
TSW 15 (Part 1)

Jun 11th, 2016
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  1. [18:11] IcePickLobotomy Time: 10:12am.
  2. [18:12] -->| Reagan (chatzilla@6D368B7.A8C60A9D.465BBD23.IP) has joined #TSWIC
  3. [18:12] IcePickLobotomy Following the directions Alex gave you brings you to a small storage shed behind a auto-parts store in the lower levels. The door is closed, but he forwarned you about that and said to simply knock.
  4. [18:16] Kasra raps sharply.
  5. [18:16] IcePickLobotomy The area is dingy, a thin film of dirt and dust coating the underground passageway. The scent of motor oil and rust lingers in the air, the grinding of machines mixes with the rumbling of cars overhead.
  6. [18:17] JohnH quietly says "I love this smell. Reminds me of home"
  7. [18:17] Kasra "What, the smell of dirt?
  8. [18:18] =-= Pale_Wolf is now known as Arina
  9. [18:18] Arina "I think it's the oil, actually?"
  10. [18:18] Reagan "So does that mean you were raised in a pig pen or a junk yard, Mr. Hunter?"
  11. [18:18] Arina humhums, looking around.
  12. [18:19] |<-- JohnH has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  13. [18:19] -->| JohnH ( has joined #TSWIC
  14. [18:19] IcePickLobotomy The door opens, music from the radio leaks outside, the scent of smoke with it. A girl wearing a tank-top and a vest with torn jeans, her hair a pink-Mohawk, answers the door. "Who's it?" She looks you all over, eyes settling over Arina "Ah, so you actually showed up, and brought the whole class at that."
  15. [18:20] RobinE "Hi!" Lana waves to the door lady.
  16. [18:20] Arina chuckles. "A few more were interested than I expected."
  17. [18:21] Arina "Not too crowded, I hope?"
  18. [18:22] JohnH "All eager, at least"
  19. [18:24] IcePickLobotomy "Nah, not today. Come on in." She invite you inside. The storage shed is roomier than you would imagine, though still cramped. A thick cloud of smoke hangs in the air idly being stirred by a lone fan. A large table dominates the center of the room, then entire space taken by several sheets of paper that make up a hand drawn map. Junk-food, beer, and soda line the shelves in various states of...
  20. [18:24] IcePickLobotomy ...consumption, and a rather racy calendar showing a blonde leaning on a red mustang hangs prominently on the wall opposite of you. Alex and another boy are leaned over the map, speaking to eachother in hushed tones.
  21. [18:26] Arina waves a hand slightly to clear some air and nods to the others. "Hello."
  22. [18:26] Kasra "Quite the operation you've got running here."
  23. [18:26] Reagan pulls a pack of cigarettes out of her jacket and puts one between her teeth.
  24. [18:28] IcePickLobotomy "Hey," Alex looks over and nods "So, we met but I'm Alex in case you forgot, this guy is Jack." He gestures to his friend, tall with blonde hair. Jack holds out a hand at Reagan "Hey, toss me a fag will yah?" He has a strong Brooklyn accent.
  25. [18:29] Reagan raises her eyebrows and takes out a second one, stepping over to place it in his hand.
  26. [18:29] Arina "So, this is our first time here, what do we need to know?"
  27. [18:29] Kasra "Oh, I'd like a fag too, if you wouldn't mind."
  28. [18:30] Reagan sighs. "It's a cigarette, honey."
  29. [18:30] JohnH raises an eyebrow at Kasra
  30. [18:30] JohnH "Didn't know you smoked..."
  31. [18:30] Kasra "Oh, uh...he said...?"
  32. [18:30] JohnH "Do you know what a fag is?"
  33. [18:31] Reagan "That's 'cause he's Northern." She offers Kasra her pack.
  34. [18:31] Kasra "Bundle of sticks, homosexual or in this case, a cigarette based on context."
  35. [18:31] IcePickLobotomy He lights it with a well practiced motion "So, we were just going over some stuff we found a few days ago." Alex says "So, few things. I had you come early for that exact reason, we've got some spare backpacks with water and such stowed for you guys. Normally we'll break off into teams of three and explore at our own pace, but seeing as it's your first time me and Sally will go with you guys...
  36. [18:31] IcePickLobotomy one big ggroup."
  37. [18:31] Kasra " were just using the other definition weren't you John?"
  38. [18:31] JohnH "This time, I was not"
  39. [18:31] Arina nods to Alex. "All right, then. Thank you."
  40. [18:32] Reagan "...Wait now how long're we s'posed to be in these tunnels?'
  41. [18:32] RobinE "Cool, an exploring party." Lana hops in place excited.
  42. [18:32] IcePickLobotomy "I don't feel like baby-sitting anyone." Jack interjects. The girl sighs, "Jack, don't be a dick, besides you're leading Mike and Veronica to the south side like you've /wanted/ to for the last 3 weeks, so stop being a bitch."
  43. [18:33] Arina "Sounds like a day trip, Reagan."
  44. [18:33] JohnH 's eyebrows raise in surprise at her comment
  45. [18:33] JohnH (at Alex's comment)
  46. [18:34] IcePickLobotomy "I don't plan on us staying more than about 8 hours at most. If we're not back within 12 hours my sister will let the authorities know." He gestures to the map "She knows our planned area of exploration to narrow the search. The last battle opened up a few tunnels that were sealed off, and I think that'd be a good start."
  47. [18:34] IcePickLobotomy "Oh, and that's Sally." He makes a small gesture to the girl, who's found a seat on a mostly empty milk-crate.
  48. [18:35] RobinE "Hi Sally!" Lana gives her a wave.
  49. [18:36] Arina hums, peering at the map. "So how much undercity 0x1dis0x1d there?"
  50. [18:37] JohnH "More than before, now that we had our way with it" John chuckles
  51. [18:37] IcePickLobotomy "That's one of our long term goals actually." He looks over at Sally and Jack.
  52. [18:38] IcePickLobotomy Arina: The map is huge, and there's at least 3 layers of paper. You're not sure how they've managed to orginize it but it's heavily marked up in symbols, notes, and different color of inks. Based on the uppermost layer (from what you can tell) the undercity spans the breadth and width of the city, and appears to go down quite far.
  53. [18:38] Arina chuckles. "Well, how much does there 0x1dseem0x1d to be? Did they just develop the place so fast they left chunks in it that everyone forgot about?"
  54. [18:40] IcePickLobotomy "A lot. Way more than they like to admit I think." He points to a large block of the map that's been crossed out "That appears to be a section of the base proper, but the tunnels seem to go all over the place. Most of it isn't even secured by METI, hell looks like they ignore a pretty good chunk of it outside of where it goes into their base."
  55. [18:42] Kasra "Well, not every rat den is worth securing I suppose."
  56. [18:44] Arina nods. "I've seen some 0x1dold0x1d tunnels down there, I honestly didn't think Gibraltar was this much of a warren before the plague, but some of the bunker construction is far too old."
  57. [18:44] IcePickLobotomy "Pretty much. So, few things to keep in mind, we're not the only people down there, and it's best to keep away from anyone you meet, they tend to be the sort who don't like other people." He taps a few sections marked out by symbols "Like here? That's the Sicilian Mafia, don't mess with them. There's other hazards as well, I'll let you guys know what to be on the look out for."
  58. [18:44] Arina raises an eyebrow. "We'll keep that in mind, thank you."
  59. [18:44] IcePickLobotomy "Not to overstate the danger, but this isn't safe, you can get hurt or even killed down here, though the worst we've had are broken bones. If you stay smart, listen to me, and keep on your eyes open the chances of serious injury are pretty low."
  60. [18:45] Arina nods.
  61. [18:45] JohnH "Do you guys have any formal training for this sort of stuff or is it all on the job experience?"
  62. [18:45] RobinE Lana nods, "got it."
  63. [18:46] IcePickLobotomy They all shake their head. "No," Alex says "But I've been doing this for 3 years now, and my father would take me out hiking and camping as often as he could."
  64. [18:47] Arina purses her lips, nodding. "... Good preparation, I suppose."
  65. [18:47] IcePickLobotomy "So, any more questions or shall we get started?"
  66. [18:47] JohnH "We won't get anywhere by standing and talking, so let's get to it"
  67. [18:48] RobinE "Yeah!" Lana sounds excited.
  68. [18:48] |<-- NapsCya has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  69. [18:49] IcePickLobotomy ---------
  70. [18:52] IcePickLobotomy The full group is almost 10 people not including yourselves. They break into 2 groups of 4, leaving Sally and Alex with you. They've gone their own way, heading to alternate access points. Each of you have been given a backpack, filled with tools (Crowbars, multitools, first aide-kits, 3 days of water and snacks) "And here we are," Sally gestures to a nondescript metal door in one of the...
  71. [18:52] IcePickLobotomy ...corridors of the lower level. "If you want to back out, this is the last chance."
  72. [18:52] -->| scya ( has joined #TSWIC
  73. [18:53] =-= scya is now known as Mary
  74. [18:53] Reagan lights another cigarette.
  75. [18:54] Arina shakes her head. "No, I'm in."
  76. [18:54] RobinE "We got this."
  77. [18:55] Kasra "No, no. You've piqued my curiosity."
  78. [19:08] IcePickLobotomy "Ok. Make sure you have a light source in easy reach." Alex gestures to the 3 chem-lights attached to his vest, and the large maglight hanging off his hip.
  79. [19:09] Arina nods, pulling a similar array out of her bag and outfitting appropriately. "Makes sense, thank you."
  80. [19:09] Mary nods unsure, and then looks down on her light, and the two replacement lamps.
  81. [19:10] IcePickLobotomy "Right, Sally? Be dear please." The girl nods and tests the door. "Not locked, but stuck." She says before giving it a solid kick. The sound echoes down the corridor. She kicks it again. "No dice, still stuck." Alex nods and steps up "Count of three. 1, 2, 3." They kick it together this time, the door finally swing open with a rusty scream.
  82. [19:11] Kasra "Well, that's a pleasant noise."
  83. [19:11] RobinE Lana cringes at the rusty scream.
  84. [19:13] IcePickLobotomy It reveals a dull concrete corridor, a few lights flicker from the ceiling as a bare wire runs along. Patches of intense darkness linger where the lights have died, and it appears to go on some distance.
  85. [19:13] Arina rubs her ears slightly.
  86. [19:14] Kasra "John? Did the military train you to battle ghosts and other undead?"
  87. [19:14] IcePickLobotomy "I'll go first. Sally, take up the rear." He heads into the corridor.
  88. [19:14] JohnH "Werewolves, regular wolves, and the occasional mummy. That's all I'm certified to kill"
  89. [19:15] IcePickLobotomy "No vampires? Sally calls "What sort of half-baked shit-show did they train you for?" Her voice echoes down the hallway
  90. [19:15] Arina "Were we expecting ghosts here?"
  91. [19:15] Mary "What about zombies ?"
  92. [19:16] Reagan sighs. "Ya'll ain't helpin my nerves with this load a' bull."
  93. [19:16] Kasra "Don't worry, I took the basic course, I'm certified, just follow my lead."
  94. [19:17] Arina "Ah, that should be helpful, thank you."
  95. [19:17] JohnH "I'm sure the process is similar, I could probably take a vampire"
  96. [19:17] IcePickLobotomy "Honestly who can say> We have seen some very strange and creepy things down here." Alex pauses at a intersection before taking the left, marking it with chalk. "So, always mark you're pathway with a arrow so that you can backtrack. That's what the chalk is for. Each group uses their own color in case we cross paths."
  97. [19:18] Reagan "Cute."
  98. [19:18] Mary Reagan: "Hey, remember you are at least dying as the second one, because I am dying first , and if you can resist smoching with john, which should not be too hard, the problem of sex as early killer is not present."
  99. [19:18] Kasra points to John. "In case you've never read a fable, always mark your return path."
  100. [19:19] Arina nods to Alex, looking around as she follows.
  101. [19:20] Reagan "I...what?" She turns to Mary, bewildered.
  102. [19:20] Kasra "And nobody say anything like "don't worry, it was just the wind."
  103. [19:20] |<-- JohnH has left (Quit: JohnH)
  104. [19:20] -->| WE1RD ( has joined #TSWIC
  105. [19:20] Arina "Er... I think she's referring to the 'black person dies first' in American horror movies?"
  106. [19:21] IcePickLobotomy "Only the virgin lives, so I'm kinda fucked." Sally says.
  107. [19:21] Reagan looks perturbed. "...I can't say I'm familiar."
  108. [19:22] Mary "That is what I meant Arina."
  109. [19:22] Arina "... I'm Soviet, how am I more familiar with American horror movies than you are?"
  110. [19:23] WE1RD "You're a pop star. Isn't that your job?"
  111. [19:23] Kasra "Not everyone watches a lot of movies, Arina."
  112. [19:23] Arina chuckles. "Fair enough, I suppose."
  113. [19:23] Reagan sucks on her cigarette.
  114. [19:24] Mary "And well, some people do not think about it because it is never raised as a issue around them."
  115. [19:25] IcePickLobotomy "So, as I said, the battle damage knocked open some tunnels that were sealed off." He gestures to a blue marking on the wall "We should be there shortly."
  116. [19:25] Arina nods. "You found them open recently, then?"
  117. [19:25] Mary looks somewhat unsure, and then slurches a bit over to Reagan " Could I have one, when you get the next one out?"
  118. [19:26] IcePickLobotomy "Yeah, I ran into them two days after the last attack." He turns a corner "Just over here in fact."
  119. [19:27] Arina turns after him.
  120. [19:27] RobinE "This is so spooky." Lana gazes around as she follows.
  121. [19:27] Kasra offers Mary his.
  122. [19:27] Reagan blinks rapidly at Mary, and then holds out her pack,:
  123. [19:28] IcePickLobotomy The corridor has widened here, and the ground is covered in a layer of broken wall. The lights are out in this section. "Look here," he gestures to a cleared patch of rubble "See that seem there? Mans this wall was built later on, to cover up this entrance." He shines his light down the split, a steep sloping concrete tunnel running down into the dark.
  124. [19:28] IcePickLobotomy The air feels colder here, a small breeze blowing down the tunnel.
  125. [19:29] Arina nods, turning her own flashlight on and down there. "I see..."
  126. [19:29] =-= WE1RD is now known as JohnH
  127. [19:29] Mary "Thanks..."
  128. [19:29] Mary smiles at her and then takes one out.
  129. [19:29] Kasra "Interesting. Oh, and Robin, I guess...Mary needs a light?"
  130. [19:29] IcePickLobotomy "We have no idea what's down there, untouched virgin ground." He smiles "Unlike our dear Sally here." "Asshole."
  131. [19:30] Arina "Well, that's one way to put it."
  132. [19:30] Reagan "Tell him honey."
  133. [19:31] Reagan holds her lighter up to Mary and lights it.
  134. [19:31] Mary stares into the flame and takes a deep drag to get it going on.
  135. [19:31] Mary "Well, remember male virginity does not protect you there..."
  136. [19:32] Kasra "Well! How about these ruins?"
  137. [19:32] RobinE "Oh sorry, I don't have Robin's lighter Kasra."
  138. [19:32] Arina coughs. "Right, let's get downstairs and worry about that some other time."
  139. [19:32] IcePickLobotomy "Ruins eh? One way to phrase it I suppose." Sally says before urging you after Alex.
  140. [19:33] RobinE "Onward and Forward!"
  141. [19:33] Mary "Never split the party, "
  142. [19:33] Arina nods, moving up behind Alex, shining her flashlight about carefully.
  143. [19:34] Kasra "That's alright, Lana. Thought you would for some reason. And Sally, how would you phrase it?"
  144. [19:34] IcePickLobotomy [ ] The tunnel is dark, the concrete faded and cracked. Water drips from a few leaky pipes that rattle and groan. "Funny really, METI claims they built this, but the concrete here is older than the city on top so far as I can tell. Makes a guy wonder."
  145. [19:35] IcePickLobotomy "And then there was that shine too Alex."
  146. [19:35] IcePickLobotomy *shrine
  147. [19:35] RobinE "oOOo, a shrine?"
  148. [19:36] Arina raises an eyebrow. "Shrine? And yes, there was a bunker built like it was World War 2 down there."
  149. [19:37] Kasra "Lana, do you wanna see it? I kind of do."
  150. [19:37] IcePickLobotomy "Yeah, don't fuckin' remind me." Arina, you hear him mutter a prayer in Russian. "We ran into this shrine. It was creepy. Old section of the tunnels," His maglight flickers a moment, he smacks it and it stops "We found a section made of stone and brick. There was this little shrine, a wicker effigy of a woman in a mask."
  151. [19:38] RobinE "Oh my gosh. I wanna see it!"
  152. [19:38] IcePickLobotomy Sally speaks next "There was a sort of offering tray before her, and it had congealed blood in it. We ran the hell out. Damn thing is? We went back and couldn't find it."
  153. [19:38] IcePickLobotomy "So no, we ain't going back there, even if we could find it."
  154. [19:38] JohnH "That's a shame. I totally want to see it"
  155. [19:38] RobinE "Aww, ok."
  156. [19:38] Arina "Huh. That is odd... I suppose the shrine was still in use and someone took it back?"
  157. [19:39] Mary whispers to Reagan "And here we see them trying to scare the new ones as hazing.
  158. [19:39] Arina looks around as they progress down the tunnel.
  159. [19:40] IcePickLobotomy "We didn't stick around to find out. There's other stuff too, Jack went out one night and came back. He hide in his room for 3 weeks, never spoke of what happened. Other's have seen ghosts or shadow people in some areas, heard voices. Sort of thing if we're not sure if it's real or just the darkness getting to their head."
  160. [19:40] IcePickLobotomy Arina: The concrete is growing more and more old, the pipes more rusted.
  161. [19:40] RobinE "was there a name or anything," Lana's curiosity is piqued.
  162. [19:40] Kasra "Here's a hint; ghosts aren't real."
  163. [19:41] Reagan whispers back, "They're plum scarin' /me/ for christ's sakes..."
  164. [19:41] IcePickLobotomy "We get a lot of people wanting to do this. Not many stick around."
  165. [19:41] Arina shrugs. "Neither are alien monsters. We live in a time of discovery."
  166. [19:42] Kasra "Those are two very different things."
  167. [19:42] RobinE "Don't worry Reagan, we're fiiiine."
  168. [19:42] RobinE "huh?
  169. [19:43] RobinE "Anyone hear that?"
  170. [19:43] Mary whispers "We have more to fear from gravity and getting lost , or running into criminals. " and then she gets even more low in her voice to make sure that even reagan has a slight trouble hearing her so that no one else does. "Or level 13s radius hit them and gave out hallucinations."
  171. [19:43] Reagan gives Lana a strong look.
  172. [19:43] JohnH "I didn't hear anything"
  173. [19:44] Mary "I did not hear anything
  174. [19:44] IcePickLobotomy "Nothing." "Nope."
  175. [19:44] RobinE "No, but... listen."
  176. [19:45] Arina blinks, shaking her head and listening more intently.
  177. [19:46] Kasra "I don't think so. Perhaps it's Reagana and Mary's ghosts."
  178. [19:46] Reagan lightly slaps Kasra's arm. "Not you too!"
  179. [19:47] RobinE Lana continues down, "It's down more."
  180. [19:47] IcePickLobotomy Arina: You're not sure. You hear something coming from further down the tunnel, but too distant to make anything distinct out
  181. [19:47] Mary "Hey I never said there are ghosts around."
  182. [19:49] Arina hums, aiming her flashlight farther down. "I hear it, sounds like something's moving down there?"
  183. [19:50] RobinE "It sounds, familiar," she sounds fixated on whatever it is.
  184. [19:51] IcePickLobotomy Something catches in the beam. Reflective tape, flapping in the breeze. As you draw closer you can see it's a large heavily rusted bulk-head door that's partially open. The reflective tape is tattered and worn.
  185. [19:51] Reagan "Ya'll heard wind."
  186. [19:51] Arina raises an eyebrow, moving ahead. "Probably, or the rustling from the tape."
  187. [19:52] Kasra moves closer to Lana.
  188. [19:53] Mary shivers for a moment and nearly jumps up" Uh, did anyone remember to add in a walki talki that works down here in case of a cave in or so?"
  189. [19:54] JohnH shudders for a moment and shakes his head
  190. [19:54] Kasra "John, you okay?"
  191. [19:55] Arina blinks, glancing at John with a little concern.
  192. [19:55] JohnH "Yeah, I'm good." John sounds confident
  193. [19:56] RobinE "No, but... It sounded like her," Lana looks around as if searching for something.
  194. [19:56] Kasra "...who?"
  195. [19:56] JohnH "uhh, nobody" John didn't realize you weren't talking to him
  196. [19:57] RobinE She looks at Kasra lost," I... I don't know."
  197. [19:57] IcePickLobotomy Alex steps through the gap. ". . . You guys may want to see this."
  198. [19:58] Reagan "Jesus."
  199. [19:58] Arina steps through after him, frowning. "See what?"
  200. [19:59] JohnH john snaps back into focus, almost as if nothing had happened, interested at the prospect of finding something cool
  201. [19:59] Kasra advances through cautiously.
  202. [19:59] IcePickLobotomy When you do, the concrete has stopped, replaced by a dull yellow-brown stone, roughly carved into a tunnel. The rotted remains of a wooden door litter the ground, revealing a spiraling staircase descending down a deep chamber.
  203. [20:00] Arina whistles. "Forget World War 2, this looks medieval..."
  204. [20:00] RobinE "down..." Lana whispers. looking at the stairs.
  205. [20:00] Mary "Maybe something like Catacombs, like the one, in france?"
  206. [20:00] IcePickLobotomy There is a gap running down the center of the stairwell. Alex takes a chemlight and crack it, dropping it down the hole. It falls as he counts under his breathe. "1, 2, 3, 4." The light hits something and bounces before coming to a stop. "Probably about 500 meters down to the ground there."
  207. [20:00] Kasra "Ever seen something like this down here?"
  208. [20:01] IcePickLobotomy "Remind me of that shrine, but that was just a small chamber, maybe 3 meters by 5. Not. . like this."
  209. [20:01] IcePickLobotomy Sally shakes her head as she says ths
  210. [20:02] RobinE "Well, I gotta know what's down there." Lana goes for the stairs.
  211. [20:02] JohnH "I'm in!"
  212. [20:02] IcePickLobotomy Alex blocks you. "No, I go first."
  213. [20:02] Kasra "It's what we're here for. Shall we proceed, or come back some other time?" Kasra makes a quicl grab for Lana's arm
  214. [20:03] RobinE "Let's go then." Lana seems anxious.
  215. [20:03] IcePickLobotomy "If there's a hazard I'm the one most able to deal with it." He glances to Sally. She frowns "Alex, I don't know about this." He nods "Yeah, but I think this may be what we've been looking for this whole time." She sighs "Yeah, lead on fearless leader."
  216. [20:04] Mary "Do we want to secure each other with a rope here in case of a drop or the stone giving way?"
  217. [20:05] Kasra "Wait, what do you mean the thing you've been looking for?"
  218. [20:06] IcePickLobotomy "Saw how old that concrete is? We want to know how old this place is, who /really/ built it. Cuz it sure as hell ain't METI."
  219. [20:07] JohnH "Looks like some viking age construction"
  220. [20:07] |<-- Reagan has left (Ping timeout: 124 seconds)
  221. [20:07] IcePickLobotomy "No, stay about. . . a good 10 to 20 meters behind me though in case I cause a collapse." He looks over the stone work "But it's pretty solid looking, carved straight out of the rock here."
  222. [20:08] Arina "It's definitely 0x1dold0x1d..."
  223. [20:08] Arina nods, trailing after him and using her flashlight to look carefully at everything.
  224. [20:09] RobinE Lana follows with Arina.
  225. [20:09] Arina "Well, Gibraltar has been occupied for a long time, though 0x1dwhere0x1d the construction is seems to get odd..."
  226. [20:09] Kasra is busier keeping an eye on everyone else.
  227. [20:09] -->| Reagan (chatzilla@6D368B7.A8C60A9D.465BBD23.IP) has joined #TSWIC
  228. [20:09] Mary "Well , it does not look moorish in design, so it might be pre medivial, for example christian, or pagans using it to hide from the others. but I am not an expert there.."
  229. [20:10] JohnH "Well lets go down and find out"
  230. [20:10] Reagan whistles.
  231. [20:10] IcePickLobotomy Arina: You notice something carved into the wall. A symbol of some sort, looking like a shield, or perhaps a slightly elongated heart. There's something carved within the symbol, but age has taken its toll and can no longer distinguished from the rock.
  232. [20:10] Arina hums, nodding. "Or... maybe pre-Roman?"
  233. [20:11] Arina peers at the symbol on the wall. "Hm."
  234. [20:11] Arina "Symbol here, familiar to anyone?"
  235. [20:13] JohnH "It looks familiar, yeah. I've seen it somewhere before."
  236. [20:15] IcePickLobotomy "Same here, but I don't remember where." Sally adds
  237. [20:15] RobinE "Don't really recognize it."
  238. [20:16] Kasra "Neither do I. John? Can't narrow it down any further?"
  239. [20:17] Arina "It's... probably a heart, shields in the time this had to have been built weren't shaped like that, right?"
  240. [20:17] JohnH "Yeah, it looks a little like that one symbol"
  241. [20:18] |<-- Reagan has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  242. [20:18] JohnH "The one for those warriors. They were trying to get into that castle shaped like a skull. The stormcats or whatever they were"
  243. [20:18] JohnH gives Kasra a sarcastic look
  244. [20:19] Kasra "What? Should I know about Stormcats?"
  245. [20:19] Mary hmhm..
  246. [20:19] Kasra "I'm not that much of a history buff."
  247. [20:19] JohnH "You know what, nevermind. I don't recognize it"
  248. [20:20] Kasra "Are you upset with me, John?"
  249. [20:21] JohnH "Not upset, just have to remember that you probably didn't see the same things I did growing up"
  250. [20:23] Arina hums. "I should have brought a camera..."
  251. [20:24] IcePickLobotomy "I need to add that to the list of things to bring. . " Sally mumbles
  252. [20:24] Mary "It isn't neither of these, look at the shape it is to flat at top, it, I think it is a mask, like one from the greek tragedys."
  253. [20:25] Arina "Definitely... need to remember this location, then... ah, I see... hm, that would fit with the shrine he mentioned?"
  254. [20:25] IcePickLobotomy Sally blinks. "Yeah, actually, it's the same shape as the mask there too, I think."
  255. [20:26] Arina hums.
  256. [20:32] IcePickLobotomy You move on, Alex still taking the lead. The steps are tall and steep as you quickly descend further into the dark. 500 meters is a fair distance to trek, and by the time your reach the bottom, little more than a round chamber with a large door big enough for 4 to walk abreast through, you are starting to feel the burn. The door isn't open, it's littered across the tunnel, shattered and...
  257. [20:32] IcePickLobotomy ...broken shards of wood.
  258. [20:33] Arina whistles. "Wonder what happened here..."
  259. [20:35] RobinE Lana starts walking toward the door, "There it is again."
  260. [20:35] Kasra "What's it sound like?"
  261. [20:35] Arina hums, perking up her ears.
  262. [20:36] RobinE "its... kind of sad... but it's her."
  263. [20:36] Arina "Who?"
  264. [20:37] Kasra "You don't mean Robin, do you?"
  265. [20:37] RobinE "I don't know." she continues to the door.
  266. [20:38] Kasra sticks close to Robin and hooks his hand into his pocket.
  267. [20:38] IcePickLobotomy RobinE: The light reveals a vast expansive chamber. You flick it to the right, revealing what appears to be a apartment, 5 stories in height, carved into the rocket. Doors and windows, most with their doors and shutters open or destroyed.
  268. [20:39] JohnH shakes his head, as if trying to get something out of his hair
  269. [20:40] Arina whistles, shining her light around. "This is quite the underground complex, especially considering how old it is..."
  270. [20:40] Kasra clenches his free hand into a fist and glances around wild eyed.
  271. [20:41] RobinE Lana continues into the area, searching for the sound.
  272. [20:41] Arina trails after her. "Hey, slow down, let Aleksei keep the lead."
  273. [20:41] IcePickLobotomy RobinE: You step on something, and it slides out from under your feet, something tinkling as it skips and rolls across the ground
  274. [20:41] Mary "Please. stick together.."
  275. [20:41] Kasra darts forward to examine the object.
  276. [20:41] Mary sounds a bit afraid.
  277. [20:42] RobinE "huh?" Lana also goes for the object.
  278. [20:42] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: A shell casing, glittering bronze. The back reads "5.56mm NATO"
  279. [20:42] Kasra scoops it up, then peers into the darkness.
  280. [20:42] JohnH scowls, looking at the buildings, paying no attention to whatever is being kicked around
  281. [20:42] Kasra "We should go."
  282. [20:43] RobinE "No, I have to find her."
  283. [20:43] Kasra "Lana, this is not a good time. Unless you have some way of knowing if or where she is, we need to leave."
  284. [20:43] Arina "Er... find who?"
  285. [20:44] Mary shivers and then takes a step foreward, to try to hold Lanas wrist.
  286. [20:44] RobinE "I don't know," Lana says as she continues to look.
  287. [20:44] Arina "Let's just keep behind Aleksei, all right?"
  288. [20:44] Arina glances at what Kasra picked up. "What was that, anyway?"
  289. [20:45] Kasra tries to grab Lana as well. "Mary, hold her. Everyone, we should go, now. I don't think we should be here."
  290. [20:46] RobinE Lana struggles, "No stop! I have to find her!"
  291. [20:47] IcePickLobotomy "Look, everyone, calm down here. Kasra, let her go. Lana, stop alright? We need to sort this out here."
  292. [20:47] Mary slightly turns her head, as if she is listening to something and tries to hear something a bit clearer.
  293. [20:47] Arina lays a hand on Lana's shoulder. "Hey, calm, we can look but let's be careful about it, okay?"
  294. [20:48] Kasra "No, okay? This is not the time or the place to be looking, you're not helping. And keep moving those lights around!"
  295. [20:49] JohnH "We're fine. There's nothing here"
  296. [20:49] RobinE "We can't leave. It's so sad. I have to find it."
  297. [20:49] Kasra jolts sharply and gets a thousand yard stare. After a second he releases Lana. "N-nevermind. Lana, I think we really should keep going."
  298. [20:49] JohnH "It's definitely not a /safe/ place, but nothing will get us here."
  299. [20:51] Arina glances at Kasra. "... What changed your mind suddenly?"
  300. [20:52] Kasra "Nothing, I...well, you wanted to go looking anyways right? C'mon Lana, let's go."
  301. [20:53] RobinE "alright, yeah."
  302. [20:53] Kasra taps Lana on the shoulder and begins scanning left and right with his light. "Lead on."
  303. [20:54] Mary "I...does anyone else here sounds?"
  304. [20:54] Mary (here hears the sounds)
  305. [20:54] Arina shakes her head. "Nothing..."
  306. [20:55] RobinE Lana heads out, following something.
  307. [20:55] IcePickLobotomy You make your way further down the wide street, soon coming to a large building carved into the rocket. It's lined with statues long faded into featureless figures. The air is warm here, a gentle breeze shifting through the open doorway, carrying a sweet scent.
  308. [20:56] Arina [Rock, not rocket]
  309. [20:56] Arina [Again]
  310. [20:57] Mary sniffles a bit as the odour reaches her. and she moves her head askew a if she is still listening to something.
  311. [20:57] Arina sniffs. "... Where's the breeze coming from, anyway? We're most of a kilometer underground..."
  312. [20:58] IcePickLobotomy [Derp}
  313. [20:58] JohnH "That's gotta be at least half a mile for us US folks"
  314. [20:58] Mary "Well, the air here was fresh enough, so it might be a updraft or a shaft elsewhere. "
  315. [21:01] IcePickLobotomy "Alex, I really think we should go back."
  316. [21:01] Kasra "Lana, c'mon, let's go!" Kasra begins to double time it towards the doorway.
  317. [21:01] IcePickLobotomy Alex glances back "Too late." He follows after them
  318. [21:02] RobinE "I'm coming." Lana walks behind, listening carefully.
  319. [21:02] JohnH distractedly follows
  320. [21:02] Mary "Wait ..."
  321. [21:02] Arina blinks, hurrying after them. "Hey, stick together..."
  322. [21:03] IcePickLobotomy The stone inside the Temple is smooth, polished even. Your footsteps echo easily. You quickly make your way into a central chamber, at the far wall is a pool, about waist heigh.
  323. [21:03] Mary is cleary not as enthusiastic as the others and looks a bit vary, and then nods at Arina and John who are curently the calmer ones.
  324. [21:03] JohnH John is very obviously distracted by something
  325. [21:04] Kasra slows his pace, but proceeds over to the pool.
  326. [21:04] IcePickLobotomy Overlooking the pool is a statue carved into out of the wall. It's of a woman, nude. She's leaning forward, over it. The detail is painstaking, you can see the individual strands of hair dangling down her head. She is wearing a mask, shaped somewhat like a heart, the same shape that you saw on the wall, with 7 eyes carved into it in 2 collums, one of 3 and one of 4.
  327. [21:06] Arina whistles. "0x1dReally0x1d should have brought a camera..."
  328. [21:06] RobinE "Woah, that's fancy."
  329. [21:07] JohnH stares at the statue, drinking in the details
  330. [21:07] Arina looks up at it, shaking her head. "Quite spectacular, yes..."
  331. [21:07] Kasra "I know this statue, but I can't recall who it is..."
  332. [21:13] RobinE "Wait... its her." Lana points at the statue.
  333. [21:13] Kasra "Who?"
  334. [21:14] Arina "The, uh, person you've been hearing...?"
  335. [21:14] RobinE "Yeah, but... where is the Priestess?"
  336. [21:18] Arina glances at Lana. "... Dead for the past two thousand years? This place isn't exactly modern."
  337. [21:27] Mary "That is a monumental find.."
  338. [21:41] IcePickLobotomy Arina steps forward, approaching the pool.
  339. [21:44] Mary "Uh, I would not bath in there, we don't know what is in there."
  340. [21:47] Kasra suddenly jolts as though he'd heard his name and lunges forward, grabbing Arina, attempting to pull her away from the water and place himself between her and it.
  341. [21:48] Mary also stretches herself wide, and tries to hold the young russian back by grabbing her wrist.
  342. [21:48] Arina blinks at Kasra, frowning up at him slightly. "~Menya muchayet zhazdha...~" Her voice sounds distant, vaguely singsong, and entirely in Russian, though she's not exactly struggling hard.
  343. [21:49] IcePickLobotomy Sally blinks and collapses to her knees shaking her head. Alex stumbles and vomits to the side. "Wha. . What the fuck?! What's going on here?"
  344. [21:49] Kasra "Nobody near the pool, this is wrong, she shouldn't be-we have to leave, this was a bad ide."
  345. [21:51] Arina "~No menya muchayet zhazdha...~" She moves a bit more towards the pool, which doesn't work very well with Kasra hanging onto her.
  346. [21:51] IcePickLobotomy In the light you can see the water for what it is. It's not water.
  347. [21:51] IcePickLobotomy It's blood.
  348. [21:53] Arina blinks, shaking her head slightly as she sees the 'water' more clearly. "Ya... chto...?"
  349. [21:54] RobinE "NO. I NEED MORE DIRECTION!" Lana falls to her knees, punching the ground.
  350. [21:54] JohnH shakes his head again, seeing a bit more clearly and darts forward to also grab Arina
  351. [21:55] IcePickLobotomy Alex is on all fours, half sobbing and muttering to himself in russian.
  352. [21:55] Kasra "John, get Arina out of her. Alex, Sally, can you walk? Mary see if you can get them moving. Lana, we have to go, come on."
  353. [21:55] Arina shakes her head, reaching into her pack. "I'm... fine... can I get something...?"
  354. [21:55] IcePickLobotomy Sally nods. "I. . I. . yeah, I think so. I'll get Alex." She hoists him onto his feet. "Come on, we need to go."
  355. [21:56] Mary "its, its most likely gass or so" Lets move her,John Move Arina, Kasra, help sally and Alex, Lana. Come on dear, we have to get moving."
  356. [21:56] RobinE After a couple of colorful words Lana gets up, "fine lets go."
  357. [21:56] IcePickLobotomy That's when you hear a gurgle from the pool.
  358. [21:56] Kasra "Move!"
  359. [21:56] IcePickLobotomy Static plays across your vision, crackling in your ears
  360. [21:56] Arina "Ooooor later." She moves with a good bit more alacrity outward.
  361. [21:56] RobinE Lana begins running.
  362. [21:57] Kasra turns attempting to face the pool and retrieve something from his pocket as he backs up.
  363. [21:58] IcePickLobotomy Kasra: You hear a wet slap and see something, a hand covered in blood, reach up from the pool.
  364. [22:01] Kasra spins on his heel after a look of revulsion at the side of the pool. "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE, MOVE!" As he begins a headlong flight, he grabs Arina pulling her along.
  365. [22:01] Arina "... Waiting for you but that seems wise!"
  366. [22:01] IcePickLobotomy Arina Kasra: You catch a glimpse of something pulling itself out of the pool, utterly covered in blood
  367. [22:01] Arina ruuuuuuuuns.
  368. [22:01] IcePickLobotomy And then it's gone as your lights turn to aid your flight
  369. [22:02] Kasra "Lily can yo-"
  370. [22:03] Mary tries to drag the others, even if she is not the fastest there
  371. [22:04] Arina is moving with great swiftness to catch up to the more cowardly of the group.
  372. [22:07] Mary is pushing the others onwards, especialyl as they are now finally moving on there own and surpassing her.
  373. [22:08] JohnH is running beside Arina, making sure she's not going to get left behind
  374. [22:08] IcePickLobotomy --------
  375. [22:12] IcePickLobotomy The trip back takes much less time, aided by the terror. No one feels like saying anything on the way back, and upon returning to the lounge-shed, Alex obtains a bottle of vodka and several glasses. Her pours himself a healthy measure and offers the same to the rest of you wordlessly.
  376. [22:12] RobinE Lana gladly takes some vodka.
  377. [22:13] Arina takes the glass, staring into space and knocking some of it back.
  378. [22:14] Mary looks at it and then downs it.
  379. [22:14] JohnH refuses the shot, asserting himself, and grabs the bottle
  380. [22:15] IcePickLobotomy Alex yanks it out of your way. "I got 2 bottles. Don't get greedy."
  381. [22:16] IcePickLobotomy Sally leans against the wall, knees drawn to her chest as she hugs herself. "
  382. [22:16] IcePickLobotomy "What was that. What the fuck was all of that?!"
  383. [22:16] Kasra "Are you all okay? I reccomend a chekup at the base, and I'm heading there now
  384. [22:16] JohnH "Then get me something bigger than this shitty little glass"
  385. [22:16] Arina "I... that was... I don't even know..."
  386. [22:17] RobinE Lana silently stares into her empty vodka glass.
  387. [22:17] Mary shivers silently
  388. [22:18] Arina knocks back the rest of her vodka. "..."
  389. [22:18] Kasra "Okay, listen, I have to get back to base /now/ and I /really/ think you should all come with to get checked out."
  390. [22:19] Arina "I... why...?"
  391. [22:19] Arina frowns up at Kasra.
  392. [22:21] Kasra splutters and opens his mouth once before actually managing to speak. "Y-you all saw that, and I think we all saw something else. METI needs to hear about this!"
  393. [22:22] Mary "Because , well either was was real and well.. or it was not real and we where hit with some gass from underground, like that time as the laboratory on level 13 had a mishap with gas and they needed to evacuate them."
  394. [22:22] Arina frowns. "... Assuming we didn't hallucinate it entirely, why do you think METI is going to know how to handle ancient Iberian zombies, or even believe anything about it?"
  395. [22:23] RobinE "I'll see them later," she gets some more vodka, " but not now."
  396. [22:24] IcePickLobotomy Alex pauses "Wait, you're saying that that was /their/ fault?!"
  397. [22:24] Kasra "N-no, not our /fault/ this just might be something we need to know about!"
  398. [22:25] Mary "And no, Meti wasn't talking about a invasion from zombies but something more harmless as it happend to them "
  399. [22:26] IcePickLobotomy "I-I-I, fuck I don't even want to know anymore."
  400. [22:26] JohnH "One of our squadmates, if not more, nearly died tonight. At the very least we need to talk to METI, regardless of how many of us do it."
  401. [22:26] IcePickLobotomy Sally nods "Tell them whatever, just please don't bring us up. We just want to forget this ever happened."
  402. [22:26] Arina rubs her temples. "Kasra why would METI believe a thing about what just happened here?"
  403. [22:27] Mary "Sally, you at least need to get yourself checked out by a doctor."
  404. [22:27] Kasra "Listen! You /need/ to come with us! She's awake, and I don't know if're safe..."
  405. [22:28] Arina "Who."
  406. [22:28] RobinE Lana's head snaps to Kasra, "yeah who is she?"
  407. [22:28] Kasra shakes his head. "Please, I..."
  408. [22:29] Kasra "J-just...fine, just someone stay with Sally and Alex for a while okay, I need to get back to base."
  409. [22:29] RobinE "I'll stay with them,"
  410. [22:29] JohnH "Don't go alone."
  411. [22:29] Arina stands up. "Who, Kasra?"
  412. [22:30] Kasra "I don't know yet! I-John! Are you coming with me?"
  413. [22:31] Arina "You want me to head back to get tested by Vernbeck - who I'll remind you almost got at least one of us killed the last time he did a test on us - on vague mutterings and you won't tell me?"
  414. [22:32] Kasra is heading for the door. "John?"
  415. [22:32] JohnH "Ye- err, well.." John pauses "Perhaps someone else should go with you"
  416. [22:32] Mary "Okay, Kasra, clearly has hit his head there and was just hit as bad as you Arina, so maybe he is also still a bit shaken."
  417. [22:33] Kasra "Exactly! And I wish I could tell you more, but Vernbeck and the rest of METI have a much better chance of piecing this together than just us! We won't figure it out sitting here drinking vodka!"
  418. [22:34] Arina looks like she bit into something sour as she follows Kasra. "If you want privacy we can talk on the way, but I'm not accepting deflections."
  419. [22:34] IcePickLobotomy Alex pours more drinks, seemingly uninterested in contributing.
  420. [22:35] Kasra "Privacy is the last thing we need!"
  421. [22:35] JohnH "Well maybe I should go with you, then"
  422. [22:37] Kasra "You all should! But at least this way nobody is alone. Mary, Lana, stay with those two, okay?"
  423. [22:38] RobinE "Yup."
  424. [22:39] -->| JohnH1 ( has joined #TSWIC
  425. [22:39] |<-- JohnH1 has left (Quit: JohnH1)
  426. [22:39] -->| WE1RD ( has joined #TSWIC
  427. [22:39] =-= WE1RD is now known as JohnH1
  428. [22:40] Arina just stalks out the door, waiting for Kasra.
  429. [22:40] Mary nods "Take care , while we hold down the fort here.
  430. [22:40] |<-- JohnH has left (Ping timeout: 125 seconds)
  431. [22:40] =-= JohnH1 is now known as JohnH
  432. [22:42] Kasra is very clearly anxious to be gone
  433. [22:42] IcePickLobotomy Sally glances to Alex. "We should get going, I think. . I think we need some time to ourselves here, and let you guys do your thing."
  434. [22:43] RobinE "You guys gonna be ok?"
  435. [22:43] RobinE "We can walk you home or something?"
  436. [22:43] IcePickLobotomy "I live above the shop, we'll be fine."
  437. [22:44] Mary "Yes, I, fell bad if well one of you us running around alone. "
  438. [22:44] IcePickLobotomy Sally shakees her head. "I'll stay for dinner at leat."
  439. [22:44] RobinE "Alright then, Thanks for the vodka Alex."
  440. [22:45] Kasra "Okay, but don't be alone, okay?"
  441. [22:46] RobinE "go on Kasra, We'll make sure no one splits up."
  442. [22:46] Arina is tapping her foot waiting outside the door.
  443. [22:47] JohnH is waiting with Arina
  444. [22:47] IcePickLobotomy Sally and Alex pass Arina by with a wave "Uhh, not sure if we'll do this again, but. . . yeah." They slip out of sight into the shop.
  445. [22:47] Kasra starts the group moving back towards the base
  446. [22:48] Arina nods. "... Good night. Or... well, better night."
  447. [22:48] JohnH remains silent
  448. [22:49] Arina follows after Kasra and the moment they're clear of listeners, double-times to get ahead of him and presses a finger against his chest. "Who."
  449. [22:50] Kasra "I don't know, yet okay?" His response is tinged with the exasperation of someone who had been hoping he wouldn't be asked again.
  450. [22:50] Arina "Who is 'awake'?"
  451. [22:50] JohnH is confused on who to back
  452. [22:50] Mary nods at lana, and then offers her a hand.
  453. [22:50] Arina "Who is 'Lily'?"
  454. [22:50] IcePickLobotomy It feels wrong, stepping into the afternoon sunlight. You feel as though it should be darker out.
  455. [22:50] Mary "Come on, let us get going."
  456. [22:50] Kasra "Let's make a deal. You explain everything you saw and make it make sense to /me/ and I'll do the same f-"
  457. [22:51] Kasra At the mention of that name, Kasra looks a lot worse off than the time you actually struck him.
  458. [22:51] Kasra lowers his head and attempts to keep moving forward.
  459. [22:51] RobinE "Yeah," Lana sets her shot glass on the table and gets up, "Lets go Mary."
  460. [22:52] Arina shrugs, getting out of his way. "All right, then, Kasra. You've made your choice, so that's how we play this."
  461. [22:52] Arina walks off in another direction entirely.
  462. [22:52] Kasra "I-okay, wait, hang on!"
  463. [22:53] Arina stops, looking back over her shoulder. "Yes?"
  464. [22:53] JohnH is distraught, seeing the two people argue
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