
gosh I sure am popular

Jan 9th, 2014
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  1. Dec 20 22:20:06 <Gara> I thought it was Ragazzo again.
  2. Dec 20 22:20:34 <Echo> Did anyone else notice
  3. Dec 20 22:20:47 <Echo> That the original drift suits were basically Cerberus assault armor
  4. Dec 20 22:21:01 <Echo> And the suits in the final battle were basically N7 suits
  5. Dec 20 22:21:04 <PaulS_laptop> .tell ragazzo this is your final warning. consider yourself on probation.
  6. Dec 20 22:21:04 <CROM> PaulS_laptop: I'll pass that along.
  7. Dec 20 22:21:14 <Maddy> THS IS NOT
  8. Dec 20 22:21:16 <Echo> Maddy: Did you catch that
  9. Dec 20 22:21:19 <Maddy> ok no this joke is old
  10. Dec 20 22:21:22 <Maddy> Echo, I did
  11. Dec 20 22:21:23 <Tox> .tell Ragazzo you're a toxic influence
  12. Dec 20 22:21:24 <CROM> Tox: I'll pass that along.
  13. Dec 20 22:21:25 <Echo> :D
  14. Dec 20 22:21:43 <Maddy> LOOK GUYS
  15. Dec 20 22:21:44 <Maddy> LOOK
  16. Dec 20 22:21:54 <Gara> .tell Ragazzo You're loudly negative, and bring OOC issues IC.
  17. Dec 20 22:21:54 <CROM> Gara: I'll pass that along.
  18. Dec 20 22:22:19 <Maddy> Hes not gonna get any of thse jokes
  19. Dec 20 22:22:20 <Gara> Where is John?
  20. Dec 20 22:22:37 <Tehpillowstar> I NEED TO WORK ON MY CHARACTER
  21. Dec 20 22:22:44 <Maddy> Gara, you have to put it up :p
  22. Dec 20 22:22:53 <Gara> BOOOOO
  23. Dec 20 22:22:56 <Gara> TOO MUCH WORK.
  24. Dec 20 22:23:05 * Gara loudly refuses.
  25. Dec 20 22:23:25 <Heiden> wait what just happened
  26. Dec 20 22:23:55 <PaulS_laptop> Heiden: AA pt. 1 ended
  27. Dec 20 22:24:07 <PaulS_laptop> and we made some bashes on FR aat ragazzo's expense
  28. Dec 20 22:24:17 <Heiden> that's what I was wondering about
  29. Dec 20 22:24:26 <PaulS_laptop> we were acting like the admins of FR
  30. Dec 20 22:24:28 <dexandroid> He said pacific rim was overhyped
  31. Dec 20 22:24:31 <PaulS_laptop> Heiden: oh, and roget's totally ripping you off :P
  32. Dec 20 22:24:36 <Gara> Yep.
  33. Dec 20 22:24:37 <Heiden> what'd roget do
  34. Dec 20 22:24:40 <dexandroid> They're satirizing FRs whatever
  35. Dec 20 22:24:53 <dexandroid> Idk Roget's cool
  36. Dec 20 22:24:56 <Heiden> oh, did they finally ban the invasion force
  37. Dec 20 22:25:03 <Heiden> no no how is he ripping me off
  38. Dec 20 22:25:06 <Heiden> do I need to go apeshit butthole
  39. Dec 20 22:25:13 <Gara>
  40. Dec 20 22:25:17 <PaulS_laptop> Echo: care to enlighten?
  41. Dec 20 22:25:29 <PaulS_laptop> Heiden: well, a lot of us /left/ before the ban could happen
  42. Dec 20 22:25:29 <Heiden> ...
  43. Dec 20 22:25:31 <Heiden> wow, really
  44. Dec 20 22:25:54 <Heiden> that's straight up the most fucked thing I've seen in a while
  45. Dec 20 22:25:59 * Roget (whose@the.saurus) has joined
  46. Dec 20 22:26:12 <dexandroid> Hi roget
  47. Dec 20 22:26:20 <Gara> Yeah, sorta.
  48. Dec 20 22:26:20 <Heiden> hello roget
  49. Dec 20 22:26:22 <Pemander> hahahaha oh wow
  50. Dec 20 22:26:27 <Pemander> OH WOW
  51. Dec 20 22:26:29 <Heiden> are you fucking kidding me, roget
  52. Dec 20 22:26:32 <Tehpillowstar> lol
  53. Dec 20 22:26:34 <Pemander> OH. WOW.
  54. Dec 20 22:26:37 <Heiden> are you fucking kidding me, roget
  55. Dec 20 22:26:44 <Tehpillowstar> Roget you just missed the finale of AA
  56. Dec 20 22:26:47 <Echo> lol
  57. Dec 20 22:26:53 <Echo> Yeah, Roget
  58. Dec 20 22:26:56 <Heiden> is it a matter of routine that you go into people's sandboxes and go 'oh that's a good idea, let me copy-paste it'
  59. Dec 20 22:26:57 <Tehpillowstar> /just/ missed it
  60. Dec 20 22:27:03 <Echo> That's pretty bad.
  61. Dec 20 22:27:06 <Pemander> G fuckin G
  62. Dec 20 22:27:24 <Echo> Plagiarism is a bannable offense.
  63. Dec 20 22:27:29 <dexandroid> Wait
  64. Dec 20 22:27:31 <dexandroid> ...
  65. Dec 20 22:27:32 <Heiden> I'm gonna go talk to fucking Troy
  66. Dec 20 22:27:34 <Heiden> I am about to lose my fucking mind
  67. Dec 20 22:27:36 <dexandroid> :|
  68. Dec 20 22:27:42 * Echo has kicked Roget from #afteractionooc (Echo)
  69. Dec 20 22:27:53 * Pemander slow claps.
  70. Dec 20 22:28:00 <MonkeyBomb> o_o
  71. Dec 20 22:28:03 * Tehpillowstar does not know what is going on and just away.
  72. Dec 20 22:28:05 <Tehpillowstar> *walks
  73. Dec 20 22:28:08 <dexandroid> ...
  74. Dec 20 22:28:14 <Echo> Tehpillowstar: The thing Roget's putting together
  75. Dec 20 22:28:15 <Pemander> tehpillowstar: Roget copied the shit out of heiden
  76. Dec 20 22:28:17 <Tox> Echo: He ripped the rules and regulations mostly directly from BSAA
  77. Dec 20 22:28:18 <Echo> Heiden's rebootin AD
  78. Dec 20 22:28:29 <Tox> and the setting from heiden's
  79. Dec 20 22:28:29 <Heiden> I don't give a fuck, the entire concept he hijacked
  80. Dec 20 22:28:30 <Pemander> Like copied isn't even a strong enough word
  81. Dec 20 22:28:33 <Echo> And Roget straight up pulled the concept off of Heiden
  82. Dec 20 22:28:35 <Pemander> Copy pasted
  83. Dec 20 22:28:37 * WalrusKing_ (~WalrusKin@9D4DF2FF.472B232F.E9BF1425.IP) has joined
  84. Dec 20 22:28:45 <Gara> Yeah, that's /so/ not cool.
  85. Dec 20 22:28:53 <Tox> AND
  86. Dec 20 22:29:03 <Tox> after railing about 4df and why it's such a hassle
  87. Dec 20 22:29:07 <Tehpillowstar> Oh, I pretty much gathered that.
  88. Dec 20 22:29:08 <Tox> he's using 4df
  89. Dec 20 22:29:21 <WalrusKing_> wtf is going on
  90. Dec 20 22:29:29 <Gara> Roget is an asshole.
  91. Dec 20 22:29:36 <Pemander> RAAAAGE MY BROTHERS
  92. Dec 20 22:29:40 * MereObserver ( has joined
  93. Dec 20 22:29:42 <Pemander> GATHER UP YOUR RAAAAAGE
  94. Dec 20 22:29:56 <MereObserver> k
  95. Dec 20 22:29:59 <Gara> BURN THE HERETIC
  96. Dec 20 22:30:58 <PaulS_laptop> Tox: lol
  97. Dec 20 22:31:02 <WalrusKing_> what the shit is going on
  98. Dec 20 22:31:07 <WalrusKing_> bans flying left and right
  99. Dec 20 22:31:10 <PaulS_laptop> WalrusKing_: roget ripped off heiden's AD revival
  100. Dec 20 22:31:13 * WalrusKing has quit (Ping timeout)
  101. Dec 20 22:31:16 <Pemander> the ban on ragazzo was just a joke
  102. Dec 20 22:31:19 <PaulS_laptop> ^
  103. Dec 20 22:31:23 * WalrusKing_ is now known as WalrusKing
  104. Dec 20 22:31:23 <Pemander> because he is our widdle punching bag
  105. Dec 20 22:31:30 <PaulS_laptop> (we lolban here)
  106. Dec 20 22:31:49 <Heiden> welp, the wiki has existed since May apparently
  107. Dec 20 22:31:50 <WalrusKing> what do you mean by ripped off?
  108. Dec 20 22:32:01 <Heiden> and I'm just too fucking tired of this shit to give a fuck anymore
  109. Dec 20 22:32:09 <PaulS_laptop> WalrusKing: copy/paste
  110. Dec 20 22:32:26 <Pemander> not like it matters, really
  111. Dec 20 22:32:29 <PaulS_laptop> Heiden: this is a recurring thing?
  112. Dec 20 22:32:38 <Heiden> no, it's not copy-paste
  113. Dec 20 22:32:40 <Echo> Echo just so you know, unless I have a time machine, Foundation Origins was made on 16 May 2013, which is several months befroe Heiden made his thing
  114. Dec 20 22:32:42 <Pemander> roget's version, if it even hit the water, would draw in all the people we don't actually want
  115. Dec 20 22:32:50 <Echo> Heiden ^ his statement
  116. Dec 20 22:32:57 <Heiden> yep, and I'm not backtracking concepts
  117. Dec 20 22:33:05 <PaulS_laptop> and indeed. it doesn't matter much, because he's burned just about all of the good playerbase
  118. Dec 20 22:33:09 <Heiden> just gonna delete my wiki and throw my hands up in the aair
  119. Dec 20 22:33:12 <PaulS_laptop> just about all of the playerbase in general
  120. Dec 20 22:33:14 <Heiden> so fucking done
  121. Dec 20 22:33:27 <Gara> Neh. He won't have a decent playerbase.
  122. Dec 20 22:33:28 <Pemander> heiden come on
  123. Dec 20 22:33:39 <PaulS_laptop> Heiden: let him have his thing, keep doing AD
  124. Dec 20 22:33:45 <Tox> Echo: that is some /shit/
  125. Dec 20 22:33:48 <PaulS_laptop> watch his thing go down in flames like he did with FR
  126. Dec 20 22:33:49 <Heiden> I'm not doing the exact fucking thing they're doing
  127. Dec 20 22:34:00 <Pemander> it wont fucking MATTER what they do
  128. Dec 20 22:34:02 <Tox> Heiden's had this in mind for a while now
  129. Dec 20 22:34:03 <Heiden> if they've got recorded evidence that they came up with a similar idea shortly before mine
  130. Dec 20 22:34:08 <Gara> He's basically a shit midas.
  131. Dec 20 22:34:11 <Gara> It won't matter.
  132. Dec 20 22:34:16 * Roget (whose@the.saurus) has joined
  133. Dec 20 22:34:29 <Heiden> They published the wiki before mine, the idea wasn't stolen.
  134. Dec 20 22:34:45 <PaulS_laptop> Heiden: provided the shit wasn't added later. wiki and all.
  135. Dec 20 22:34:46 <Echo> It's kind of disappointing to see something like what he was cooking up get shortcircuited by what looks like is going to be typical FR fare, though.
  136. Dec 20 22:34:55 <Heiden> At the very most, it was developed separately within a very short period of time. As mine was published after Roget's, I'm going to ditch the project.
  137. Dec 20 22:35:11 * MereObserver coughz
  138. Dec 20 22:35:15 <Gara> Yeah, but like I said, I honestly don't think it will matter.
  139. Dec 20 22:35:49 <Tox> Heiden...:/
  140. Dec 20 22:36:06 <Gara> He'll fuck it up, whatever players, good or otherwise, (otherwise, the players I categorize as good don't play with him), will leave, and it will die.
  141. Dec 20 22:36:17 <Heiden> Chill.
  142. Dec 20 22:36:29 <Heiden> Quit talking mad shit to Roget when he didn't do anything wrong, here.
  143. Dec 20 22:36:37 <WalrusKing> Im with heiden on this
  144. Dec 20 22:36:41 <Heiden> I went off because I thought I had been ripped off.
  145. Dec 20 22:36:44 <Heiden> I had not.
  146. Dec 20 22:36:46 <PaulS_laptop> when was the last edit date on his wiki?
  147. Dec 20 22:36:49 <WalrusKing> I feel we need to calm down
  148. Dec 20 22:36:58 <WalrusKing> examine things more rationally
  149. Dec 20 22:37:02 <Heiden> It was recently, but there's enough there to establish date of concept, PaulS.
  150. Dec 20 22:37:11 <Heiden> I mean, shit, the pagename is Foundation: Origins
  151. Dec 20 22:37:15 <Heiden> it's pretty clear what they're going for
  152. Dec 20 22:37:43 <PaulS_laptop> I mean as far as the content itself goes
  153. Dec 20 22:38:08 <Heiden> PaulS: let it go, man. I appreciate the backup, but I was wrong on this one.
  154. Dec 20 22:38:17 <Heiden> I'm just fucking aggravated.
  155. Dec 20 22:39:19 <PaulS_laptop> as are quite a few people
  156. Dec 20 22:39:40 <MonkeyBomb> Hey, Echo, do you have a few minutes to go over my reboot sheets?
  157. Dec 20 22:45:55 * MonkeyBomb will return shortly.
  158. Dec 20 22:46:07 <Pemander> Sorry about bein' so quick to accuse, Roget.
  159. Dec 20 22:46:22 <Pemander> Seems everyone kind of picked up their torches and pitchforks.
  160. Dec 20 22:46:46 <PaulS_laptop> those of us that do, have good reason pem
  161. Dec 20 22:46:54 <Gara> ^
  162. Dec 20 22:47:31 <Roget> Pemander we cool
  163. Dec 20 22:47:42 <Echo> MonkeyBomb: What's up?
  164. Dec 20 22:48:14 <Heiden> yeah I PMed an apology but I need to apologize publicly as well, I jumped to about eight conclusions and behaved badly, Roget
  165. Dec 20 22:48:15 <Heiden> I am sorry
  166. Dec 20 22:48:34 <Roget> We cool Heiden
  167. Dec 20 22:49:20 <PaulS_laptop> Echo: MonkeyBomb needs his chars approved. he's got tenative approval from myself and I forget who else, but we suggested he get final say from you.
  168. Dec 20 22:51:56 * WalrusKing dusts hands, content with decreased tempterature of chat, wanders off again
  169. Dec 20 22:51:57 <Echo> AH!
  170. Dec 20 22:52:18 <Echo> If you and Maddy called it good, I'm inclined to say it's good.
  171. Dec 20 22:52:52 <MereObserver> I didn't approve anything, so it's still not officially approved.
  172. Dec 20 22:52:54 <Maddy> Lat I saw it the only issue was a a power he gave his dog, which he removed
  173. Dec 20 22:53:19 <PaulS_laptop> I forget who else signed off on it, but he looked good to me
  174. Dec 20 22:55:56 <Echo> Yeah
  175. Dec 20 22:56:01 <Echo> You're good, MonkeyBomb :D
  176. Dec 20 22:56:39 <PaulS_laptop> god, I just remembered why Eels got it's name
  177. Dec 20 22:56:49 <MereObserver> ?
  178. Dec 20 22:57:17 <MereObserver> Epic Exterminating Lethal Savage?
  179. Dec 20 22:57:18 <PaulS_laptop> the name Eels came about in late AD to describe a logistical package on the back of a truck. Why Eels?
  180. Dec 20 22:57:30 <PaulS_laptop> Because sabs was thuroughly creeped out by eels
  181. Dec 20 22:57:47 <PaulS_laptop> (that was seriously the reason)
  182. Dec 20 22:58:00 <dexandroid> Gears wrote an scp to freak sabs out
  183. Dec 20 22:58:05 <dexandroid> .sea eels
  184. Dec 20 22:58:05 <CROM> dexandroid: SCP-590 (He Feels Your Pain), SCP-695 (Eels)
  185. Dec 20 22:58:11 <dexandroid> Scp-695
  186. Dec 20 22:58:11 <CROM> dexandroid: - Eels
  187. Dec 20 22:58:44 <Maddy> I miss sabs
  188. Dec 20 22:59:02 <PaulS_laptop> I haven't seen sabs since he went to lilah's and that ended terribly
  189. Dec 20 23:00:04 <Pemander> I'm writing up my character sheet now.
  190. Dec 20 23:00:09 <Tox> ...he?
  191. Dec 20 23:00:27 <PaulS_laptop> Tox: complicated
  192. Dec 20 23:00:40 <Gara> I don't even know them.
  193. Dec 20 23:00:46 * Gara flies away.
  194. Dec 20 23:02:15 <dexandroid> Brb and I'll explain sans story
  195. Dec 20 23:02:17 * dexandroid has quit (Quit: Bye)
  196. Dec 20 23:02:21 <Pemander> I can't imagine why a real life meeting with Lilah would go terribly.
  197. Dec 20 23:02:30 * Pemander heavy sarcasm.
  198. Dec 20 23:02:33 <Maddy> lololol
  199. Dec 20 23:02:41 <PaulS_laptop> lilah's p. cool
  200. Dec 20 23:02:43 <PaulS_laptop> both of them are
  201. Dec 20 23:02:59 <Pemander> I love Sabs, but to be honest I think Lilah and Laito are both pretty loopy.
  202. Dec 20 23:03:39 <PaulS_laptop> laito is...enh
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