Guest User


a guest
Jun 28th, 2011
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text 2.32 KB | None | 0 0
  1. keymaps | boot
  2. acpid | default
  3. sysctl | boot
  4. bootmisc | boot
  5. root | boot
  6. local | nonetwork default
  7. dbus | default
  8. numlock | default
  9. devfs | sysinit
  10. savecache | shutdown
  11. fsck | boot
  12. urandom | boot
  13. consolefont | boot
  14. consolekit | default
  15. killprocs | shutdown
  16. alsasound | default
  17. modules | boot
  18. hwclock | boot
  19. udev | sysinit
  20. localmount | boot
  21. NetworkManager | default
  22. netmount | default
  23. mtab | boot
  24. udev-postmount | default
  25. net.lo | boot
  26. cupsd | default
  27. dmesg | sysinit
  28. swap | boot
  29. esound | default
  30. procfs | boot
  31. hostname | boot
  32. termencoding | boot
  33. mount-ro | shutdown
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