

Mar 4th, 2012
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  1. [21:22:12] <~CounterBeard> LAST TIME ON TALENT SCOUTS: The team fought The Ice Knight, Tentra finally got to meet Jack of many faces, and the happened to send the Knight to a very nice little place. They also happened to find a set of pokeballs with a little suprise in one of them...And that is where we left off and now resume!
  2. [21:24:53] * Rock looks over the armor again and frowns. "..." He walks up to Alexei and holds it out. "Alexei. Here."
  3. [21:25:18] : Alexei is staring at the Pawniard. (I was waiting for narration about it, in case Beardo is still typing)
  4. [21:25:51] * Tentra kneels down and picks up the pawniard. "And what were you doing in there?" (zoopathy)
  5. [21:25:54] <Rock> (Oh yeah)
  6. [21:27:46] <~CounterBeard> The pawniard seems a bit confused but not hostile. Instead of the common red it is a deep purple, its edges seem to blurr slightly. It looks up at Tentra and waves its little knife hands, squirming.
  7. [21:28:32] <Tentra> "Hm? A...nap? Who is your master, little one?"
  8. [21:29:27] <Alexei> Tentra seems to be taking care of the situation, so Alexei turns to Rock. "What? You are not like armor? It is made from design of shellfish and is make much protection."
  9. [21:30:11] <Tentra> She frowns. "Your...master is long dead, I fear."
  10. [21:30:37] <Rock> "...looks like it's supposed to be used with the shield. I can't weird both the shield and the armor at the same time."
  11. [21:30:49] <Rock> wield*
  12. [21:31:07] <~CounterBeard> The little metalmon look sup at Tentra its eyes going wide, squirming to get free.
  13. [21:31:16] : Alexei flips his scarf then takes the armor and shield, trying them on.
  14. [21:31:40] <Rock> (Tentra has the shield, IIRC)
  15. [21:31:45] <Tentra> She puts him down.
  16. [21:31:54] <Tentra> (actually AEGIS IS the shield atm, he's floating around nearby, hah)
  17. [21:32:18] <Rock> (Alexei without a CARE in the world)
  18. [21:32:20] <Tentra> "There is no king, anymore, little one, though the spirit he promised to fight with you remains."
  19. [21:32:47] : Alexei just takes the armor then, trying it on. "Armor is not for make maximum fabulous! Would be shameful travesty for wear in town." He walks over to AEGIS and attempts to grab him to use as the shield.
  20. [21:33:03] <Tentra> AEGIS probably has no objections.
  21. [21:33:21] <Alexei> "But is okay for battle. Only if not be see by fellow Sinnoh officer who are wear uniform of optimum fabulous."
  22. [21:33:56] <~CounterBeard> The little Knight had started to run to the stairs but stops to look back at Tentra.
  23. [21:34:04] <~CounterBeard> It quickly runs back to her and hops up and down to be picked up again.
  24. [21:34:15] <~CounterBeard> It =D's at her
  25. [21:34:27] <Rock> "...I'm going to make sure the fort is clear." Rock starts walking around, checking to make sure there wasn't anyone else.
  26. [21:34:44] <~CounterBeard> Nope. Just you guys and Jack chilling in his sweet chair.
  27. [21:35:02] * Tentra follows after it, trying to force a smile. "I'm going to go with this little one for now, he seems to want to show us something."
  28. [21:35:04] <~CounterBeard> Altho he seems to have gone partialy invisible again.
  29. [21:35:13] <Tentra> (ALTHO)
  30. [21:35:38] : Alexei gives the shell thing a try a few times, then sets the armor down and lets AEGIS go. He picks up the empty pokeballs and approaches Jack. "Why are fabulous pokeball be find in fortress? One is have pokemon too."
  31. [21:35:52] <Rock> "...Jack."
  32. [21:36:08] <Rock> "What's the deal with Doug, anyways?"
  33. [21:36:25] <Tentra> "They appear to have once belonged to the king."
  34. [21:36:38] <Tentra> "This one claims the king was his master," she says as she follows the pawniard.
  35. [21:37:11] <~CounterBeard> The pawniard heads for the stairs as apparently it does not get a kushy ride anymore.
  36. [21:37:38] <Alexei> "Was it say what was in other pokeball?"
  37. [21:38:18] * Tentra scoops him back up, then!
  38. [21:38:34] <~CounterBeard> Jack shrugs "That is rather interesting. I didn't really expect to find anything left. They were the kings own pokeballs. He hated them to be honest. He much prefered his companions to walk free beside him."
  39. [21:39:06] <Tentra> "Well, did you have friends, little one?" she says as she heads along the stairs.
  40. [21:39:36] * Rock nods. "...just like Savage, huh..." Rock sits down on a chair and thinks for a moment.
  41. [21:41:03] : Alexei pockets the pokeballs then approaches Tristan's phone, copying any and all contact info from it into his pokedex if it's not locked.
  42. [21:41:19] <Tentra> "It seems there were quite a number of you. Sadly only you were here..."
  43. [21:41:56] <~CounterBeard> The pokeballs slip easily into Alexei's pockets.
  44. [21:42:19] <Tentra> She carries him around for now, letting him point out where he wants her to head.
  45. [21:42:20] <~CounterBeard> Jack nods looking at Rock. "Well it would only make sense. They are related. But you had another question I think?"
  46. [21:42:40] <Rock> "...yeah. What's the big eal with Doug?"
  47. [21:42:44] <~CounterBeard> The little pawniard points towards the entrance of the Fort.
  48. [21:42:58] <Rock> deal*
  49. [21:43:13] <Tentra> "Alexei, can you hand me this one's pokeball?"
  50. [21:43:19] <Tentra> "It's probably best we take him with us."
  51. [21:43:27] <Tentra> "What did the King call you, anyway?"
  52. [21:43:35] : Alexei reaches into his pocket and tosses the black and white ball to Tentra.
  53. [21:43:57] <Tentra> She pockets it, since he's more intent on being carried for now
  54. [21:44:43] <Alexei> "Did it say what was in other pokeball?"
  55. [21:45:06] <Tentra> "He gave names, but not species."
  56. [21:45:41] <Tentra> "Sofiya, Vlad, Yakov, Anton..."
  57. [21:46:45] <Tentra> "And this one is Rodion! Alright, Rodion, you shall come with us for now, if you desire."
  58. [21:47:39] : Alexei looks around where the box with the pokeballs was found to see if there's anything else of interest nearby.
  59. [21:48:08] <~CounterBeard> It was on a mantle. But it was the only thing of interest.
  60. [21:48:38] <Rock> "..." ROck puts down his badge box, looking through.
  61. [21:48:50] <~CounterBeard> There is indeed a Cloyster Badge.
  62. [21:49:00] <Rock> "Let's see... we've met two knights and defeated two knights..."
  63. [21:49:11] <Rock> " much is left..."
  64. [21:49:25] : Alexei looks over Rock's shoulder. "And are all knights on side of princess?" He addresses the question to Jack if he's still around.
  65. [21:50:00] <~CounterBeard> Anyhow Tentra and the little Pawniard make their way to the entrance of the fort. It looks a little sad.
  66. [21:50:09] * Tentra puts Rodion behind her neck, carrying him like a child, as she rounds up her team. "Either way, it seems we are mostly done here..."
  67. [21:50:38] * Garlyle ( has joined #TalentScouts
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