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Feb 7th, 2015
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  417. <div id="myContent">
  418. </div><div id="contentToWrite" style="display:none">
  420. ./AntoniusLN_002 Was Here<br>
  421. Hello Admin<br>
  422. Your Security Is Low<br>
  423. Please Patch Your Site Now<br>
  424. Please Don't Touch Website Indonesia Again<br>
  425. Special Thanks To | Hacked_Team_X | Moxer_Cyber_Team | TMS_Rivals_003 | RPO_007 | John_Milk | Tak_Dikenal | All Hacker Indonesian |<br>
  427. </div></td>
  428. </table><script type="text/javascript">
  429. writeContent(true);
  430. </script><br />
  431. <img src="" /><br><br>
  432. <font face=papyrus color=gold>Copyright by ./AntoniusLN_002<br>
  433. <a href="" title="./AntoniusLN_002" body="_blank">MyFacebook</a></center>
  435. <br />
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  439. </BODY>
  440. </HTML>
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