
RevoX Chapter #134

Jan 13th, 2013
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  1. [Affiliation]iRoaki:lol levi i dueled you too
  2. [Affiliation]iRoaki:im watching youR lafitte
  3. [Affiliation]iRoaki:so how's doc Q doing?
  4. [Affiliation]MasterYI:i have my layout the wrong way
  5. [Affiliation]Levi:Didn't see yet.
  6. [Affiliation]Levi:My crew yo**s too easily...
  7. [Affiliation]iRoaki:masteryi
  8. [Affiliation]Levi:But yo** Lafitte is owning me right now.
  9. [Affiliation]iRoaki:hmn
  10. [Affiliation]MasterYI:not very high hp but has nice damage
  11. [Affiliation]iRoaki:doc Q is 60-70% hit chance now
  12. [Notice]【Bie】 upgraded 【Thunder God Helm】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  13. [World](xWolfz):iRoaki if yo** doc q kill myprot you win
  14. [Affiliation]MasterYI:specially wheni dont miss ulti
  15. [World](xWolfz):if he heal im in big advantage
  16. [Affiliation]Cocaine:what is the best passive skill for Kuma?
  17. [Affiliation](xWolfz):ops wrong place =D
  18. [Affiliation]iRoaki:hmn.. i need some time to rebuild
  19. [Affiliation]iRoaki:mirror soul and warlord's power i think
  20. [Notice]【Bie】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  21. [Affiliation](xWolfz):i got cabaji in bar recruit and i dont have gold -.-
  22. [Affiliation]Cocaine:ok thx bro
  23. [Affiliation]Levi:Yeah I lost. Redueled after I repositioned.
  24. [Affiliation]Levi:Doc Q hit over 30k
  25. [Affiliation]MasterYI:levi how miuch does yo** pet heals?
  26. [Affiliation]iRoaki:doc Q can hit up ti 92k levi
  27. [Affiliation]iRoaki:46k x 2 = his damage
  28. [Affiliation]Levi:Ah, now I see.
  29. [Affiliation]iRoaki:i need T1 for doc Q :))
  30. [Affiliation]iRoaki:hahah
  31. [Affiliation]Levi:And my pet heals 2k hp.
  32. [Affiliation]iRoaki:so i can take off 1 crew at the very start
  33. [Affiliation]Levi:It's level 33 chou cuz I horde all the xp cards. lol
  34. [Affiliation]iRoaki:life chain is so hard on me
  35. [Affiliation]Imythedral:So don't place youR prot or tanker in front of doc q hahah:3
  36. [Affiliation]iRoaki:wahahhaha lol imy
  37. [Affiliation]iRoaki:any crew can be taken away by doc Q
  38. [Affiliation]iRoaki:or healed if unlucky
  39. [Affiliation]Imythedral:It will die 2nd t**n hahaha
  40. [Affiliation]iRoaki:::P
  41. [Affiliation]iRoaki:my position now is used at cricket's place
  42. [Affiliation]Imythedral:Liar, youR doc Q's int is prolly 1200 now thats like 90%
  43. [Affiliation]Imythedral:damage skill now than heal
  44. [Affiliation]Imythedral:hahhahaha :3
  45. [Affiliation]iRoaki:i got 1404
  46. [Affiliation]iRoaki:>_<
  47. [Affiliation]iRoaki:he needs S hit
  48. [Affiliation]iRoaki:when he was in TG set
  49. [Affiliation]iRoaki:he does we;;
  50. [Affiliation]iRoaki:he does well
  51. [Affiliation]Imythedral:damn.. D:
  52. [Affiliation]iRoaki:1.4k int ond doc Q makes 60-70% hit damage
  53. [Affiliation]Imythedral:all doc q need is to level now -_-;
  54. [Affiliation]iRoaki:said by wiki
  55. [World]sohaimen:【sohaimen】
  56. [Affiliation]iRoaki:yeah until lvl 80
  57. [Affiliation]iRoaki:i guess ill use SG on him
  58. [Affiliation]Levi:Doc Q isn't that bad imo.
  59. [Affiliation]Levi:Just don't put him as tank.
  60. [Affiliation]Imythedral:ah same as anyone else, need 2k int to proc 100% skill
  61. [Affiliation](xWolfz):iRoaki yesterday i duel you , killed my prot healed ace 2x
  62. [Affiliation]iRoaki:wooot im taking time to rebuild :P
  63. [Affiliation](xWolfz):you can never s**vive a to**nament with doc q =p
  64. [Affiliation]iRoaki:i know :)
  65. [Affiliation]iRoaki:but i can clear quest with him :)
  66. [Notice]【iRoaki】 upgraded 【Wind God Cloak】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  67. [World]Alí:hey how is ti possible to get yo** characters same or lil
  68. [Notice]【NovaDSurge】 upgraded 【Wind God Cloak】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  69. [Affiliation]Imythedral:
  70. [Affiliation]Imythedral:sh!t got real
  71. [Affiliation]iRoaki:i like levi's lafitte >_<
  72. [Affiliation]iRoaki:his lafitte is cool
  73. [World]NovaDSurge:【NovaDS**ge】
  74. [Affiliation]MasterYI:
  75. [Affiliation]MasterYI:my luck today
  76. [Affiliation]Levi:lol I agree with the commenter.
  77. [Affiliation](xWolfz):lol
  78. [Affiliation]Levi:My super call was just cricket the other day. :/
  79. [Affiliation](xWolfz):super call must be used if all a are done first
  80. [Affiliation]Levi:And Master is still lucky to actually get all those
  81. [Affiliation]Levi:SS crews before getting A ranks.
  82. [Affiliation](xWolfz):not really it has to be like that
  83. [World]Usopp:【Enel】
  84. [Affiliation]MasterYI:dude **e preaching to the choir
  85. [World]ishan:i used super call up and i only got rank A
  86. [Affiliation]MasterYI:s20 is not my main acc, this is
  87. [Affiliation]ishan:i used super call up and i only got rank A
  88. [World]NewgateRan:【NewgateRan】
  89. [Affiliation](xWolfz):what about me luck in 80 bar
  90. [Affiliation](xWolfz):i got only ss crews no s or a LOL
  91. [Affiliation]ishan:this game sucks!!
  92. [Affiliation]MasterYI:and if u saw the description, i didnt use 500g i got
  93. [Affiliation]MasterYI:from top up 200g
  94. [Affiliation](xWolfz):free super call up is ok
  95. [Affiliation]Maurauder:Just spent 2 Mill trying to get a new crew member got Kohza.
  96. [Affiliation](xWolfz):dont ever spend gold on advance/super call ups
  97. [Affiliation]Levi:Well you guys are lucky.
  98. [Affiliation]Levi:A's were always the first thing I got.
  99. [Affiliation]bunny:i got ss crew in free tries i get enel
  100. [World]NaldNess:ok3
  101. [Affiliation]Maurauder:Is Kohza good?
  102. [Affiliation]Levi:Good for logbook, yes.
  103. [Affiliation]MasterYI:i'll never use gold to super
  104. [Affiliation]MasterYI:i got 3 free advance every day so its ok
  105. [Affiliation](xWolfz):i need cabaji for logbok lol
  106. [Affiliation]Maurauder:How so?
  107. [Affiliation](xWolfz):i got him but use 2 flip and he not show
  108. [Affiliation]bunny:what lvl ** vip?
  109. [Affiliation]MasterYI:and today i got, jango, morgan, mohji, bala all with low cal
  110. [Affiliation]MasterYI:and at 1 flip
  111. [Affiliation]MasterYI:jango at 2nd
  112. [Affiliation]MasterYI:20g its nothing
  113. [Affiliation]Zerhawk:what are the chances i get an orange character in east blue?
  114. [Affiliation]bunny:my lvl30 character get all A and s crew in bar
  115. [Affiliation](xWolfz):well yea , but i spend 120 gold every day
  116. [Affiliation]MasterYI:when i reach lvl100 or 2400 fame, whatever comes 1 i make
  117. [Affiliation](xWolfz):for ab fame and harbor tax
  118. [Affiliation]MasterYI:another video to show my luck... ;D
  119. [Affiliation]Zerhawk:0,0000000000001? cause i have spent like 30 millons and noth
  120. [Affiliation]KeaSha07:lvl 96 i defeated?? what kind of that MasterYI
  121. [Affiliation]MasterYI:if i reach 2400 fame im gonna get a lame one like aug**...
  122. [Affiliation]MasterYI:dude i have s weak team
  123. [Affiliation]MasterYI:im 96 and not even a single SS
  124. [Affiliation]MasterYI:i have 4 in s20 and im 80
  125. [Affiliation]Xavega:i get 2400 fame tonight... hoping for something good
  126. [Affiliation]bunny:where can i get fame?
  127. [Affiliation](xWolfz):4k fame here xD
  128. [Affiliation]MasterYI:all blue bar
  129. [Affiliation]MasterYI:spining the dice
  130. [Affiliation]Levi:Imma save my fame for Ab2.
  131. [Notice]【USOP'N】 upgraded 【Thunder God Blade: Lightning】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  132. [Affiliation]Maurauder:You might be a while for AB2 bro
  133. [Affiliation]Levi:So is getting 4800 fame...
  134. [Affiliation]Xavega:yarr i am also considering that
  135. [Affiliation]Levi:Level ups take 3-4 days for me.
  136. [Notice]【Usopp】 upgraded 【Thunder God Helm】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  137. [Affiliation]Levi:So level 100 would take about a month.
  138. [Affiliation]Levi:And 4800 fame a lot longer if I don't spend gold.
  139. [Affiliation]Maurauder:True you got me there Levi
  140. [Affiliation]MasterYI:i almost have the 1 page of my logbook filled
  141. [Affiliation]MasterYI:only need Gin
  142. [Affiliation]MasterYI:got 32 crews, 33 with prota... ;D
  143. [Affiliation]Usopp:HAHA LoL
  144. [Affiliation]Maurauder:DAMN! I only got 16... Far to behind... :(
  145. [Affiliation]MasterYI:i got a,ot today and yesterday
  146. [Affiliation]MasterYI:ciz ive been spending silver to get all A crews
  147. [Notice]【ishan】 upgraded 【Thunder God Armor】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  148. [Affiliation]MasterYI:only need kozha to finish
  149. [Affiliation](xWolfz):50 more gold and i get cabaji x.x
  150. [Affiliation]Maurauder:Just got Kozha today after covene 3 mill
  151. [Affiliation]Maurauder:and 100 gold
  152. [Affiliation]MasterYI:i got a bunch today and all i spent was like 1mil and 40g
  153. [Affiliation]bunny:what lvl r u guys
  154. [Affiliation]Maurauder:Lucky!!!
  155. [Affiliation]MasterYI:if only i had some serious luck and got Gin on low call i
  156. [Affiliation]MasterYI:had 1 page complete
  157. [Affiliation]MasterYI:**w, where's Satori's page?
  158. [Affiliation]bunny:in 4 page
  159. [Affiliation]MasterYI:4th? a lvl15 bar grade S on 4th? lol
  160. [Affiliation]ShirahoshI:haaa need 7 GB more to 1000 gold
  161. [Notice]【Luh】 upgraded 【Wind God Staff: Clairvoyance】to 10 stars,Congrats!
  162. [Notice]【D.Silvers.s18】 upgraded 【Thunder God Cloak】to 15 stars,Congrats!
  163. [Notice]Weera just received a [SS] Kashu Shard! Congratulations!
  164. [World]TripSs:【Edward England】
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