
Goodbye Verraad Hello Frostbyte

Apr 13th, 2015
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  1. 20:27 Verraad -Neon was a wonder ful town [haahah, yeah, right] and the like any city, it had sewer systems, but unlike most other city's, this one had more the rats, it had a living blizzard coat, and someone was finally taking care of him-
  2. 20:27 *** Oyuun is now known as Eden_
  3. 20:32 Wells trudges through disgusting green slime, his legs knee deep, his helmet on at all times, his mood, rather not wanting to deal with this shit. "This 'secret' lair better be close."
  4. 20:33 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  5. 20:33 Eden_ wasn't too far behind Wells, not seeming to care about the nastiness of the sewers as his eyes scanned about.
  6. 20:34 Bud walked with Wells, coat buckled tight and mask strapped on. He trudged through the muck like it wasn't even there. "We're close, keep it down."
  7. 20:36 F021 jumps in, not caring about the stench of the sewers. He wears a simple attire of shirt and jeans, with a belt hidden under his shirt. "Gee, not really sure when the last time I visited this place."
  8. 20:37 Wells thinks out loud. "Last I recall being here...we trashed the place....I forgot why."
  9. 20:37 F021 immediately follows Bud and Wells, hoping they will show him what's really up today.
  10. 20:38 Eden_ "I was not on the previous operation. Anything I need to know coming in?"
  11. 20:38 Verraad -deep within the system, what can only be described as a roar echos through out-
  12. 20:39 F021 "Ah, not much, just sta-What the fuck is that?" He stopped speaking to Eden_.
  13. 20:40 Wells "I can't say that's an uncommon occurrence down here, but it sure as hell warrants investigation..."
  14. 20:41 Bud "Yeah, the place is..." he paused for the roar. "That's new, last time it was a fairly open cave with machinery. Sounds like things might have changed so keep aware."
  15. 20:42 Eden_ "I don't like the sound of that"
  16. 20:42 F021 "You bet. These sewers hides a lot of secrets.."
  17. 20:43 Wells trudges on, permafrost was becoming a lot more frequent around the walls. "Sweetie, this kind of stuff puts me to sleep."
  18. 20:44 Bud "Watch your steps, don't slip on any ice now. Any of you believe in God? Because that might be important."
  19. 20:45 F021 takes a sample of the permafrost and plays with it before throwing it back, now embedded to the wall. "Well, looks like I've dressed wrong again. God bless my ass."
  20. 20:46 Eden_ "How would doing so help?" Genuinely curious he raised an eyebrow to Bud as he went along
  21. 20:48 *** Flareburst joined #covenger_rp
  22. 20:49 Bud "Because as far as anybody knows, the thing we're looking for is an actual demonic entity. Faith makes it weak, holy things hurt it."
  23. 20:49 Verraad -as the group traveled deeper, the echo of typing and someone arguing with themself traveled down-
  24. 20:51 F021 "Aw, man, I have a nice emerald cross at home. Real good quality." He sighed as he walks deeper into the maze.
  25. 20:54 F021 "And for that record, I should start praying more often."
  26. 20:56 Wells pulls out a cross and smashes it into his chest
  27. 20:56 Wells "No wishes now. Only faith."
  28. 20:57 Eden_ "I suppose that proves there is God, then" He logs that one for later as he activates his heightened observation, able to pick up on far smaller details of scent, smell, hearing, and sight.
  29. 21:00 Verraad -the floor was ice cold, but they final found him, he was dirty, few holes in him letting the ice cold wind out, but what really caught their attention, wasn't Ver, wasn't the stolen machinery, but the Organ attached to a steam generator, or more fitting, a steam generator attached to the last of the Cancer-verse
  30. 21:00 Verraad -
  31. 21:01 F021 looks at the machine and the blob of flesh attached to it. "The... Hell... Is that freaking thing.. And fuck I'm getting cold."
  32. 21:02 Wells completely ignores the coat and goes to the machine. "Just what the hell would motivate a person to keep this thing alive, in any shape, way or form..."
  33. 21:03 F021 "Wait, Wells, you know what is this abomination?"
  34. 21:03 Verraad "Hmm? oh, hello Wells...GAH"
  35. 21:04 Wells looks at the Verraad. "You're lookin fine as always..."
  36. 21:06 Verraad "D-Did you come alone?"
  37. 21:06 Bud unbuckled his coat and stepped forward. "Verraad, what have you been up to? What's all this now huh? Growing friends? Forget about us already?"
  38. 21:08 Verraad "I-I just, thought I should get some distance, study The Cancerver-wait, we were friends?"
  39. 21:09 F021 stepped forward as well. "Hello, old friend. What have you done in here, in this.... Shithole?"
  40. 21:10 *** Eden_ quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  41. 21:10 Bud got closer with a chuckle. "Why else would we visit eh? Now what's all this you have here. Looks familiar."
  42. 21:11 Verraad "O-oh, yeah, turns out the few cells I kept managed to grow, pretty fast, all it does is sit there, eating energy"
  43. 21:12 Wells goes through whatever files he could find. "Yeah that tends to happen often with Cancer...."
  44. 21:13 F021 prepares for combat, should it ever happen, he reached into his pocket and reveals some tiny stone spheres.
  45. 21:14 Bud stopped inching closer, resting his hand in his side pocket. "Does this thing have any uh, purpose besides looking pretty?"
  46. 21:15 Verraad "Grow, and eat"
  47. 21:18 Verraad "So, why are you all here"
  48. 21:23 F021 "I... Just tagged along, I don't know, really."
  49. 21:27 Bud "Wells and I here just wanted to check up on you, our..friend here seemed to have nothing better to do."
  50. 21:28 Verraad "o-oh, I thought you were going to...well, kill me"
  51. 21:29 Wells begins burning a file. "I'm only here to kill one thing."
  52. 21:32 Bud steps closer to Verraad, body language relaxed and friendly. "Why would you even get such an idea?"
  53. 21:33 Verraad "well, your legs,and arms, t-the small demon, that thing"
  54. 21:34 F021 smiles at his old friend. "Oh no, no, we're here to finish a business and that doesn't include killing you." 'Hopefully.' He continues under his breath and puts his spheres back into his pocket.
  55. 21:34 Wells drops everything, "What nooooo! What are you crazy? Deriving the creation of new limbs from cancer? Just who the fuck comes up with that?"
  56. 21:36 Verraad "O-Oh, I guess you might as well start with Cancerpile there"
  57. 21:37 Bud "Any particular reason you haven't gotten rid of your big cancer friend? He seems like a mooch."
  58. 21:40 Verraad "he doesn't do much, and i thought it would be a fun thing to study"
  59. 21:43 Wells "Doctors have a hard enough tome removing tumors from a body. Why would you give a city one? Either way, we're here to end this project, and.....assess you. Bud here will do the assessing. I'll be dealing with this."
  60. 21:44 Wells stares at the monster. "I often wonder why I put up with this shit."
  61. 21:44 Verraad -the eye stares right at him-
  62. 21:45 Wells "God no, why. If this thing is sapient I swear."
  63. 21:45 Verraad "I tried to do some basic intelligent tests, didn't really get anywhere"
  64. 21:47 Wells "That's good....I suppose."
  65. 21:47 Bud "Right, while he does that let me ask you something, Raad. Do you even regret the decisions you've made or the actions you've taken?"
  66. 21:47 F021 just stays silent all the time, thinking why he's even here.
  67. 21:48 Wells looks over the makeshift laboratory, pondering how to end this. "Where's the kill button..."
  68. 21:48 Verraad "...I..I never really know, I know whats wrong and whats right, but something, something always drives me to do it"
  69. 21:51 *** Flareburst quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  70. 21:54 Bud stares at Verraad from behind the mask. "Something? What something? Don't say Satan, children do it enough."
  71. 21:56 Verraad "heh, maybe something close to that"
  72. 21:58 Verraad "I did so many things wrong, yet, you help me
  73. 22:10 Wells "This is beginning to feel like a casual bar conversation..."
  74. 22:11 F021 "Eh, yeah.. Shouldn't we do something with all this things?" He points to the cancer thing.
  75. 22:12 Wells "Hey Verraad. Knowing you, you have a nuclear reactor somewhere around here...."
  76. 22:13 Bud turns to Wells. "Yeah, get that thing crisp why don't you. I'll finish this up."
  77. 22:13 Wells "Correct?"
  78. 22:14 Verraad "Heheh, not a nuclear reactor per-say, but, more along the lines of a few toenails from a few nuclear Metas, I'm not rich you know"
  79. 22:17 Wells "Where do you find the time....?"
  80. 22:20 Wells looks for whatever adjusts the power for the cell containing the monster and amps it up. "We should all leave before this goes critical. Or ironically enough. Gives us cancer."
  81. 22:21 Verraad "your going to /raise/ the power level?"
  82. 22:21 F021 "Wells raised it, I don't mess with it at all."
  83. 22:22 Wells drags a cabinet full of files along with him as he leaves. "Oh of course. Exert enough power and anything explodes. I suggest you hurry up Bud."
  84. 22:23 Verraad "I always kept the power small, I dont know what could happen"
  85. 22:24 F021 walks away, hoping he would reach the surface before shit hits the fan here. "You'll know now, goodbye!"
  86. 22:27 Bud brings back his hand from resting in the inner coat pockets, and with it a rather beautiful revolver. A dull silver barrel engraved with writing and a wooden handle branded with the holy cross. A single blast bellows from it, directed at the demon.
  87. 22:28 Wells smiles as he slugs out of the lab. "Haha. Wait shit. I have to carry all this bullshit by myself. Hurry up Bud." He picks up the cabinet and makes a break for the surface.
  88. 22:30 Verraad falls back, slowly rotting away, something solidifying under the coat
  89. 22:35 Verraad The coat rots away till only a hood cape is left, the ice solidifying to a human body, armored arms and legs, a masked face, skin white as snow, a new bullet wound in his shoulder
  90. 2:38 Bud keeps his revolver trained on "What the..?"
  91. 22:38 Verraad opens his eyes "W-what, w-who?"
  92. 22:38 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by MGFY)))
  93. 22:38 *** MGFY is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  94. 22:40 Bud steps a bit closer. "I'm asking you that."
  95. 22:41 Verraad "My name? Its, its frostbyte"
  96. 22:42 *** Verraad is now known as Frostbyte
  97. 22:44 Wells peeks his head. "This place is going under in a few minutes. You guys done making out? Wait what, he's ali.....who the fuck is that?"
  98. 22:46 Bud starts lowering his gun to respond to Wells. "Frostbyte apparently. Where the hell did he even come from.."
  99. 22:46 F021 is already at the surface, not caring about the rest.
  100. 22:46 *** F021 left #covenger_rp (See)
  101. 22:50 Frostbyte stands up a bit, not knowing who theses people are, and as soon as he sees the cancer pile, he screams falling back down
  102. 22:54 Bud holsters his revolver and steps up to grab Frostbyte by the hood of his cloak. "I don't have time for this, I guess we need to drag him out and figure this out up top."
  103. 22:56 Wells facepalms. "God dammit. Get a move on. Those toenails are about to go off." He rushes out of the area, wondering what the fuck he just said.
  104. 23:02 Frostbyte -after a bit of running, the made it out of the sewer, and after a slightly big Boom, they completed their mission, and now had some random dude with them
  105. 23:06 Bud continued dragging Frostbyte a fair bit, spotting a nice alley that wasn't in the middle of public roads. "Now who /exactly/ are you?"
  106. 23:07 Frostbyte looks around, confused why everything looked so, nice
  107. 23:15 Frostbyte "Wh-what? M-My name is Frostbyte, where am I?"
  108. 23:24 Bud eyes the panicked man, green eyes all inquisitive from behind the mask. "..A dark alley..look you just appeared after I shot a notorious demon, mind explaining that? Are you actually still Verraad just fuckin with me?"
  109. 23:26 Frostbyte "V-Verraad, thats what they called us after..."
  110. 23:30 Frostbyte "The demon, its, how did you kill it?"
  111. 23:30 Wells peers into the alleyway, signaling Bud to notice him. His body language suggests, 'Dude. It's a lost cause. Just get out of there.'
  112. 23:31 Wells drags all the stolen research away into the streets, waving a goodbye.
  113. 23:34 Bud "I shot it with a nifty little holy gun. Go to a hospital or something, you look bad and I have other things to do tonight." He began to walk off.
  114. 23:35 Frostbyte watched him leave, he was confused and lost, but he was free, back to who he was
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