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Anon's Sacrifice

a guest
Jul 23rd, 2013
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  1. >You are walking in the Canterlot gardens when you hear strange noises coming from the main castle.
  2. >Looking up, you have to shield your eyes from a bright flash of white light
  3. >Several of the tall, intricate stained-glass windows on the east wall shatter into a sparkling rainfall of rainbow shards
  4. >East wall...
  5. >Throne room.
  6. >Shit.
  7. >Drawing your sword, you rush the gate, vaulting over hedges and fences.
  8. >The two royal guards who usually guard the gate are gone. The door is ajar. Looking in, you see the bloodied corpses of the guards.
  9. "No, no, please..."
  10. >The sounds of battle echo from the throne room. Suddenly, they go quiet.
  11. "Please, Princess, just hold on a bit longer..."
  12. >Your heart bobs in your throat as your feet fall on the marble floor
  13. >You enter the throne room
  14. "Oh, no..."
  15. >Princess Celestia lies on the floor, broken and bloodied. Above her, sneering evilly with ominous white light pouring from her eyes, is Twilight.
  16. >"Please, Twilight", Celestia implores her now-insane pupil. Think of the destruction you will cause...the darkness..."
  17. >Suddenly, they both catch your eye. Twilight lets out a laugh.
  18. >"Come to see your precious princess die, Anon?" she taunts. "Come to welcome me to my rightful throne?"
  19. >Your throat is dry. Your knuckles are white around the hilt of your sword.
  20. "Let her go, Twilight!"
  21. >She glares at you with those soulless eyes. Slowly, deliberately, she presses down on Celestia's throat with a blood-stained hoof.
  22. >"Anon", the princess chokes, her eyes meeting yours, calling silently for help. "P-please..."
  23. "Let...her...go."
  24. >"Or what? You'll kill me?" Twilight says with another joyless laugh.
  25. >All you need to do is remove Twilight's magical grip on Celestia for but a moment, and the day is won.
  26. >You don't need to win the duel.
  27. >You know you can't/
  28. >It's either you, or your beloved princess and the land you have come to call your home.
  29. "I will do what I must, Twilight."
  30. >She steps off her former mentor and turns to face you.
  31. >Her horn glows brightly as she smiles maliciously.
  32. >"So be it, Anon...prepare to die."
  33. >The horn glows brighter still.
  34. >You sweep the sword in front of your face in the traditional dueling salute.
  35. >You always wanted to have a good death, but never thought it would be for something like this.
  36. >We all die of something...a lucky few of us die for something.
  37. >Those words, first said to you by your father, echo now in your mind.
  38. >He first taught you the art of fighting; how to protect those who could not protect themselves.
  39. >You look one last time into those royal, majestic, violet eyes, beautiful even in their pain.
  40. >Then you look forward at the monster who was once your friend.
  41. >You bring your sword down and back, winding up.
  42. >The glow from the horn is now almost blinding you. This spell will probably kill you, you think. It'll splatter you across the wall.
  43. "At least she'll be safe..."
  44. >And Equestria..."
  45. "All my friends..."
  46. >Will be safe.
  47. >You focus on your target and collect your thoughts one last time.
  48. "Praise the Sun."
  49. >Charge.
  50. >The force of the blast knocks you off your feet and back into the wall, and all goes black.
  51. >"Anon?" you hear in a familiar voice in the dark haze.
  52. >Suddenly, everything is clear again.
  53. >You see Twilight, beaten and bruised but alive, getting hauled away by guards.
  54. >Princess Celestia stands over you in her majesty.
  55. >"Anon...what you did there was...incredibly brave. I cannot tell you how much it means to me."
  56. >You smile weakly.
  57. >You open your mouth to speak and taste iron. A trickle of blood runs down your chin.
  58. >The princess gasps and her eyes well up with tears.
  59. >"Anon..."
  60. >You cough.
  61. "All that matters is that you're safe, your majesty."
  62. >You feel her hoof gently press into your hand; you clasp it.
  63. " has been an serve you..."
  64. >You see the blackness creep in around the edge of your vision.
  65. >No...
  66. >You must fight it.
  67. >You must tell her.
  68. >Tell her what you never said, not when you came to Equestria and not in all the months you've lived there.
  69. "Princess?"
  70. >She tries to hold back her tears and remain dignified. It's a struggle.
  71. "I...I know you'll hate me for saying this..."
  72. >"I could never hate you, Anon. Not after all you've done for me and my subjects."
  73. >Now is the moment.
  74. >You feel yourself growing cold, your heart rate slowing.
  75. >Here goes.
  76. "From the moment I came to Equestria...from the moment I entered your service...through all of the adventures and lessons and tasks you have given to me..."
  77. >"Yes, Anon?"
  78. >Don't hold back. Fight the darkness.
  79. "I have learned one very important thing."
  80. >"A-and what is that?"
  81. "That you should always tell someone how you really feel...before it's too late."
  82. >"Wha...what do you mean, Anon?"
  83. >The tears flow freely down her face now.
  84. "I should have said this long ago...I...I love you, Princess Celestia. I always have, and I always will."
  85. >With that, you collapse, her hoof in your hand, her mane mingling with your hair, as the darkness takes you.
  86. >The last thing you see before the world goes dark is her majestic violet eyes and her far away...
  87. >You can't hear what she says, but you can see how her lips move.
  88. >"I love you too..."
  89. >And with that, you part from the world of the living.
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