
Ioitri Vïse?

May 4th, 2017
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  1. Eschaton
  2. Pneumatophony - n. So-called spirit-speaking; the supposed production of articulate sounds, resembling the human voice or speech, and conveying intelligence, by disembodied spirits.
  3. Oneirodynia
  4. flamen
  5. vizard
  6. excogitate
  7. Lethiferous - adj. lethal
  8. Synteresis
  9. Rogalian - of or pertaining to a great fire
  10. Ichthyomorphic - having the shape or some other feature of a fish.
  11. Eidolism - belief in ghosts
  12. Autolatry - worship of oneself
  13. Vernalagnia - a romantic mood brought on by spring
  14. Naumachia
  15. Polyommatous - having many eyes
  16. Moloch
  17. Eidolon
  18. Fefnicute - a sneaky, two-faced hypocrite
  19. Sophrosyne
  20. Rosicler - dawn pink, rosy tint of dawn
  21. Erythrism
  22. Selcouth - Strange, unusual, rare; unfamiliar; marvellous, wondrous.
  23. Luciform - of, relating to, or having the characteristics of light : luminous.
  24. Concupiscence
  25. Infensus - lat. angered
  26. Impetrate
  27. Oneirataxia - the inability to differentiate between dreams and reality.
  28. Concilliabule - secret plans, a plot made behind closed doors.
  29. Psychomanteum
  30. Cernunnos
  31. Frondescence
  32. Somnifugous - Driving away sleep.
  33. Immorigerous - rude; uncivil; disobedient
  34. Flambeau
  35. Nenuphar
  36. Cervicorn - branching like antlers; bearing antlers
  37. Pyrrhotism - the condition or characteristic of having red hair.
  38. Noölogy
  39. Malneirophrenia - a state of depression following a nightmare.
  40. Atollent - lifting up/raising
  41. Oneironaut
  42. Agnize
  43. Michiru - to be full/full, fulfill, satisfy
  44. Tripudiation - the act of dancing
  45. Mystagogue
  46. Atrabilious
  47. Verloren - lost, missing/doomed, forlorn
  48. thalassic
  49. teratoid - of, resembling, or being a teratoma
  50. cryptonym
  51. Crotalus
  52. Conspue - to spurn with contempt as if by spitting upon.
  53. Creancer - a guardian or tutor.
  54. Veritaphobia
  55. Equanimity
  56. Abnegation
  57. Nescience
  58. Vulnus - lat. wound.
  59. Delitescent - lying hidden : obfuscated, latent.
  60. Preponderant
  61. Enmity
  62. Pyrolatry
  63. Carceral
  64. Neoblastic - relating to or constituting new growth.
  65. Energumen
  66. Hexenritt - witch step
  67. Alethiology
  68. Predacean - a carnivorous animal.
  69. Tinnitus
  70. Affray
  71. Oneiromancy
  72. Discommode
  73. Fideism
  74. Preliator - lat. fighter
  75. Percuriosus - lat. very inquisitive
  76. Vinolency - drunkenness
  77. Plutomania - excessive or abnormal desire for wealth.
  78. Illudere - to create an illusion.
  79. Voltaic - relating to electricity produced by chemical action in a battery; galvanic.
  80. Interfector - killer, murderer, slayer/destroyer.
  81. Ultion - revenge; vengeance; retaliation.
  82. Ramage - living in the branches of trees, wild.
  83. Maumet
  84. Ensiform
  85. Silvicolous - living in or inhabiting woodlands.
  86. Proelium - lat. a battle.
  87. Finnimbrun - A trifle, trinket or knick-knack.
  88. Anomie
  89. Vamoose
  90. Patibulary - of, relating to, or suggesting the gallows or hanging.
  91. Rencounter
  92. Rebarbative
  93. Aleger - Gay; cheerful; sprightly.
  94. Redolence
  95. Scelestic - evil; wicked; atrocious.
  96. Nyctophilia - a preference for the night or darkness.
  97. Epicedium
  98. Quiddity
  99. Venatrix/Venator - hunter.
  100. Astriferous - Bearing stars.
  101. Transept
  102. Psychosophy
  103. Sovenance - remembrance.
  104. Virago
  105. Eudaimonia
  106. Latibule - a safe, hidden-away place.
  107. Nemophilist - One who is fond of forests or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods.
  108. Anthesis
  109. Monody
  110. Ariose - characterized by melody—distinguished from recitative.
  111. Oblatrate - to bark or snarl, as a dog.
  112. Venefic - poisonous; pertaining to poison or poisoning.
  113. Epithymetic - characterized by desire.
  114. Theomancy - a form of divination involving divinely inspired oracles or others inspired by God; a form of divination involving the responses of oracles or other soothsayers.
  115. Bewray - to reveal or disclose; betray.
  116. Tsuris
  117. Perscitus - lat. very clever, exceedingly sharp.
  118. Recalcitrance
  119. Agateophobia - fear of insanity, or going insane.
  120. Tragedienne
  121. Bacchanalia
  122. Vaudoux - voodoo (pl).
  123. Averno - hell.
  124. Cervidae
  126. cribriform
  127. cruciform
  128. cubiform
  129. deiform
  130. agenesis
  131. anamorphosis
  132. anaphoresis
  133. asepsis
  134. atelectasis
  135. pyrolysis
  136. xanthosis
  137. xerosis
  138. craton
  139. cerumen
  140. albumen
  141. tephramancy
  142. eponym
  143. metonym
  145. logolepsy - an extreme fascination with words
  146. pachynsis - thickening
  147. polyaemia - plethora
  148. pomiferous - bearing apples
  149. pornocracy - government by harlots
  150. porosis - knitting together of broken bones
  151. procellous - stormy
  152. pysmatic - questioning, interrogatory
  153. pyrophorus - substance that spontaneously combusts
  154. pyrexia - fever
  155. pyx
  156. pyxis
  157. ichorous
  158. ichorescent - becoming ichorous
  159. ichneumous - parasitical
  160. ichnogram - footprint
  161. ideopraxist - one who is impelled to carry out an idea
  162. ignipotent - presiding over fire
  163. ignivomous - vomiting or spitting forth fire
  164. ignescent - capable of emitting sparks
  165. inferiae - offerings to the spirits of the dead
  166. infaust - unlucky, ill-omened
  167. expiate
  168. induviae - withered leaves which persist on plants
  170. aa - Basaltic lava forming very rough, jagged masses with a light frothy texture.
  171. adscititious - additional
  172. absquatulate - to leave somewhere abruptly
  173. argute - shrewd
  174. cacoethes - an irresistible urge to do something inadvisable
  175. canorous - melodious or resonant
  176. chiliad - a group of a thousand things; a millennium
  177. omphalos - the center or hub of something
  178. tellurian - of or inhabiting the earth
  179. pyknic
  180. pollex - the thumb
  181. prosopagnosia - inability to recognize the faces of familiar people, often as a result of brain damage
  182. paraph - a flourish after a signature
  183. operose - involving or displaying significant effort
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