
Foals and drugs-(semi grimdark)

Jun 17th, 2016
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  1. >You are blueberry,and you are in the center of ponyville with your coltfriend
  2. >What's different now than normally you ask,well it's not day it's night.
  3. >Not the weird thing you'd think,just foals going out for a movie night,big deal.
  4. >But no,that's not what you and sandstone will be doing today,you are going to do things adults would forbid you to!
  5. >You are going to experiment with drugs!
  6. >What sort of drugs you ask?,well you met a large stallion,coated in dark,you could barely see him,eyes were invisible to you despite being a bat,he must have been using some sort of concealing magic
  7. >He walked up to you and sandstone and offered you something called "mangoin" it's supposed to make you feel like you are in heaven,with mangoes floating all around you
  8. >And best of all he offered it for free! even gave instructions how to use it,said it's gonna be good for sandstone too,that it isn't bat only
  9. >You gladly took it,and kept it hidden from your mom the rest of the day
  10. >And so that brings you here,to the centre,there's nobody around you it's a silent night,only you and sandstone are sitting near the fountain,holding syringes in your hooves
  11. >The stallion claimed you have to dissolve the orange powder then draw it up with a syringe and stick it in your hoof the left one specifically
  12. >So you're going to do just that,it might even work,if it doesn't you've been tricked but that doesn't really matter all that much now.
  13. >"Alright sand,we doin this?"
  14. "If you want blue,i won't be teasing you if you back out now"
  15. >"Hey,he's the one who suggested me to try it anyways"
  16. "Yeah alright,you got the spoon?"
  17. >"Sure do,here you go"
  18. >You hand the spoon over to sandstone and he grasps it with magic levitating it
  19. "Alright,gonna need mangoine,he said we need to dissolve it"
  20. >You give him the bag with orange powder and he puts some on the spoon
  21. "Ok,and now we need water right?"
  22. >"Not sure if he said water before,or after we add powder but it should dissolve either way what could go wrong"
  23. "Yeah,guess you're right it'll do"
  24. >He brings the spoon closer to fountain and an open flame appears under the spoon heating up the powder
  25. >He then adds a small amout of water to the mixture.
  26. >The mixture slowly turns from orange color to amber like,slowly but surely enough it turns into liquid,they didn't lie it is injectable
  27. >Maybe it will be able to make you see mangoes after all.
  28. "Hey blue,this thing looks ready it's evaporating anyways,don't need to lose it eh?"
  29. >"Huh?,sorry got a bit carried away"
  30. >He turns the flame out and carefully levitates the spoon with the drug to the two of you
  31. "Alright,so who's going first me,or you?"
  32. >You are very excited about this,but also scared at the same time what if something goes wrong..
  33. >"I'll do it!,i wanna see mango heaven!"
  34. "Sure,but are you confident you can get the needle in right,you look a bit excited"
  35. >"Well..i guess you can help with being a unicorn and all,alright alright! but just get it over quick!"
  36. >He levitates yours and his syringe out of hooves and slowly submerges the tips into the liquid
  37. >He then draws up the amber colored liquid in both needles,until there is nothing left in the spoon
  38. "Alright,you wanted to go first blue,and first you'll get."
  39. >He inspects the full syringe for any air bubbles,and after finding none he levitates it toward your hoof and points it to a vein
  40. "Ready? Well,you wanted it so here it goes!"
  41. >You only get time to nod before he pushes the tip inside your vein penetrating the fragile skin and fur
  42. >You feel a small burn as the needle enters but after it hits the vein it doesn't really hurt
  43. >He injects the liquid in you it doesn't hurt and at first it doesn't even seem to work
  44. >Turns out you said that way too early,after what seems like seconds it hits you.
  45. >You feel an intensive warmth flush through your entire body,sure enough it's just..indescribale feeling,no one can hurt you. You are completly safe, are in heaven
  46. "Blue how does it feel?"
  47. >You think you hear some noises come through but it's too far away,and you can't stress yourself to look into it more
  48. >No you are just..calm sitting inside the warm fuzzy place that's seemingly nowhere
  49. >There's nobody but you..slowly you work out your enviroment you are in a garden
  50. >It's heavenly,mango trees as far as the eye can see,it's warm,there's no worries,you are safe. And you will never have to worry about life again.
  51. >Suddenly earthquake shakes your heavely peace! On no what could be happening,why is it ending!
  52. >A flash of white light blinds you as you are brought to the real world
  53. >It takes you a few moments to gain grasp of yourself as you slowly open your eyes to the real world
  54. >And then the realisation hits you. You are in hospital!
  55. "Doc' She's awake,her pulse is back to normal the filly is stable"
  56. "How's the colt?"
  57. "He's a little shaken but he'll be alright,we'll get him his girlfriend and he'll be fine."
  58. "Well,good thing she's finally awake but we will keep her over the night,we have no idea how long the drug will stay in her body,or when it's going to get out of her system"
  59. "Good point,let's keep her in then,colt can go he didn't consume drugs,he called just in time too,a little longer and she would have died."
  60. >"I-i would have died?"
  61. "Oh hey there little filly,are you feeling ok?"
  62. >"A-a bit sleepy i guess..but i'm fine,what happened?"
  63. "You injecting a way too high dose of a dangerous drug for a filly like you"
  64. >"I don't remember that.."
  65. "Of course you don't,you took a high dose of psyhoactive drug and you could of died."
  66. "But scolding you won't help at all,i know foals don't listen..i could go on and on and tell you how bad drugs are,but then again so could your mom"
  67. >"Y-you're going to tell me parents? Please don't m-my mom doesn't have to know about this.."
  68. >The nurse looks at you reassuringly
  69. "No,don't worry doctor here and me won't tell anyone,but please could you tell us who gave you the drugs"
  70. >She turns her head away from you and over to doc
  71. "Could you please run some blood tests on her,so we know what she took,she hardly remembers anything. Her last memories are ones of sticking a needle in her hooves!"
  72. "Well her coltfriend was responsible enough to call the amubulance,we're keeping her in over night anyways so you'll have plenty of time to experiment with her"
  73. >She ends up the conversation and turns to you
  74. "Ok little one,so you will be staying with us tonight,you can go home tomorrow"
  75. >"Alright..but can i speak to sandstone"
  76. "Sure,i'll tell him you want to see him"
  77. >The nurse covers you in sheets and you patiently wait for your coltfriend
  78. "Blue!"
  79. >He runs over to you and attempts to hug you but you stop him
  80. >"Hehe,ya silly take it easy,i almost died tonight not fun."
  81. "I'm sorry blue,sorry for ever letting you try it"
  82. >"It's alright,i can't blame you,you did ask me couple of times if i wanted to go through or not"
  83. "Yeah..guess i did"
  84. >"Come on you can hug me now,i'm not sick or's just that i almost died"
  85. >He jumps on the bed and hugs you tightly
  86. >"Ouch..i didn't say that hard.."
  87. "Oh sorry,i'm just happy you're ok blue,i..i don't know what would have happened if you died.."
  88. >"Don't worry about that,but all in all the experience with drug was pretty amazing you know,despite all consequences i was in heaven..if for a short while"
  89. >"But..i'm already in heaven,whenever i'm next to you sandstone..whenever i'm next to you"
  90. >"Come on lie down with me!"
  91. >He gets up from you and crawls into the bed sheets,lying down next to you
  92. >"Cutie."
  93. >You smooch him on face and close your eyes,falling asleep.
  94. "Love you too blue"
  95. >He kisses you on lips and looks at the bright sky outside,waiting for you to fall into deep sleep.
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