
#you #cowardly #fuck

Jan 6th, 2017
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  1. @realDonaldTrump #you #cowardly #fuck
  2. Look, you stupid bitch, we all know the election was hacked.
  3. The president, no not you, fuckhead, even stated it was hacked.
  4. The intelligence community KNOWS it was hacked.
  5. FUCK, even Putin, PUTIN, the Top in your relationship, STATED IT WAS FUCKING HACKED.
  6. And yet, your paranoid, idiot brain, who’s so scared of its own shadow leaving a one star review on yelp that it can’t bring itself to force whatever microdicked reasoning you have to admit it was hacked, continues on its merry little twitter tirade, and YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE A GOOD PRESIDENT? Are you shitting me here?
  7. You are, you’re seriously shitting me.
  8. Trump, what we have here, is a failure to admit it was fucking hacked. you can frown and shake your tiny hands at me all you want, Putrump, but the truth is, you and yours aren’t much of a intelligence committee, which might explain why, when your Albino Boy George look alike, Mike Pence was interviewed today, the guy called him Guv’ner, and asked if he and the President, not he and the President-elect, which would be you, ya fucktwat, would be addressing this.
  9. Look, I get it, we’ve yet another shooting at an airport, and people died. Yes, that’s horrific, but not as horrific as say, a grown ass man, carrying an assault rifle, into an elementary school, and killing children.
  10. Naw, not THAT horrifying.
  11. But people still died.
  12. Welcome to your presidency, where there’s going to a buffet of “Which horrible thing do I have to address this time around?” and you’re going have one thumb in your ass, and the other in your piss hole, because you own’t have access to your Twitter anymore, and gosh darn it, your thumbs need to be hitting SOMETHING to make the racist part of you orgasm.
  13. Trump, you’re an idiot. A 13 time bankruption, and possible pedophile. The only thing that’s going to be paying for the wall is a bunch of broken Trump Pinatas that had previously been filled with shit. And whatever the hell that thing you call a head of hair really is.
  14. Nightmares?
  15. PTSD?
  16. Anal Leakage?
  17. Memories of an abusive father anytime you brought a black kid over to play?
  18. I guess that last one’s just a bit of a cattle prod.
  19. Trump, Drumpf, Dickless Tyrant, whatever you feel like naming yourself today, has it ever occurred to you that you wife never wanted you to run, because she knew that you winning the white was (which, unfortunately you did.) would mean the proverbial opening of Pandora’s Box?
  20. I’m not talking about her pussy trump, I’m talking about the box she was charged with not fucking opening, because it contained all of the evils in the universe, including you, and she fucking opened it. and here we motherfucking are.
  21. Dickless Tiny Hands, let me level with you.
  22. I know that Putin hacked your ass, how else would you have shat out, just, the most incredulous bunch of fuck nuts outside of a peanut packing plant?
  23. I mean, going back to the whole Melania not wanting to rule the country with her Dictactor Jackass Tyrant, HA!
  24. It seems that you’ll be the first president in a while to fuck our country without its permission , WHILE getting a divorce.
  25. That’s gotta sting, right?
  26. Seriously, I mean, you won the country, but lost your wife and kid.
  27. That’s… Kinda like gambling, y’know?
  28. Because you have a Casino, and you know what the hell the stakes are, but you duct taped the dealers hands, and we’re fucked with the current set of playing cards, which AREN’T EVEN PLAYING CARDS, but just pictures your tiny hands covering your micropeen.
  29. Hopefully, Hot wheels doesn’t try to make a toy based off of your presidency, because it’ll just be sham after sham after shame, and we won’t ever buy the “Tiny Tinkler” car, for fear we might be getting fucked by Putin too, like a rapey, rapey Santa clause.
  30. Oh, he’ll GIVE you a gift, and you better check twice, cause Donald J. Trump has now fucked all of us Thrice.
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