

Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. -------------------Prgramme de dessin-----------------------------
  2. --Affichage--
  3. function displayLayer(building, layer, height, width)
  4. local mat = 0
  5. for i=1,width do
  6. for j=1,height do
  7. mat = building[layer][i][j]
  8. term.setCursorPos(i,j)
  9. if mat == 0 then
  10. term.setBackgroundColor(1)
  11. elseif mat == 1 then
  12. term.setBackgroundColor(16384)
  13. else
  14. term.setBackgroundColor(8192)
  15. end
  16. term.write(" ")
  17. end
  18. end
  19. end
  20. --Prgramme principal
  21. function paint(hauteur)
  22. --Preparation de l'affichage de l'image--
  23. term.setBackgroundColor(1)
  24. term.clear()
  25. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  26. term.setCursorBlink(false)
  27. local termHeight
  28. local termWidth
  29. termWidth, termHeight = term.getSize()
  31. --Gestion Event
  32. local event = ""
  33. local key = 0
  34. local x = 0
  35. local y = 0
  36. --Données du batiment
  37. local mat = 1
  38. local cLayer = 1
  39. local building = {} --Creation de matrice 3D
  40. for i=1,hauteur do
  41. building[i] = {} --Creation de la matrice 2D
  42. for j=1,termWidth do
  43. building[i][j] = {} --Création de la ligne
  44. for k=1,termHeight-1 do
  45. building[i][j][k] = 0
  46. end
  47. end
  48. end
  49. --Boucle principale
  50. while key ~= 28 do
  51. --Affichage
  52. displayLayer(building, cLayer, termHeight-1, termWidth)
  53. term.setBackgroundColor(32768)
  54. term.setCursorPos(1,termHeight)
  55. write("^Turtle Couche " .. cLayer .. "/" .. hauteur .. " Mat : " .. mat)
  57. event, key, x, y = os.pullEvent()
  59. --Traitement de l'event
  60. if event == "mouse_drag" or event == "mouse_click" then --Souris
  61. if y < termHeight then
  62. if key == 1 then --Clic gauche
  63. building[cLayer][x][y] = mat
  64. elseif key == 2 then --Clic droit
  65. building[cLayer][x][y] = 0
  66. end
  67. end
  68. elseif event == "key" then --Clavier
  69. if key == 42 then --Maj
  70. if mat == 1 then
  71. mat = 2
  72. else
  73. mat = 1
  74. end
  75. elseif key == 200 then --Fleche haut
  76. if cLayer < hauteur then
  77. cLayer = cLayer + 1
  78. end
  79. elseif key == 208 then --Fleche bas
  80. if cLayer > 1 then
  81. cLayer = cLayer - 1
  82. end
  83. end
  84. end
  85. end
  87. --Preparation de l'affichage de la console--
  88. term.setBackgroundColor(32768)
  89. term.clear()
  90. term.setCursorBlink(true)
  91. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  92. return building
  93. end
  95. -------------------Programme de construction-----------------------------
  96. function goForward()
  97. while not(turtle.forward()) do
  98. turtle.dig()
  99. end
  100. end
  102. function goUp()
  103. while not(turtle.up()) do
  104. turtle.digUp()
  105. end
  106. end
  108. function place(mat)
  109. local slot = 1
  110. if turtle.detectDown() then
  111. turtle.digDown()
  112. end
  113. if mat == 0 then
  114. return
  115. --Contage des materiaux disponibles--
  116. elseif mat == 1 then
  117. slot = 1
  118. while slot < 9 and turtle.getItemCount(slot) == 0 do
  119. slot = slot + 1
  120. end
  121. if slot == 9 then slot = 1 end --Si il n'y a plus de matériau
  122. elseif mat == 2 then
  123. slot = 9
  124. while slot < 17 and turtle.getItemCount(slot) == 0 do
  125. slot = slot + 1
  126. end
  127. if slot == 17 then slot = 9 end --Si il n'y a plus de matériau
  128. end
  130. turtle.placeDown()
  131. end
  133. function doLayer(building, width, depth, currentLayer)
  134. local x = 1
  135. local y = depth
  136. local evenY = -1
  137. local evenX = 1
  138. while x >= 1 and x <= width do-- On fait la couche
  139. while y >= 1 and y <= depth do-- On fait la colonne
  140. place(building[currentLayer][x][y])
  141. print(currentLayer .. " " .. x .. " " .. y)
  142. if (y > 1 and evenY == -1) or (y < depth and evenY == 1) then
  143. goForward()
  144. end
  145. y = y + evenY
  146. end
  147. if (x > 1 and evenX == -1) or (x < width and evenX == 1) then
  148. if evenY == -1 then --Demi tour
  149. turtle.turnRight()
  150. goForward()
  151. turtle.turnRight()
  152. evenY = 1
  153. y = 1
  154. elseif evenY == 1 then
  155. turtle.turnLeft()
  156. goForward()
  157. turtle.turnLeft()
  158. evenY = -1
  159. y = depth
  160. end
  161. else
  162. goUp()
  163. turtle.turnLeft()
  164. turtle.turnLeft()
  165. end
  166. x = x + evenX
  167. end
  168. end
  170. function construct(building, width, depth, height)
  171. local currentLayer = 1
  172. while currentLayer <= height do
  173. doLayer(building, width, depth, currentLayer)
  174. currentLayer = currentLayer + 1
  175. end
  176. end
  177. -------------------Main-----------------------------
  178. local hauteur = nil
  179. local building
  180. local event = ""
  181. local key = 0
  182. local x = 0
  183. local y = 0
  185. term.clear()
  186. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  187. while hauteur == nil or hauteur < 1 do
  188. print("Indiquez la hauteur de votre batiment")
  189. hauteur = tonumber(read())
  190. end
  191. building = paint(hauteur)
  192. local termHeight
  193. local termWidth
  194. termWidth, termHeight = term.getSize()
  195. construct(building, 3, termHeight-1, hauteur)
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