
LordGloom violates core reason to protect Donald Trump

Mar 2nd, 2018
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  1. 4:01:04 PM→ SimpleJak has joined
  2. 4:01:04 PMⓘ The answer to our world's problems is not a few laws—the answer is changed hearts. It's time for people to admit it—the world is sinful.
  3. 4:01:07 PMⓘ BibleBot set mode +v SimpleJak
  4. 4:04:36 PM+SimpleJakDonald Trump is an anti-christ figure.
  5. 4:04:58 PM+SimpleJakHe is an example of what Jesus said would happen: Many Christians would not recognize Jesus or follow him when he returns.
  6. 4:05:50 PM+SimpleJakHe is useful for helping us to identify those Christians who do not love Christ.
  7. 4:11:28 PM+muddypawsEvery President and Pope has been accused of being the Antichrist at one point or another.
  8. 4:12:09 PM+SimpleJakBy a non-zero amount of people*
  9. 4:12:38 PM+SimpleJakI didn't say "the Antichrist".
  10. 4:12:38 PM+BanquoRaven`X seems pretty charismatic to me
  11. 4:12:44 PM Ignoring Banquo!*@*
  12. 4:12:53 PM+SimpleJakI said "an anti-christ".
  13. 4:13:08 PM+muddypawsSimpleJak, where did I even mention you? ;-)
  14. 4:13:23 PM+SimpleJakmuddypaws: Where did I even mention you?
  15. 4:13:38 PM+muddypawsAh, a troll. Ignored.
  16. 4:13:41 PM Ignoring muddypaws!*@*
  17. 4:13:44 PM+SimpleJakmuddypaws: I put you on ignore.
  18. 4:14:37 PM+SimpleJakDonald Trump is an anti-Christ figure because he hates all of Jesus' teachings and loves none of them.
  19. 4:14:53 PM+SimpleJakDonald Trump is an anti-Christ figure because he repeatedly and routinely violates all the Ten Commandments.
  20. 4:15:07 PM+SimpleJakWhat other people said about other presidents and popes is irrelevant to the two above claims.
  21. 4:15:39 PM→ Forest` has joined
  22. 4:15:43 PMⓘ BibleBot set mode +v Forest`
  23. 4:15:48 PM+SimpleJakHi, Forest`.
  24. 4:15:50 PM← RenaissanceMan has quit (Ping timeout)
  25. 4:16:04 PM+SimpleJakWe're doing whataboutism in order to defend the anti-Christ and vile human being Donald J. Trump.
  26. 4:16:09 PM+SimpleJakHop on in.
  27. 4:16:16 PM+Forest`hello SimpleJak
  28. 4:16:39 PM+Forest`whataboutism is less than useless
  29. 4:16:44 PM+SimpleJakAgreed.
  30. 4:16:55 PM+SimpleJakIt's congruent with the Russia model of propaganda, though.
  31. 4:17:09 PM+SimpleJakThe goal is to muddy the waters of truth so that nobody knows who or what to believe.
  32. 4:17:17 PM+barabbas`afkquestion is, is Trump more of an antichrist than Obama or Bush???
  33. 4:17:22 PM+SimpleJakThen, the autocrat or oligarchs can successfully enslave the population.
  34. 4:17:28 PM+SimpleJakbarabbas`afk: You're not sure?
  35. 4:17:34 PM+Forest`i've always fact checked - now i do it even more throughly because i suspect Russia in everything :\
  36. 4:17:39 PMⓘ barabbas`afk is now known as barabbas`
  37. 4:17:43 PM+SimpleJakForest`: That is a good idea.
  38. 4:17:49 PM+Forest`hi barabbas`
  39. 4:17:50 PM+SimpleJakRussia -- and others -- have completely weaponized the internet.
  40. 4:18:01 PM+barabbas`Hello Banquo, Forest`
  41. 4:18:28 PM+SimpleJakObama acted reasonably congruent with the teachings of Christ.
  42. 4:18:33 PM+SimpleJakGeorge W. Bush somewhat less so.
  43. 4:18:44 PM+SimpleJakDonald Trump is 100% the opposite of every teaching of Christ on every topic.
  44. 4:19:12 PM+Forest`SimpleJak i thought you believed whataboutism is useless
  45. 4:19:14 PM+SimpleJak(Notably, being the commander in chief and waging wars on people in far off lands is not congruent with the teachings of Christ)
  46. 4:19:18 PM+barabbas`I know that, its just whenever someone slams Trump, a hair on fire conservative will bring up Obama, Thought I would get a jump on them.
  47. 4:19:27 PM+Forest`lol barabbas`
  48. 4:19:37 PM+SimpleJakForest`: For which thesis am I doing whataboutism?
  49. 4:19:46 PM+SimpleJakbarabbas`: Okay.
  50. 4:19:49 PM+Forest`mentioning Obama at all
  51. 4:20:06 PM+SimpleJakForest`: I considered the previous topic resolved; I didn't know barabbas` was being sarcastic.
  52. 4:20:19 PM+SimpleJakWhich is to say, I was engaging what I perceived to be the topic squarely.
  53. 4:21:00 PM+Forest`i was sort of joking, because i have no idea what preceeded my entry
  54. 4:21:14 PM+SimpleJakOkay.
  55. 4:21:28 PM+SimpleJakForest`: I was reflecting on Donald Trump is one of the worst human beings of all time.
  56. 4:21:36 PM+SimpleJakAnd is a clear and present danger to the lives and well-being of every American.
  57. 4:21:52 PM+SimpleJakAnd the GOP in Congress puts no pressure on him to reform in the time between now and Mueller indicting him.
  58. 4:22:08 PM+Forest`he's certainly the worst president, and he's dangerous because of his current position, but i'm pretty sure there have been worse human beings
  59. 4:22:11 PM+SimpleJakWhich is to say, We have a medium-term solution to Trump in Mueller, but we need a short-term solution, too, which is mostly supposed to be Congress.
  60. 4:22:20 PM* Forest` likes to be precise
  61. 4:22:20 PM+SimpleJak"one of the worst"
  62. 4:22:34 PM+SimpleJakThere have been worse human beings than Donald Trump.
  63. 4:22:38 PM+SimpleJakPol Pot, for example.
  64. 4:22:39 PM+barabbas`Yeah, the GOP who screamed bloody murder whenever Obama suggested spending, now are spending like there is no tomorrow.
  65. 4:22:47 PM+SimpleJakThough, the gap between Pol Pot and Trump isn't very much.
  66. 4:22:56 PM+SimpleJakThe only reason Trump doesn't have killing fields is because he doesn't have enough power.
  67. 4:23:05 PM+SimpleJakIf he had more power, he would strongly support killing fields.
  68. 4:23:12 PM+SimpleJakMostly composed of people who criticize him or didn't like the Apprentice.
  69. 4:23:16 PM+LordGloomno way
  70. 4:23:18 PM+SimpleJakWhich are some of the highest crimes imaginable in this universe.
  71. 4:23:20 PM+Forest`jeffrey dahmer was a worse human being
  72. 4:23:26 PM+LordGloomhe wouldnt do regular killing fields at least
  73. 4:23:29 PM+SimpleJakForest`: Donald Trump has killed more people than Dahmer.
  74. 4:23:36 PM+SimpleJakLordGloom: You are naive.
  75. 4:23:39 PM← dizzy_ has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  76. 4:23:40 PM+LordGloom if he DID it would be some hidden roundabout way so he wouldnt really think of it as a killing field
  77. 4:23:44 PM+SimpleJakLordGloom: Are you familiar with Naomi Klein?
  78. 4:23:47 PM+Forest`SimpleJak well, if he hasn't yet his policies definitely could
  79. 4:24:03 PM+LordGloom i mean if it was like his policy causes some african village to starve because of some economic reason, ,ok
  80. 4:24:05 PM+Forest`o.0
  81. 4:24:06 PM+LordGloom i could see that
  82. 4:24:21 PM+SimpleJakNaomi Klein, when commenting on his impromptu Travel Ban 1.0, mentioned that empowering middle-level agents of the state with ambiguous powers is one of the best ways to get human misery.
  83. 4:24:37 PM+LordGloom but not a BLATANT killing field where you go into a village and slaughter a bunch of unarmed civilians just because they want to use new gender pronouns
  84. 4:24:42 PM+SimpleJakDonald Trump says ambiguous things all the time, like possibly calling for the assassination of Hillary Clinton.
  85. 4:25:01 PM+SimpleJakThen, he modifies some rules that empower middle-level agents to act in accordance with his vague pronouncements.
  86. 4:25:09 PM+LordGloomno i am not familiar with naomi klein
  87. 4:25:18 PM+SimpleJakShe wrote The Shock Doctrine, among other books.
  88. 4:25:23 PM+SimpleJakShe is currently employed at The Intercept.
  89. 4:25:45 PM+SimpleJakLordGloom: Why don't people generally kill people?
  90. 4:25:49 PM+SimpleJakI can think of three primary reasons:
  91. 4:25:52 PM+SimpleJak1. You'll get in trouble
  92. 4:25:56 PM+LordGloomRavenX take simpleJAk off igore and you would know
  93. 4:25:58 PM+SimpleJak2. You feel, subjectively, it is wrong.
  94. 4:26:18 PM+LordGloomyeah its mostly those
  95. 4:26:18 PM+SimpleJakHmm, I can't remember what the third was going to be.
  96. 4:26:34 PM+LordGloomravenx i am talking to simpljak about trump
  97. 4:26:38 PM+SimpleJakDonald Trump, famously, has almost zero empathy.
  98. 4:26:42 PM+SimpleJakI don't mean low empathy. I mean zero.
  99. 4:26:46 PM+SimpleJakHow so?
  100. 4:26:55 PM+LordGloomwell he did used to be in favor of late term abortion
  101. 4:26:55 PM+LordGloom but
  102. 4:26:58 PM+SimpleJakWhen asked on September 12, 2001 about the WTC attacks, he remarked his building was now the tallest.
  103. 4:27:08 PM+LordGloomi think he just tricked himself into believing it couldnt feel pain or something
  104. 4:27:18 PM+LordGloomlol
  105. 4:27:22 PM+LordGloom thats funny
  106. 4:27:22 PM+SimpleJakWhen observing an elderly man fall at Mar-A-Lago, and cracking his cranium, spilling blood everywhere, he remarked "The beautiful marble floor."
  107. 4:27:30 PM+LordGloombullshit
  108. 4:27:33 PM+SimpleJakWhat?
  109. 4:27:37 PM+LordGloomhe didnt say that
  110. 4:27:43 PM+LordGloomor if he did
  111. 4:27:46 PM+LordGloom it was after
  112. 4:27:48 PM+LordGloom condolences
  113. 4:27:53 PM+LordGloom or something
  114. 4:27:55 PM+SimpleJakYou don't even know what I am talking about.
  115. 4:28:01 PM+SimpleJakAnd you're fabricating a possible dialogue.
  116. 4:28:08 PM+SimpleJakDo you agree that is, prima facie, unreasonable?
  117. 4:28:15 PM+LordGloomyo are claiming trump said something very stupid like that
  118. 4:28:19 PM+SimpleJakNo, I am not.
  119. 4:28:23 PM+SimpleJakI am citing journalism.
  120. 4:28:24 PM+Forest`SimpleJak he also said it was disgusting, not anything remotely like, "someone get that man some help!"
  121. 4:28:30 PM+SimpleJak
  122. 4:28:43 PM+SimpleJakYou can hear him say it.
  123. 4:28:48 PM+SimpleJakHe said it in Howard Stern's radio show.
  124. 4:28:55 PM+LordGloomi believe he said the rude things to that late
  125. 4:28:55 PM+SimpleJakForest`: Yep.
  126. 4:28:56 PM+Forest`Banquo yes, since i was six
  127. 4:28:58 PM+LordGloomlady on the plane
  128. 4:29:07 PM+SimpleJak“He’s bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible, you know,” Trump continued. “Beautiful marble floor, it didn’t look so good. It changed color, it became very red, and you have this poor guy, 80 years old, laying on the floor, conscious, and all of the rich people are turning away, ‘Oh my god, this is terrible, this is disgusting,’ and, you know, they’re turning away, nobody wants to help the guy, and his wife is screaming, she sitting right next to him and she’s screaming.”
  129. 4:29:20 PM+SimpleJakLordGloom: Say these words, "I was wrong and you were right, SimpleJak."
  130. 4:29:23 PM+SimpleJakIt will help tame your ego.
  131. 4:29:27 PM+LordGloomok that sounds more like him
  132. 4:29:31 PM+LordGloomno
  133. 4:29:35 PM+LordGloom i wasnt wrong
  134. 4:29:44 PM+LordGloom i believe he said that thing you quoted
  135. 4:29:48 PM+LordGloom or something very much like it
  136. 4:29:56 PM+LordGloombut not the way you made it sound earlier
  137. 4:30:06 PM+SimpleJak4:27:22 PM+SimpleJakWhen observing an elderly man fall at Mar-A-Lago, and cracking his cranium, spilling blood everywhere, he remarked "The beautiful marble floor."
  138. 4:30:06 PM+SimpleJak4:27:30 PM+LordGloombullshit
  139. 4:30:19 PM+SimpleJak4:27:37 PM+LordGloomhe didnt say that
  140. 4:30:19 PM+SimpleJak4:27:43 PM+LordGloomor if he did
  141. 4:30:19 PM+SimpleJak4:27:46 PM+LordGloom it was after
  142. 4:30:21 PM+LordGloomand read on
  143. 4:30:23 PM+Forest`Banquo i had an uncle who was a professional hypnotist and he left a book on self hypnosis at our house, and i read it
  144. 4:30:31 PM+LordGloomok
  145. 4:30:47 PM+SimpleJakHe did not remark on the marble floor after condolences.
  146. 4:30:53 PM+SimpleJakYou were wrong.
  147. 4:31:08 PM+LordGloomhe felt terrible
  148. 4:31:14 PM+LordGloom that is condolence
  149. 4:31:18 PM+LordGloomhe meant the guy
  150. 4:31:27 PM+SimpleJakI felt terrible, you know,” Trump continued. “Beautiful marble floor, it didn’t look so good.
  151. 4:31:44 PM+LordGloomyeah he meant the guy getting hurt made him feel terrible
  152. 4:31:53 PM+LordGloomthats condolence
  153. 4:31:57 PM+SimpleJakHow could you possibly know what he meant.
  154. 4:32:05 PM+LordGloomi dont know for sure, but odds ar
  155. 4:32:08 PM+LordGloomodds are he did
  156. 4:32:12 PM+SimpleJakDo you want me to listen to his heart?
  157. 4:32:12 PM+LordGloomhe is not stupid
  158. 4:32:15 PM+SimpleJakInstead of his words?
  159. 4:32:22 PM+LordGloom even if he is a sociopath he is smart enough to know
  160. 4:32:26 PM+SimpleJakIt is *possible* your interpretation is correct.
  161. 4:32:29 PM+LordGloom unless its on a comedy show, and he is being funny
  162. 4:32:32 PM+SimpleJakIt is not the most likely, however.
  163. 4:32:34 PM+LordGloom then maybe he didnt meant it that way
  164. 4:32:40 PM+SimpleJakLordGloom: So, let's return to the topic.
  165. 4:32:41 PM+LordGloom but then its a joke and its not right at the time it happened
  166. 4:32:44 PM+SimpleJakThe topic is killing fields and Donald Trump.
  167. 4:32:51 PM+SimpleJakSo, Donald Trump doesn't feel any empathy towards others.
  168. 4:32:51 PM+LordGloomok
  169. 4:33:01 PM+Forest`Banquo no, he tried to hypnotize a whole room full of people at a family reunion. I didn't go under. My husband-to-be did, immediately. So i learned to hypnotize him and had a lot of fun at parties for years
  170. 4:33:04 PM+SimpleJakSo, if he said something, and somebody kill somebody because of his words, he wouldn't feel bad.
  171. 4:33:18 PM+SimpleJakThat's one of the two motivations for not killing people.
  172. 4:33:24 PM+SimpleJakThe other is, as you agreed to, getting in trouble.
  173. 4:33:36 PM+SimpleJakThis scenario was predicated on the constraint "if he had enough power".
  174. 4:33:44 PM+SimpleJakWhich is to say, "In a world in which he wouldn't get in trouble."
  175. 4:33:48 PM+LordGloomand another is that you know its going to cause harm
  176. 4:33:53 PM+LordGloom even if it doenst make you feel bad
  177. 4:33:55 PM+SimpleJakHe doesn't perceive harm to others.
  178. 4:33:59 PM+SimpleJakWe established this.
  179. 4:34:08 PM+SimpleJakHe has no ability to feel harm in others.
  180. 4:34:19 PM+SimpleJakHe has insulted humans who had their husband kill two days before.
  181. 4:34:20 PM+LordGloomhe can tell when he is harming others
  182. 4:34:27 PM+SimpleJakAnd complained she didn't honor Trump with her words.
  183. 4:34:36 PM+SimpleJakHe has ideas about how to harm others, yes.
  184. 4:34:40 PM+SimpleJakHe doesn't feel that harm, though.
  185. 4:34:44 PM+LordGloomshe was probably being a cunt, trying to look for some reason to get insulted
  186. 4:34:47 PM+SimpleJakAs he is a sociopath.
  187. 4:34:52 PM Ignoring LordGloom!*@*
  188. 4:34:55 PM+SimpleJakI put you on ignore, LordGloom.
  189. 4:35:06 PM+SimpleJakReason: "she was probably being a cunt".
  190. 4:35:15 PM+SimpleJakYou have no evidence of this. You are constructing post-hoc defenses of your Alpha.
  191. 4:35:22 PM+SimpleJakThat is a way to live life, but it has nothing to do with reason.
  192. 4:35:35 PM+SimpleJakThank you for the conversation.
  194. ...
  196. 4:36:24 PM+SimpleJakThat is an unedited record of the conversation.
  197. 4:36:47 PM+SimpleJakPerhaps you are unable to see his psychopathy because you have psychopathic tendencies.
  198. 4:37:31 PM+SimpleJakAsserting, confidently, in a way which indicates you truly believed it was quite likely, that the woman was "probably being a cunt" because Donald Trump insulted her after her husband was killed a few days prior, indicates, at best, you have no ability to neutrally assess Trump on this topic.
  199. 4:37:57 PM+SimpleJakWorse, you will be part of his killing fields and you confidently assert the current round of people being killed "were probably being cunts" to Donald -- why else would he order their deaths?
  200. 4:38:23 PM+SimpleJakLordGloom: I have seen you blunder many times in the space of politics.
  201. 4:38:29 PM+SimpleJakThat was by far your most atrocious blunder of all time.
  202. 4:38:51 PM+SimpleJakYou can be reasonably excluded from all future conversations of politics that are evidence-based, going forward.
  203. 4:40:00 PM+SimpleJakOne last summary for any observers of this conversation:
  204. 4:40:08 PM+SimpleJak1. We have evidence of Trump directly saying X
  205. 4:40:14 PM+SimpleJak2. LordGloom asserts he probably didn't mean X
  206. 4:40:24 PM+SimpleJak3. We have no evidence whatsoever of the wife saying Y to Trump
  207. 4:40:32 PM+SimpleJak4. LordGloom asserts she probably meant Y
  208. 4:40:54 PM+SimpleJakThis is the quintessential nature of bias.
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