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Dec 8th, 2014
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  1. Dear RAPE,
  3. I am writing to you today to bring you some unfortunate news. QS, OATHS, and TRESC will be moving out
  4. of Poundtown permanently. We've had some good times with all of you and there is really no hard feelings
  5. from any of us to most individuals within RAPE. On the contrary, a few of you have been a delight to be around.
  6. I think the pilots I am talking about know who they are and from the bottom of my heart it has been a pleasure.
  8. However, as good as the good times have been, the bad times have made the cumulative experience for us very
  9. negative. We desire to live in wormhole space with a different command structure and with personalities that
  10. are more open to cooperation rather than dictation. We desire an alliance of sovereign corporations that
  11. agree to live as a community together, not as the workhorses for a war machine that has big goals but no vision.
  13. With that we bid you farewell, fly intelligently, and we look forward to meeting you in battle in the future.
  15. o7
  17. Virage Reign, Angrod Losshelin, Laserak, Hyperion007, Jacob Kumamato, and Joseph Deninarde
  19. P.S.
  21. Dear Chesterfield,
  23. All of this may come as a shock to you. But for the safety of our assets and to avoid the inevitable drama
  24. we have decided to hide this from you until now.
  26. All that I would like to say to you is this; you have an ability to command but you're a poor leader.
  28. A leader is best when people barely know he exists,
  29. when his work is done, his aim fulfilled,
  30. they will say: we did it ourselves.
  31. Lao Tzu
  33. From one CEO to another I wish you would have recognized this as you had the potential for great things.
  34. However, I feel that your vision is myopic and unsophisticated. It is easy to say "We want to be the best"
  35. but it is much harder to build something and say "We deserve to be the best." The desire for greatness does
  36. not make one great. I know that your head is not in a good place right now after reading most of this, but one
  37. day I hope that you take this wisdom to heart.
  39. Best Wishes,
  40. ~V
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