
Mirage Island

Jun 8th, 2012
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  1. Oct 09 18:41:54 <DamienLunas> Saru, you awaken in a daze on the sandy shores of mirage island. You can hear the calls of whatever those birdies with the wings and the beaks but look kind of white but aren't big and fat like those other big white ones with yellow beaks.
  2. Oct 09 18:41:59 <DamienLunas> Hope would probably know they're wingulls.
  3. Oct 09 18:42:07 <DamienLunas> Hope's not here. None of your friends except for your pokemon are.
  4. Oct 09 18:42:12 <DamienLunas> Jigoro seems to have made it okay.
  5. Oct 09 18:42:38  Saru rolls over and picks himself up, looking around.
  6. Oct 09 18:43:53 <DamienLunas> there's some lush tropical forestry towards the center of the island, and the beach continues around it for as far as you can see.
  7. Oct 09 18:44:03 <DamienLunas> 1d100
  8. Oct 09 18:44:04 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d100: 28 [1d100=28]
  9. Oct 09 18:44:40  Saru puts his hands up to his mouth. "Hope! Mira! Klark! Anyone hear me?"
  10. Oct 09 18:44:50 <Saru> "Arthur! Six!"
  11. Oct 09 18:45:55 <DamienLunas> there's no response from any of them. and six didn't come.
  12. Oct 09 18:46:01 <Saru> (oh right)
  13. Oct 09 18:46:03 <DamienLunas> but hey, worth a try you suppose.
  14. Oct 09 18:46:13 <Saru> "Well, it was worth a shot."
  15. Oct 09 18:46:18 <DamienLunas> There's some spiky looking things hanging from the trees and some big green things hanging from them.
  16. Oct 09 18:46:35  Saru goes back and hauls Jigoro up. "Come on, buddy. We need to go find the others. They might need to be rescued."
  17. Oct 09 18:47:42 <DamienLunas> "Bear bear."
  18. Oct 09 18:48:35 <Saru> "Hm..."
  19. Oct 09 18:48:42 <DamienLunas> Which way do you go?
  20. Oct 09 18:49:13 <Saru> "Let's check out the beach a bit." Saru heads left because he remembers Mira saying somehing about always going left.
  21. Oct 09 18:49:57 <DamienLunas> Saru goes left, ignoring that if everyone is going left, they'll never find eachother. He never was the sharpest bulb in the box.
  22. Oct 09 18:50:23 <DamienLunas> there's some oshawott along the beach tapping rocks on the shells on their chest
  23. Oct 09 18:50:34 <DamienLunas> and a few bonsly stuck in the sand
  24. Oct 09 18:50:41  Saru keeps his eyes out for any stuff from the ship too.
  25. Oct 09 18:50:45 <DamienLunas> 1d100
  26. Oct 09 18:50:45 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d100: 9 [1d100=9]
  27. Oct 09 18:51:58 <DamienLunas> You see an excadrill burrow its way out of the sand
  28. Oct 09 18:52:11 <DamienLunas> it looks over at you, and waves a claw as if to say hello
  29. Oct 09 18:52:36  Saru waves back.
  30. Oct 09 18:53:33 <DamienLunas> it gives a little nod of acknowledgement and walks away if you don't pursue further.
  31. Oct 09 18:53:44 <DamienLunas> meanwhile, some krabby scuttle by with cookies.
  32. Oct 09 18:54:20 <Saru> "Wait, cookies?"
  33. Oct 09 18:54:27 <DamienLunas> "COOKIE COOKIE COOKIE"
  34. Oct 09 18:54:51 <Saru> "Hey! Where did you get those?"
  35. Oct 09 18:54:59 <DamienLunas> They scuttle past you quickly!
  36. Oct 09 18:55:15 <Saru> 1d20+10 No Restraint
  37. Oct 09 18:55:16 <DiceMaid-9001> Saru, No Restraint: 22 [1d20=12]
  38. Oct 09 18:55:16 <DamienLunas> "COOKIECOOKIECOOKIECOOKIE"
  39. Oct 09 18:55:27 <Saru> "Show me where you got those!"
  40. Oct 09 18:56:19 <DamienLunas> The little krabby looks up at you and waves a tiny pincer, signalling you to follow him further down the beach
  41. Oct 09 18:56:36 <Saru> "Let's go, Jigoro!"
  42. Oct 09 18:57:01 <DamienLunas> Jigoro skates along after you following the krabby
  43. Oct 09 18:57:23 <DamienLunas> He starts scaling a little rock wall. It's easy for the small krabby, but might be a bit more difficult for you and jigoro.
  44. Oct 09 18:57:52 <Saru> "Hm..."
  45. Oct 09 18:58:14  Saru grabs a pokeball. "Hey, Palnatoki, time for you to show us what you go!"
  46. Oct 09 18:58:28 <Saru> (this is the stratagem)
  47. Oct 09 18:58:38 <DamienLunas> "Stratastrata"
  48. Oct 09 18:58:43 <Saru> "Can you make something to climb up? Like a ramp or something?"
  49. Oct 09 18:59:01 <DamienLunas> "Geeeemmmm..."
  50. Oct 09 18:59:10 <DamienLunas> its little diamond eyes glow
  51. Oct 09 18:59:35 <DamienLunas> and it pushes out the rock wall a bit, staggering it to make some manageable steps.
  52. Oct 09 18:59:44 <Saru> "Thanks! Let's go."
  53. Oct 09 18:59:53 <DamienLunas> Not as clearly shaped as klark would do, but you'll take what you can get.
  54. Oct 09 19:00:25 <DamienLunas> There's a man at the top of the rock giving a stern talking to a big blue kingler.
  55. Oct 09 19:01:10 <DamienLunas> he has slightly long black hair, and a familiar jacket with the symbol of the grand masters on it.
  56. Oct 09 19:01:40 <DamienLunas> There's a serperior coiled up by him, looking at the kingler daring it to try something.
  57. Oct 09 19:01:57  Saru stops dead in his tracks.
  58. Oct 09 19:02:09 <DamienLunas> "So you can't just go around hoarding everything like that, it's not fair to the rest of them!"
  59. Oct 09 19:02:30 <Saru> "No way."
  60. Oct 09 19:02:49 <DamienLunas> The man stops talking as his serperior turns its head and flicks out its tongue at you.
  61. Oct 09 19:03:02 <DamienLunas> Satoshi turns his head and grins at you. "Long time no see, lil' bro."
  62. Oct 09 19:03:12 <Saru> "Big brother!"
  63. Oct 09 19:03:16  Saru runs over.
  64. Oct 09 19:03:42 <DamienLunas> he pulls you into a big manly hug.
  65. Oct 09 19:03:59 <DamienLunas> He looks maybe slightly older than you remember him, but you wouldn't forget his face.
  66. Oct 09 19:04:17 <Saru> "How - what -"
  67. Oct 09 19:05:22 <DamienLunas> "Didn't I tell you enough? Don't let yourself die, even if they kill you."
  68. Oct 09 19:05:41  Saru laughs. "Yeah, I remember something like that!"
  69. Oct 09 19:06:38 <Saru> "But, what are you doing bere, bro?"
  70. Oct 09 19:08:00 <DamienLunas> "Well this cookie monster here was bullying a bunch of little guys to bring him cookies for his hoard. So I made him give them all a share for working hard for them. Talked a bit of sense into him with my fists." he says flexing a muscle.
  71. Oct 09 19:08:59  Saru laughs. "Yeah, sounds about right!" He looks at the kingler. "You shouldn't be makin' people do stuff just because you're bigger than them."
  72. Oct 09 19:10:02 <DamienLunas> "Sounds like you turned out pretty good yourself, lil' bro."
  73. Oct 09 19:10:17  Saru rubs the back of his head. "I had a good example to follow."
  74. Oct 09 19:10:20 <DamienLunas> "Come on, it's going to be dark soon and we should get back to the camp."
  75. Oct 09 19:10:25 <Saru> "Okay."
  76. Oct 09 19:11:21 <Saru> "Oh man, I have to tell you! We did, bro! We managed to unite the whole city, but then we met this old guy, Willow, and it turns out that the rest of the world was workin' on getting back on its feat, but someone had to get things together in Ribbonwood..."
  77. Oct 09 19:11:22 <DamienLunas> He leads you deeper into the jungle, nothing really seeming to want to trouble him.
  78. Oct 09 19:11:47 <DamienLunas> "Slow down, man! You're going to need to breathe some time."
  79. Oct 09 19:11:49 <Saru> "... before they could help. But then it turns out the thing that caused the Cataclysm is still around, so we're helpin' to take care of that now!"
  80. Oct 09 19:12:26 <DamienLunas> There's a few chimchars and mankeys swinging around in the treetops, but that's about it until you get back to his camp.
  81. Oct 09 19:13:15 <DamienLunas> There's a little bed of grass, and what looks like a campfire. He has some fruits hidden under a scrap of cloth, that he cuts open with his serperior's tail blade.
  82. Oct 09 19:14:05 <DamienLunas> "Here, have some of this." he says, handing you one half of a spiky looking fruit that smells kind of like dirty socks.
  83. Oct 09 19:14:12 <Saru> "Sure."
  84. Oct 09 19:14:26 <Saru> "How long have you been here?"
  85. Oct 09 19:14:53 <DamienLunas> Despite the stench, it's fairly sweet and has a bit of an odd aftertaste that leaves you wanting more.
  86. Oct 09 19:15:09 <DamienLunas> "Not really sure, to be honest. After a while the days just sort of blend together."
  87. Oct 09 19:15:28 <DamienLunas> He gets started on a fire, rubbing some sticks together to start it.
  88. Oct 09 19:17:57 <Saru> "Hold on, we can get that going easier. Besides, I want you to meet this guy. Zhu, come on out."
  89. Oct 09 19:18:01  Saru calls out his emboar.
  90. Oct 09 19:18:22 <DamienLunas> "Oh? Nice to meet you Zhu."
  91. Oct 09 19:19:01 <DamienLunas> "Although, never hurts to know how to do it the old fashioned way."
  92. Oct 09 19:19:10 <Saru> "Course not!"
  93. Oct 09 19:19:43 <DamienLunas> "You know how, don't you, Saru?"
  94. Oct 09 19:20:08 <Saru> "I'm probably not as good at it as you are. But I can give it a shot if you want."
  95. Oct 09 19:23:38 <DamienLunas> (one sec ow a blister popped and it really hurts)
  96. Oct 09 19:24:41 <Saru> (haha, okay)
  97. Oct 09 19:24:52 <Saru> (also i probably should crash in about an hour)
  98. Oct 09 19:29:20 <DamienLunas> (okay back)
  99. Oct 09 19:29:26 <DamienLunas> "Sure, let's see how you do."
  100. Oct 09 19:29:59 <DamienLunas> It takes a bit of time, but you manage to get the flames to ignite, giving you some light in the night.
  101. Oct 09 19:30:22 <DamienLunas> "Here we go... we can rest here for a while."
  102. Oct 09 19:30:44 <DamienLunas> "So what have you been getting into while I've been gone?"
  103. Oct 09 19:31:44 <Saru> "Well, like I was saying, after you... disappeared I guess."
  104. Oct 09 19:32:49 <Saru> "I decided I was going to try and make your dream come true. So I started training, figured out how to fight, and learned some tricks from some of the old rangers who were still around then."
  105. Oct 09 19:33:56 <DamienLunas> "and it sounds like you made it."
  106. Oct 09 19:33:57 <Saru> (what was the name of the kid? Timmy?)
  107. Oct 09 19:34:29 <DamienLunas> (yeah)
  108. Oct 09 19:35:07  Saru nods. "Me and a friend of mine, Six, we tossed out the guys who'd taken over the place down near the beach, and put together our own gang. Us, and Hope, Mira, Klark, and at first this kid named Timmy. Later Timmy went to do his own thing, and we picked up Arthur."
  109. Oct 09 19:35:28 <Saru> "The Ribbonwood Immortals."
  110. Oct 09 19:35:39 <DamienLunas> "Sounds like a nice bunch. Tell me about 'em."
  111. Oct 09 19:36:00 <Saru> "Well, I should probably tell you about Hope first."
  112. Oct 09 19:36:55 <Saru> "Her real names Elena Underwood, but I've always known her as Hope. She's real good with breeding pokemon, and she learned how to patch us up when we needed it. And, uh, I kind of fell in love with her. She and I are going to have a kid!"
  113. Oct 09 19:37:25 <DamienLunas> "That's great! Any thoughts on what you're gonna name it?"
  114. Oct 09 19:37:40 <Saru> "Well... if it was a boy, I wanted to name him after you."
  115. Oct 09 19:38:48 <DamienLunas> "Heh, in loving memory or something?"
  116. Oct 09 19:39:03 <Saru> "Well, yeah... You know."
  117. Oct 09 19:39:33 <DamienLunas> "It's fine. Just glad you found someone special, you lucky dog."
  118. Oct 09 19:40:08 <Saru> "I am too. I think... when this is over, I'm gonna ask her to get married. I mean, with the whole gang war thing it wasn't something we could do, but now..."
  119. Oct 09 19:40:35 <DamienLunas> "Is that what the ring's for?"
  120. Oct 09 19:41:21 <Saru> "Sorta. Friends of ours got them for us, on Hope's birthday."
  121. Oct 09 19:41:40 <DamienLunas> "Not the most conventional way, but hey. You gotta make due."
  122. Oct 09 19:41:49 <Saru> "Yeah."
  123. Oct 09 19:42:00 <DamienLunas> "So where are they now?"
  124. Oct 09 19:42:26  Saru frowns. "I don't know. We were on a ship, and there was a really awful storm. I got washed up here."
  125. Oct 09 19:42:47 <DamienLunas> "Well... if they are on this island, they'll probably be drawn by the smoke."
  126. Oct 09 19:42:53 <DamienLunas> "All we have to do is just wait here."
  127. Oct 09 19:42:56  Saru nods. "Yeah."
  128. Oct 09 19:43:13 <Saru> "Don't like just waiting around though, you know?"
  129. Oct 09 19:43:26 <DamienLunas> "Why don't you get some sleep, Saru? You've done all you can for now."
  130. Oct 09 19:43:43 <Saru> "Okay. In the morning I'll figute out what else I can try."
  131. Oct 09 19:43:56 <Saru> "Bro - Satoshi... It's good to see you again. I've missed you."
  132. Oct 09 19:44:05 <DamienLunas> "Missed you too, Saru."
  133. Oct 09 19:44:23 <DamienLunas> roll wisdom
  134. Oct 09 19:44:36 <Saru> (i figured that out, do i need to roll Wis? :B)
  135. Oct 09 19:44:59 <DamienLunas> (Well if you've figured it out...)
  136. Oct 09 19:45:05 <DamienLunas> (go ahead and call it out)
  137. Oct 09 19:45:32  Saru starts to get up, then looks back, frowning. "How do you know to call me Saru? I was Mouse... I didn't pick this name up til after the Grand Masters broke up."
  138. Oct 09 19:45:57 <DamienLunas> He looks a bit crestfallen at your realization.
  139. Oct 09 19:46:13 <Saru> "Who are you?"
  140. Oct 09 19:46:20 <DamienLunas> "Looks like you've gotten a little bit smarter since I last saw you too."
  141. Oct 09 19:46:34 <DamienLunas> "Well... I am Satoshi."
  142. Oct 09 19:46:55 <DamienLunas> "For all intents and purposes anyway."
  143. Oct 09 19:47:41 <Saru> "What do you mean by that?"
  144. Oct 09 19:48:17 <DamienLunas> "I have all the memories... even my personality is the same. I... AM your brother. Just a little bit more than that."
  145. Oct 09 19:48:38  Saru shakes his head. "I don't understand."
  146. Oct 09 19:48:50 <DamienLunas> "Come on, lil' bro. You can do it."
  147. Oct 09 19:50:30 <Saru> (one sec, sorry)
  148. Oct 09 19:52:24 <Saru> (back. also hrgh not getting it)
  149. Oct 09 19:53:06 <DamienLunas> "This is a place... where you and me can be together again, bro."
  150. Oct 09 19:53:22 <Saru> "Did I... drown or something?"
  151. Oct 09 19:53:55 <DamienLunas> "Come on, you wouldn't let yourself die that easily after everything I've taught you, would you?"
  152. Oct 09 19:54:45 <Saru> "This place is... some of kind of miracle or something?"
  153. Oct 09 19:55:30 <DamienLunas> "Well... not exactly."
  154. Oct 09 19:58:12 <DamienLunas> "It's a place where you and me can be together. However, your friends can't."
  155. Oct 09 19:58:26 <DamienLunas> "They're all in their own place. Happy."
  156. Oct 09 19:58:41 <Saru> "How can that be?"
  157. Oct 09 19:58:55 <DamienLunas> "The same way it is for you and me."
  158. Oct 09 19:59:22  Saru paces around.
  159. Oct 09 19:59:46 <DamienLunas> "If you leave... you won't be able to see me again."
  160. Oct 09 19:59:58  Saru puts his hands on his head.
  161. Oct 09 20:00:01 <DamienLunas> "You may not even see your friends."
  162. Oct 09 20:00:08 <Saru> "I know... but... I can't give up on them."
  163. Oct 09 20:00:18 <DamienLunas> "They might have chosen to stay with their happiness."
  164. Oct 09 20:00:35 <DamienLunas> "If they do, then you'll be leaving alone. You won't even have me."
  165. Oct 09 20:00:42 <Saru> "You don't know them. We're the Immortals. Nothing can hold us back."
  166. Oct 09 20:01:13 <DamienLunas> "We could stay here together forever. You really could be immortal."
  167. Oct 09 20:01:17  Saru turns back to look at him. "And if you really have my brother's memories, his personality... You know what he'd tell me to do."
  168. Oct 09 20:02:00 <DamienLunas> He smiles, "Yeah, I do."
  169. Oct 09 20:02:21 <DamienLunas> "And so do you."
  170. Oct 09 20:02:45 <DamienLunas> he puts his arm around you and thumps your back with his fist.
  171. Oct 09 20:02:51 <DamienLunas> "I'm proud of you, lil' bro."
  172. Oct 09 20:03:17  Saru hugs him back. "Thanks, big bro." He grins. "Always tried to make it so you would be."
  173. Oct 09 20:03:51 <DamienLunas> "If you really want to go... all you have to do is head for the center of the island. And don't look back."
  174. Oct 09 20:04:27  Saru grins. "Never have."
  175. Oct 09 20:04:37 <Saru> "But I won't forget you. Never have."
  176. Oct 09 20:05:14 <DamienLunas> "I know you won't. That's why I always say, even if you're killed, don't die."
  177. Oct 09 20:05:26 <Saru> "Haven't you heard? Immortals never die."
  178. Oct 09 20:05:49 <DamienLunas> "I may have been killed 12 years ago. But in your heart, I live on."
  179. Oct 09 20:05:58 <Saru> "Always."
  180. Oct 09 20:06:49 <DamienLunas> He lets go of you and smiles, his Serperior coiled up next to him faithfully.
  181. Oct 09 20:07:11 <DamienLunas> "You take care of Hope. She's a good girl."
  182. Oct 09 20:08:05 <Saru> "I will. I'll catch up with you one day, bro." He grins. "Not for a while."
  183. Oct 09 20:08:45 <DamienLunas> He socks you across the jaw.
  184. Oct 09 20:08:50 <DamienLunas> "You dumbass."
  185. Oct 09 20:08:59 <DamienLunas> "Quit trying to stand in my shadow."
  186. Oct 09 20:09:04 <DamienLunas> "You've already surpassed me."
  187. Oct 09 20:09:12 <DamienLunas> (oh wait. I think I misinterpreted that)
  188. Oct 09 20:09:18 <DamienLunas> (OH WELL TOO LATE NOW :D)
  189. Oct 09 20:10:23  Saru rubs his jaw and grins. "Maybe I have. But now I've got to catch up with myuself."
  190. Oct 09 20:10:41 <Saru> (aren't cha gonna do the height thing? ;3)
  191. Oct 09 20:11:19 <DamienLunas> (height change thing...)
  192. Oct 09 20:11:31 <Saru> (from TTGL)
  193. Oct 09 20:11:32 <DamienLunas> (I think I forgot that part of it)
  194. Oct 09 20:12:45 <DamienLunas> (also while you all were gone, Ribbon turned into this. )
  195. Oct 09 20:13:10 <Saru> (haha nice)
  196. Oct 09 20:13:14 <DamienLunas> "Go on, bro. Your friends are waiting for you."
  197. Oct 09 20:14:59 <Saru> ( )
  198. Oct 09 20:15:18 <Saru> "I'll be off than, bro."
  199. Oct 09 20:15:55 <DamienLunas> He nods silently and smiles.
  200. Oct 09 20:16:38  Saru smiles, then turns with a swish of his jacket and walks steadily for the center of the island.
  201. Oct 09 20:16:53 <DamienLunas> and the adventure of life goes on.
  202. Oct 09 20:16:57 <DamienLunas> [/mini]
  203. Oct 09 20:18:54 <Saru> (thanks :3)
  204. Oct 09 20:19:04 <DamienLunas> I've been looking forward to these
  205. Oct 09 20:19:08 <DamienLunas> for a very long time :D
  206. Oct 09 20:19:09 <Saru> i bet
  207. Oct 09 20:19:15 <DamienLunas> !dm9001 leave #mirageisland
  208. Oct 09 20:19:18 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, sorry, boss! Leaving channel #mirageisland!
  209. Oct 09 20:19:18  DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has left #mirageisland
  210. Oct 09 20:19:26 <DamienLunas> Hope's is gonna be fun too
  211. Oct 09 20:19:33 <Saru> also i bet you kind of figured this one would go this way ;3
  212. Oct 09 20:19:40 <DamienLunas> of course :P
  213. Oct 09 20:20:01 <DamienLunas> also cookie monster is the best kingler.
  214. Oct 09 20:20:06 <Saru> yesss
  215. Oct 09 20:21:49 <DamienLunas> want to know what some of the others are going to be like? :3
  216. Oct 09 20:24:09 <Saru> yes pls :3
  217. Oct 09 20:30:41 <Saru> want me to vacate this channel?
  218. Oct 09 20:30:59 <DamienLunas> yes please
  219. Oct 09 20:31:06 <Saru> au revoir
  220. Oct 09 20:31:07  Saru ( has left #mirageisland
  221. Oct 09 20:43:02 * You are now known as Damien|ZZZ
  222. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Oct 10 03:33:03 2011
  224. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Oct 10 03:51:24 2011
  226. Oct 10 03:51:24  Now talking on #mirageisland
  227. Oct 10 03:51:27 * You've invited Hope to #mirageisland (
  228. Oct 10 03:51:43  Hope ( has joined #mirageisland
  229. Oct 10 03:51:51 <Hope> You're lucky I noticed that
  230. Oct 10 03:51:58  DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #mirageisland
  231. Oct 10 03:52:02 <Hope> couldn't figure out what that noise was
  232. Oct 10 03:52:05 <DamienLunas> :B
  233. Oct 10 03:52:10 <DamienLunas> So then
  234. Oct 10 03:52:23 <DamienLunas> Hope wakes up rather slowly
  235. Oct 10 03:52:47 <Hope> "Nngh..."
  236. Oct 10 03:52:51 <DamienLunas> it's nearing sundown, and she feels fairly exhausted as she lies prone on the beach.
  237. Oct 10 03:53:27  Hope tries rolling over onto her back as she breathes heavily, trying to regain her senses.
  238. Oct 10 03:53:46 <DamienLunas> "Hoo, hoo~!"
  239. Oct 10 03:54:10 <DamienLunas> Ribbon flutters next to your face, rubbing up against you with her warm body.
  240. Oct 10 03:54:45 <Hope> "Ribbon..." she murmurs, weakly reaching up to pet the Ho-Oh.
  241. Oct 10 03:55:04 <Hope> She then attempts to sit up.
  242. Oct 10 03:55:23 <DamienLunas> Ribbon cheeps happily and leans into your hand. Your head spins, but you can sit up.
  243. Oct 10 03:55:49 <Hope> "Ugh... what happened... we were on the boat, and then..."
  244. Oct 10 03:56:01 <Hope> Her eyes widen as she looks around.
  245. Oct 10 03:56:31 <Hope> "Saru...? Brix?! Manaphy! Ugh, my head..."
  246. Oct 10 03:56:50 <DamienLunas> You seem to be alone, however your pokeballs are all there.
  247. Oct 10 03:57:20 <Hope> She briefly wonders if Brix and Manaphy got back into their pokeballs in time, and ehcks all of her balls.
  248. Oct 10 03:57:51 <DamienLunas> it looks like they did. However, the beach is devoid of other life, except for a krabby holding a cookie.
  249. Oct 10 03:58:00 <DamienLunas> There also seems to be a lush tropical jungle further in the island.
  250. Oct 10 03:58:21 <DamienLunas> Some palm trees dot the beach with fruits that you probably know to be durians and coconuts.
  251. Oct 10 03:58:27 <Hope> "Was... were we the only survivors...?"
  252. Oct 10 03:58:53 <Hope> Her eyes start to well up a bit before she shakes her head and wipes them.
  253. Oct 10 03:59:11 <Hope> "No, I refuse to believe that... Ribbon, everyone... we've got to find..."
  254. Oct 10 03:59:31 <Hope> She attempts to push herself up, but flops back down on her butt weakly.
  255. Oct 10 03:59:46 <DamienLunas> However, the sun's going down very soon, and your body is incredibly worn out. The shipwreck combined with your pregnancy makes you feel incredibly weak.
  256. Oct 10 04:00:19 <Hope> "I think I'm just going... to sleep a little bit before..."
  257. Oct 10 04:00:42 <Hope> She lays down down in the sand.
  258. Oct 10 04:00:57 <DamienLunas> Ribbon flutters right in your face and cheeps loudly
  259. Oct 10 04:01:11 <Hope> "Huh?"
  260. Oct 10 04:01:23 <DamienLunas> "Cheep cheep cheep!"
  261. Oct 10 04:01:27 <DamienLunas> roll perception
  262. Oct 10 04:01:31 <Hope> She opens and closes her eyes several times at Ribbon.
  263. Oct 10 04:01:32 <Hope> 1d20+10
  264. Oct 10 04:01:33 <DiceMaid-9001> Hope, 1d20+10: 22 [1d20=12]
  265. Oct 10 04:01:49 <DamienLunas> There appear to be some mightyena leering at you from the forest.
  266. Oct 10 04:02:24  Hope shakes her head, letting out Nix.
  267. Oct 10 04:02:50 <DamienLunas> <Hope... are you okay? Hang in there!>
  268. Oct 10 04:03:17 <DamienLunas> Nix stands in front of you, trying to block their view of you with himself.
  269. Oct 10 04:03:18 <Hope> "I don't know... I don't think I have extensive injuries, just... so tired..."
  270. Oct 10 04:03:50 <DamienLunas> They seem to still be interested though, several of them prowling around as if waiting for an opening...
  271. Oct 10 04:03:52 <Hope> "N-Nix... do you think... you could move me somewhere safer if trouble comes along..."
  272. Oct 10 04:04:31 <Hope> She breathes in and out, trying to think.
  273. Oct 10 04:04:35 <DamienLunas> <You've got to stay awake, hope! You can't sleep here now...>
  274. Oct 10 04:04:40 <Hope> "Thank you for the warning, Ribbon..."
  275. Oct 10 04:04:45 <Hope> "Nngh..."
  276. Oct 10 04:05:11 <DamienLunas> They let out low growls as they dart in and out of the brush, moving off to the sides and examining you from all angles...
  277. Oct 10 04:05:20 <DamienLunas> but suddenly
  278. Oct 10 04:05:22 <Hope> "I kinda wish I had saved one of gramps' pills..."
  279. Oct 10 04:05:31 <DamienLunas> you see a styler swirl around one of them.
  280. Oct 10 04:05:48 <Hope> "...Saru...?"
  281. Oct 10 04:06:06  Hope opens and closes her eyes, trying to see.
  282. Oct 10 04:06:35 <DamienLunas> The mightyena looks surprised, as a comforting voice says calmly, "Tell your pack to leave her alone. Hunt somewhere else."
  283. Oct 10 04:07:00 <DamienLunas> The mightyena whines, but barks out orders at the rest of the pack, and they retreat into the jungle.
  284. Oct 10 04:07:36 <DamienLunas> A blonde haired man walks forward. Willow? No... it's not. His hair is shorter, and he wears a uniform... one that you know you've seen before.
  285. Oct 10 04:07:39 <DamienLunas> "Elena..."
  286. Oct 10 04:07:52  Hope tries to crane her head to see who it is. "You're not Saru, then wh..."
  287. Oct 10 04:07:59 <Hope> Her eyes widen.
  288. Oct 10 04:08:06 <Hope> "D-...daddy?"
  289. Oct 10 04:08:13 <DamienLunas> your dad smiles.
  290. Oct 10 04:08:21 <DamienLunas> "That's right, Elena."
  291. Oct 10 04:08:35 <Hope> "But... you..."
  292. Oct 10 04:08:37 <DamienLunas> "I'm here for you."
  293. Oct 10 04:08:45 <Hope> "You died... all those years ago..."
  294. Oct 10 04:09:04 <Hope> She's simultaneously scared and awed.
  295. Oct 10 04:09:06 <DamienLunas> "Shhh..."
  296. Oct 10 04:09:15 <DamienLunas> "Just rest for now, Elena."
  297. Oct 10 04:09:22 <Hope> "I... okay.."
  298. Oct 10 04:09:26 <Hope> "Thank you..."
  299. Oct 10 04:09:46 <DamienLunas> you close your eyes for a bit.
  300. Oct 10 04:09:50 <Hope> She lays her head back down on the sand, tears coming from her eyes now.
  301. Oct 10 04:09:56 <Hope> "So much I... wanted to..."
  302. Oct 10 04:10:22 <DamienLunas> "Tell me all about it when you wake up."
  303. Oct 10 04:10:38 <Hope> She goes still and quiet.
  304. Oct 10 04:11:28 <DamienLunas> When you wake up, you seem to have been bandaged up. There's a small campfire going on the beach, and nix and ribbon are watching over you while your dad tends to the fire.
  305. Oct 10 04:11:56  Hope sits up again groggily, staring at the campfire.
  306. Oct 10 04:12:15 <Hope> "So... it wasn't a dream."
  307. Oct 10 04:12:23 <Hope> "You... really are here."
  308. Oct 10 04:12:34 <Hope> "Ugh..."
  309. Oct 10 04:12:45 <Hope> She still seems a little woozy.
  310. Oct 10 04:12:46 <DamienLunas> "Don't try to move just yet, sweetie."
  311. Oct 10 04:13:08 <DamienLunas> "Looks like you nearly drowned... you're lucky to be alive."
  312. Oct 10 04:13:13 <Hope> She lays back down, staring up at the sky.
  313. Oct 10 04:13:33 <DamienLunas> The stars are out. It feels so peaceful...
  314. Oct 10 04:13:38 <Hope> "...I know."
  315. Oct 10 04:13:55 <Hope> "It's hard to just rest here, though, knowing the others could have made it, too..."
  316. Oct 10 04:14:17 <DamienLunas> "The others, huh...?"
  317. Oct 10 04:14:30 <Hope> "Daddy... how are you here? I don't understand what's going on..."
  318. Oct 10 04:16:33 <DamienLunas> "That's not important now, Elena."
  319. Oct 10 04:16:41 <DamienLunas> "Tell me about your friends..."
  320. Oct 10 04:16:47 <Hope> "B-but..."
  321. Oct 10 04:16:58 <DamienLunas> "I haven't seen you in such a long time. I want to know how you've been."
  322. Oct 10 04:17:01 <Hope> "Well..."
  323. Oct 10 04:21:16  Kainnap ( has joined #mirageisland
  324. Oct 10 04:21:26 * Kainnap is now known as Hopeonarope
  325. Oct 10 04:21:30 <Hopeonarope> !dm9001 lastlines #10
  326. Oct 10 04:21:38 <Hopeonarope> "There's Mira... she's such a shy girl, but very smart. I can't stand to think of her by herself, alone on this island, or..." she swallows a moment. "Poor girl's been wrapped up in too much that isn't her fault... there's Six, he's kind of a jerk but was always looking out for us, always meant the best... Klark, such a sweet and gentle man who would take care of the plants we found, and
  327. Oct 10 04:21:39 <Hopeonarope> eventually learned to grow them himself... Arthur... Hah. Arthur's such an oddball... there's no way he could have died. He's a jerk too, but I'm convinced he doesn't know how to talk with people at all. Then, there's..."
  328. Oct 10 04:22:25 <Hopeonarope> "Saru... the leader of the Ribbonwood Immortals, the man I love. It was thanks to him that we finally united Ribbonwood City, ended the gang wars... It's such a great place now, Daddy, you would be so proud..." tears are flowing down her cheeks again. "It's all thanks to him..."
  329. Oct 10 04:23:13  Hope has quit (Ping timeout)
  330. Oct 10 04:23:41 <DamienLunas> "Of course I'm proud of you. How could I not be."
  331. Oct 10 04:25:46 <Hopeonarope> ""I'm having his child... I don't know if I could bear the thought of bearing our child without his face there to see our baby..."
  332. Oct 10 04:26:23 <DamienLunas> "Having a kid, huh?"
  333. Oct 10 04:26:28 <DamienLunas> "Any ideas on the name?"
  334. Oct 10 04:26:42 <Hopeonarope> "Saru and I haven't... talked about it yet."
  335. Oct 10 04:27:15 <Hopeonarope> "But if it's a boy I think Nathan would be such a nice name... after you, daddy."
  336. Oct 10 04:27:40 <DamienLunas> He smiles. "I'm glad you're still thinking of me."
  337. Oct 10 04:28:04 <DamienLunas> "You've become such a fine woman, Hope."
  338. Oct 10 04:28:54 <Hopeonarope> "Of course I am! You weren't there for long, but you gave me so much love, so much knowledge that I couldn't have gotten here without... I miss you so much..."
  339. Oct 10 04:29:20 <DamienLunas> Your dad puts his arms around you. "I know, sweetie."
  340. Oct 10 04:29:27 <Hopeonarope> She hugs back.
  341. Oct 10 04:29:41 <Hopeonarope> "I don't care how you're here, now... I'm just glad I got to see you again, daddy."
  342. Oct 10 04:30:34 <DamienLunas> After a bit, you hear some rustling in the brush nearby.
  343. Oct 10 04:31:31  Hopeonarope looks over, nervously.
  344. Oct 10 04:31:51 <DamienLunas> Your dad chuckles, "It's okay, Hope. It's her."
  345. Oct 10 04:32:03 <Hopeonarope> "Who...?"
  346. Oct 10 04:32:09 <DamienLunas> A beautiful blonde haired woman walks towards the camp.
  347. Oct 10 04:32:24 <DamienLunas> "Elena... I'm so glad I finally have a chance to meet you."
  348. Oct 10 04:32:33 <Hopeonarope> "It... it can't be... M-mom?"
  349. Oct 10 04:33:14 <DamienLunas> "That's right hope."
  350. Oct 10 04:33:15 <Hopeonarope> Here come the tear faucets again as she tries to get up.
  351. Oct 10 04:33:37 <DamienLunas> She comes over to you and puts her soft hands on yours, lifting you up and giving you a warm embrace.
  352. Oct 10 04:33:49 <Hopeonarope> She wordlessly just hugs her mother.
  353. Oct 10 04:34:08 <Hopeonarope> "Mother... I'm so sorry..."
  354. Oct 10 04:34:19 <DamienLunas> "Shhh, you don't need to apologize to me."
  355. Oct 10 04:34:26 <DamienLunas> "I'm happy."
  356. Oct 10 04:34:51 <DamienLunas> "I'm happy because my child grew up to be such a wonderful young lady."
  357. Oct 10 04:35:09 <Hopeonarope> "M-mom..."
  358. Oct 10 04:35:31 <Hopeonarope> "Thank you so much..."
  359. Oct 10 04:35:53 <DamienLunas> "Nathan and I knew it would be dangerous. But to have a child was important to both of us."
  360. Oct 10 04:35:59 <Hopeonarope> She pulls back a moment, smiling at her and her father.
  361. Oct 10 04:36:12 <Hopeonarope> She nods.
  362. Oct 10 04:36:13 <DamienLunas> "We knew the risks. There's no way we would regret them."
  363. Oct 10 04:37:01 <Hopeonarope> "There's... medical care now... When I have my own child... I think I'll be okay. But even if there wasn't... I'd feel the same way as you..."
  364. Oct 10 04:37:46 <Hopeonarope> "But... I'm scared now. I'm starting to wonder..."
  365. Oct 10 04:37:53 <Hopeonarope> "If I didn't survive that crash after all..."
  366. Oct 10 04:38:14 <DamienLunas> Nathan shakes his head. "No, you're alive, Hope."
  367. Oct 10 04:39:01 <Hopeonarope> "That's... that's good to know."
  368. Oct 10 04:39:11 <Hopeonarope> She wipes at her eyes again.
  369. Oct 10 04:39:30 <DamienLunas> "This is a place where we can be together again."
  370. Oct 10 04:39:33 <Hopeonarope> "So much I want to say..."
  371. Oct 10 04:39:58 <Hopeonarope> "Mirage Island..."
  372. Oct 10 04:40:04 <DamienLunas> "You can say it all, Hope."
  373. Oct 10 04:40:25 <Hopeonarope> "I... I want to."
  374. Oct 10 04:40:33 <Hopeonarope> "But I'm so worried about the others..."
  375. Oct 10 04:40:47 <DamienLunas> "They'll be happy too, Hope."
  376. Oct 10 04:41:05 <DamienLunas> "Each one of them... they're all just as happy as you."
  377. Oct 10 04:41:35 <Hopeonarope> "That's good to know... But we can't stay like this forever..."
  378. Oct 10 04:41:45 <DamienLunas> "We can, if you want."
  379. Oct 10 04:41:56 <Hopeonarope> She shakes her head, smiling.
  380. Oct 10 04:42:22 <Hopeonarope> "Mom... dad... it was great seeing you two again. I love you both, so, so much..."
  381. Oct 10 04:42:42 <Hopeonarope> "But there's an entire world out there we need to bring happiness to as well."
  382. Oct 10 04:43:09 <DamienLunas> "If you want to leave this paradise... we can't stop you."
  383. Oct 10 04:43:25 <Hopeonarope> "I have a feeling I won't be able to come back to see you..."
  384. Oct 10 04:43:32 <Hopeonarope> "The vanishing island..."
  385. Oct 10 04:43:32 <DamienLunas> "That's right."
  386. Oct 10 04:43:41 <DamienLunas> "Once you leave, you'll never be able to see us again."
  387. Oct 10 04:43:48 <DamienLunas> "You could spend an eternity here, with us."
  388. Oct 10 04:43:56 <Hopeonarope> "I suppose I can stay just a little longer, but... no, not an eternity."
  389. Oct 10 04:44:03 <DamienLunas> "Or you can leave it all behind."
  390. Oct 10 04:44:14 <DamienLunas> "If you do... you may not be able to see your friends again."
  391. Oct 10 04:44:22 <DamienLunas> "They might have chosen to stay."
  392. Oct 10 04:45:05 <Hopeonarope> "No... I think that they know what's at stake..."
  393. Oct 10 04:45:23 <Hopeonarope> "I'm sure all of them are very happy. But we all know that living in a paradise while everyone else suffers..."
  394. Oct 10 04:45:38 <Hopeonarope> "Would be entirely too selfish..."
  395. Oct 10 04:46:02 <DamienLunas> "We're both very proud of you, Hope."
  396. Oct 10 04:46:14 <Hopeonarope> She smiles, weakly.
  397. Oct 10 04:46:32 <DamienLunas> "We may be mirages. But... we're a bit more than that as well."
  398. Oct 10 04:46:45 <DamienLunas> "Mew's power... it can recreate us perfectly."
  399. Oct 10 04:46:59 <DamienLunas> "Our minds, our memories, are exactly the same. Only we have yours as well."
  400. Oct 10 04:47:00 <Hopeonarope> "I had a feeling it was something like that... I'm sorry that I can't stay... I love you both so much."
  401. Oct 10 04:47:14 <DamienLunas> "We love you too, Hope."
  402. Oct 10 04:47:29 <Hopeonarope> She goes to hug them one more time.
  403. Oct 10 04:47:38 <DamienLunas> They both hug you tightly. It feels like it lasts an eternity... and when you let go, feels entirely too short.
  404. Oct 10 04:48:39 <DamienLunas> Nathan: "You've become an amazing girl, Hope. We're so proud of you. I'm glad I managed to raise you so well."
  405. Oct 10 04:48:54 <Hopeonarope> "Thank you, Daddy..."
  406. Oct 10 04:49:01 <DamienLunas> Your mom gives you a kiss on the cheek. "If it's a girl... maybe you could name it Jennifer. After me."
  407. Oct 10 04:49:12 <Hopeonarope> She smiles again, more tears coming down.
  408. Oct 10 04:49:30 <Hopeonarope> "I'll t-try keep that in mind..."
  409. Oct 10 04:49:45 <DamienLunas> Jennifer: "If you truly wish to leave... all you have to do is walk to the center of the island, and never look back."
  410. Oct 10 04:50:10 <Hopeonarope> "Rest easy, you two... I'll try to keep on as I have been. I'll make you both so proud..."
  411. Oct 10 04:50:36 <Hopeonarope> "Goodbye." :<
  412. Oct 10 04:50:55 <DamienLunas> "It's not goodbye, Hope."
  413. Oct 10 04:51:03 <DamienLunas> "We'll always be right by your side."
  414. Oct 10 04:51:47 <Hopeonarope> That just makes her burst into half sobs. "D-daddy... Thank you..."
  415. Oct 10 04:52:09 <DamienLunas> Your mom smiles, "You've already made us more proud than you can know. I know you'll be an amazing mother."
  416. Oct 10 04:52:49 <Hopeonarope> She nods, weakly.
  417. Oct 10 04:53:50 <Hopeonarope> "You were an amazing mother too... even if you were just in my life for a few scant moments, it means everything to me."
  418. Oct 10 04:53:53 <Hopeonarope> She talks a moment to calm down, before, turning. "Nix... Ribbon, you ready? ...Let's go." she wipes her eyes and
  419. Oct 10 04:54:08 <Hopeonarope> and turns toward the center of the island, beginning to walk.
  420. Oct 10 04:54:20 <DamienLunas> Ribbon flutters onto your shoulder, and Nix walks alongside you.
  421. Oct 10 04:54:28 <DamienLunas> You turn your back on your parents...
  422. Oct 10 04:54:47 <DamienLunas> and walk towards the center of the island slowly, never looking back.
  423. Oct 10 04:55:52 <DamienLunas> Nix smiles a bit. <I never truly understood how strong you were until now.>
  424. Oct 10 04:56:09 <Hopeonarope> "Strength comes... in a lot of different forms."
  425. Oct 10 04:56:18 <Hopeonarope> "But coming from you, Nix... thank you."
  426. Oct 10 04:56:30 <DamienLunas> and the adventure of life... goes on.
  427. Oct 10 04:56:36 <DamienLunas> [/mini]
  428. Oct 10 04:56:44 <Hopeonarope> I cried bitch tears. :3c
  429. Oct 10 04:57:02 <DamienLunas> I told you I was looking forward to this.
  430. Oct 10 04:57:41 <Hopeonarope> I expect half the group is going to be pissed at Mew
  431. Oct 10 04:57:55 <DamienLunas> Oh
  432. Oct 10 04:57:58 <DamienLunas> you can see saru's now
  433. Oct 10 04:58:00 <DamienLunas> if you like.
  434. Oct 10 04:58:06 <Hopeonarope> Sure
  435. Oct 10 04:59:05 <DamienLunas> !dm9001 leave #mirageisland
  436. Oct 10 04:59:06 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, sorry, boss! Leaving channel #mirageisland!
  437. Oct 10 04:59:06  DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has left #mirageisland
  438. Oct 10 05:33:48  Hopeonarope ( has left #mirageisland
  439. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Oct 10 05:40:36 2011
  441. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Oct 12 12:35:23 2011
  443. Oct 12 12:35:23  Now talking on #mirageisland
  444. Oct 12 12:35:26 <DamienLunas> !invite Arthur
  445. Oct 12 12:35:32 * You've invited Arthur to #mirageisland (
  446. Oct 12 12:35:32 * DamienLunas invited Arthur into the channel.
  447. Oct 12 12:35:34  Arthur ( has joined #mirageisland
  448. Oct 12 12:35:45  DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #mirageisland
  449. Oct 12 12:37:36 <DamienLunas> Arthur finds himself washed up on the beach, with Lev shaking him gently.
  450. Oct 12 12:37:41 <DamienLunas> <Master...>
  451. Oct 12 12:37:57 <Arthur> "Nnnnf."
  452. Oct 12 12:38:05 <DamienLunas> <Master, wake up please.>
  453. Oct 12 12:38:24  Arthur struggles to his feet and coughs up a little sand. "Bluh. We go back in time or something?"
  454. Oct 12 12:38:54 <DamienLunas> <No... I don't think so.>
  455. Oct 12 12:38:58 <DamienLunas> <Why would you ask that, Master?>
  456. Oct 12 12:39:29  Arthur snorts. "'s a joke. We started like this... Anyhow!"
  457. Oct 12 12:39:43 <DamienLunas> <Well... you might not be wrong.>
  458. Oct 12 12:39:49  Arthur stretches and checks his belongings. "Mirage Island or not, sure is some island."
  459. Oct 12 12:39:52 <DamienLunas> <Master, your eyepatch is gone.>
  460. Oct 12 12:40:24 <DamienLunas> <And... your eye was open too.>
  461. Oct 12 12:40:52  Arthur feels it, covering up... On, off, on off. WHAT
  462. Oct 12 12:41:00 <Arthur> "Need a mirror."
  463. Oct 12 12:41:14 <DamienLunas> <Why, master?>
  464. Oct 12 12:41:31 <Arthur> "If I lost my eye... Well."
  465. Oct 12 12:41:38  Arthur checks. Powers intact?
  466. Oct 12 12:41:41 <DamienLunas> <No, master, your eye was open...>
  467. Oct 12 12:41:50 <DamienLunas> Your eye isn't shifting through time anymore.
  468. Oct 12 12:42:22 <DamienLunas> You can see out of it normally.
  469. Oct 12 12:43:42  Arthur checks again and concentrates. NO time? Not even if he tries?
  470. Oct 12 12:43:56 <DamienLunas> Nnnope
  471. Oct 12 12:44:04 <Arthur> "...Well, shit."
  472. Oct 12 12:44:20 <DamienLunas> <What do you think it means, Master? Did we really travel back in time to before your eye...>
  473. Oct 12 12:44:23 <Arthur> "Guess I can't be asked for that anymore. Sorta miss it."
  474. Oct 12 12:44:26 <DamienLunas> <Well then I'd still be a kirlia wouldn't we.>
  475. Oct 12 12:44:32 <DamienLunas> wouldn't I*
  476. Oct 12 12:44:44  Arthur shrugs. "Unless there's two of me, or I kept everyone."
  477. Oct 12 12:45:17 <DamienLunas> <I haven't seen anyone else yet, master. Are you feeling hungry?>
  478. Oct 12 12:45:17 <Arthur> "But if I had to guess... We were finding Mew, right?"
  479. Oct 12 12:46:29 <Arthur> "Huh? Eh, not really--but anyway, l figure, if Deoxys-2 is as much Mewtwo as Deoxys, and Mew's nearby, it could maybe..."
  480. Oct 12 12:48:42 <DamienLunas> the beach seems to stretch on along the island, a few aquatic pokemon lazing about on the sand, including a krabby which scuttles around on the sand holding a cookie. Towards the center of the island is a thick jungle.
  481. Oct 12 12:54:47 <DamienLunas> <Do you feel well enough to move, master?>
  482. Oct 12 12:55:47 <Arthur> "Pretty fine, as far as I can tell. You?"
  483. Oct 12 12:56:12 <DamienLunas> <I feel just fine, Master. Where should we look?>
  484. Oct 12 12:57:09 <Arthur> "Mmm... You got an opinion? I'd probably go straight into the woods, but I'm not really sure what the protocol is here."
  485. Oct 12 12:57:14  Arthur has all his pokemon?
  486. Oct 12 12:57:24 <DamienLunas> yup, contract ball included.
  487. Oct 12 12:57:45 <DamienLunas> <Well... I feel like Saru would be the kind of person to head straight for the center.>
  488. Oct 12 12:58:05 <DamienLunas> <Or be distracted by a krabby holding a cookie.>
  489. Oct 12 12:58:29 <DamienLunas> <Going into the woods sounds like an excellent idea though, Master.>
  490. Oct 12 12:59:29 <Arthur> "Think it's too thick to see anything from above?"
  491. Oct 12 12:59:59 <DamienLunas> <Most likely, master. The foliage is quite dense.>
  492. Oct 12 13:00:39 <Arthur> "Ugh. Nothing else to do then."
  493. Oct 12 13:00:41  Arthur AWAAAAY
  494. Oct 12 13:01:27 <DamienLunas> Arthur charges through the forest brush, and nearly smacks into the side of a large building with ivy growing over it.
  495. Oct 12 13:01:36 <Arthur> "WHOA"
  496. Oct 12 13:01:44 <Arthur> "Uh. Hey! Well, this is convenient."
  497. Oct 12 13:02:01  Arthur wanders over to the side, circling around to the entrance.
  498. Oct 12 13:03:16 <DamienLunas> there appears to be a single door, unlocked. The building is otherwise featureless.
  499. Oct 12 13:03:34  Arthur knocks. "Hellooooo~? Anyone home?"
  500. Oct 12 13:04:06 <DamienLunas> no answer.
  501. Oct 12 13:05:12  Arthur sighs and looks around for windows. Just a block of brick?
  502. Oct 12 13:05:26 <DamienLunas> Something like that. No windows even.
  503. Oct 12 13:05:37 <DamienLunas> It's a pretty large building though, which seems a bit odd.
  504. Oct 12 13:05:43 <Arthur> "WELP."
  505. Oct 12 13:05:51 <DamienLunas> <Perhaps... a storage room, master?>
  506. Oct 12 13:06:01  Arthur opens the door slowly. "Heeeey! I'm coming in if you don't mind!"
  507. Oct 12 13:06:12 <Arthur> "We'll see."
  508. Oct 12 13:06:50 <DamienLunas> The room is dimly lit by some overhanging lights. In the center of the floor, there appears to be white lines drawn in the floor. It looks like...
  509. Oct 12 13:06:51 <DamienLunas> Roll int
  510. Oct 12 13:07:07 <Arthur> 1d20+8 ?
  511. Oct 12 13:07:08 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, ?: 16 [1d20=8]
  512. Oct 12 13:07:30 <DamienLunas> it looks like a standard design for a battle arena. There's also some bleachers to the sides of it as well.
  513. Oct 12 13:07:42 <Arthur> "That's, uh."
  514. Oct 12 13:07:45 <Arthur> "Unexpected."
  515. Oct 12 13:09:38 <DamienLunas> There's also a small black box
  516. Oct 12 13:09:43 <DamienLunas> at the very end of the room.
  517. Oct 12 13:11:06  Arthur walks over CAREFULLY.
  518. Oct 12 13:11:15  Arthur kicks the box very lightly.
  519. Oct 12 13:12:06 <DamienLunas> "SURPRISE ATTACK!" shouts a woman's voice as she tackles arthur from the side as soon as you enter.
  520. Oct 12 13:12:14 <Arthur> "WHAT"
  521. Oct 12 13:13:32  Arthur struggles. "Get off me and tell me what's going on!"
  522. Oct 12 13:14:21 <DamienLunas> A woman with bright red hair that dangles down by your face smiles happily as she puts her arms around you.
  523. Oct 12 13:14:38 <Arthur> "That isn't getting off."
  524. Oct 12 13:16:14 <DamienLunas> You hear a slightly sarcastic voice from the other side of the room, "Believe me, you don't want her getting off on this. Now stop pinning Arthur. I want to see him too, you know."
  525. Oct 12 13:16:40 <Arthur> "Oh. Great. I'm kidnapped."
  526. Oct 12 13:17:09 <DamienLunas> She giggles and lifts you right up out from under you. She's surprisingly strong. "Silly, you can't be kidnapped by your mom!" she smiles.
  527. Oct 12 13:17:40  Arthur falls completely silent and stops. "...Prove you're real."
  528. Oct 12 13:17:54 <DamienLunas> "You first." :P
  529. Oct 12 13:18:41 <Arthur> "Well, I'm the one who came to this place, and it is MIRAGE Island."
  530. Oct 12 13:19:17 <DamienLunas> "Goodness," says the other lady, "it's like you've inherited your father's tact and your mother's intelligence."
  531. Oct 12 13:19:43 <DamienLunas> "Yay, he's like us!" she squeals, giving you another hug.
  532. Oct 12 13:21:16 <Arthur> "So! Denying it won't work, I guess I need to play along. Or work with you, if this really is happening."
  533. Oct 12 13:21:31 <DamienLunas> "Definitely your father's tact."
  534. Oct 12 13:22:26 <DamienLunas> "See, polly? This is why I said Carter was our test run kid, to make sure they don't turn out to be idiots like you."
  535. Oct 12 13:23:16 <DamienLunas> Polly giggles, "I think you're plenty smart, arthur. You're just a bit grouchy. But either way I'm so happy I can finally see you."
  536. Oct 12 13:23:27 <DamienLunas> She gives you three kisses, alternating between cheeks.
  537. Oct 12 13:25:45 <Arthur> "Honestly, me too. I've been curious as to just exactly how you... Really, there's a thing. How'd you end up here?"
  538. Oct 12 13:25:51 <DamienLunas> The girl with blonde hair neatly tied in a ponytail walks up and pushes the two of you apart.
  539. Oct 12 13:27:44 <DamienLunas> "It really is cute the way you're so smart, and such an idiot."
  540. Oct 12 13:28:54 <Arthur> "I haven't even had the chance to see your lives beyond your first meeting... And I guess now, never will. But that's beside the point!"
  541. Oct 12 13:28:57 <DamienLunas> Polly thinks... "Ooh! I've got it! I know how to prove I'm real."
  542. Oct 12 13:30:16 <DamienLunas> She leans in and whispers, "Cammy really really likes it when I put my hand behind her knee and lick her-" she's interrupted by a conk on the head from Camille. "That is ENTIRELY irrelevant information, and completely inappropriate as well."
  543. Oct 12 13:31:54 <DamienLunas> Camille turns back to you, "But you're right. It is beside the point. How have you been, Arthur... I can't believe we both had to miss your entire life."
  544. Oct 12 13:32:27 <Arthur> "I've pretty clearly been great. On the fast track to having the world set right, high hopes for the future..."
  545. Oct 12 13:33:00 <DamienLunas> "Already thinking about the future?"
  546. Oct 12 13:34:17 <Arthur> "If I'm called an idiot when I get concerned with the present, yeah." :B
  547. Oct 12 13:35:36 <DamienLunas> "Well it's always good to have a plan. You'll need it if you're not ridiculously lucky enough to blunder your way into success like polly."
  548. Oct 12 13:35:59 <Arthur> "I wonder..."
  549. Oct 12 13:37:04 <DamienLunas> "Wonder what?" asks polly.
  550. Oct 12 13:38:35 <Arthur> "Blundering into success."
  551. Oct 12 13:38:56 <DamienLunas> "It's the best way to blunder!"
  552. Oct 12 13:39:04 <DamienLunas> "And the worst way to succeed." adds Camille.
  553. Oct 12 13:49:10 <Arthur> "It keeps happening... So what first."
  554. Oct 12 13:51:55 <DamienLunas> "Heh, well how about the part where you're like, oh mother I've always wished you could be in my life, there's so much I want to tell you..."
  555. Oct 12 13:51:58 <DamienLunas> "No, none of that?"
  556. Oct 12 13:54:49 <Arthur> "I figure we'll get to know each other as well as we possibly can in this whole thing--and if you want, come back when I'm out of here. Of course, I dunno if the ship out's wrecked or what."
  557. Oct 12 13:55:49 <DamienLunas> Camille looks up at polly, "Does it bother you that your son is a robot?"
  558. Oct 12 13:56:08 <DamienLunas> "Hey, that's not nice, Cammy."
  559. Oct 12 13:56:12 <DamienLunas> "He's your son too!"
  560. Oct 12 13:57:45 <Arthur> "Doesn't feel weird to you, though? I mean, you never met me, how is it that you know... well, everything?"
  561. Oct 12 13:58:32 <Arthur> "I WOULD like to know just where you've been, besides here, and what you're doing. Whether you've really been there all along or something."
  562. Oct 12 13:58:53 <DamienLunas> Polly smiles and gives you a hug.
  563. Oct 12 13:59:02 <DamienLunas> "We've been with you the whole time. You just couldn't see us until now."
  564. Oct 12 13:59:13 <Arthur> "W-what, really?"
  565. Oct 12 13:59:54 <DamienLunas> Camille grins, "It's not as though we're ghosts or anything, the real explanation is a lot sappier."
  566. Oct 12 14:00:09 <Arthur> "Oh boy."
  567. Oct 12 14:00:36 <DamienLunas> "I know, right?"
  568. Oct 12 14:01:03 <Arthur> "Can I guess?"
  569. Oct 12 14:01:31 <DamienLunas> "Go nuts, kid."
  570. Oct 12 14:02:31 <Arthur> "When Carter's... ghost thing went in me, his regrets made you appear in the same form, but something to do with my eye blocked you out."
  571. Oct 12 14:03:11 <DamienLunas> Camille snorts and starts laughing
  572. Oct 12 14:03:18 <DamienLunas> "Ahaha... oh wow you got it wrong."
  573. Oct 12 14:04:08 <Arthur> "It's an elaborate test? I dunno, I'm out of ideas."
  574. Oct 12 14:04:45 <DamienLunas> Camille gives you a hug. "We're in your heart, idiot."
  575. Oct 12 14:05:06 <Arthur> "Right. And how'd you get out?"
  576. Oct 12 14:06:08 <DamienLunas> She grins, "Ooh, by all means take a guess on that one too. That last guess made me laugh."
  577. Oct 12 14:06:19 <Arthur> "Mew?"
  578. Oct 12 14:06:35 <DamienLunas> "Well yes, something like that."
  579. Oct 12 14:06:47 <Arthur> "One island, one legendary on it, and one with a close relation to this whole mess."
  580. Oct 12 14:07:40 <DamienLunas> "That's right. This is a place where the things in your heart can be made into reality. Your desires, the people you've lost... all of it is possible here."
  581. Oct 12 14:08:03 <DamienLunas> "But if you leave, you can never return again."
  582. Oct 12 14:11:11 <Arthur> "Then I'd better get to living."
  583. Oct 12 14:11:27 <DamienLunas> "Wait!" calls out polly
  584. Oct 12 14:11:43 <Arthur> "Wait what? You're probably going to need to lead the way."
  585. Oct 12 14:11:55 <DamienLunas> "If you leave... I can't follow."
  586. Oct 12 14:12:19 <DamienLunas> "I can't stop you from leaving... and you are going to, aren't you."
  587. Oct 12 14:13:02 <Arthur> "What, this building?"
  588. Oct 12 14:13:08 <Arthur> "I thought it was the island."
  589. Oct 12 14:14:03 <DamienLunas> "It's one of those symbolic things." camille says flatly. "Leaving us here will be as much as rejecting what the island is offering you."
  590. Oct 12 14:15:14 <Arthur> "Hmm."
  591. Oct 12 14:15:23 <Arthur> "But the alternative, accepting... Is it permanent?"
  592. Oct 12 14:15:48 <Arthur> "I mean, ideally, I'd like to pretty much settle everything with you two, make sure you're fine and ready for me to leave, THEN do so."
  593. Oct 12 14:16:00 <DamienLunas> "It can be."
  594. Oct 12 14:16:11 <DamienLunas> "The longer you stay, the harder it will be to leave though."
  595. Oct 12 14:16:21 <Arthur> "Hm."
  596. Oct 12 14:16:33 <DamienLunas> "Because it'll just sink in more and more... that you'll never be able to have this."
  597. Oct 12 14:16:53 <DamienLunas> "There's two things I wanted to do for you before you leave. Things that I couldn't have done for you." says camille with a bit of sadness on her face.
  598. Oct 12 14:16:58 <DamienLunas> polly*
  599. Oct 12 14:17:39 <Arthur> "Alright."
  600. Oct 12 14:17:54 <DamienLunas> "The first thing is... tell you how much I love you."
  601. Oct 12 14:17:59 <DamienLunas> "Both of us."
  602. Oct 12 14:19:53  Arthur smiles. "And then?"
  603. Oct 12 14:20:15 <DamienLunas> "I wish I could have been there so much. I wish I could have seen you growing up. Rocked you to sleep when you were a baby... picked you up when you fell down... given you a hug when you were sad... laugh with you when you were happy... tell you all about my adventures... give you the talk when you got your period... all those things I never got to do for you."
  604. Oct 12 14:20:39 <DamienLunas> She starts crying a little as she looks into your eyes, rubbing away the tears.
  605. Oct 12 14:20:51  Arthur puts a hand on her shoulder. "Get it all out."
  606. Oct 12 14:22:20 <DamienLunas> "I wanted to watch you grow up to be a fine person... comfort you and let you know its okay when you had those gender issues... made you tea cakes and milk... see you get a girlfriend... or boyfriend, whichever you get would be fine with me because I love you!" ; ;
  607. Oct 12 14:22:43 <Arthur> "His name is Suzaku by the way."
  608. Oct 12 14:23:03 <DamienLunas> "It's a pretty name... make him happy and give him all your love..." T_T
  609. Oct 12 14:24:32 <Arthur> "Don't cry, it's all on the table now... Any more regrets?"
  610. Oct 12 14:24:42 <DamienLunas> Camille puts her arms around you from behind. "I wanted to help you learn... teach you everything I knew... watch you grow, and nuture you so that you could surprise me with how amazing you turned out to be. To feel proud that I'm your mother, and to guide you along in life."
  611. Oct 12 14:25:55 <DamienLunas> "You make sure your grandpa doesn't feel lonely, okay?"
  612. Oct 12 14:26:24 <Arthur> "Of course."
  613. Oct 12 14:27:57 <DamienLunas> Polly wipes away the last of her tears, though her eyes are a bit red. "The second thing is... I want to battle you."
  614. Oct 12 14:28:15 <Arthur> "...Really now."
  615. Oct 12 14:28:23  Arthur looks back. "You too?"
  616. Oct 12 14:28:43 <DamienLunas> "I'm cool." says Camille.
  617. Oct 12 14:32:57 <DamienLunas> "I don't have any real desire to prove I'm stronger than you. Watching polly's fight will be enough."
  618. Oct 12 14:33:34 <DamienLunas> Polly gracefully glides over to the other side of the room. "Are you ready, Arthur? It's 6 on 6, no interference, held items only. Paixan league rules."
  619. Oct 12 14:33:48 <Arthur> "And those are?"
  620. Oct 12 14:34:31 <DamienLunas> "Just told you them, silly."
  621. Oct 12 14:34:48 <Arthur> "...Pff."
  622. Oct 12 14:34:53 <Arthur> "I'm ready."
  623. Oct 12 14:36:08 <DamienLunas> Camille stands at the sides, "Now then, both of you send out your first pokemon on 3."
  624. Oct 12 14:36:12 <DamienLunas> "One... Two..."
  625. Oct 12 14:36:14 <DamienLunas> "Three!"
  626. Oct 12 14:36:38 <DamienLunas> Polly tosses out her ball!
  627. Oct 12 14:38:05 <DamienLunas> (Speed, arthur?)
  628. Oct 12 14:38:42 <Arthur> (let's say... brisa 27)
  629. Oct 12 14:39:04 <DamienLunas> A shimmering milotic appears out of it, coiling up as a swirling ring of water appears around it and sprays outward!
  630. Oct 12 14:40:29 <DamienLunas> "Arthur, meet Dmitri. He loves to be at the lead and make everyone impressed!"
  631. Oct 12 14:40:38  Arthur waves!
  632. Oct 12 14:40:44 * DamienLunas has changed the topic to: Polly > Arthur | Dmitri > Brisa
  633. Oct 12 14:41:47 <DamienLunas> "First things first, aqua ring!"
  634. Oct 12 14:42:12 <Arthur> "I... see Probably a bad matchup."
  635. Oct 12 14:42:17 <Arthur> 1d20 whirlwind?
  636. Oct 12 14:42:18 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, whirlwind?: 14 [1d20=14]
  637. Oct 12 14:42:56 <DamienLunas> Dmitri is recalled!
  638. Oct 12 14:44:02 <DamienLunas> "Well then... let's go with you, Sasha!"
  639. Oct 12 14:44:11 * DamienLunas has changed the topic to: Polly > Arthur | Sasha > Brisa
  640. Oct 12 14:44:18 <DamienLunas> She sends out her clefable!
  641. Oct 12 14:44:44 <DamienLunas> "This is Sasha. She's a bit shy, but she's sweet and loves to play. She was my very first pokemon."
  642. Oct 12 14:45:05 <DamienLunas> "Let's start things off with this. Sasha, Trick!"
  643. Oct 12 14:45:21 <Arthur> (check the sheet :3c)
  644. Oct 12 14:45:32 <Arthur> (she doesn't have the focus sash at the moment... nobody does)
  645. Oct 12 14:45:37 <DamienLunas> 1d20 so?
  646. Oct 12 14:45:39 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, so?: 2 [1d20=2]
  647. Oct 12 14:45:42 <Arthur> (actually I SHOULD distribute held items should--oh god)
  648. Oct 12 14:45:49 <DamienLunas> (fffff)
  649. Oct 12 14:46:07 <DamienLunas> (wait what?)
  650. Oct 12 14:46:13 <DamienLunas> (... trick is worded weirdl)
  651. Oct 12 14:46:21 <Arthur> "...Better avoid that. Go up!"
  652. Oct 12 14:46:23 <Arthur> fly turn 1
  653. Oct 12 14:46:32 <DamienLunas> (I think... it hit.)
  654. Oct 12 14:46:39 <DamienLunas> (maybe)
  655. Oct 12 14:46:48 <Arthur> (no)
  656. Oct 12 14:46:51 <Arthur> (it's just...)
  657. Oct 12 14:46:52 <Arthur> (convoluted)
  658. Oct 12 14:46:56 <Arthur> (It's saying)
  659. Oct 12 14:46:58 <DamienLunas> (... oh wait wow)
  660. Oct 12 14:47:01 <Arthur> (That you can trick to--yeah)
  661. Oct 12 14:47:02 <DamienLunas> (it does...)
  662. Oct 12 14:47:05 <Arthur> (I think we both realized it)
  663. Oct 12 14:47:13 <DamienLunas> (This has shenanigans potential.)
  664. Oct 12 14:47:18 <Arthur> (Doesn't hit Brisa, but allows you to trick... oh god yes it does.)
  665. Oct 12 14:47:48 <DamienLunas> "Well then, let's change it up!"
  666. Oct 12 14:48:07 <DamienLunas> She swaps out again for her miltank!
  667. Oct 12 14:48:25 <DamienLunas> "This is Valentina. I raised her from an egg! She's very friendly and loves giving presents."
  668. Oct 12 14:48:37 <DamienLunas> "Here's one for you right now. Valentina, Stealth Rock!"
  669. Oct 12 14:48:38 <Arthur> "Presents, huh..."
  670. Oct 12 14:49:05 <DamienLunas> Roll fly
  671. Oct 12 14:49:10 <Arthur> (using how it works now, or game-style?)
  672. Oct 12 14:49:12 <Arthur> 1d20 flyyyyyy
  673. Oct 12 14:49:13 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, flyyyyyy: 11 [1d20=11]
  674. Oct 12 14:49:19 <DamienLunas> (game style)
  675. Oct 12 14:49:27 <DamienLunas> (how it works now is ridiculous)
  676. Oct 12 14:49:29 <DamienLunas> hit
  677. Oct 12 14:49:50 <Arthur> 3d10+10+20+26
  678. Oct 12 14:49:50 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 3d10+10+20+26: 70 [3d10=2,4,8]
  679. Oct 12 14:50:10 <DamienLunas> The miltank takes the hit!
  680. Oct 12 14:50:14 <DamienLunas> "Return fire with ice punch!"
  681. Oct 12 14:50:20 <DamienLunas> 1d20
  682. Oct 12 14:50:21 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d20: 6 [1d20=6]
  683. Oct 12 14:50:25 <DamienLunas> ac 2?
  684. Oct 12 14:50:31 <Arthur> of course.
  685. Oct 12 14:51:01 <DamienLunas> 2d12+16+36+1d10
  686. Oct 12 14:51:02 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 2d12+16+36+1d10: 77 [2d12=7,8; 1d10=10]
  687. Oct 12 14:51:33 <Arthur> welp
  688. Oct 12 14:51:44 <Arthur> really should've taken not yet...
  689. Oct 12 14:51:55 <DamienLunas> wish you had that focus sash now huh arthur
  690. Oct 12 14:52:02 <Arthur> ...
  691. Oct 12 14:52:04 <Arthur> actually uhm
  692. Oct 12 14:52:10 <Arthur> :B I didn't add features
  693. Oct 12 14:52:18 <Arthur> so
  694. Oct 12 14:52:20 <Arthur> not yet.
  695. Oct 12 14:52:23 <Arthur> defog
  696. Oct 12 14:52:44 <Arthur> Lemme update my sheet for the wiki
  697. Oct 12 14:52:59 <DamienLunas> She switches out on her turn back for Sasha.
  698. Oct 12 14:53:20 <Arthur> Lev is up then
  699. Oct 12 14:53:28 <Arthur> "I feel like it's only right."
  700. Oct 12 14:54:15 <DamienLunas> Sasha goes first.
  701. Oct 12 14:55:12 <Arthur> (there, sheet updated NOW)
  702. Oct 12 14:55:24 <DamienLunas> 1d20+8 Electrifying performance
  703. Oct 12 14:55:25 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, Electrifying performance: 10 [1d20=2]
  704. Oct 12 14:55:28 <DamienLunas> nope
  705. Oct 12 14:55:35 <DamienLunas> 1d20 Thunder!
  706. Oct 12 14:55:35 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, Thunder!: 12 [1d20=12]
  707. Oct 12 14:56:33 <DamienLunas> 5d10+20+62
  708. Oct 12 14:56:34 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 5d10+20+62: 105 [5d10=5,7,6,1,4]
  709. Oct 12 14:56:57 <Arthur> oh god protect
  710. Oct 12 14:57:03 <Arthur> oh wait no
  711. Oct 12 14:57:05 <Arthur> 1d20 teleport.
  712. Oct 12 14:57:06 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, teleport.: 19 [1d20=19]
  713. Oct 12 14:57:16 <Arthur> 1d10+10 ?
  714. Oct 12 14:57:17 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, ?: 15 [1d10=5]
  715. Oct 12 14:58:04 <DamienLunas> She swaps out again. "Go, Sanya!"
  716. Oct 12 14:58:32 <DamienLunas> A manectric pops out and growls. "Sanya's super loyal, and he always lets me know when there's danger around."
  717. Oct 12 14:59:32 <DamienLunas> 1d20+5 crowd's cheers
  718. Oct 12 14:59:34 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, crowd's cheers: 22 [1d20=17]
  719. Oct 12 14:59:38 <DamienLunas> 1d20 encore!
  720. Oct 12 14:59:39 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, encore!: 9 [1d20=9]
  721. Oct 12 14:59:57 <DamienLunas> 1d4+2
  722. Oct 12 14:59:57 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d4+2: 4 [1d4=2]
  723. Oct 12 15:00:15  Arthur switches out for Cord after that, 25 :I
  724. Oct 12 15:00:47 <DamienLunas> "Okay, hidden power!"
  725. Oct 12 15:00:49 <DamienLunas> 1d20
  726. Oct 12 15:00:49 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d20: 3 [1d20=3]
  727. Oct 12 15:00:55 <DamienLunas> :<
  728. Oct 12 15:01:01 <DamienLunas> cord go
  729. Oct 12 15:01:16 <Arthur> "Hah... I guess I shouldn't do... or give--fine, all out!"
  730. Oct 12 15:01:17 <Arthur> 1d20 outrage?
  731. Oct 12 15:01:18 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, outrage?: 10 [1d20=10]
  732. Oct 12 15:01:27 <DamienLunas> hits
  733. Oct 12 15:01:39 <Arthur> 5d12+20+27
  734. Oct 12 15:01:39 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 5d12+20+27: 86 [5d12=10,10,6,3,10]
  735. Oct 12 15:01:46 <Arthur> 1d2
  736. Oct 12 15:01:46 <DamienLunas> static!
  737. Oct 12 15:01:46 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 1d2: 2 [1d2=2]
  738. Oct 12 15:01:50 <DamienLunas> Cord is paralyzed.
  739. Oct 12 15:02:38 <DamienLunas> She changes out again for her clefable.
  740. Oct 12 15:03:21 <DamienLunas> "Now, Sasha, Stealth rock!"
  741. Oct 12 15:03:38 <Arthur> "Everyone just loves that move, don't they."
  742. Oct 12 15:03:56 <Arthur> 1d20 para
  743. Oct 12 15:03:57 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, para: 14 [1d20=14]
  744. Oct 12 15:04:04 <DamienLunas> Camille smiles, "Don't think it's an actual strategy, she only uses that move because I tricked her into doing it by giving them to her for her birthday."
  745. Oct 12 15:04:21 <Arthur> 1d20 outrage #2, flyingshifting this one
  746. Oct 12 15:04:21 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, outrage #2, flyingshifting this one: 10 [1d20=10]
  747. Oct 12 15:04:28 <DamienLunas> hit
  748. Oct 12 15:04:48 <Arthur> 5d12+20+27+20
  749. Oct 12 15:04:49 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 5d12+20+27+20: 104 [5d12=9,11,2,11,4]
  750. Oct 12 15:06:29 <DamienLunas> She swaps out AGAIN and brings out her gardevoir.
  751. Oct 12 15:06:40 <DamienLunas> (what's cord's speed after para)
  752. Oct 12 15:06:58 <Arthur> 12
  753. Oct 12 15:07:02 <DamienLunas> "This is Natascha! She's always worrying about me because she cares so much and wants to keep me safe."
  754. Oct 12 15:07:09 <DamienLunas> Natascha is slower. Go cord.
  755. Oct 12 15:07:19 <Arthur> 1d20 para
  756. Oct 12 15:07:20 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, para: 9 [1d20=9]
  757. Oct 12 15:07:33 <Arthur> 1d20 outrage #3, flyingshift #2
  758. Oct 12 15:07:34 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, outrage #3, flyingshift #2: 19 [1d20=19]
  759. Oct 12 15:07:42 <Arthur> 5d12+20+27+20
  760. Oct 12 15:07:42 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 5d12+20+27+20: 106 [5d12=4,10,10,6,9]
  761. Oct 12 15:08:16 <DamienLunas> "Okay Natascha, Calm mind and trace!"
  762. Oct 12 15:08:27 <DamienLunas> She traced Motor Drive!
  763. Oct 12 15:09:01 <Arthur> 1d20 para
  764. Oct 12 15:09:02 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, para: 20 [1d20=20]
  765. Oct 12 15:09:06 <Arthur> 1d20 fuse
  766. Oct 12 15:09:07 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, fuse: 18 [1d20=18]
  767. Oct 12 15:09:16 <Arthur> "Hmm..."
  768. Oct 12 15:09:29 <Arthur> "Fine, then try and keep it still!"
  769. Oct 12 15:09:34 <Arthur> 1d20 shift #3, iron head
  770. Oct 12 15:09:35 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, shift #3, iron head: 16 [1d20=16]
  771. Oct 12 15:09:38 <Arthur> fleench
  772. Oct 12 15:09:49 <Arthur> 2d12+16+27+20
  773. Oct 12 15:09:49 <DamienLunas> 1d20 teleport!
  774. Oct 12 15:09:50 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 2d12+16+27+20: 71 [2d12=7,1]
  775. Oct 12 15:09:51 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, teleport!: 1 [1d20=1]
  776. Oct 12 15:10:01 <DamienLunas> wow, dicemaid doesn't like polly today.
  777. Oct 12 15:10:36 <Arthur> I need dicemaid's support to win this ;-;
  778. Oct 12 15:10:40 <DamienLunas> probably.
  779. Oct 12 15:10:42 <DamienLunas> Go again
  780. Oct 12 15:11:01 <Arthur> 1d20 para; 1d20 fuse
  781. Oct 12 15:11:02 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, para: 14 [1d20=14]; fuse: 15 [1d20=15]
  782. Oct 12 15:11:08 <Arthur> oh wait i broke confuse
  783. Oct 12 15:11:12 <DamienLunas> your confusion was cured yeah :B
  784. Oct 12 15:11:12 <Arthur> can i use the 15 for an attack :B
  785. Oct 12 15:11:14 <DamienLunas> nope
  786. Oct 12 15:11:39 <Arthur> 1d20 fine then ice fang
  787. Oct 12 15:11:40 <DamienLunas> inb4 crit
  788. Oct 12 15:11:40 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, fine then ice fang: 6 [1d20=6]
  789. Oct 12 15:11:45 <DamienLunas> oh, finally a miss.
  790. Oct 12 15:11:46 <Arthur> oh if only
  791. Oct 12 15:11:50 <DamienLunas> She uses wish!
  792. Oct 12 15:11:57 <DamienLunas> go~
  793. Oct 12 15:12:08 <Arthur> 1d20 para
  794. Oct 12 15:12:08 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, para: 1 [1d20=1]
  795. Oct 12 15:12:11 <Arthur> 3:
  796. Oct 12 15:12:32 <DamienLunas> Calm Mind
  797. Oct 12 15:12:50 <Arthur> 1d20 paraaaaa
  798. Oct 12 15:12:51 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, paraaaaa: 4 [1d20=4]
  799. Oct 12 15:13:01 <DamienLunas> Double Team
  800. Oct 12 15:13:52 <Arthur> switching out then. ostria 16
  801. Oct 12 15:13:59 <DamienLunas> faster
  802. Oct 12 15:15:09 <DamienLunas> rather ostria is faster
  803. Oct 12 15:15:10 <DamienLunas> go ostria
  804. Oct 12 15:15:22 <Arthur> double team :B
  805. Oct 12 15:15:31 <Arthur> also whoa
  806. Oct 12 15:15:37 <Arthur> defog is worded... dangerously
  807. Oct 12 15:16:01 <Arthur> from my reading NOT EVEN DEFENSE EVASION APPLIES
  808. Oct 12 15:16:04 <DamienLunas> huh
  809. Oct 12 15:16:08 <DamienLunas> I don't... think that works
  810. Oct 12 15:16:08 <DamienLunas> but
  811. Oct 12 15:16:17 <DamienLunas> that does mean that our double teams did nothing but make more clones
  812. Oct 12 15:16:18 <Arthur> also it's been more than 6 rounds anyway hasn't it
  813. Oct 12 15:16:36 <DamienLunas> 1d20 whack a rotom with psyshock
  814. Oct 12 15:16:36 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, whack a rotom with psyshock: 2 [1d20=2]
  815. Oct 12 15:17:00 <Arthur> substitute.
  816. Oct 12 15:17:07 <DamienLunas> "I know where this is going." says camille.
  817. Oct 12 15:17:26 <Arthur> "Where it's going is to be a looong time."
  818. Oct 12 15:17:28 <DamienLunas> "You both have 10 rounds to finish this before I punch you both in your nonexistant tits and make you switch out."
  819. Oct 12 15:17:40 <DamienLunas> 1d20 encore!
  820. Oct 12 15:17:41 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, encore!: 1 [1d20=1]
  821. Oct 12 15:17:54 <DamienLunas> that's 1
  822. Oct 12 15:17:58 <DamienLunas> arthur
  823. Oct 12 15:17:58 <Arthur> 1d20 ominous wind on two of 'em
  824. Oct 12 15:17:58 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, ominous wind on two of 'em: 12 [1d20=12]
  825. Oct 12 15:18:08 <DamienLunas> ominous wind's range isn't yes anymore
  826. Oct 12 15:18:11 <Arthur> yay evasion cap
  827. Oct 12 15:18:44 <Arthur> 1d4 then
  828. Oct 12 15:18:44 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, then: 4 [1d4=4]
  829. Oct 12 15:18:50 <Arthur> well
  830. Oct 12 15:18:52 <DamienLunas> hahaohwow.jpg
  831. Oct 12 15:18:57 <Arthur> dicemaid!
  832. Oct 12 15:19:00 <DamienLunas> 1d20 teleport
  833. Oct 12 15:19:00 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, teleport: 19 [1d20=19]
  834. Oct 12 15:19:12 <DamienLunas> 83c
  835. Oct 12 15:19:15 <Arthur> (Of course, now I know which is which)
  836. Oct 12 15:19:16 <DamienLunas> 2.
  837. Oct 12 15:19:45 <DamienLunas> 1d10+10 but can you even reach
  838. Oct 12 15:19:47 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, but can you even reach: 15 [1d10=5]
  839. Oct 12 15:19:51 <DamienLunas> probably.
  840. Oct 12 15:19:57 <DamienLunas> anyway go
  841. Oct 12 15:20:00 <Arthur> confuse ray on the right one
  842. Oct 12 15:20:18 <DamienLunas> synchronize
  843. Oct 12 15:21:00 <DamienLunas> 1d20 confusion
  844. Oct 12 15:21:02 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, confusion: 14 [1d20=14]
  845. Oct 12 15:21:13 <DamienLunas> 1d20 psyshock
  846. Oct 12 15:21:15 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, psyshock: 1 [1d20=1]
  847. Oct 12 15:21:18 <DamienLunas> wow
  848. Oct 12 15:21:23 <Arthur> this is silly
  849. Oct 12 15:21:36 <DamienLunas> 3
  850. Oct 12 15:21:49 <DamienLunas> go arthur
  851. Oct 12 15:21:50 <Arthur> 1d20 ominous wind (hey remember the 4100 PP up) on the right one
  852. Oct 12 15:21:50 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, ominous wind (hey remember the 4100 PP up) on the right one: 5 [1d20=5]
  853. Oct 12 15:21:54 <Arthur> nope
  854. Oct 12 15:21:58 <DamienLunas> don't forget confusion
  855. Oct 12 15:22:04 <Arthur> 1d20 confus
  856. Oct 12 15:22:05 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, confus: 2 [1d20=2]
  857. Oct 12 15:22:11 <DamienLunas> wap
  858. Oct 12 15:22:12 <Arthur> whap 10
  859. Oct 12 15:22:29 <DamienLunas> 1d20 confuse
  860. Oct 12 15:22:31 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, confuse: 19 [1d20=19]
  861. Oct 12 15:22:33 <DamienLunas> cured
  862. Oct 12 15:22:36 <DamienLunas> 1d20 shadow ball
  863. Oct 12 15:22:37 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, shadow ball: 8 [1d20=8]
  864. Oct 12 15:22:44 <DamienLunas> ac 2... so hits right
  865. Oct 12 15:22:52 <Arthur> double team is +2 right
  866. Oct 12 15:22:56 <DamienLunas> oh, yes
  867. Oct 12 15:23:07 <DamienLunas> this is fun.
  868. Oct 12 15:23:09 <DamienLunas> 4
  869. Oct 12 15:23:13 <Arthur> Wouldn't hit even WITHOUT the CS from the first ominous wind :B
  870. Oct 12 15:23:21 <Arthur> 1d20 dark pulse
  871. Oct 12 15:23:22 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, dark pulse: 16 [1d20=16]
  872. Oct 12 15:23:31 <DamienLunas> 1d20 telepoart
  873. Oct 12 15:23:33 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, telepoart: 13 [1d20=13]
  874. Oct 12 15:23:36 <Arthur> 1d20 confuse stupid me
  875. Oct 12 15:23:36 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, confuse stupid me: 15 [1d20=15]
  876. Oct 12 15:23:38 <DamienLunas> 1d10+5
  877. Oct 12 15:23:38 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d10+5: 9 [1d10=4]
  878. Oct 12 15:24:05 <DamienLunas> 5
  879. Oct 12 15:24:13 <DamienLunas> go again~
  880. Oct 12 15:24:15 <Arthur> 1d20 confus
  881. Oct 12 15:24:16 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, confus: 10 [1d20=10]
  882. Oct 12 15:24:19 <DamienLunas> wap 10
  883. Oct 12 15:24:21 <Arthur> nother 10
  884. Oct 12 15:24:31 <DamienLunas> 1d20 psyshock
  885. Oct 12 15:24:32 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, psyshock: 8 [1d20=8]
  886. Oct 12 15:24:40 <Arthur> this is silly
  887. Oct 12 15:24:43 <Arthur> 6
  888. Oct 12 15:24:47 <DamienLunas> most epic fight ever.
  889. Oct 12 15:24:50 <Arthur> 1d20 confus?
  890. Oct 12 15:24:51 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, confus?: 18 [1d20=18]
  891. Oct 12 15:24:53 <Arthur> FINALLY
  892. Oct 12 15:25:01 <DamienLunas> well any chance of this fighting just went out the window.
  893. Oct 12 15:25:06 <DamienLunas> of this fight ending*
  894. Oct 12 15:25:07 <Arthur> pain split. 28 HP
  895. Oct 12 15:25:37 <DamienLunas> hey, what's rotom's sky speed
  896. Oct 12 15:25:39 <Arthur> 8
  897. Oct 12 15:26:38 <DamienLunas> I think you failed to get in range but screw it
  898. Oct 12 15:26:48 <DamienLunas> 92
  899. Oct 12 15:27:00 <DamienLunas> 1d20 shadow ball
  900. Oct 12 15:27:01 <Arthur> That's what we're both at?
  901. Oct 12 15:27:01 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, shadow ball: 2 [1d20=2]
  902. Oct 12 15:27:03 <DamienLunas> yes fuck
  903. Oct 12 15:27:04 <DamienLunas> 7
  904. Oct 12 15:27:15 <Arthur> 1d20 o-mi-nous
  905. Oct 12 15:27:16 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, o-mi-nous: 2 [1d20=2]
  906. Oct 12 15:27:19 <DamienLunas> nope
  907. Oct 12 15:27:22 <DamienLunas> 1d20 psyshock
  908. Oct 12 15:27:23 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, psyshock: 7 [1d20=7]
  909. Oct 12 15:27:24 <Arthur> dicemaid isn't helping at all.
  910. Oct 12 15:27:25 <DamienLunas> nope
  911. Oct 12 15:27:30 <DamienLunas> 8
  912. Oct 12 15:27:34 <Arthur> 1d20 dark pulse etc
  913. Oct 12 15:27:34 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, dark pulse etc: 15 [1d20=15]
  914. Oct 12 15:27:38 <DamienLunas> at least it hits
  915. Oct 12 15:27:42 <Arthur> roll your damn wizardry
  916. Oct 12 15:27:49 <DamienLunas> roll yours first
  917. Oct 12 15:28:11 <Arthur> 2d12+16+21
  918. Oct 12 15:28:12 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 2d12+16+21: 49 [2d12=6,6]
  919. Oct 12 15:28:17 <Arthur> and flinch
  920. Oct 12 15:28:25 <Arthur> and the 3d10 from double teams.
  921. Oct 12 15:28:31 <DamienLunas> dark pulse flinches on a 17
  922. Oct 12 15:28:36 <DamienLunas> and it's d6 now.
  923. Oct 12 15:28:51 <Arthur> oh really
  924. Oct 12 15:28:59 <DamienLunas> 1d20 fuck it teleport trololol
  925. Oct 12 15:29:17 <DamienLunas> dicemaid is protesting the games.
  926. Oct 12 15:29:21 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, fuck it teleport trololol: 5 [1d20=5]
  927. Oct 12 15:29:25 <Arthur> well
  928. Oct 12 15:29:29 <DamienLunas> oh hey it finally fails
  929. Oct 12 15:29:34 <DamienLunas> 3d6
  930. Oct 12 15:29:36 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 3d6: 15 [3d6=4,5,6]
  931. Oct 12 15:29:55 <DamienLunas> 9
  932. Oct 12 15:29:59 <DamienLunas> one last time :B
  933. Oct 12 15:30:09 <Arthur> 1d20 one last OW
  934. Oct 12 15:30:10 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, one last OW: 2 [1d20=2]
  935. Oct 12 15:30:12 <Arthur> 3:
  936. Oct 12 15:30:34 <DamienLunas> Future sight
  937. Oct 12 15:30:39 <DamienLunas> 10
  938. Oct 12 15:30:44 <DamienLunas> "OKAY THAT'S IT."
  939. Oct 12 15:30:47 <DamienLunas> "Both of you swap out now."
  940. Oct 12 15:30:51 <Arthur> "Right."
  941. Oct 12 15:31:02 <DamienLunas> "You're both bad people and you should feel bad."
  942. Oct 12 15:31:41 <Arthur> weeeooo back to lev.
  943. Oct 12 15:31:48 <DamienLunas> lev gets rocked
  944. Oct 12 15:31:55 <DamienLunas> back to sanya
  945. Oct 12 15:32:06 <DamienLunas> 1d20 Volt Switch
  946. Oct 12 15:32:07 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, Volt Switch: 3 [1d20=3]
  947. Oct 12 15:32:10 <DamienLunas> seriously?
  948. Oct 12 15:32:12 <DamienLunas> okay
  949. Oct 12 15:32:30 <DamienLunas> dicemaid must REALLY LIKE THIS FIGHT
  950. Oct 12 15:32:35 <Arthur> hahah
  951. Oct 12 15:32:37 <DamienLunas> BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T SEEM TO WANT IT TO END
  952. Oct 12 15:32:42 <DamienLunas> EVER
  953. Oct 12 15:32:43 <DamienLunas> go lev
  954. Oct 12 15:32:55 <Arthur> sanya is manectric right
  955. Oct 12 15:32:58 <DamienLunas> yes
  956. Oct 12 15:33:13 <Arthur> 1d20 FUCK IT CLOSE COMBAT
  957. Oct 12 15:33:13 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, FUCK IT CLOSE COMBAT: 17 [1d20=17]
  958. Oct 12 15:33:25 <Arthur> 5d10+20+10+30
  959. Oct 12 15:33:26 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 5d10+20+10+30: 86 [5d10=4,8,3,2,9]
  960. Oct 12 15:33:27 <DamienLunas> finally something hits
  961. Oct 12 15:34:05 <DamienLunas> Sanya tries a thunderbolt
  962. Oct 12 15:34:07 <DamienLunas> 1d20
  963. Oct 12 15:34:14 <DamienLunas> :I
  964. Oct 12 15:34:24 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d20: 12 [1d20=12]
  965. Oct 12 15:34:27 <Arthur> well someone else is definitely giving dicey a workout
  966. Oct 12 15:34:39 <DamienLunas> yeah, kuji just asked for 50 lines.
  967. Oct 12 15:34:44 <DamienLunas> roll your faggotry
  968. Oct 12 15:34:44  Happymancer ( has joined #mirageisland
  969. Oct 12 15:34:57 <Happymancer> (Did I miss it all already)
  970. Oct 12 15:35:00 <DamienLunas> (No)
  971. Oct 12 15:35:07 <Arthur> Roll what f--oh
  972. Oct 12 15:35:13 <Arthur> hmmm
  973. Oct 12 15:35:18 <DamienLunas> (All you missed was arthur is kind of a robot and dicemaid doesn't want to end the fight)
  974. Oct 12 15:35:24 <Arthur> nah, let it hit.
  975. Oct 12 15:35:41 <Happymancer> (Paste? :3)
  976. Oct 12 15:35:44 <DamienLunas> 4d12+17+41+1d10 OH THANK GOD
  977. Oct 12 15:35:44 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, OH THANK GOD: 91 [4d12=8,7,7,6; 1d10=5]
  978. Oct 12 15:36:11 <Arthur> yeah down.
  979. Oct 12 15:36:40 <Arthur> back to cord
  980. Oct 12 15:37:04 <DamienLunas> he'll stay in.
  981. Oct 12 15:37:07 <DamienLunas> Still paralyzed
  982. Oct 12 15:37:10 <DamienLunas> and he takes SR damage
  983. Oct 12 15:37:17 <DamienLunas> so -1/4th of his health
  984. Oct 12 15:38:18 <DamienLunas> 1d20 FUCK IT HYPER BEAM
  985. Oct 12 15:38:19 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, FUCK IT HYPER BEAM: 19 [1d20=19]
  986. Oct 12 15:38:32 <DamienLunas> 5d12+30+41+1d10
  987. Oct 12 15:38:33 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 5d12+30+41+1d10: 108 [5d12=6,5,7,4,7; 1d10=8]
  988. Oct 12 15:38:39 <DamienLunas> THIS FIGHT IS ENDING ONE WAY OR ANOTHER
  989. Oct 12 15:38:47 <Arthur> surprisingly
  990. Oct 12 15:38:49 <Arthur> still just up
  991. Oct 12 15:38:57 <Arthur> wait lemme... oh nopw
  992. Oct 12 15:38:59 <Arthur> down by 2.
  993. Oct 12 15:39:23 <Arthur> eurus then. faster or no
  994. Oct 12 15:39:29 <DamienLunas> nope!
  995. Oct 12 15:39:38 <DamienLunas> but he's exhausted from hyper beam
  996. Oct 12 15:40:00 <Arthur> 1d20 fire punch
  997. Oct 12 15:40:01 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, fire punch: 14 [1d20=14]
  998. Oct 12 15:40:10 <Arthur> let's flying shift it
  999. Oct 12 15:40:24 <Arthur> 2d12+16+36+24
  1000. Oct 12 15:40:25 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 2d12+16+36+24: 96 [2d12=10,10]
  1001. Oct 12 15:40:27 <Arthur> OH WAIT DERP
  1002. Oct 12 15:40:29 <Arthur> ELECTRIC RESISTS
  1003. Oct 12 15:40:32 <Arthur> ah well too late.
  1004. Oct 12 15:40:34  Arthur herps
  1005. Oct 12 15:40:36 <DamienLunas> not too late
  1006. Oct 12 15:40:40 <DamienLunas> he down
  1007. Oct 12 15:40:49 <DamienLunas> this fight will end.
  1008. Oct 12 15:41:03 <DamienLunas> Dmitri again
  1009. Oct 12 15:41:10 <DamienLunas> eurus is 40?
  1010. Oct 12 15:41:14 <Arthur> y
  1011. Oct 12 15:41:15 <DamienLunas> Dmitri is faster.
  1012. Oct 12 15:41:18 <DamienLunas> 1d20 ice beam
  1013. Oct 12 15:41:18 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, ice beam: 6 [1d20=6]
  1014. Oct 12 15:41:26 <Arthur> OOC, are consumable held items wasted?
  1015. Oct 12 15:41:30 <DamienLunas> (nope)
  1016. Oct 12 15:41:51 <DamienLunas> (Does that hit?)
  1017. Oct 12 15:42:02 <Arthur> well being as it's his highest evasion yes but
  1018. Oct 12 15:42:07 <Arthur> 1d20 extremespeed flying please?
  1019. Oct 12 15:42:08 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, extremespeed flying please?: 15 [1d20=15]
  1020. Oct 12 15:42:19 <DamienLunas> 4d12+17+30+1d10
  1021. Oct 12 15:42:21 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 4d12+17+30+1d10: 81 [4d12=10,10,11,2; 1d10=1]
  1022. Oct 12 15:42:41 <Arthur> 2d12+21+36+24
  1023. Oct 12 15:42:43 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 2d12+21+36+24: 93 [2d12=2,10]
  1024. Oct 12 15:43:23 <Arthur> and down
  1025. Oct 12 15:43:25 <Arthur> let's see
  1026. Oct 12 15:43:35 <Arthur> brisa down cord down lev down eurus down ostria then one more
  1027. Oct 12 15:43:37 <Arthur> so ostria
  1028. Oct 12 15:43:55 <Arthur> 16
  1029. Oct 12 15:44:22 <DamienLunas> "Hmm..."
  1030. Oct 12 15:44:31 <DamienLunas> She pulls out a contract ball.
  1031. Oct 12 15:44:44 <Arthur> "...You really gonna?"
  1032. Oct 12 15:44:44 <DamienLunas> "I want to see your full strength, Arthur!"
  1033. Oct 12 15:44:59 <Arthur> "If you want!"
  1034. Oct 12 15:46:32 <Arthur> tornadus is 6 then
  1035. Oct 12 15:46:52 <DamienLunas> "Gathering emotions unite our hearts! Empower our love and devotion! Awaken, Spirit of Emotion, Mesprit!"
  1036. Oct 12 15:47:04 <Arthur> "Untamable winds be harnessed... and let the bringer of gales take flight. Tear up the sky... TORNADUS!"
  1037. Oct 12 15:47:22 <Arthur> And from the way SR is wording
  1038. Oct 12 15:47:26 <Arthur> protection aura takes it
  1039. Oct 12 15:47:29 <DamienLunas> Mesprit goes first
  1040. Oct 12 15:47:32 <DamienLunas> and yes it does.
  1041. Oct 12 15:47:43 <DamienLunas> 1d20+8 Electrifying performance!
  1042. Oct 12 15:47:44 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, Electrifying performance!: 13 [1d20=5]
  1043. Oct 12 15:47:48 <DamienLunas> 1d20 blizzard
  1044. Oct 12 15:47:48 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, blizzard: 1 [1d20=1]
  1045. Oct 12 15:47:54 <DamienLunas> The blizzard misses!
  1046. Oct 12 15:47:55 <Arthur> well
  1047. Oct 12 15:47:59 <Arthur> Drizzle!
  1048. Oct 12 15:48:06 <Arthur> 1d20 no-miss hurricane!
  1049. Oct 12 15:48:06 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, no-miss hurricane!: 12 [1d20=12]
  1050. Oct 12 15:48:35 <Arthur> 5d10+20+34+40
  1051. Oct 12 15:48:36 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 5d10+20+34+40: 125 [5d10=4,6,2,9,10]
  1052. Oct 12 15:49:27 <DamienLunas> "Don't give up, Spirit! Copycat!"
  1053. Oct 12 15:49:34 <DamienLunas> 1d20 two can play at that game!
  1054. Oct 12 15:49:36 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, two can play at that game!: 4 [1d20=4]
  1055. Oct 12 15:49:45 <DamienLunas> 5d10+20+36+1d10
  1056. Oct 12 15:49:46 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 5d10+20+36+1d10: 88 [5d10=9,10,1,3,7; 1d10=2]
  1057. Oct 12 15:50:37 <Arthur> "One really strong flying hit, then move on to weaknesses!"
  1058. Oct 12 15:50:40 <Arthur> 1d20 acrobatics
  1059. Oct 12 15:50:40 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, acrobatics: 4 [1d20=4]
  1060. Oct 12 15:51:47 <DamienLunas> Mesprit dodges easily
  1061. Oct 12 15:51:55 <DamienLunas> "We sure think alike, Arthur! THUNDER!"
  1062. Oct 12 15:51:56 <DamienLunas> 1d20
  1063. Oct 12 15:51:57 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d20: 1 [1d20=1]
  1064. Oct 12 15:52:02 <DamienLunas> can't miss because rain <3
  1065. Oct 12 15:52:05 <Arthur> haha
  1066. Oct 12 15:52:11 <DamienLunas> 5d10+20+36+1d10
  1067. Oct 12 15:52:12 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 5d10+20+36+1d10: 74 [5d10=6,4,2,2,3; 1d10=1]
  1068. Oct 12 15:52:12 <Arthur> prankster
  1069. Oct 12 15:52:21 <Arthur> 1d20 attract
  1070. Oct 12 15:52:22 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, attract: 15 [1d20=15]
  1071. Oct 12 15:52:27 <DamienLunas> 1d20 NOT THE PEC DANCE
  1072. Oct 12 15:52:28 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, NOT THE PEC DANCE: 11 [1d20=11]
  1073. Oct 12 15:52:31 <DamienLunas> oh wow
  1074. Oct 12 15:52:35 <DamienLunas> I totally expected that to work.
  1075. Oct 12 15:52:49 <Arthur> So did I!
  1076. Oct 12 15:53:06 <Arthur> Anyway not in negatives yet
  1077. Oct 12 15:53:11 <Arthur> go again
  1078. Oct 12 15:53:37 <DamienLunas> 1d20 still attracted
  1079. Oct 12 15:53:37 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, still attracted: 15 [1d20=15]
  1080. Oct 12 15:54:24 <DamienLunas> 1d20 extrasensory
  1081. Oct 12 15:54:26 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, extrasensory: 10 [1d20=10]
  1082. Oct 12 15:55:00 <DamienLunas> 2d12+16+36+1d10+16
  1083. Oct 12 15:55:01 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 2d12+16+36+1d10+16: 80 [2d12=2,6; 1d10=4]
  1084. Oct 12 15:55:47 <Arthur> 1d20 NOW acrobatics
  1085. Oct 12 15:55:47 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, NOW acrobatics: 1 [1d20=1]
  1086. Oct 12 15:55:54 <Arthur> oh dicem--wait
  1087. Oct 12 15:55:57 <Arthur> I MADE HURRICANE EOT
  1088. Oct 12 15:55:59 <Arthur> ffff
  1089. Oct 12 15:56:06 <DamienLunas> 1d20 attracted
  1090. Oct 12 15:56:07 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, attracted: 3 [1d20=3]
  1091. Oct 12 15:56:15 <Arthur> 1d20 hurricane NOW
  1092. Oct 12 15:56:16 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, hurricane NOW: 13 [1d20=13]
  1093. Oct 12 15:56:17 <DamienLunas> stupid sexy tornadus
  1094. Oct 12 15:56:29 <Arthur> 5d10+20+34+40
  1095. Oct 12 15:56:30 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 5d10+20+34+40: 110 [5d10=2,3,2,3,6]
  1096. Oct 12 15:56:45 <Arthur> and that's a confuse
  1097. Oct 12 15:56:58 <DamienLunas> ...
  1098. Oct 12 15:57:01 <DamienLunas> >confuses on 13-20
  1099. Oct 12 15:57:15 <DamienLunas> huh
  1100. Oct 12 15:57:17 <DamienLunas> okay then.
  1101. Oct 12 15:57:28 <DamienLunas> 1d20 confusion
  1102. Oct 12 15:57:29 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, confusion: 13 [1d20=13]
  1103. Oct 12 15:57:32 <DamienLunas> 1d20 attraction
  1104. Oct 12 15:57:33 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, attraction: 9 [1d20=9]
  1105. Oct 12 15:57:38 <DamienLunas> STUPID SEXY TORNADUS
  1106. Oct 12 15:57:52 <Arthur> 1d20 let's try dark pulse
  1107. Oct 12 15:57:53 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, let's try dark pulse: 10 [1d20=10]
  1108. Oct 12 15:57:57 <DamienLunas> hit
  1109. Oct 12 15:58:05 <Arthur> 2d12+16+40
  1110. Oct 12 15:58:07 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 2d12+16+40: 70 [2d12=5,9]
  1111. Oct 12 15:58:26 <DamienLunas> 1d20 attract
  1112. Oct 12 15:58:27 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, attract: 18 [1d20=18]
  1113. Oct 12 15:58:30 <DamienLunas> 1d20 confusion
  1114. Oct 12 15:58:30 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, confusion: 6 [1d20=6]
  1115. Oct 12 15:58:35 <DamienLunas> 16 damage
  1116. Oct 12 15:58:54 <DamienLunas> go tornadus
  1117. Oct 12 15:59:00 <Arthur> 1d20 hurricane
  1118. Oct 12 15:59:01 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, hurricane: 9 [1d20=9]
  1119. Oct 12 15:59:08 <DamienLunas> ouch
  1120. Oct 12 15:59:08 <Arthur> 5d10+20+34+40
  1121. Oct 12 15:59:09 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 5d10+20+34+40: 115 [5d10=2,1,10,3,5]
  1122. Oct 12 15:59:14 <DamienLunas> 1d20 attract
  1123. Oct 12 15:59:15 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, attract: 13 [1d20=13]
  1124. Oct 12 15:59:17 <DamienLunas> 1d20 confusion
  1125. Oct 12 15:59:17 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, confusion: 7 [1d20=7]
  1126. Oct 12 15:59:20 <DamienLunas> 16 again
  1127. Oct 12 15:59:39 <DamienLunas> go
  1128. Oct 12 15:59:46 <Arthur> 1d20 acrobatics hit now?
  1129. Oct 12 15:59:47 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, acrobatics hit now?: 12 [1d20=12]
  1130. Oct 12 15:59:50 <DamienLunas> yup!
  1131. Oct 12 15:59:53 <Arthur> 5d10+15+37+37
  1132. Oct 12 15:59:54 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 5d10+15+37+37: 115 [5d10=1,9,8,1,7]
  1133. Oct 12 16:00:08 <DamienLunas> 1d20 attract
  1134. Oct 12 16:00:08 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, attract: 17 [1d20=17]
  1135. Oct 12 16:00:10 <DamienLunas> 1d20 confusion
  1136. Oct 12 16:00:10 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, confusion: 1 [1d20=1]
  1137. Oct 12 16:00:26 <DamienLunas> ouch.
  1138. Oct 12 16:00:56 <DamienLunas> go
  1139. Oct 12 16:01:07 <Arthur> 1d20 hurricane etc
  1140. Oct 12 16:01:07 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, hurricane etc: 15 [1d20=15]
  1141. Oct 12 16:01:11 <Arthur> 5d10+20+34+40
  1142. Oct 12 16:01:12 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 5d10+20+34+40: 127 [5d10=4,4,10,10,5]
  1143. Oct 12 16:01:18 <Arthur> what auras does mesprit have anyhow
  1144. Oct 12 16:01:20 <DamienLunas> mesprit is ko'ed!
  1145. Oct 12 16:01:24 <DamienLunas> or rather
  1146. Oct 12 16:01:29 <DamienLunas> made unable to battle
  1147. Oct 12 16:01:33 <DamienLunas> because she has reincarnation.
  1148. Oct 12 16:01:41 <DamienLunas> but first she uses... healing wish!
  1149. Oct 12 16:01:41 <DamienLunas> 1d20
  1150. Oct 12 16:01:43 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d20: 19 [1d20=19]
  1151. Oct 12 16:02:27 <Arthur> (can healing wish target yourself?)
  1152. Oct 12 16:02:30 <Arthur> (I don't think it can)
  1153. Oct 12 16:02:36 <DamienLunas> I'm going to say no.
  1154. Oct 12 16:02:40 <DamienLunas> but what she does target is...
  1155. Oct 12 16:02:45 <DamienLunas> Sasha!
  1156. Oct 12 16:02:49 <DamienLunas> who she sends out immediately.
  1157. Oct 12 16:02:55 <Arthur> (And tornadus goes back in the ball or)
  1158. Oct 12 16:03:01 <DamienLunas> Tornadus can stay out
  1159. Oct 12 16:03:17 <DamienLunas> because she brought out her legendary and uppted the ante
  1160. Oct 12 16:03:23 <DamienLunas> so sasha's turn
  1161. Oct 12 16:03:27 <DamienLunas> 1d20 she uses trick again
  1162. Oct 12 16:03:28 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, she uses trick again: 8 [1d20=8]
  1163. Oct 12 16:03:36 <DamienLunas> Whoop
  1164. Oct 12 16:03:40 <Arthur> whoop
  1165. Oct 12 16:03:41 <DamienLunas> Thundurus got choice specs
  1166. Oct 12 16:03:49 <Arthur> oh my
  1167. Oct 12 16:04:26 <DamienLunas> go
  1168. Oct 12 16:04:44 <DamienLunas> oh by the way
  1169. Oct 12 16:04:49 <DamienLunas> you took 1/4th of his hp from SR right
  1170. Oct 12 16:04:57 <Arthur> protection aura
  1171. Oct 12 16:05:00 <DamienLunas> oh duh
  1172. Oct 12 16:05:01 <DamienLunas> :B
  1173. Oct 12 16:05:07 <DamienLunas> anyway go
  1174. Oct 12 16:05:18 <Arthur> 1d20 anyway if he's stuck to anything... let it be air slash
  1175. Oct 12 16:05:18 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, anyway if he's stuck to anything... let it be air slash: 5 [1d20=5]
  1176. Oct 12 16:05:20 <Arthur> 3:
  1177. Oct 12 16:05:40 <DamienLunas> METRONOME
  1178. Oct 12 16:05:42 <DamienLunas> 1d559
  1179. Oct 12 16:05:43 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d559: 96 [1d559=96]
  1180. Oct 12 16:05:51 <DamienLunas> meditate :B
  1181. Oct 12 16:05:52 <DamienLunas> go
  1182. Oct 12 16:06:08 <Arthur> wow meditate existed in gen1?
  1183. Oct 12 16:06:14 <Arthur> can't go because eot
  1184. Oct 12 16:06:19 <DamienLunas> :3
  1185. Oct 12 16:06:37 <DamienLunas> swapping in dmitri
  1186. Oct 12 16:06:44 <DamienLunas> 1d20+8 electrifying performance
  1187. Oct 12 16:06:45 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, electrifying performance: 11 [1d20=3]
  1188. Oct 12 16:06:53 <DamienLunas> 1d20 hydro pump
  1189. Oct 12 16:06:55 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, hydro pump: 20 [1d20=20]
  1190. Oct 12 16:07:33 <DamienLunas> 1d0+50+20+16+10+30
  1191. Oct 12 16:07:34 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 1d0+50+20+16+10+30: 126 [1d0=0]
  1192. Oct 12 16:08:25 <DamienLunas> and rain dance boost. How's he doing arthur
  1193. Oct 12 16:08:28  DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has left #mirageisland
  1194. Oct 12 16:08:50 <Arthur> not too good
  1195. Oct 12 16:09:04  DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #mirageisland
  1196. Oct 12 16:09:10 <Arthur> 1d20 airslash is air and slash
  1197. Oct 12 16:09:11 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, airslash is air and slash: 15 [1d20=15]
  1198. Oct 12 16:09:16 <Arthur> oh hey a flinch
  1199. Oct 12 16:09:24 <DamienLunas> air slash is hit and flinch :3
  1200. Oct 12 16:09:38 <DamienLunas> choice specs are only +2 stages remember
  1201. Oct 12 16:09:43 <Arthur> 2d12+16+34+60
  1202. Oct 12 16:09:43 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, 2d12+16+34+60: 130 [2d12=9,11]
  1203. Oct 12 16:10:15 <DamienLunas> Milotic is not doing so well either
  1204. Oct 12 16:10:25 <DamienLunas> so... it recovers
  1205. Oct 12 16:10:29 <DamienLunas> go again
  1206. Oct 12 16:10:40 <Arthur> 1d20 air slash since two turns skipped
  1207. Oct 12 16:10:40 <DiceMaid-9001> Arthur, air slash since two turns skipped: 4 [1d20=4]
  1208. Oct 12 16:10:41 <Arthur> 3:
  1209. Oct 12 16:11:03 <DamienLunas> 1d20 scald
  1210. Oct 12 16:11:05 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, scald: 15 [1d20=15]
  1211. Oct 12 16:11:07 <DamienLunas> hit and burn
  1212. Oct 12 16:11:15 * Happymancer is now known as Bruce
  1213. Oct 12 16:11:29 <DamienLunas> 3d10+10+16+1d10+30
  1214. Oct 12 16:11:30 <DiceMaid-9001> DamienLunas, 3d10+10+16+1d10+30: 77 [3d10=6,7,6; 1d10=2]
  1215. Oct 12 16:11:38 * You are now known as Viktor
  1216. Oct 12 16:11:48 <Arthur> aaaand unable to fight
  1217. Oct 12 16:12:08 <Viktor> So only ostria left eh
  1218. Oct 12 16:12:38 <Arthur> yep
  1219. Oct 12 16:12:47 <Viktor> 1d20+8 electrifying performance
  1220. Oct 12 16:12:48 <DiceMaid-9001> Viktor, electrifying performance: 28 [1d20=20]
  1221. Oct 12 16:12:51 <Viktor> finally
  1222. Oct 12 16:12:54 <Viktor> 1d20 nomiss water pulse
  1223. Oct 12 16:12:55 <DiceMaid-9001> Viktor, nomiss water pulse: 16 [1d20=16]
  1224. Oct 12 16:13:21 <Viktor> 1d10+10+16+1d10+30
  1225. Oct 12 16:13:22 <DiceMaid-9001> Viktor, 1d10+10+16+1d10+30: 63 [1d10=3; 1d10=4]
  1226. Oct 12 16:13:36 <Arthur> with stealth rock yeah
  1227. Oct 12 16:13:41 <Viktor> down eh
  1228. Oct 12 16:14:39 <Viktor> Polly smiles and walks across to give you a big hug and a kiss on the forehead.
  1229. Oct 12 16:14:51 <Viktor> "Thank you, Arthur."
  1230. Oct 12 16:15:15 <Arthur> "I'm glad to have been able to see you two."
  1231. Oct 12 16:16:13 <Viktor> "You don't know how happy it made me to see you, Arthur."
  1232. Oct 12 16:16:58 <Arthur> "Is there anything else either of you two would like?"
  1233. Oct 12 16:17:32 <Viktor> "No... I'm happy. The one thing I wanted to see the most... was how much you and your pokemon love eachother."
  1234. Oct 12 16:17:47 <Viktor> "I saw so much love in each and every one of them." she says, wiping a tear off.
  1235. Oct 12 16:22:51 <Arthur> "This... this is it then? I'll have to never see you again, unless I want to give up on everything else?"
  1236. Oct 12 16:23:15 <Viktor> "That's right, sweetie."
  1237. Oct 12 16:23:38 <Viktor> "Your eyepatch is in the box over there. Once you put that on and leave... you can't come back ever again."
  1238. Oct 12 16:24:01 <Viktor> "But... your friends are waiting for you out there."
  1239. Oct 12 16:24:15 <Arthur> "Wonder what they saw."
  1240. Oct 12 16:24:16 <Viktor> "Even though I haven't seen them, and I don't know what they're getting to see..."
  1241. Oct 12 16:24:29 <Viktor> "Mesprit's gift lets me see the love in your heart."
  1242. Oct 12 16:24:33 <Viktor> "They'll be there."
  1243. Oct 12 16:24:50  Arthur opens the box. "Then I'll be there too."
  1244. Oct 12 16:24:53 <Viktor> "And we'll be with you every step of the way as long as you treasure this memory of us."
  1245. Oct 12 16:25:07  Arthur puts it on. "...See you around, then."
  1246. Oct 12 16:25:07 <Viktor> "We may be mirages, but our hearts are the same."
  1247. Oct 12 16:25:22 <Viktor> Camille rushes up and just hugs you tightly, sobbing.
  1248. Oct 12 16:26:01 <Viktor> "D-Damn it... I'm not supposed to be the emotional one..."
  1249. Oct 12 16:27:24 <Arthur> "She isn't supposed to be the smart one, but she fought like that, right? Everyone has everything in them."
  1250. Oct 12 16:27:45 <Arthur> "Don't worry... After all this, I think I'm going to follow your travels. See your lives."
  1251. Oct 12 16:28:08 <Viktor> Polly gives you a hug too. "That's right. Emotion, Knowledge, and Willpower. Some of us have more than others, but we've all got them in us."
  1252. Oct 12 16:28:37 <Viktor> "See you later, Son. We love you."
  1253. Oct 12 16:32:22 <Arthur> "Love you too..."
  1254. Oct 12 16:33:02 <Viktor> They let you go, leaving you free to walk out the door.
  1255. Oct 12 16:33:13  Arthur waves as he goes.
  1256. Oct 12 16:34:56 <Viktor> And the adventure of life... goes on.
  1257. Oct 12 16:35:05 * Arthur is now known as Mons
  1258. Oct 12 16:35:10 <Mons> bluh so long
  1259. Oct 12 16:35:56 <Bruce> Can I grab a paste of the first?
  1260. Oct 12 16:38:17 <Viktor> yeah...
  1261. Oct 12 16:38:28 <Viktor> THIS WAS VERY LONG
  1262. Oct 12 16:38:34 <Viktor> anyway mons
  1263. Oct 12 16:38:38 <Viktor> now I can give you the other logs.
  1264. Oct 12 16:38:42 <Mons> hooray
  1265. Oct 12 16:38:48 * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as RichterBelmont
  1266. Oct 12 16:38:51 <Mons> HOW DID THOSE SPACES GET THEREE
  1267. Oct 12 16:38:58 <Mons> !dm9001 leave #mirageisland
  1268. Oct 12 16:38:58 <RichterBelmont> Mons, sorry, boss! Leaving channel #mirageisland!
  1269. Oct 12 16:38:58  RichterBelmont (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has left #mirageisland
  1270. Oct 12 16:46:46  Mons ( has left #mirageisland
  1271. Oct 12 17:39:02 * Bruce is now known as Happyaway
  1272. Oct 12 20:56:20 * You are now known as DamienLunas
  1273. Oct 12 22:09:47 * You are now known as Barkeep
  1274. Oct 12 23:22:34 * You are now known as DamienLunas
  1275. Oct 12 23:33:26 * Happyaway is now known as Happymancer
  1276. Oct 13 12:31:02  DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #mirageisland
  1277. Oct 13 12:35:58  DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has left #mirageisland
  1278. Oct 13 14:33:49  Happymancer_ ( has joined #mirageisland
  1279. Oct 13 14:34:27  Happymancer has quit (Ping timeout)
  1280. Oct 13 14:34:39 * Happymancer_ is now known as Happymancer
  1281. Oct 14 16:17:50 * Happymancer is now known as Sam
  1282. Oct 14 16:17:52 * You are now known as Tom
  1283. Oct 14 22:07:46 * Sam is now known as Unhappymancer
  1284. Oct 14 22:43:39 * You are now known as DamienLunas
  1285. Oct 15 01:41:16  TF2Beard ( has joined #mirageisland
  1286. Oct 15 01:41:37 <Unhappymancer> Ok
  1287. Oct 15 01:41:56 <TF2Beard> ok
  1288. Oct 15 01:42:07  DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #mirageisland
  1289. Oct 15 01:44:21 <DamienLunas> So then
  1290. Oct 15 01:45:17 <DamienLunas> Klark awakens, laying on something warm and soft. His head still feels a bit fuzzy... as if everything that's happened to him is a blur. A beautiful floral aroma fills the air as he's gently shaken.
  1291. Oct 15 01:45:34 * Unhappymancer is now known as Katy
  1292. Oct 15 01:45:57 <Katy> "Hey, sleepy head, are you going to lay in bed all day?"
  1293. Oct 15 01:46:39  Katy sits next to him, dressed in some loose clothing, smiling over
  1294. Oct 15 01:48:36  TF2Beard Blinks yawning. "Maybe. S'nice, calm."
  1295. Oct 15 01:49:01 * TF2Beard is now known as Klark
  1296. Oct 15 01:50:36  Katy giggles, laying back down, "It is."
  1297. Oct 15 01:51:54  Klark Tries to sit up, rubbing his eyes and looking around. "That was a nice nap. What were we doing, before we stopped?"
  1298. Oct 15 01:53:03 <Katy> "That dinner by the beach last night, is it not over yet?"
  1299. Oct 15 01:53:08  Katy grins and looks over
  1300. Oct 15 01:55:09 <Katy> "We've been living here, for a few months now. After you told me how peaceful it was here."
  1301. Oct 15 01:55:45 <Katy> "And I still can't seem to get over the fact that we still find more plants growing up out of the land."
  1302. Oct 15 01:57:14 <Klark> "Oh, right. This place. Right. All the plants. That ritual must have really done wonders..."
  1303. Oct 15 01:58:39  Katy rolls over and leans against you, "You seem distracted, what's up?"
  1304. Oct 15 01:59:50 <Klark> "Nothing...Just feel sleepy still I think. Everything feels like a new born eevee. All fuzzy and going all over the place. Still sleepy I guess, yeah...Wonder what we'll find today."
  1305. Oct 15 02:00:41 <Katy> You do remember the last thing that happened was some sort of wreck with the boat you were in, the other Immortals taking it to an island
  1306. Oct 15 02:03:06 <Katy> "How about some breakfast then, do you want me to cook up some eggs and toast, or something more fancy? We got those coffee beans in from Celadon."
  1307. Oct 15 02:05:22 <Klark> "No eggs...Toast maybe...Wait, how did we get coffe...I think I've been having weird dreams again...Where is everyone? Hope and Saru and the rest of the Immortals? I'm sure they want a bite too....Right?"
  1308. Oct 15 02:07:53  Katy pats your chest, rolling up, "Hope and Saru are living in Ribbonwood still, their little one is going to be born soon they think. Arthur went off with Suzaku, exploring."
  1309. Oct 15 02:08:22 <Katy> "Six is still training to master his Aura."
  1310. Oct 15 02:09:12 <Katy> "And Mira is preparing to leave with Manaphy for another trip."
  1311. Oct 15 02:10:55 <Klark> "Oh...Right. Why are we taking a break? I guess we could use it but we still have to defeat the beast. We need to cleanse the wild pokemon from its influence..."
  1312. Oct 15 02:12:30  Katy shakes her head, "Don't you remember? After you brought together Thundurus and Tornadus, Landorus restored the land. And the President promised that his trainers would take care of the beast."
  1313. Oct 15 02:13:18 <Katy> "That was almost 3 months ago, the groups came to the Immortals for help, and together you beat it. Without the beast, the pokemon returned to the way they were before."
  1314. Oct 15 02:14:10 <Katy> "Come with me, and I can show you, there are all sorts of pokemon around here, sometimes we leave the door open and they'll just come inside and stay a while. They aren't violent at all."
  1315. Oct 15 02:14:32 <Klark> "I...No I don't. I am..How could I forget something like that? Waitwhat? Thegroups? Friendlypokemon?"
  1316. Oct 15 02:15:26  Katy reaches out, "I'll show you to our spot, maybe you'll remember."
  1317. Oct 15 02:16:06  Klark nods standing, looking confused as hell. "Yeah, sure. Good idea....Must be half asleep still..."
  1318. Oct 15 02:18:04  Katy takes your hand, leading you outside, then inside a small little gate. The house you just left built inside the forest, the soft grass under your feet carpeting everywhere
  1319. Oct 15 02:19:28 <Katy> The garden that sits against the home lush and flourishing, every sort of flower sprouting from bushes and flowerbeds. The bushes grown into amazing shapes, spiraling up or curling around
  1320. Oct 15 02:20:29  Klark wiggles his toes in the grass. "How could I forget all of this. Heh, Bert must love it here....Did we REALLY let other people take care of the Beast? that...I don't think Sarue would let us do that...I mean we have all these contracts. The President and..."
  1321. Oct 15 02:20:45 <Katy> "Do you remember now Klark? We've lived here together, with nothing to worry about. It's so peaceful, and you can see the others whenever you want."
  1322. Oct 15 02:21:50 <Katy> A krabby holding a cookie scuttles by
  1323. Oct 15 02:24:36 <Klark> "Y-yeah. I remember...Everything I've always wanted..."
  1324. Oct 15 02:24:48  Klark Looks at the Krabby. <Hey little guy, where did you get that?>
  1325. Oct 15 02:26:55 <Katy> It looks at you and then pauses
  1326. Oct 15 02:28:08 <Katy> <Cookie.>
  1327. Oct 15 02:28:35  Klark Blinks at the crab. <Yeah, I see you have a cookie. Where did you get that one? It looks pretty tasty.>
  1328. Oct 15 02:31:12 <Katy> <Cookie....factory.>
  1329. Oct 15 02:33:38  Klark <...What.> Tries to pick up the little crustacean with his mind. <You should show me this place little dude. Gotta make sure they are not harming the plants. Yeah.>
  1330. Oct 15 02:34:50 <Katy> It starts to walk and forth, then stops, an starts walking to the left
  1331. Oct 15 02:36:33 <Katy> It walks through a clump of trees and a large factory sits there, just out of sight
  1332. Oct 15 02:37:12 <Klark> "Huh...Hey Katy. How long has the factory been there...Odd. We'd live so close to it."
  1333. Oct 15 02:37:25 <Katy> "Always been there?"
  1334. Oct 15 02:38:28 <Klark> "Oh."
  1335. Oct 15 02:38:45 <Klark> "When did it get reopened?"
  1336. Oct 15 02:38:59  Klark Adresses the Krabby. <How old is that cookie?>
  1337. Oct 15 02:39:27 <Katy> <Cookie.>
  1338. Oct 15 02:39:34 <Katy> <Today?>
  1339. Oct 15 02:40:27 <Klark> <Why don't you eat the cookie while it is still fresh. Maybe you could bring back one for me an dmy friend.>
  1340. Oct 15 02:42:44 <Katy> It looks at you oddly
  1341. Oct 15 02:43:33  Klark Looks back at it oddly. <What are you? Really?>
  1342. Oct 15 02:44:52  Katy goes over and takes your hand
  1343. Oct 15 02:45:30 <Katy> "It's just an oddity."
  1344. Oct 15 02:45:46  Katy hangs her head, "But I'm sorry."
  1345. Oct 15 02:46:38  Klark Blinks at Katy and quirks a brow "An oddity? Sorry for what?"
  1346. Oct 15 02:47:03 <Katy> "You like it here, right?"
  1347. Oct 15 02:48:02 <Klark> "Of course. It is everything I have ever wanted...But. I just don't..."
  1348. Oct 15 02:49:33 <Katy> "It is everything you wanted."
  1349. Oct 15 02:50:06 <Katy> "And you can stay here if you want, you can live here with me."
  1350. Oct 15 02:51:08 <Klark> "I want to. I want to more than anything. But something feels wrong. Like I don't belong here, yet...What IS this place. Who are you? "
  1351. Oct 15 02:53:14 <Katy> "I am Katy, your memories, who she is."
  1352. Oct 15 02:53:28 <Katy> "And you're here on Mirage Island."
  1353. Oct 15 02:53:54 <Katy> "The place where you could live, happy."
  1354. Oct 15 02:56:13 <Klark> "But it wouldn't be real. You are not the real Katy. These plants did not bloom. That Krabby is just a figment. It was nice to pretend. But this is not what I want."
  1355. Oct 15 02:57:02  Katy looks down, "...I am real, but I understand."
  1356. Oct 15 02:57:37 <Katy> "The others, are each in their own situations."
  1357. Oct 15 02:58:33 <Katy> "You can stay if you want, but if you wish to leave, go towards the center of the island, just keep walking."
  1358. Oct 15 02:59:04 <Katy> "You can't ever come back here again though, think of what could happen."
  1359. Oct 15 03:01:35 <Klark> ACTION Smiles sadly. "I could die. Or worse, we could fail. I know. But if I stop now it'd be worse. I'd know I ran away. Shut myself away from everyone again. You said you were made from my memories. So you know what the others already mean to me. I can't leave them now." Starts to walk to the center of the Island. "If you are real. Then you know how much I love Katy, and the rest of my family. And you knew I could not stop y
  1360. Oct 15 03:02:11 <Katy> (You know I could not stop y-)
  1361. Oct 15 03:03:00 <Klark> et"
  1362. Oct 15 03:03:07  Katy nods, smiling as well, "Wait Klark."
  1363. Oct 15 03:03:27  Katy walks over and holds onto your hand, leaning up for a kiss
  1364. Oct 15 03:04:18  Klark Blinks confused, going still.
  1365. Oct 15 03:06:30  Katy kisses you as you walk, the lets go of your hand, "I do know, and I love you. Keep pushing on, and make the world an amazing place. You can build a future for yourself. I'm sorry for doing this. Goodbye."
  1366. Oct 15 03:07:38  Klark blinks again nodding. Walking in a daze to the center of the island.
  1367. Oct 15 03:07:52 <Katy> As you walk off away from the house and factory, the krabby scuttles off, and the trees seem to form a path. The mirages fade and you set off to find the other Immortals in the center of the island
  1368. Oct 15 03:08:10 <Katy> And the adventure of life goes on.
  1369. Oct 15 03:09:48 <Katy> !dm9001 leave #mirageisland
  1370. Oct 15 03:09:49 <DiceMaid-9001> Katy, sorry, boss! Leaving channel #mirageisland!
  1371. Oct 15 03:09:49  DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has left #mirageisland
  1372. Oct 15 03:10:38 <Katy> So thoughts?
  1373. Oct 15 03:11:21 <Klark> Klark's brain is full of fuck.
  1374. Oct 15 03:11:35 <Klark> Also he almost would have stayed.
  1375. Oct 15 03:11:58 <Katy> I had a feeling
  1376. Oct 15 03:14:44 <Katy> But yes
  1377. Oct 15 03:14:51 <Katy> Not too awkward?
  1378. Oct 15 03:15:44 <Klark> Awkward?
  1379. Oct 15 03:15:53 <Klark> Nah. Not to me anyway.
  1380. Oct 15 03:16:09 <Katy> I mean
  1381. Oct 15 03:16:12 <Katy> Unwieldy
  1382. Oct 15 03:16:33 <Katy> But yes, yours was the hardest
  1383. Oct 15 03:17:08 <Katy> Because you can only push up
  1384. Oct 15 03:19:10 <Klark> How did everyone elses go?
  1385. Oct 15 03:19:41 <Katy> Saru met his brother
  1386. Oct 15 03:19:52 <Katy> Hope met her father
  1387. Oct 15 03:20:25 <Katy> Arthur met his parents (Carters parents)
  1388. Oct 15 03:21:18 <Klark> Ah. So Klark the orphan was a bit out of place.
  1389. Oct 15 03:22:33 <Katy>
  1390. Oct 15 03:22:41 <Katy> They treated him as their daughter
  1391. Oct 15 03:25:45 <Klark> Heh. Was Klark the only one to be confused by the krabby?
  1392. Oct 15 03:26:26 <Katy> Haha
  1393. Oct 15 03:26:29 <Katy> Yeah actually
  1394. Oct 15 03:26:40 <Katy> Everyone else was like oh huh ok
  1395. Oct 15 03:29:36 <Klark> Ahahah.
  1396. Oct 15 03:48:21  Klark has quit (Quit: Klark)
  1397. Oct 15 07:16:06 * Katy is now known as Katysleepa
  1398. Oct 15 08:37:10  Anise ( has joined #mirageisland
  1399. Oct 15 08:37:15 * Anise is now known as Mira
  1400. Oct 15 08:38:32 <DamienLunas> Mira, you awaken groggily after the shipwreck. When you look around... you notice that you are underwater, and your legs seem to have formed into a fishy tail while you were unconcious. A defensive mechanism perhaps? You're not too sure.
  1401. Oct 15 08:39:13  Mira decides to save freaking out about that for later, and checks to make sure she has her pokeballs with her (and no one got left behind) before setting off to try and find land.
  1402. Oct 15 08:39:28 <DamienLunas> Your pokemon are all with you in their balls, but you don't notice any of your friends anywhere nearby. Perhaps luckiily.
  1403. Oct 15 08:39:58 <DamienLunas> There's a bit of an incline, and you seem to have washed up fairly nearby.
  1404. Oct 15 08:40:47  Mira flops around until she manages to make it onto land, then.
  1405. Oct 15 08:41:06 <DamienLunas> As soon as you decide you want to, your tail forms back into regular legs.
  1406. Oct 15 08:41:35 <DamienLunas> You climb out of the sea onto the island and look around, and almost instantly you see someone whose presence shocks you.
  1407. Oct 15 08:42:05 <DamienLunas> She looks over at you, her eyes widening in surprise, "M-Mira?"
  1408. Oct 15 08:42:15 <DamienLunas> Your mother is standing there on the beach.
  1409. Oct 15 08:42:46  Mira cringes away.
  1410. Oct 15 08:44:00 <DamienLunas> She seems to be acting somewhat similarly. "Mira..."
  1411. Oct 15 08:44:23 <Mira> "What?"
  1412. Oct 15 08:44:38 <DamienLunas> "I-It's me, Mira..."
  1413. Oct 15 08:45:06 <Mira> "...Aren't you supposed to be dead?"
  1414. Oct 15 08:45:17 <DamienLunas> She nods a bit, solemnly.
  1415. Oct 15 08:46:52 <Mira> "...So, you're some kind of ghost?"
  1416. Oct 15 08:47:12 <DamienLunas> "Kind of..."
  1417. Oct 15 08:47:29 <DamienLunas> "I'm not going to try to trick you... because I don't think you'd want to stay here with me anyway..."
  1418. Oct 15 08:47:34 <DamienLunas> She approaches you cautiously.
  1419. Oct 15 08:47:36 <DamienLunas> "Mira..."
  1420. Oct 15 08:47:39 <DamienLunas> "I'm so sorry."
  1421. Oct 15 08:49:31 <DamienLunas> She starts weeping, "E-Everything is my fault... if I hadn't been such a coward... if I had stood up to her maybe none of this ever would have happened."
  1422. Oct 15 08:50:03 <Mira> "It wouldn't have."
  1423. Oct 15 08:50:46 <DamienLunas> She sniffles and nods. "The nightmares... you have them too, don't you."
  1424. Oct 15 08:51:27  Mira nods, briefly. Oh god this is awkward.
  1425. Oct 15 08:52:42 <DamienLunas> "I'm sorry... I couldn't even stay alive long enough to protect you from those. And I'm sorry I never told you about what happened. I was scared, Mira... I've always been too timid for my own good and look what it's done..."
  1426. Oct 15 08:54:11 <Mira> "What's done? You ruined everything! You killed so many people..."
  1427. Oct 15 08:54:15  Mira turns away.
  1428. Oct 15 08:56:05 <DamienLunas> "I'm so sorry... I didn't realize what I'd done until it was too late. I was... too scared to say no to your grandmother. I was afraid she'd hurt me if I tried to leave Team Rocket."
  1429. Oct 15 08:57:30 <Mira> "And it was better, then, that a lot of other people got killed instead?"
  1430. Oct 15 08:57:54 <DamienLunas> "N-No! I didn't know this would happen!"
  1431. Oct 15 08:59:18 <Mira> "What did you think you were doing, then?"
  1432. Oct 15 09:00:01 <DamienLunas> "She only told me that she was trying to create a powerful pokemon. I didn't think it would become something so... twisted."
  1433. Oct 15 09:02:31 <Mira> "And you were okay with that?"
  1434. Oct 15 09:02:34 <Mira> "You disgust me."
  1435. Oct 15 09:03:01 <DamienLunas> "I wasn't... I never knew..."
  1436. Oct 15 09:03:05 <DamienLunas> she sobs even harder
  1437. Oct 15 09:06:11 <Mira> "..I'm going. I don't have time to waste talking to ghosts."
  1438. Oct 15 09:06:13 <DamienLunas> "I-It's hard... standing up to someone who's abused you for so long. You don't have to forgive me for what I've done... but please, promise you won't make the same mistake as I did."
  1439. Oct 15 09:06:34 <DamienLunas> "Stand up for yourself..."
  1440. Oct 15 09:07:35 <Mira> "That won't be a problem. I'm not useless."
  1441. Oct 15 09:08:19 <DamienLunas> She nods. "You deserved better than me."
  1442. Oct 15 09:09:03 <DamienLunas> "The center of the island... you have to head there to leave the mirage."
  1443. Oct 15 09:10:17 <Mira> "Right."
  1444. Oct 15 09:10:20  Mira heads off.
  1445. Oct 15 09:10:42 <DamienLunas> "Goodbye Mira... I'll always love you, even if you never forgive me."
  1446. Oct 15 09:12:18  Mira doesn't say anything, just walks a little faster.
  1447. Oct 15 09:12:24 <DamienLunas> You turn your back on your mother to head towards the center of the island. And the adventure of life goes on.
  1448. Oct 15 09:12:45 <DamienLunas> [/session]
  1449. Oct 15 09:13:52 <Mira> (and next time Mira is going to have a lovely little breakdown :3c)
  1450. Oct 15 09:13:56 <DamienLunas> Yeah, I knew mira's wouldn't last nearly as long due to hers being kind of sad and terrible.
  1451. Oct 15 09:14:08 <DamienLunas> I did have some others planned that could have shown up
  1452. Oct 15 09:14:18 <DamienLunas> but I didn't want to keep you any longer.
  1453. Oct 15 09:15:21 <DamienLunas> and yeah, feelsbadman.jpg
  1454. Oct 15 09:15:23 <Mira> well
  1455. Oct 15 09:15:31 <Mira> I will try to be here for turf
  1456. Oct 15 09:15:35 <DamienLunas> :o
  1457. Oct 15 09:15:37 <Mira> but sadly I can promise noffink
  1458. Oct 15 09:15:39 <DamienLunas> that would be amazing
  1459. Oct 15 09:15:41 <DamienLunas> if you could swing it
  1460. Oct 15 09:15:55 <DamienLunas> because we are already down gorby and kain is going to be late
  1461. Oct 15 09:16:11 <DamienLunas> anywho now I can give you logs of the other ones
  1462. Oct 15 09:16:25 <DamienLunas> and tell you that the reason I was asking coordinator questions was because arthur got to meet his two mommies.
  1463. Oct 15 09:16:44 <DamienLunas> Saru
  1464. Oct 15 09:16:50 <DamienLunas> Hope
  1465. Oct 15 09:16:56 <DamienLunas> Arthur
  1466. Oct 15 09:17:01 <Mira> I see
  1467. Oct 15 09:18:07 <DamienLunas> and Klark
  1468. Oct 15 09:20:32 <DamienLunas> still, ouch. I expected mira to be upset at her but that was pretty hardcore brutal :B
  1469. Oct 15 09:20:55 <DamienLunas> but hey, Mira's finally being assertive and speaking her mind
  1470. Oct 15 09:21:50 <Mira> she's projecting pretty hard on her mom, yeah
  1471. Oct 15 09:22:00 <Mira> since she sees the same weakness she hates in herself :V
  1472. Oct 15 09:22:06 <DamienLunas> this is probably like
  1473. Oct 15 09:22:12 <DamienLunas> the first time she's ever really stood up to anyone
  1474. Oct 15 09:22:14 <Mira> (this is not a sound coping mechanism no)
  1475. Oct 15 09:22:21 <DamienLunas> well other than her beating up seven
  1476. Oct 15 09:22:54 <DamienLunas> well hey
  1477. Oct 15 09:23:00 <DamienLunas> when you're tormented by hellbeast nightmares
  1478. Oct 15 09:23:07 <DamienLunas> you're allowed to be pretty fucked up
  1479. Oct 15 09:24:09 <DamienLunas> I liked this though
  1480. Oct 15 09:24:18 <DamienLunas> I've been looking forward to this whole arc for a very very long time.
  1481. Oct 15 09:24:31 <DamienLunas> If you need a pick me up, read hope's for heartwarming daww points.
  1482. Oct 15 09:25:19 <Mira> well, she's fucked up, yeah, but what she's doing is a) not appropriate and b) psychologically unhealthy
  1483. Oct 15 09:25:28 <Mira> and she's aware of a at least
  1484. Oct 15 09:25:30 <Mira> good night~
  1485. Oct 15 09:28:32 <DamienLunas> nighto
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