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Nov 24th, 2015
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  1. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Mark
  2. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): what did you do to the mumble
  3. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Mark
  4. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): WHYYY
  5. Mark447: Blame yourselves
  6. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I did nothing
  7. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): what
  8. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): All i have is the webms
  9. Mark447: not you
  10. Mark447: the clique, the discord is better
  11. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): ehhh debatable
  12. Mark447: even then
  13. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): not everyone in the discord talks
  14. Mark447: it's a bit odd to have two things
  15. Mark447: I stuck with discord since it's more user friendly and SA isn't trying to get up my ass every five minutes
  16. Mark447: yes I know legitimate people use the mumble
  17. Mark447: however, there's too much drama surrounding it
  18. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): JustL doesn't even fuck with you anymore
  19. Mark447: I don't believe you
  20. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): He just observes and sees other people on /v/ do it
  21. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): He has told me
  22. Mark447: He's known to be full of shit
  23. Mark447: are you full of shit?
  24. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Idk Mark,
  25. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): JustL is pretty honest man
  26. Mark447: he's lied about many things
  27. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): He has
  28. Mark447: either way
  29. Mark447: move to the discord
  30. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): but in the mumble he has told us he doesn't post on meta monday's anymore
  31. Mark447: he's
  32. Mark447: full
  33. Mark447: of
  34. Mark447: shit
  35. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i'll try but there is people who play video games in the mumble man
  36. Mark447: tell them to join the discord
  37. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I can't give up my fun vidya time
  38. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): they dont like it
  39. Mark447: then make a new sever
  40. Mark447: I made it for /v/
  41. Mark447: but like
  42. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): It was good for /v/
  43. Mark447: yes
  44. Mark447: and the discord is better
  45. Mark447: I know you guys want a mumble
  46. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i guess
  47. Mark447: but fucking hell I'm going through some personal shit
  48. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): We understand
  49. Mark447: the last thing I need right now is JustL lying about shit
  50. Mark447: my apologies
  51. Mark447: but
  52. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): but you cant use that anger on people who dindu nuffins
  53. Mark447: you're right
  54. Mark447: but there's too much drama on the mumble
  55. Mark447: my mom has cancer
  56. Mark447: my life is going to hell
  57. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): well then man, i dont know what to tell you then
  58. Mark447: if you wanna blame anyone, blame JustL for fucking with me
  59. Mark447: I took it down because of all of the drama
  60. Mark447: I love /v/
  61. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): JustL quit doing that, he just wants to play video games
  62. Mark447: I wanna see it be the best that can be
  63. Mark447: but, I can't deal with his shit
  64. Mark447: and I don't wanna ban him either
  65. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): but you're punishing people on /v/ and on the mumble who just disagree with you because you make poor decisions at times
  66. Mark447: no, just the mumbler
  67. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): you take out your anger on others and that isn't right
  68. Mark447: /v/ has the discord
  69. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): people on /v/ still go to the mumble to wonder why they're banned believe it or not
  70. Mark447: of course they do
  71. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): you just assume everyone who is a jerk is either a goon
  72. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): or justl
  73. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): which is bad
  74. Mark447: no
  75. Mark447: there are legitimate users
  76. Mark447: however, I don't believe for a fucking second that JustL din do nuffin
  77. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): he did
  78. Mark447: I've had people tell me shit he's said behind my back
  79. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): but the key word is did man
  80. Mark447: I don't believe you
  81. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I never heard him say anything for at least 2 months
  82. Mark447: I don't believe you
  83. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): well then thats your belief
  84. Mark447: JustL went anal for months
  85. Mark447: no
  86. Mark447: it's a fucking fact
  87. Mark447: he's went anal for months and now you expect me to believe HE DIN DO NUFFIN
  88. Mark447: hell the SS13 general said he's part of SA
  89. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I mean i guess
  90. Mark447: do you take me for some kind of fool?
  91. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): JustL hates goons man
  92. Mark447: He IS a goon
  93. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): How??
  94. Mark447: SS13 knows more about it then I do
  95. Mark447: regardless
  96. Mark447: the guy has fucked with me
  97. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): theres no proof for the ss13 thing
  98. Mark447: on months on end
  99. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): the admins were paranoid
  100. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): that i can confirm
  101. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): they banned me for saying the admin liked winnie the pooh
  102. Mark447: I'll ask em myself
  103. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): make sure you ask Doubleplus
  104. Mark447: bullshit
  105. Mark447: I'll ask the thread itself
  106. Mark447: I don't trust you
  107. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): okay thats the admin that banned me
  108. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): but okay
  109. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): well he was an admin that was when i was banned
  110. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): they removed it
  111. Mark447: they removed it
  112. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): doesn't change the fact i was banned
  113. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): for saying he liked winnie the pooh
  114. Mark447: it was a mistake
  115. Mark447: those things happen
  116. Mark447: and honestly
  117. Mark447: you were unbanned
  118. Mark447: even if he was intentionally fucking with you, you still got unbanned at the end of the day
  119. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): wasn't the end of the day
  120. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i was banned for at least a week
  121. Mark447: but are you unbanned now?
  122. Mark447: yes the time is extreme
  123. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): yes, but he still banned me for saying he like winnie the pooh
  124. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): WINNIE THE POOH
  125. Mark447: how many times were you saying it
  126. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): WINNIE THE FUCKING POOH.
  127. Mark447: where you spamming it?
  128. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): It was spam but he said he was laughing but he banned me because i was saying he was admin abusing
  129. Mark447: it was spam
  130. Mark447: exactly
  131. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): yeah you shouldn't use admin abilities to murder someone
  132. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): thats admin abuse
  133. Mark447: you were spamming
  134. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): he didnt even warn me, he just started murdering me using admin powers
  135. Mark447: he was right to ban you
  136. Mark447: should've been 3 days
  137. Mark447: but that doesn't change the fact that you spammed him
  138. Mark447: and so what?
  139. Mark447: it's a video game
  140. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i mean i guess, but he is also at fault for taking someone out of the round
  141. Mark447: yes
  142. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): and /v/ is about video games
  143. Mark447: yes I know
  144. Mark447: but
  145. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): you're getting mad at people on a board
  146. Mark447: no
  147. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): an anonymous image board
  148. Mark447: I'm getting mad at you
  149. Mark447: for lying to me
  150. Mark447: and extorting the truth
  151. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Lying?
  152. Mark447: yes
  153. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I was banned
  154. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I didn't lie
  155. Mark447: you tried to make it as admin abuse, but you said yourself you were banned
  156. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): It is admin abuse
  157. Mark447: YOU WERE SPAMMING
  158. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I have the ability as captain to make announcements
  159. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Spamming or not, I have the ability
  160. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): you can't kill the captain
  161. Mark447: yes, and you were still spamming with it
  162. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): using admin abilities
  163. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i had the privilege to
  164. Mark447: you abused your captains abilities
  165. Mark447: and you're blaming this guy because you can't handle the fact that you fucked up
  166. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): well abusing privileges doesn't exactly equate to admin abuse
  167. Mark447: okay then
  168. Mark447: captain abuse
  169. Mark447: you were still spamming
  170. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): its still admin abuse
  171. Mark447: and you still spammed him
  172. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): which is worse then abusing privileges
  173. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): than*
  174. Mark447: it's not admin abuse if you fucked things up
  175. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Spamming doesnt effect the game
  176. Mark447: no, but it's still annying as hell
  177. Mark447: so you spammed this server and won't let it go
  178. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): No i let it go
  179. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): its just hilarious
  180. Mark447: "hilarious'?
  181. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): a memory i kept
  182. Mark447: get the fuck out of my sight
  183. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): what
  184. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): what it was hilarious
  185. Mark447: no
  186. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): yes
  187. Mark447: you think you can try to exploit me
  188. Mark447: it's so hilarious irght?
  189. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): What?
  190. Mark447: spamming the board
  191. Mark447: and shit
  192. Mark447: make a new server
  193. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I never spammed /v/
  194. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I NEVER SPAMMED /v/
  195. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): NEVER
  196. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): that I KNOW
  197. Mark447: you're so full of shit
  198. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): if there is multiple posts i made on /v/ fast
  199. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): it was webm threads
  200. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): never I have spammed /v/
  201. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): where is the evidence?
  202. Mark447: you told me everything I needed to know
  203. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I spammed a game, that doesn't really mean I am a board spammer
  204. Mark447: you spammed the SS13 server
  205. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): That doesnt equate to spamming /v/
  206. Mark447: and you've said so many things that fall in that line
  207. Mark447: you wouldn't let go of the ban
  208. Mark447: and you made excuses
  209. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I let it go
  210. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i think its hilarious
  211. Mark447: bullshit, then why bring it up?
  212. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): because its hilarious
  213. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Aren't you the guy that said its okay for spammers to mess with the mumble?
  214. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): wow. Isn't there a little bit of hypocrisy there
  215. Mark447: I don't care about the mumble
  216. Mark447: I care about /v/
  217. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): you allow if it fits to your tastes
  218. Mark447: fuck the mumble
  219. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Mark thats not what a board owner should think
  220. Mark447: oh nice
  221. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): and here i thought you were a good guy
  222. Mark447: next you'll say I'm abusing my powers
  223. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I dont know about that
  224. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): but there are archives
  225. Mark447: uh huh
  226. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): where you did ban people for ban evading when they were exactly
  227. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): weren't*
  228. Mark447: I see, so you're one of those faggots
  229. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Well
  230. Mark447: oh and now you bring up the archives
  231. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i never been banned from /v/
  232. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): sooo
  233. Mark447: bullshit
  234. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I haven't
  235. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I am serious
  236. Mark447: no you'
  237. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): you've never banned me
  238. Mark447: no you're not
  239. Mark447: I don't believe you for a second
  240. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Want me to make a post in a thread
  241. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): so you can check?
  242. Mark447: no
  243. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I never been banned
  244. Mark447: anyone can reset an IP
  245. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I dont reset
  246. Mark447: and I can't check how many times I banned a person
  247. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i only reset if port forwarding for servers for /v/
  248. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): on video games
  249. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): other then that
  250. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I have never been banned
  251. Mark447: oh you're such a victim aren't you?
  252. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): a victim?
  253. Mark447: yea
  254. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): what are you talking about?
  255. Mark447: fuck son
  256. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): When was I trying to be a victim?
  257. Mark447: your victim complex is killing me
  258. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I mean
  259. Mark447: how the fuck am I even supposed to trust you
  260. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): you have a personality complex it seems too
  261. Mark447: when you've tried to annoy a friend of mine
  262. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): but Im not one to really judge you
  263. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Annoy?
  264. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): LOL spoiling fallout 4?
  265. Mark447: no
  266. Mark447: not that
  267. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): and she gets mad
  268. Mark447: she already knew the spoilers
  269. Mark447: since I told her
  270. Mark447: so you can't use that
  271. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Well i only remember talking to her in the mumble
  272. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): and a couple of times
  273. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): on steam
  274. Mark447: you added her on steam
  275. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i know
  276. Mark447: and then she defriended you for being full of shit
  277. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I only talked to her a couple of times
  278. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): full of shit?
  279. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): she called me a faggot
  280. Mark447: well yeah
  281. Mark447: that sounds right
  282. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): and I told her "resulting to derogatory terms isn't good"
  283. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): and she removed me
  284. Mark447: maybe because you're full of shit
  285. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): How is that annoying her?
  286. Mark447: do me a favor
  287. Mark447: contact me when you want to speak the truth
  288. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): What
  289. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Dude that is the truth
  290. Mark447: no it's not
  291. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): she should've kept logs
  292. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): because thats all i really said that convo
  293. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): that resulting to derogatory terms isnt good
  294. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): and she removed me
  295. Mark447: oh christ, are you gonna at least try being truthful
  296. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): That is the truth
  297. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): are you sure she's being honest with you?
  298. Mark447: yes
  299. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): she told me she's mad all the time
  300. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): so from what it seems
  301. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): She was just angry at the time, i wasn't annoying. She was already mad
  302. Mark447: you're an idiot
  303. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): she doesn't need my help to piss her off
  304. Mark447: she's not mad all the time
  305. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): what?
  306. Mark447: she's depressed all the time
  307. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Well I am just saying what she told me
  308. Mark447: get it right
  309. Mark447: how long are you gonna sit here and lie to me?
  310. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Well how I am supposed to know that, she never talked to me about it.
  311. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): She just removed me when i told her Derogatory terms are bad
  312. Mark447: I bet you're gonna post these logs online as well
  313. Mark447: claim that I'm such a bad guy for removing the mumble
  314. Mark447: bullshit
  315. Mark447: I removed the mumble because discord is better and doesn't cost drybones anything
  316. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): What makes you think this?
  317. Mark447: It would be fine if drybones didn't pay for it
  318. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): No i mean
  319. Mark447: but he pays actual money for you guys and come to raid us
  320. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): posting the logs
  321. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I don't raid
  322. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): soooo
  323. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): that kind of deconstructs your argument.
  324. Mark447: bulshit
  325. Mark447: I don't believe you for a second
  326. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Believe it or not, there are people on the mumble who like you
  327. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): and you punished them
  328. Mark447: tell them to come to discord
  329. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): for no reason
  330. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): They don't like discord
  331. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): thats the problem
  332. Mark447: then tell em to join the /pol/ mumble
  333. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): why?
  334. Mark447: because there's no reason for drybones to be paying money over a place that has a fuckton of drama, and that we don't use
  335. Mark447: the reason we used mumble is for /v/ to enjoy it
  336. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): we don't have drama, sooo.
  337. Mark447: not for SA
  338. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): and people od
  339. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): do*
  340. Mark447: nigga
  341. Mark447: stop lying
  342. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): as far as i know, there is only 1 person in SA
  343. Mark447: you kiss your mother with that mouth
  344. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): in the mumble
  345. Mark447: I already know your game
  346. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): What game?
  347. Mark447: if you wanna talk meta related issues and things with the board then that's great
  348. Mark447: but I can't do it if you're fucking with me
  349. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I am not trying to fuck with you mark
  350. Mark447: dude, you already lied about JustL
  351. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Do you know his IP?
  352. Mark447: no
  353. Mark447: I refuse to dox him
  354. Mark447: and besides
  355. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Im not asking you to
  356. Mark447: I don't have access to IP addresses
  357. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): well then, you don't really have proof of who JustL is then
  358. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): so...
  359. Mark447: I already heard so much about JustL
  360. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): by who?
  361. Mark447: You think I'm gonna tell a rat like you?
  362. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): A rat?
  363. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Like me?
  364. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): What?
  365. Mark447: you expect me to believe you when I've known you've been in the mumble for a while?
  366. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): so what you're just going to be mean to someone because he happens to be friend's with JustL
  367. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): to me*
  368. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): News flash
  369. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Violet is friends with JustL
  370. Mark447: Yes, because I know what kind of person JustL is.
  371. Mark447: dude
  372. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): then by all means you shouldn't really trust violet either am i right?
  373. Mark447: no
  374. Mark447: I trust violet
  375. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): what you're doing is childish and fucked up
  376. Mark447: no
  377. Mark447: what I'm doing is closing the mumble
  378. Mark447: /v/ doesn't even care for it anyway
  379. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): People on /v/ do
  380. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): you can't speak for everyone
  381. Mark447: What does your server have 25 people?
  382. Mark447: tell them to move to discord or join the /pol/ mumble
  383. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Mark, you're over reacting
  384. Mark447: you wanna know why I'm over reacting?
  385. Mark447: it's because you're not telling me the truth
  386. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I guess
  387. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): but thats your beliefs
  388. Mark447: what you're saying doesn't line up with the facts
  389. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I can't really persuade you
  390. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): unless i have tits and vagina
  391. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i guess
  392. Mark447: yes you can, just speak the fucking truth
  393. Mark447: and no
  394. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): But Mark do you know what the truth is?
  395. Mark447: my source isn't a grill
  396. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): how can tell what the truth is and what isn't?
  397. Mark447: I know that what you've said doesn't match line with reality
  398. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Maybe with your perception with reality
  399. Mark447: no
  400. Mark447: actual reality
  401. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): pretty distorted one if you tell me
  402. Mark447: the guy lies about so much shit
  403. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): was that for someone else?
  404. Mark447: no
  405. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): problem is
  406. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): im not lying
  407. Mark447: you already tried to claim admin abuse when you were spamming the SS13 sever
  408. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Yes for a guy who thought it was funny
  409. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): who then banned and claimed in a thread "i didn't care"
  410. Mark447: he clearly didn't
  411. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I mean I guess, I took the guy's word for it
  412. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): but i guess he was lying
  413. Mark447: what's your motive?
  414. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I just want to know
  415. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): why are you punishing people
  416. Mark447: I'm not
  417. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): you kind of are
  418. Mark447: I got rid of the mumbler
  419. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I guess, but people enjoyed it
  420. Mark447: because there wasn't a reason for it
  421. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): like Violet
  422. Mark447: then they can come to the discord
  423. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): a couple days ago she was playing vidya with JustL
  424. Mark447: what game?
  425. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): Dota 2
  426. Mark447: hmm
  427. Mark447: guess I have to apologize
  428. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): wew
  429. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i don't know why you would treat me like that
  430. Mark447: honestly dude
  431. Mark447: we're under attack from what like what 3 different groups?
  432. Mark447: ghazi, intl, foolz
  433. Mark447: sa
  434. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): foolz?
  435. Mark447: ruggaell
  436. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): ooo okay
  437. Mark447: yeah
  438. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i guess
  439. Mark447: and that's not all
  440. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I am pretty sure it isnt
  441. Mark447: I think we might be underattack from a ussian chan as well
  442. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): raids on imageboards aren't surprisng
  443. Mark447: no they're not
  444. Mark447: but it's hard to tell who's full of shit and who's not
  445. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I understand
  446. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I have problems too
  447. Mark447: so yeah my apologies
  448. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): But I try not take out my anger on anyone outside of it
  449. Mark447: I thought you were part of a shill group
  450. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): no, just a user on /v/
  451. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): doing it own thing mainly
  452. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): his*
  453. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): on other times i just lurk because nothing interesting
  454. Mark447: yee
  455. Mark447: but yeah, the reason why I was so angry is because justl's been spamming the board for months
  456. Mark447: I don't expect him to just quit
  457. Mark447: and I still don't believe he did quit
  458. Mark447: however
  459. Mark447: there is some truth to your words
  460. Mark447: that
  461. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): i believe you should deal with the problem directly
  462. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): instead of holding a grudge
  463. Mark447: after he lied about trying to ban waifu threads on /v/
  464. Mark447: I'd rather not
  465. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): you can't keep ignoring it forever man
  466. Mark447: I'm not ignoring it
  467. Mark447: I'm quelling the cancer
  468. Mark447: I understand that users like mumble
  469. Mark447: and I know of an even better mumble
  470. Mark447: want the address?
  471. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): unsheathes katana?
  472. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): im fine
  473. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): I go on the discord sometimes
  474. 格好いい犬 (Stylish Dog): but I go on the mumble most because we play video games and its hilarious when we do
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