
Tracy is Best Mom: Mirror Life (Alternate Story by Gestapo)

Feb 14th, 2014
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  1. >Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound of whirring and that incessant machine sound drag you up through your own consciousness, as if you were being pulled through muck. Everything feels sluggish, and mildly damp. Clammy, even.
  2. >As your eyes open, you try to move your head, but the effort does naught more than induce a tremendous vertigo, making you feel like you’re going to hurl.
  3. >You try to open your mouth to speak, but what comes out is a hoarse croak. There’s a window open, and flicking your eyes to it, you can see that it’s already morning. You must have hit your head hard, to get knocked out for the whole night. You sit in silence for a while, before a pony wearing a white medical coat enters the room, floating a clipboard in front of him.
  4. >As he enters the room, he notices you’re awake.
  5. “Ah. Mister... Anon. Good to see you awake.” Says the pony, flashing you an almost beatific smile. “We were wondering how long you were gonna be out.” He says, returning his gaze to his clipboard, scribbling something.
  6. >How long was I out?
  7. “How...l-long?” You manage to croak, before the Doctor turns away, levitating over a glass of water, and helping you sit up.
  8. “About a month, Anon. It was a little touch and go for a bit. We didn’t know how bad that concussion was until we were able to get some X-rays.” He nodded slowly. “But it looks like you’ll pull through.”
  9. >He runs you through a few tests. Eyes following a light, remembering your name, checking your balance. You pass these pretty handily, although you’re still a bit weak. Both the long period of unconsciousness, and the shock that you’ve been out for a MONTH is paralyzing.
  10. “I...Is mom...?” You trail off, asking the obvious. The memories are hazy, but you remember enough.
  11. >The doctor’s saint-like smile fades for a moment, before he turns to leave.
  12. “We’ll talk about that shortly, Anon. Just try to eat something and rest for today. Doctor’s orders.”
  13. >And with that, you’re alone again. You spend the day miserable, and bored, and worried. How’d you get here? What happened? A whole month?
  14. >The monotony is interrupted briefly by meals, with the occasional call to the nurse for water. You look through a number of gifts left at your bed-side from various fillies and colts from school, and Even a jar of Zap-apple jam from Applebloom, and a number of get-well cards.
  15. > Around Mid-afternoon, you fall asleep, the warm sunshine sending you back into dreamland.
  17. >You’re back in front of the door.
  18. >Dressed in your hospital gown, the dimly lit hallway fades away behind and to either side, leaving just you and it. The solid slab of wood that stood between you and...something.
  19. >A familiar musty smell enters your nose, and you realize it’s just that home-y smell that’s normally there. But there’s something underneath it. Something crisp. Sharp.
  20. >Coppery.
  21. >Your feet feel sticky when you try to move, to step towards the door. You look down.
  22. >And immediately wish you hadn’t.
  23. “G-Gaaah!” You shriek, as the dream-image of a mutilated Pale-blue pony burns itself into your mind in the brief second between sleep and wakefulness. Luckily it only manifests in the real world as a brief surprised grunt.
  24. >Looking out the window, you can see that Luna’s awake and doing her job. The moon is high in the sky, and it’s bright as a polished mirror.
  25. >From outside the room, you hear a murmuring. Curious, and knowing that after THAT, you weren’t going to get any more sleep tonight, you decide to listen in.
  26. >Putting your feet on the cold floor, and tip-toeing across the room, is the single most exhausting thing you’ve ever done. It takes a significant amount of willpower not to just crawl back into your warm hospital bed. But after a minute or so, you make it to the door.
  28. “...can’t release him into her custody. She’s not fit to live amongst other ponies!” you hear a faint female voice say.
  29. “Legally we don’t have a choice, Nurse. And we’re not releasing him into her custody. Everything shows that he’s fit, and fine. A full recovery. But she’s not in good shape.” You hear the Doctor from earlier, sounding a little less bed-side manner-y now. “She hasn’t been charged with a crime, because she should have -died-. And while it’s certainly not a diagnosis I’d like to make... I can’t see her being a danger in her current state.”
  30. >The conversation continues, and your level of trepidation continues to rise. The words ‘blood-loss’, ‘minor brain-damage’, and ‘memory loss’ enter the conversation. You wonder who they’re talking about, but hearing them finish their conversation, you creep back to your bed, and arrange yourself to look like you’re sleeping, although your brain is abuzz with a million thoughts.
  31. >You’re still thinking when the sun rises, Celestia taking up her royal duties for the day.
  32. >A couple of hours later, the Nurse enters with breakfast, which you sit up and thank her gratefully for, before digging into the bland oatmeal. You even bother to eat the daisies. You’re extremely hungry.
  33. >After you eat, the Doctor comes trotting in, with his, what you’ve come to think of, as a very fake smile.
  34. “ Good Morning, Anon! Today we’re going to release you. Your recovery is phenomenal, and I think you’ll be fine at home from here on.” He says brightly.
  35. “That sounds fine, Doc.” You counter, folding your hands on your lap. “But about that thing I asked you yesterday...” You trail off, and the tenseness in your voice is palpable.
  36. >The Doctor pony sighs and puts his clipboard down on the bed, before sitting down next to you.
  37. “Anon. Tracy is not in good shape. And I don’t know how much you remember. But we’ve come to a bit of an impasse, you see. And, due to the circumstances, you being so young, we’re going to have to leave it up to you, legally.” He starts, rubbing his hooves together, and you can see he’s equally nervous.
  38. “Leave what up to me?” You ask.
  39. “Well, Anon. Tracy has amnesia. The blood-loss and severe damage her body suffered in the... incident caused her some brain damage. She may be different than you remember. She’ll need help for a long time. Possibly the rest of her life. Worst of all is the memory loss. We think it may have changed her personality, but none of us here in Ponyville really knew her all that well. “
  40. >The doctor goes on, like he’s rehearsed this a few times.
  41. “So, we can either send her to a...facility in Manehattan, where she’ll be comfortable. Or, you can take care of her. She can still function on her own, but we think it’s better if someone watches her, you understand?”
  43. >Long minutes tick past as your brain seizes on this decision. She tried to -kill- you. She probably would have gone through with it, too. But you can’t deny that there were moments where she was genuinely affectionate.
  44. “I... I’ll do it. I’ll take care of her, Doc.” You say, with a shake in your voice betraying the confidence you’re trying to put on. “She’s my mom. I've gotta...”
  45. >The Doctor looks at you sadly, but he doesn’t look like he’s gonna try to change your mind.
  46. “Alright, Anon. It’s a big responsibility. I hope it works out for you. She’s in the room just down the hall, if you want to go see her.” He says, giving you a grim smile before he turns to leave. “you’re a good kid, anon.” He says, before closing the door behind him.
  47. >On the bedside table, you find your and Tracy’s release paperwork. You get dressed in your half-shoddy clothes, and fill out the paperwork as best you can, before leaving it on the table. Packing all your get-well presents and the like in your backpack, you set off down the hall towards Tracy’s room.
  48. >Reaching the indicated room, you turn the knob and open the door.
  49. >The first thing you notice is that the room is completely bare. No decorations. Not a single get-well card. Not even a dirty food dish to indicate someone was here.
  50. >In the single bed in the room, facing the window, you see the hint of pale blue peeking out from under the blanket, and swallow nervously. Now or never.
  52. “T-Tracy?” You call out, eliciting a lazy ear-twitch in response. There’s a shrug beneath the blanket, and with a struggle, you see the pony turn over.
  54. >The light-teal gaze of the pony is filled with annoyance, but the characteristic fury is absent.
  55. “Anon. I thought I told you to call me Mom?” She asks, her voice light and a little weak. Not at all the sledgehammer in your ears you’re used to hearing.
  56. >There’s a moment of awkward silence, before the gaze softens, and you see her honest to god SMILE. You’re scared, somewhere deep inside.
  58. “Come over here and give me a hug. I was worried about you. They told me you’d been in an accident.” She says, pushing the blanket a little ways down and gesturing with her hooves for you to come closer.
  60. >Propelled by some force unknown to Pony, you comply. As soon as you get close, Tracy folds her hooves around the back of your neck and hugs you close. You notice she feels weak, compared to the last time her hooves were around your neck.
  62. “Yeah... an accident. But I’m okay now. How are you feeling, M-mom?” You ask, smiling weakly. You were still torn as to whether or not she was yanking your chain.
  63. “A little foggy, sweetie. But I want to go home. I don’t like this hospital. And the nursing staff give me strange looks.” Understatement of the year.
  65. >You put on your bravest face, and nod in understanding.
  67. “Well, I’ve just gotten us released. We can go home whenever you’re ready, Mom.” You say, offering to help her out of bed.
  69. >She hands you her hoof, and you support the Mare’s weight as she pushes the blanket off and swings herself onto the floor. You can see her legs shake as she struggles to keep herself standing, but what really freezes you in place is the long, ragged scar running down from just below her shoulder up to her flank. the zig-zag pattern makes it look like something tore her open like a piñata.
  70. >And you remind yourself that, it did. Miss Cheerilee almost killed her, to try to save you.
  71. >Tracy is breathing heavily with the effort of walking, and you offer her a shoulder to support her while you walk.
  73. “Yeah, let’s go home. We’ll get you a couple of days rest and I’ll clean up the house. The uh... accident messed a lot of stuff up.” You start spinning the cover that you’ll probably be using for a very long time.
  74. >It takes you a couple of hours to cross Ponyville, and you have to stop to give Tracy frequent rest-breaks. By the time you reach the house, she’s panting and sweat is running down her flanks, but you manage to get her in the house, and up to her room without much further issue.
  75. >You tuck Tracy in, and leave a glass of water by the bed, before exiting the room.
  77. “Okay... Now to get this place cleaned up...” You say to yourself.
  78. >The next several days are an exhausting blur of activity, as you take what bits that you have lying around, and what you can find from Tracy’s stash, to buy cleaning products in town to actually clean the house.
  79. >You spend the better part of an afternoon cleaning up the bloodstain in the hallway, that you’re reminded is partially yours and partially Mom’s.
  80. >You manage to get all the knives pulled out of various room-walls where they were... stored, and put them in a box. save for kitchen cutlery, which you sort and place where it belongs.
  81. >You dispose of the ‘sugar-blocks’ in a few garbage bags which you take to the dump yourself, along with bags and bags of other stuff.
  82. >The whole time you’re doing this, you’re spending several hours a day with Tracy, helping her get up, walk around and regain her strength. You’re gracious enough that Apple-bloom is bringing by food at least once a day, and in enough quantity that Tracy gets enough to eat without you having to -cook-, too.
  83. > You have lunch with Apple-bloom almost every day, out on the porch. It’s probably the only rest you get. You still haven’t quite gotten used to sleeping in Tracy’s bed, again. But at least for the most part, she doesn’t seem to be having strange dreams about cooking, or smothering you.
  84. >It’s been a couple of weeks now. Tracy is on her feet, and you’ve given her leave to roam the house, and even watch movies downstairs. Heck, the entire house is clean. Actually CLEAN, except for one room.
  85. >Tracy is watching an old Nick Cage movie, you’re pretty sure it’s Con-Air. She’s completely engrossed in it, with a bowel of popcorn, while not fifteen feet away, out of sight, you’re gathering up the strength to enter -that- room. The door is unlocked, and you pulled the police tape off days ago. But you’re still terrified about what you’ll find down there.
  86. >Taking a deep breath, you push the door open. A blast of cool air shoots up through the door, and it stinks like shit and dried blood. But you intend to soldier on, and delete as much of this terrible past as you possibly can. Taking mop in hand, you plunge into the dark basement, and holding it out like a spear, you descent the stairs.
  88. >It’s pitch-dark. Just like the first time. You feel something brush your face, and for a moment, you think it might be a spider, and promptly flip your shit, swinging the mop like a sledgehammer in a wide arc. It manages to catch the string and pull it, lighting up the basement with the haze of a single bulb.
  90. >The basement is empty. Well. mostly empty. There’s still a few boxes here and there, and a few stands where Tracy had had some things bolted down. It looks like everything had been pulled out by the police. Probably for evidence. Which wouldn’t do ‘em much good now, anyway.
  91. >The blood-stains, and others, black and brown stains in the concrete, are hard caked in. It’s all you can do not to throw-up, considering what -happened- down here, and your brief, if justified culpability in at least some of it.
  92. >Bleach and hard bristle brushes in hand, you get to work on scrubbing that basement clean.
  93. >You’ve been down in the basement for about 4 hours, the scent of bleach stuck in your nostrils and sweat pouring down your face as you work to undo god-knows how many sins from that basement floor.
  94. >And then you hear a scream from upstairs. Not a ‘horror movie, I’m scared’ scream. It sounds like a scream of pain.
  95. “Mom?!” You cry out, ditching the mop as you plow up the stairs.
  96. >Did she fall? Is she hurt? Shit shit shit.
  97. >As you reach the top of the stairs, and step into the living room, you keep shouting for Tracy.
  98. “Mom? Tracy!?” you shout, going into the living room. She’s not there.
  99. >There’s the sound of a slap from upstairs, and another cry of pain.
  100. >Panicmodeactivate.jpg
  101. >You plow up the second flight of stairs, and burst into Tracy’s room, where she’s currently being berated by the biggest god-damned stallion you’ve ever seen. He makes Big-Mac look like Scootaloo. And you recognize him. He’s the one Tracy kicked out a while back, when you came home early.
  102. “Listen, whore. I don’t take no for an answer. My bits are just as good as anyone else’s!” The huge stallion says, standing over a pale-blue ball on the bed. Which you realize is Tracy. She raises her head, and you can see a thin gash along the side of her skull, likely where his hoof caught her, and a black-eye already forming. “Anon! Just go! I...I’ll deal with this.” She says, in the smallest, most defeated voice you’ve ever heard.
  103. >Anon, 13 years old, and this stallion is at least 4-5 hands taller than you. His hoof is as big as your head.
  104. >But your blood runs cold. Like ice. In the space of a flash, you are tearing your way across the room like a rabid bonobo.
  106. >The stallion turns around and rears back in surprise. It looks like he hadn’t noticed you. Not that it does you much good.
  107. >He rears back and throws a wild front hoof at you, and slams you in the chest, knocking you clear across the room and into a dresser, cracking the wood. Stars burst in your vision, and pain rips up your spine as you slide down to the floor.
  109. “Is that that fucking monkey again? You’re gonna pay for my wasted time, you little bastard.” The stallion says, moving towards you, leaving Tracy balled up on the bed, bleeding from the wound over her eye.
  110. >Your vision focuses, and although it feels like you’re breathing air made of knives, you clamber your way back to your feet.
  112. “Get out of my house.” You say wheezily, the fury in your voice apparent, as you put your fists up.
  113. >The stallion lets out a laughing whinny, and charges you, slamming his baseball bat-like foreleg into your ribs, and smashing you into the side of the doorframe. This fight isn’t fair at all. It’s so one-sided. But you have to protect Tracy. She’s all the family you’ve got.
  114. >So you fight your way back to your feet again.
  116. “I’m gonna break you, you little bastard!” the stallion calls out. “And then? I’m gonna have my fuckin way with that whore, and make you watch!” Another kick sends you flying to the edge of the stairs.
  117. >Everything hurts. You’re seeing stars and you can’t breathe. One more kick like that and you’re done for.
  118. >Tracy is watching from the other side of the room, cowering in terror.
  119. >Oh hell no.
  120. >As the stallion saunters up to you, it looks like he’s going to kick you in the head. His ham-sized hooves look like they’ll take your noggin off like a soccer ball.
  121. >The stallion takes a swing at you, and although you very narrowly manage to dodge, causing him to shin-kick the balustrade, letting out a loud curse, you dove towards the stairs, and find yourself sprawling end over end to slam into the landing at the bottom.
  122. >Disoriented and hurting from seemingly everywhere at once, your cheek lies flat against the cold stone floor. ‘Fuck. I’m looking at this ceiling again.’ You think briefly, before a sound makes you turn your head.
  123. >Eyes full of hatred, that big god-damn horse is stomping down the stairs, murder in his eyes.
  124. >In the space of a blink, he’s standing over you, his hoof poised over your head.
  125. “Good night, Monkey.” He says angrily, before he shifts his weight.
  127. “NO!” You hear a cry from the top of the stairs, as a shower of shrapnel smashes all over the foyer. At the top of the stairs is Tracy, and from the gray pattern of the ceramic on the tiles, you’d hazard to guess she threw a lamp. Unfortunately, she missed.
  128. >But she did grab his attention. And from your place on the ground, a flash of light catches your eye. You reach out towards it, and your hand closes around something grimy, and slightly sticky. pulling it out, you find that you are holding one of Tracy’s well-hidden bits of cutlery.
  129. >The Stallion has turned away from you, and is about to start back up the stairs, screaming his head off.
  130. “Fucking slut, I’ll kill you!” He shouts, before he trips on the stairs, stumbling face first into the steps. “What the fuck?!” He stammers, looking back.
  131. >And there you are, beaten and bruised, but the expression on your face is furious.
  134. > The knife gleams with red, and it takes the stallion a moment to realize you’d sliced his hamstring out. Taking one last look at Tracy’s battered face, your fury alights, and the pain fades, as you fall upon the stallion, knife flashing over and over and over, painting your clean foyer red as the sound of shredding meat echoes through the house.
  135. >It could have been seconds, or minutes, or hours. But finally, you finish your terrifying rampage on the stallion. There’s little recognizable. You and the stairs, and the whole front hall is -coated- in gore, and Tracy is sitting at the top of the stairs, looking dumbfounded. Letting the knife clatter to the stone, you step over the corpse, and stagger up the stairs.
  137. “T-Tracy. Mom. You okay?” You ask, brushing blood off your face as you get closer.
  138. >Tracy looks shocked, but steps away from you.
  139. “H-hold on, Anon.” She says, running to the bathroom, and coming back with a towel in her teeth, which she uses to wipe your face off. “You missed a bit.” She says, seemingly unperturbed by the violence.
  141. “I...I’ll go clean that up. Um...I...” You stammer, looking for anything to say.
  142. >Tracy puts her hoof to her lips and shakes her head.
  143. “Shush, Anon. You stood up for me. For family. I think...I think that’s more important. My head hurts. I’m gonna go lay down.” She says shakily, leaving the towel with you.
  144. >You swear as she walks away, that musty smell seems to have crept back into the air. Like old hay.
  145. >It takes you a few hours to dig a hole out back in the woods a ways. You manage to get the body stuffed into an old carpet that you stole from the basement, and after dark, you drag it out the back-door and bury it.
  146. >You get most of the blood in the foyer cleaned up, at least enough to pass a cursory inspection, and take a shower yourself.
  147. >Exhausted, in pain, and probably concussed, you collapse on the couch and have a brief thought before you go to sleep.
  148. “Being a good kid is fucking hard.” Before the land of dreams claims you.
  149. >Strangely enough, it’s the best sleep you’d had in months. Like a baby, with no dreams.
  150. > In the morning, you’re awakened with a stiff hoof to your chest, which only exacerbates the pain in your ribs.
  152. “The fuck?” You murmur, clutching your torso and reeling, before realizing it’s probably mid-afternoon.
  153. “You slept late enough, shitstick. Here. Eat.” Says a gruff voice, slamming a bowl of spaghetti into your hands, with a fork sticking upright in it. “AND IS THAT ANY WAY TO TALK TO YOUR FUCKING MOTHER, YOU UNGRATEFUL PISSANT?”
  154. >...Tracy? Looking up, you see that the pale-blue horse is staring at you through one teal eye and one that’s swollen almost half-way shut, and blackened. Ghost rider is playing on TV, and that faint, musty smell is stuck right up in your nose. Where the hell is that coming from?
  156. “Uhh... thanks?” You say quietly, before digging into the spaghetti.
  157. “Yeah. Don’t mention it.” She grumbles uncomfortably, shifting over to her side of the couch, and drawing her hooves up, before patting her flank.
  158. “What?” you say around a mouthful of noodles.
  159. “Quit being fucking rude, idiot. And bring your ass over here and watch a fucking movie with your mother.
  160. >You re-arrange yourself on the couch, still extremely stiff, and rest yourself against the pale-blue Mare’s side, still eating your bowl of spaghetti. Nick Cage is slinging a chain at some freak made of water, and Tracy’s hoof is sliding around your shoulders. She ruffles your hair, almost affectionately, and you briefly freeze.
  161. “Um... Tra...Mom?” You ask.
  162. “What. The fucking movie’s on.” She answers, her hoof freezing.
  163. “Is everything alright?” You ask.
  164. >There’s a long pause, as Nick Cage lights on fire and summons a motorcycle.
  165. “Yeah, Anon. Everything’s pretty fuckin great, actually.” She doesn’t look at you, but you see a contented smile stretch across her face, and she continues to affectionately stroke your hair. “ Pretty fuckin great.”
  167. End.
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