

Oct 11th, 2015
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  1. A disciple asked his master, "Do the leaves flow or is it the wind?"
  2. His master replied, "No, it is the heart and the mind."
  5. --
  8. >"I assure you, the scribes will be referencing this victory for years to come."
  9. >The flabby fat that had slowly accumulated below his chin over the last few years rumbled and shook as the old general spun away with great fervour.
  10. >"Besieged during their own siege, surrounded and outnumbered by the griffin, only a true military genius could have turned such a certain defeat into a glorious victory."
  11. >Whispers could be heard among the listening nobles, and they began to eye you with increasing interest.
  12. >"Not only were thousands of soldier lives saved that day, but the griffins were forced to surrender the war once and for all!"
  13. >"If there was ever any doubt, the victory at Foalesia proves Anonymous to be the greatest general Equestria has even seen!" The old general declared in a throaty, booming voice.
  14. >Some ponies began tapping their hooves against the floor, spurred on by the enthusiastic general, as others voiced words of praise for you.
  15. >Raising a hand, you tried to dampen the fires of adoration.
  16. "Now, now, I assure you, gentleponies, this praise is unwarranted - I merely did what anypony else would have done in such a position."
  17. >"Nonsense, my boy," the general burst through his thick moustache, "You're a hero of our nation, and you deserve every joy under her sun!"
  18. >Fuelled on by the general, the nobles crowded ever closer, offering congratulations and well-wishes.
  19. "General Hoofsmack flatters me," you say, nodding towards the old solider, "But you'll have to excuse me, there's somepony I must speak with."
  20. >As you crept away from the crowd, the general began reciting your conquests for the third time tonight.
  21. >It wasn't that you were overly opposed to the attention you were getting, but you never could figure out how to react to praise.
  22. >As such, keeping tonight's conversations brief and formal felt like the optimal strategy.
  23. >You moved through the ballroom, weaving between groups of well-dressed gala-attendees.
  24. >As you reached one of the waiters you stopped, grabbing a drink from his tray.
  25. >Tasting a sip of the fruity beverage, you proceed to make rounds around the ballroom.
  26. >You stop by familiar faces briefly, exchanging greetings and making pleasant small-talk.
  27. >You offer kind words to old friends and respectful salutations to castle officials.
  28. >Some ponies invite you to speak of your recent conquests, and you indulge them light-heartedly.
  29. >After swapping some stories with an old military official, the pony left in search of the snack-table, leaving you on your own.
  30. >That's when you saw her for the the first time of the evening.
  31. >She stood out stark from the crowd, with her tall, graceful legs and her glittering, gilded regalia.
  32. >Her tender, white coat - soft yet imposing, like a lion's fur.
  33. >Her vivid, billowing mane, like a deliberate deluge of wildly blossoming flowers.
  34. >Her warm, knowing eyes, which could convey more emotion in a single glance than could all the words of the spoken language combined.
  35. >The soft curl of her lips and the defined cut of her jawline - the narrow valley of her back and the gentle rise of her posterior...
  36. >Your mind felt a hostage to her features, and you could feel something deep inside of you trying its hardest to defy inertia, as if the natural state of the world should be for you to constantly gravitate towards her.
  37. >As she shares a laugh with some nobles, you can't help but smile at the sight of her brilliant grin.
  38. >Throwing back the rest of your drink, you turn around and take your leave.
  41. --
  44. >You looked up from your book at the sound of the front door opening and closing.
  45. >A tired looking Sun-Princess met your gaze with a small smile.
  46. >She started walking towards you as her horn lit up and her crown, peytral and shoes floated away from her form all at once.
  47. >With a small skip, she dropped down next to you on the chaise longue before burying her face into your chest.
  48. >You circle your arms around her, running your hands across her silky coat and downy wings, feeling her warmth against your skin.
  49. >As you pull her closer, you hear her let out a content sigh as her whole body seems to unfurl and grow lax.
  50. "Long night, huh?" You ask quietly.
  51. >"The longest," she mumbles into your shirt. "I missed you. Why did you leave so early?"
  52. "I guess all the attention I received was just getting a bit much for me," you say as you run a hand across her back. "I don't know how you deal with it all the time."
  53. >"I've had lots of practice."
  54. "What's the secret? How do you do it?"
  55. >Raising her head up, her eyes level with yours as she speaks. "Well, I've got you to keep me sane," she says with a tired smile.
  56. "And before I came here?"
  57. >"Cake," she offers flatly. "Lots, and lots of cake."
  58. "So I'm equivalent to pastry for you, is that what you're saying?" You say, playfully raising an eyebrow at her.
  59. >Nuzzling her snout below your chin, she titters softly.
  60. >"No, you're much sweeter."
  61. "I guess I can live with that classification," you concede with a chuckle.
  62. >"I do wish you had at least come say hello to me at he Gala though," she speaks up after a short pause. "I was so looking forward to parading around my favorite knight."
  63. "I'm sorry, I thought you might enjoy some space, dealing with so many nobles and all."
  64. >"Anonymous, please," she says, raising her head back up. "I get enough space away from you during my regular work hours. I'd like to be near you any chance I get."
  65. "Well you're with me now," you say reassuringly.
  66. >The features of her face soften.
  67. >"And there's no other place I'd rather be," she speaks gently.
  68. >As the words lazily roll of her tongue, she leans forward to allow her smooth, lush lips to plants a delicate smooch onto yours.
  69. "The feeling is mutual, my sweet Sunbutt," you say as you run a hands through her mane, gently scratching her ear.
  70. >A loopy grin envelops her features.
  71. >"I told you to stop calling me that silly name," she says with a yawn.
  72. "I'd stop if I didn't know how much liked it," you say with a grin of your own.
  73. >"Oh, hush you," the sleepy pony retorts before nuzzling her face into your chest once more.
  74. >The two of you settle in silence, content in each other's embrace.
  75. >You gently pet her back as you listen to her breathing grow deeper.
  76. >You felt the subtle thump of her heart resonate throughout your body, seemingly beating in union with your own.
  77. >Soon, your eyelids grew heavier and drooped close.
  80. --
  83. >Your metal adornments rattled familiarly each time one of your horseshoes struck the marble floor.
  84. >It was still dark outside; you could feel the weight of your recent slumber linger in your eyes.
  85. >But you knew that any remnants of sleep would soon be forgotten as the Princess awakened the sun.
  86. >It always was.
  87. >Heading towards the military barracks, you were taking your usual route through the castle.
  88. >You walked down winding, empty hallways, went up and down various stairs and ramps as you confidently navigated the maze-like structure.
  89. >In all your years, you never did understand the castle's obtuse design.
  90. >You recall once hearing a high-ranking wizard speak of magical lines of some sort, but you never had much of an ear for that sort of stuff as an earth-pony.
  91. >Nevertheless, you slowly learnt the quickest paths through the castle over your years of service.
  92. >Stepping out into the crisp morning air, you were reminded of your appreciation for the castle gardens.
  93. >Not only were they a pleasant change of scenery from castle interior's immaculate stonework, but they also offered a straight path through large sections of the complex.
  94. >Smitten by the subtlest hint of a smile, you made your way down the cobbled pathway guiding through the greenery.
  95. >You wondered if you'd see the hue-man General today?
  96. >He was always out in the gardens for his morning exercise - rain or shine - but you know that he was at the Gala last night, celebrating that the war had ended.
  97. >You wouldn't blame him for taking a morning off after such a night.
  98. >As you reach further into the gardens however, you find yourself slightly surprised by a familiar sight.
  99. >The bipedal soldier was stood in his usual spot, like any other day.
  100. >You kept going along the path towards him.
  101. >The taut muscles of his shoulders creaked and groaned as the hue-man rolled his arms in circles, limbering up his body as he stared forwards with a blank expression.
  102. "Good morning, General," you bid him, as had become custom.
  103. >"Morning, Flathoof," he responded in kind, still focusing on his motions.
  104. >On most days, this is where your conversation ended.
  105. >But today you felt a bit talkative, so you stopped briefly by his side.
  106. "You know, to be perfectly honest, I wasn't expecting to find you here today," you explained casually.
  107. >"How so?" He asked without looking over.
  108. "Well you know, what with the Gala and all... Didn't you enjoy yourself last night?"
  109. >"Yeah, last night was nice. But I kept it casual, nothing crazy."
  110. "Nothing crazy, huh? Oh, I'm remember back when I used to go to such events," you began recalling, your voice filling with joyous nostalgia, "I don't remember anypony ever reporting in for duty the following morning.
  111. Everypony would either be out drinking all night or they'd be, ehm, 'staying up late' with their special someponies," you continued with a small chuckle.
  112. >Silence was all that remained as your laughter died off.
  113. "Ehm, not to suggest it's wrong for you to be here," you add shortly, "I was merely curious, you see."
  114. >Turning around to look at you, the hue-man used a hand to shield his eyes from the sun, which had just appeared above the caste roof-top.
  115. >"I guess I just like to stay focused," he replied after some thought.
  116. "Well, you're a stronger pony than me then," you offered with another lighthearted chuckle. "But I'll let you carry on, I must be getting a move on as well."
  117. >With a nod, the hue-man turned back around and you started down the cobbles once more.
  118. >As a ray of sunlight struck the general's face, however, you noticed something very strange which caused you to halt your step.
  119. >His eyes...
  120. >They glistened in the sun.
  121. >More so than eyes usually do.
  122. "Uhm... General?" You voiced cautiously.
  123. >"Yes, Lieutenant?" He replied in a hollow voice, staring up at the rising sun.
  124. "You're crying," you stated bluntly, unsure how to best deal with the subject matter. "Is, ehm, is everything alright?"
  125. >"It's nothing to worry about," he replied after a long pause. "It's just something I dreamt..."
  128. end
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