightly, trying to cope with her memories.
  412. * [Cru]Smith walks through, "So long," giving a wave over his shoulder to the maid.
  413. * [Mys]Melody .oO(Alicia in nothing but a towel. Farewell my dreams.)
  414. * Alicia bows, one last time, to the man.
  415. * Alicia closed the door.
  416. <[Tess]Vargas> ...Does the name 'Carla Vives' mean anything to you?
  417. <Alicia> Aaah~ Another job well done!
  418. * Alicia stretches. Such a tiring job. This is like kindergarten teacher plus housekeeper.
  419. * [NPC]Narrator The detectives who brought Smith to the mansion carry him off, their car kicking up a cloud of dust in its wake.
  420. * Ayelen heaves a little, suppressing heavier sobbing. ( My... family... I hope i can become a good enough fox to see you again soon... )
  421. <Alicia> What to do, what to do?
  422. * Ayelen sobs once more, and then stops. She raises her head slightly and opens her eyes to look at Melody again, having subinternalized her sadness and memories for now.
  423. * Alicia grab a duster, and starts cleaning the furniture and decorations.
  424. * Ayelen speaks softly and slowly, looking at the two square scraps of paper.
  425. <Alicia> Hm~ hm~
  426. <Ayelen> ...what are those?
  427. <[Mys]Melody> They are tickets to a resort...
  428. <[Mys]Melody> If you want them, you can go with Vargas and enjoy yourselves.
  429. * Ayelen averts her eyes slightly.
  430. <Ayelen> they're yours, though... ( And Vargas... )
  431. <[Mys]Melody> Nah, they're yours now, no buts about it.
  432. <[Atai]Maria> I can't say the name rings any immediate bells...
  433. <[Atai]Maria> Oh... wait, no.
  434. * [Mys]Melody mocks a stern expression while pushing the tickets into Ayelen's hands.
  435. <[Atai]Maria> Was that somebody at the cafe...?
  436. <[Atai]Maria> It's familiar, but why do you ask?
  437. <[Tess]Vargas> Don't worry about it, it's nothing. I was just a little curious.
  438. * [Tess]Vargas stops typing for a second, and drums her fingers on her desk.
  439. <[Tess]Vargas> Simply put, it's the name of someone who had some small fame where you're from. I wanted to see if you knew anything since I was a little intrigued by what I'd heard, but if you don't know that's fine.
  440. * [Mys]Melody stands up, dusting off her dress.
  441. * Ayelen lets them slip into her hands, following Melody with her eyes.
  442. * [Atai]Maria . o O (Fuck, who was that? Goddammit, I know that name, and.... wait, how would SHE know a name that I knew? I don't know anyone she knew, aside from Papa... FUCK. She's been digging up dirt on me, the whore! I expected it, but goddamn, so fast? ...Well, I'd be paranoid, too. The bitch is clever, I'll give her ugly ass that much.)
  443. <[Mys]Melody> When you feel better, I'll apologize again. But you don't let those tickets go to waste now, ya hear? Vargas would love the time off with you!
  444. * [Atai]Maria 's litany of panic pauses. Fame? ...wait...
  445. * [Mys]Melody holds her shoulder wound and rubs at the bandages beneath her dress.
  446. * Ayelen gives a wan smile.
  447. <Ayelen> thank you...
  448. <[Mys]Melody> I better get going and tell Alicia, she'll be a little disappointed.
  449. <[Mys]Melody> What's family for?
  450. <[Atai]Maria> Oh! 'Viva Vives!' My god, that's right. I used to play with her daughter after church on Sunday...
  451. * [Mys]Melody smiles back
  452. * [Mys]Melody walks away through the bushes, back to the mansion.
  453. <[Atai]Maria> ...Her name was Carla. That's... Yes, Thank you. I'd forgotten about her. They moved away suddenly when I was a week short of eleven.
  454. * [Atai]Maria is seriously the fuck creeped out, but curious.
  455. <[Atai]Maria> Or was it Carlotta...? No, it was Carla...
  456. * Alicia enters Vargas' office.
  457. <Alicia> Thank you for your hard work, Maria. I'll take it from here.
  458. * Alicia starts gathering the remained cups and teapot.
  459. * [Atai]Maria . o O (...what work? Getting my brain wormed into?)
  460. * Ayelen curls up again in her little clearing, holding the tickets close to her body. ( Yeah, it should be nice... )
  461. <Alicia> You didn't even clean things up? Sigh... You'll need to get beaten into shape, Maria.
  462. * [Tess]Vargas relaxes back into her chair.
  463. <[Tess]Vargas> Well, now that that's done, I just remembered we all still need a bath. Alicia, anything that comes before that?
  464. * [Mys]Melody shows up... exhausted looking.
  465. * Ayelen closes her eyes again, her heart a little warmer. ( Being with Vargas for more than just my duty... yeah. )
  466. <Alicia> As far as the schedole goes, Nope. Everything's done for today boss.
  467. <Alicia> [*schedule]
  468. * [Atai]Maria . o O (Beat me into shape and I'll beat your face, alux. Unless you were the one who kept Papa's crops growing well, in which case, you're getting off easy.)
  469. <[Tess]Vargas> Well, we might as well look into that then. With this finished, I have some more thinking to do anyway.
  470. <Alicia> A nice bath can really wash away daily stress, I have to admit.
  471. * Alicia smile.
  472. * Ayelen nods off to sleep, her mind on the tickets and her heart warmed a little by their gifting.
  473. * Alicia gathers all the stuffs need to be washing.
  474. <Alicia> i'll get ti it right away boss.
  475. * Alicia heads off to do her chores. Such a nice day today~
  476. <[Atai]Maria> ...Will there be anything more?
  477. <[Tess]Vargas> Well, not for now. I might ask you more about this person later, though. You don't mind, do you?
  478. <[Tess]Vargas> Well, that's for then. Now, let's get our minds off work.
  479. <[Atai]Maria> I don't know, but I can try.
  480. <[Atai]Maria> Very good, then.
  481. * [Atai]Maria bows, and leaves, forcing herself not to run.
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