
Hisao and the Chocolate Factory Ch 8

Sep 16th, 2017
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  1. Chapter 8: Partying in the party room
  3. Hanako felt her eyes contract briefly as they entered the new room, the sheer brightness of everything flooding into her with almost vicious ferocity. She squinted her eyes and made a noise of discomfort, raising a hand to shield her eyes. A part of her wished she’d kept her hat, but it now lay on a heap in the changing auditorium behind them with the rest of her clothes.
  5. It was apparent that she wasn’t the obvious one that was reacting poorly to the intense light.
  7. “Aghablah” Emi sputtered around a mouthful of chocolate, sending crumbs flying. They impacted on the face of Hisao as he turned to him, his excited expression immediately souring.
  9. “Gross.” He said mildly. “Emi, please cover your mouth when shouting out in surprise.”
  11. She stepped into his shadow before looking up at him, still chewing. “Schry.” She mumbled, uncomfortably flicking at the remainder of the chocolate bar in her hands.
  13. “Sorry that you spilled.” Rin snidely commented, her face pointed to the floor and her hat blocking the light from her eyes. Hanako looked to see that it had been quite a bit of chocolate, and that Emi was eyeing it hungrily. Hanako was going to tell her not to when Emi shook her head, her chest notably shaking beneath her tight pink undershirt, and withdrew another chocolate bar from the coat, gobbling down the remains of the first.
  15. The moment the rest of the bar was in her mouth what Rin had said apparently caught up to her and she whipped around. “Hey!” She called angrily.
  17. “Girls, girls, save your fighting for the war room.” Hisao said. His face turned puzzled, and he raised a watchless wrist to his face. “You know, we may not actually make that room. We’ve lost a lot of time. I suppose you can fight now.”
  19. Both girls were looking at one another before Emi let out an indigent “Humph,” and stepped around Hisao and into the room at large.
  21. “W-why-,” Hanako began to Rin, who’s eyes shifted to her. Hanako broke off under her gaze. Her hand absently stroked the fabric of her new skirt and sweater. “W-w-why are you... why are you being so mean?”
  23. Rin tilted an eyebrow at her, the cowboy hat adding to the intensity of her scowl. Then she shook her head slowly, never blinking. She sighed, lowering her head the slightest bit, and Hanako could see the girl’s thin eyebrows change from scowl to a saddened expression. “Nobody listens.” She said frankly, and with that she turned away and walked after her friend.
  25. Hisao stared after her with Hanako for a moment, and Hanako felt her stare linger on the two girls. “Not everyone has the mindset capable of understanding the factory,” Hisao said aside to her. “Weird things are often the normal, and normal are often the weird.” He looked to Hanako. “It’d take someone positively normal to understand something so extravagantly odd. Don’t you think?”
  27. Without waiting for an answer, he stepped forwards, twirling his cane round and round in his grasp. Hanako scampered after him, and felt her eyes searching the room around them. They had finally adjusted from the sensory overload, which was now beginning to work on her nostrils, and she could finally see the room at large. Stripes of white and red peppermint flowed along tree trunks, which were topped with giant mint leaves. The stalks seemed to flow high towards the ceiling, thick branches canopying over the heads of the tour group.
  29. To the side, in a small clearing, were several children sized houses that looked to be made of gingerbread. The path they walked on was made of grounded up red and green sprinkles of the peppermint.
  32. Hanako’s foot crinkled as she stepped on something. A Nakai bar wrapper. She bit her lip as she bent over and picked it up.
  34. “Gosh this place looks so much like Christmas.” Emi said.
  36. “That’s certainly our busiest time for this room.” Hisao replied. “Spring has come though, so this rooms quieted down for the time beings.”
  38. “What do you guys get from here?” Asked Rin. “What kind of products besides giant candy canes?”
  40. Hanako turned and, sure enough, a large bundle of candy canes like the one Lilly had had seemed to be growing out of the ground just off the path.
  42. Hisao held up his fingers. “You know, peppermint is actually surprisingly versatile. If we wanted to we could build homes out of the stuff, it’s durable and can be made to last, but then it’d taste awful. Normally, we try to keep our customers tastes in mind, but sometimes things work out well that way.”
  44. “Have you made a house out of chocolate?” Emi asked. Another wrapper fell from what Hanako could see as overstuffed pockets. She bent down and picked it up.
  46. “That’s such a common request, you wouldn’t believe.” Hisao said with a laugh. “We’ve done some contracting, but generally the buildings don’t last. In more than one case, we’ve had people just eat the entire house.”
  48. Emi’s eyes sparkled. “A whole house of chocolate.” She praised.
  50. “Well, my dear, we can certainly talk about that once you receive your lifetime supply. That is, if you don’t win the grand prize.” He touched a finger to his nose.
  52. The tour group walked on past the gingerbread town and towards the exit. The darkened hallway ahead was much different than the bright lit room they were in, and Hanako felt her eyes straining to see anything through the mirk.
  54. I love the mint room.” Hisao said to himself. “It’s always good for thinking.”
  56. “But what purpose does it have?” Rin asked.
  58. “Why, it’s where we get our mints of course.” Hisao said. “Peppermint ice cream, pepper mint candy, the ciniaminimen that we put in some of our finer products.”
  60. “Cinnamon?” Hanako asked.
  62. “Winnamon.” Hisao replied over his shoulder as he walked into the darkness. The girls followed along behind him.
  64. The group seemed to be taking a break for their eyes to adjust. Hanako could hear the crumpling of paper falling to the ground and let out a heavy breath.
  66. “Woah girl, that lifetime supply of chocolate might not last you long.” Hisao said to the ecstatic Emi. Hanako tried to look at him, but his form was still blurry.
  68. “That is a bad room.” Rin judged.
  70. Hisao sighed. “I’m sure Lilly would have liked it.”
  71. The mention of her friend made Hanako titter on her feet nervously, tapping her toe against the ground. She still had so many questions to ask, but there was no harm in waiting till the end of the tour. It’s polite to wait. Hanako was polite.
  73. “If she could fit on the path.” Rin replied.
  75. Hanako was very polite. She said nothing.
  77. Thankfully, her vision was slowly returning. She blinked hard, and opened her eyes to see a light blurry shape moving rapidly about. It took her a moment to recognize the shape of Emi’s head as the small girl whipped it back and forth between two bars of chocolate each held in a fist and her mouth opening wide to snap down greedily, her eyes still tightly shut. It took Hanako another moment to recognize that each hand held not one but two chocolate bars in them, the small girl was eating four practically at once.
  79. The girl finished the last of the bars, shoving the remains into her mouth and swallowing them followed by a soft belch.
  81. “Well said, everyone’s eyes open?”
  83. Emi opened her eyes, the light green of them blazed like emeralds as she stared up into Hanakos. After a moment, her hands went to her coat. They wandered for a moment before pulling another bar from the inside. Her free hand patted around at the coat, and Hanako recognized the shock on her face. She was empty.
  85. “On we go! To the Easter room!” Hisao said. Emi’s shocked reaction relaxed, and she slowly tore the wrapping on the Nakai bar as they all walked on ahead.
  87. “There’s chocolate there?” She asked, her voice trying and failing to sound casual.
  89. “Oh most certainly,” Hisao declared. “There’s chocolates galore, little treats and surprises for the Easter bunny to leaver for good little boys and girls. And given that April is fast approaching, our bunnies are working overtime. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind putting together a basket for such an avid chocolate fan.”
  91. Emi salivated.
  93. “Bunnies?” Rin asked. “That’s nuts.”
  95. “No, those are squirrels, and we had to let those guys go when we found their horde. Bunnies are far more expensive, but nobody does Easter like bunnies.”
  97. The group walked on down a stripped hallway until they began to pass a wall of windows. “Ladies, this here is the candy mine.” He gestured.
  99. The soft dark color of chocolate surrounded the window as it opened up into what looked like a quarry of chocolate and sweets. Mine cart tracks made of peppermint rails and chalk candy planks peppered the area as she felt herself cooing in awe. From the ceiling hung wires of licorice holding up what looked like hard candy lights decorating the floor beneath in a rainbow of colors. Gummies and jaw breakers and glazes galore sprinkled the landscape, and twinkled as if made of gold.
  101. “Mine.” Emi said with reverence as she approached the window. Hanako could see the hungry expression taking over her entire being as her packed belly pushed against the window along with her face.
  103. “Yes it is a mine.” Hisao said.
  105. “Mine.” Emi repeated. “All mine.”
  107. “Well not all mines, in fact I say there’s no mines like this.” Hisao contemplated. “The chocolate is mined from those walls and placed into the carts you see there. Then those tracks run along to the packaging plant, which we’ll be going to soon, where people can package their own mined chocolate and take it home with them. Come come, we’re almost to the Easter Room.” He said, and started forwards.
  109. Emi’s tummy grumbled against the glass and she left a mark of drool as she tore herself away from the window. The final wrapper fell from her grasp.
  111. The group rounded a corner and halted. Up ahead was quite the strange sight, and Hanako felt herself blinking repeatedly. Two girls stood in front of a door marked ‘Easter Room’ with a giant white bunny logo above the door.
  113. One of them was the scientist girl from earlier, Chai, still dressed in her lab-coat.
  115. It took a moment for Hanako to recognize the flagrant red hair of Rai beneath the blue police officer hat and behind the reflective sunglasses. The blue police uniform she wore did not help, and the small girl chewed on a tooth pick to complete the image. She held note pad that she was leisurely writing in as she was apparently questioning the small fluffy white bunny that sat on a stool in front of her.
  117. “What in the-” Emi began.
  119. Hisao held up a hand to the group before moving forwards to Chai, who turned to greet him.
  121. “What’s going on here?” Hisao asked.
  123. “Sir, this is an ongoing interview.” Said Rai looking at him through her sun glasses. “Please allow me to question the witness in peace.”
  125. Hisao's eyes narrowed, but Chai held up a hand and they stepped back towards the group.
  127. “One of the rabbits has run off.” She said in a hushed tone. “Rai says Ichi is going to try and locate him.”
  129. The buzz of a radio was heard and Ichi’s voice came over, but Hanako couldn’t hear the words.
  131. “Apparently this was about their pay.” Chai explained.
  133. “Don’t tell me it was Peter.” Hisao said with a groan. “How many times do I have to explain that carrots aren’t even healthy for rabbits?” Hisao turned to face the group. “Regrettably, it seems the Easter room is for now off-limits.”
  135. “White rabbit, witness says he was complaining about overtime, over.” Rai said into the radio.
  137. Hisao winced. “It seems I’m going to need to leave you in the capable hands of the head scientist for a little bit as I go and try to get a handle on the situation myself.”
  139. “Oh thank god.” Rai said, sprinting over and thrusting the radio and notebook into his hands. “I’m late for the party!”
  141. She sprinted into a nearby door and vanished inside of it.
  143. “W-w-wait, you’re leaving them with me again?” Chai asked nervously.
  145. “That did not go well last time” Rin commented.
  147. “I’m hungry.” Emi whined.
  149. “Everyone, please.” Hisao said, holding his hands up. “This situation needs to be taken care of. Chai, take them after Rai and show them the party room, why don’t you? I’ll be back shortly.”
  151. He allowed for no comment as he turned and walked away. Hanako found herself staring at the bunny that sat on the stool near the door covered with police tape.
  153. It’s nose twitched.
  155. “Okay.” Chai said, emphasizing the o. “Okay. Okay I can do this. The party room. Everything will be fine there.” She turned to the group and forced a smile onto her face, her oddly colored eyes showing obvious nervous strain. “Shall we?” she asked, gesturing towards the door.
  157. Nobody moved.
  159. Chai hopped slightly as if remembering she was the guide and went to the door, opening and passing through.
  161. The noise of the doorknob covered by a louder gurgle from Emi’s hungry stomach. “Staahp.” She hissed at it before following Chai into the room.
  163. “I’m not eating anything.” Rin said, following.
  165. Hanako tapped her fingers together nervously. She looked to where Hisao had gone and once again her eyes fell on the bunny.
  167. One ear flicked forwards.
  169. Hanako followed the others into the party room.
  171. The first thing she noticed about the room was the balloons. The second thing she noticed was the smiling Hisao piñatas hanging from the ceiling with colorful streamers by their necks. Decorative frills of paper made up the purple coat and the brown hat, all the way down to his tanned pants and brown shoes.
  173. Everything seemed a lot less important after that. She was dimly aware of the sisters, Rai and Mikasa, wrapping a variety of presents and gifts, long lengths of ribbon being cut as wrapping paper was expertly folded so that the tops of the boxes could still be removed and the gifts inserted, but next to the lynched piñatas she simply could not shift her focus to the other girls.
  175. “This is the party room.” Chai said. “This is where party supplies is created and maintained. People can order product as presents and we will gift wrap it for them, which happens here. We’re currently just catching up right now I think, so there’s no product here right now.”
  177. A low and rough grumble filled the room finally drawing Hanako’s stare off of the macabre display. She looked wide eyed at Emi, whose own shocked expression stared at Chai.
  179. “W-what?” She asked.
  181. “Uhh… uhhh t-there’s no… product cause I mean were not celebrating any birthdays soon cause none have been ordered uhh.” She spoke quickly with a tone of apprehension.
  183. “N-not even… chocolate?” Emi’s dead tone gave Hanako chills. Her stomach howled so loud that Hanako was sure she could see it moving.
  185. “N-n-n-no…” Chai said, taking a step back.
  187. Emi’s nostrils flared. Her stomach cried out. Her face turned hostile. “I. Want. Chocolate.” She said dangerously measuring out each word. She turned to the room, propelling herself forwards towards the two working girls.
  189. “The-there isn’t any. You can’t…”
  191. “WHO SAYS I CAN’T!?” Emi hollered
  193. “The woman with the funny eyes.” Rin chimed in.
  195. “I want a feast.”
  197. “Emi you just ate.” Rin said.
  199. “A chocolate bean feast.” She ignored. “Coco cream buns and doughnuts, not fruitcake, you slow nuts, no if ands nor no butts. Give it to me.”
  201. She approached Rai, who looked up at her with a strange expression as she tied a bow.
  203. “Now!”
  205. She reached out and took wrapping paper off of the table and threw it over Rai’s head, making the read head duck downwards.
  207. “I want a ball.
  208. A chocolate party.
  209. A coco typhoon inside a lagoon with tasty harpoons.
  210. Give it to me.
  211. Now!”
  213. Her voice becoming more and more sing-song, Emi picked up the present and through it up towards the ceiling, knocking the piñatas together as they dangled.
  215. “E-emi please stop.” Chai begged to no avail.
  217. “I want the world.
  218. I want the whole world.
  219. I’m going to lock it up all up in my pocket now I’ll take my chocolate.
  220. Give it to me now.”
  222. ​Emi stamped her false foot, swinging it into the table and scattering supplies. Boxes thumped to the floor.
  224. “I’ll take today
  225. I’ll catch tomorrow
  226. I want to wear chocolate braids in my hair and I don’t want to share ‘em!”
  228. ​Emi whipped her hair around, tugging on her green braids and shaking wildly as her stomach howled. She stopped suddenly, taking a deep breath. Rai rose and scowled at her as she circled the table, picking up the wrapping paper. Mikasa watched on as she took one of the presents to the nearby large pile, tiptoeing around the disaster.
  230. “I want a party with rooms filled with laughter.
  231. Ten thousand tons of ice cream.”
  233. ​Slowly, she raised a hand and put it on Rai’s shoulder. Rai blinked at her, blushing.
  235. “And if I don’t get the things I am after.
  236. I’m going to scrreeeaaaaamm!!!!!”
  237. Emi sang the last word harshly and directly in Rai’s face. Rai stepped backwards from the table, wincing. Emi then grabs two rolls of wrapping paper, throwing one to the red head who reflexively went to catch it. Emi quickly smacked her in the stomach with the other and Rai gasped as her diaphragm suddenly gave out, Emi tearing the wrapping paper and spinning around her in circles wrapping her up. Hanako was amazed at how fast the girl was able to move, entirely wrapping Rai in the paper in mere moments. Rai let out a muffled shout of protest as Emi turned and upended the table, throwing object after object into the area at the piñatas.
  239. “I want the works.
  240. I’ll take the whole works.”
  242. ​Emi sang as she pelted the piñatas. Mikasa dropped the present off at the pile and turned to hurry back when some of the thrown objects struck the large pile. The brown haired youngster had just enough time to turn and scream before she was buried in brightly wrapped gifts.
  244. “Gimmie presents and prizes
  245. Chocolate sweets and suprises,
  246. All large shapes and sizes
  247. Right now!”
  249. ​She reared back and threw a pair of scissors, which chopped the ribbon holding up one of the piñatas and deftly caught it out of the air.
  251. “I don’t care how,
  252. I want it now!”
  254. ​Emi’s hand firmly grabbed the Hisao piñata by the head, her cheeks flushed with singing and strain.
  256. “Don’t care how,
  257. I want it noooowww!!!”
  258. With a flourish, she tore the head from the piñata at the neck, holding it up for the group to stare at in horror, the red ribbon tied around its neck floating down like bits of gore as she inspected the innards for her much craved chocolate, before tossing the head to the floor and ripping the body down its length.
  260. There was a click from behind them and Hanako whirled to see Hisao entering the room, a tired yawn still escaping his lips as he rubbed at the back of his neck.
  262. “Alright, sorry about that. Where were… we…?” His eyes go wide as they center directly on the disembodied piñata head and then travel to Emi, who has begun tearing apart the piñata with all but her teeth in catlike ferocity. “Riiight… Chocolate. God, I need to give myself a raise.” He muttered to himself. He turned to face Chai and bowed to her. “Thank you for looking after them.”
  264. “N-no… problem…” she said.
  266. “Let’s be on our way, girls.” Hisao called. “To the chocolate packaging plant.” He turned and walked out the door.
  268. “Ooo yay, chocolate!” Emi shouted. She skipped happily past Hanako and Rin singing, “Chocolate, chocolate, yummy yummy chocolate,” to herself with a grin larger than Hanako had ever seen on her face.
  270. Hanako turned back to look at the two sisters. Rai was shuffling around, twisting and turning trying to grab unsuccessfully at the wrapping paper. A hand came up from beneath the boxes. “Heeelllp.” It moaned.
  272. Hanako turned to find that Rin had also left. She looked back to the hand before nervously hurrying out after the rest of the tour group.
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