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Jul 3rd, 2016
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  1. I'm quitting mons, probably forever.
  3. Something that very few people know about me is that I have autism. Not internet meme autism, but actual medically diagnosed autism, and one of the symptoms of that is that I become very easily fixated and obsessed with things, and these fixations frequently dominate my thoughts and my free time. For the past 3 or so years that fixation has been competitive Pokemon, and it's been enormously detrimental to my grades, my social life, and my mental health. I have legitimately failed tests and handed assignments in late because I was instead writing up essays in the BH suspect thread or whatever, and I just can't do it anymore. I'm sick of Pokemon and I'm sick of how it's taking over my life. To put it frankly, my life isn't where I want it to be at the moment, and the huge amount of time that I've been wasting on Smogon and PS is certainly not helping me in my efforts to turn my life around. I've got very little self-control, no ability to regulate my own time, so my only option here is to quit entirely. I've got to figure out what I want to do with myself, who I want to be, and spending 6-7 hours a day on competitive Pokemon websites is just not a part of my future life plans. I might come back at some point in the future if I get my shit together, but don't count on it.
  5. I don't want to insinuate that I haven't enjoyed my time on Smogon/PS, because that isn't the case at all. I've met tons of amazing people and made lots of wonderful friends, and I'll miss all of you greatly. I'd do shoutouts or w/e but there's too many people I'd want to give shoutouts to and I honestly cannot be fucked. I love you all and I hope you all lead happy, fulfilling lives.
  7. Apologies to my OMPL team - I know that losing THECHAMP is a tremendous blow to the team, but sugarhigh, IT11 and Wail are all very competent BH players who can fill the void.
  9. Peef has permission to take over Averagemons, idc about Genmons
  11. The Immortal: suck my floppy wang you conceited, authoritarian assface
  13. Grains of Salt/AllJokesAside: it's just a game my dude no need to take it so srsly. go outside, read a good book, and then consider whether swearing at people on competitive Pokemon simulators is really what you want to be spending your free time doing.
  15. Quantum Tesseract/P1101560: 1) you don't need to argue about everything, its ok to take a neutral position
  16. 2) you're not always right and its ok to change your opinion in the face of opposing evidence
  17. 3) i know you really want people to know how right you are, but nitpicking every little thing that people say derails your argument and the entire thread, and increases the probability of you saying something dumb and discrediting your entire post
  18. 4) please learn how to make a point without writing a fucking essay every single time jesus christ half the reason im leaving is bc im so sick of reading your long-ass posts
  20. If you want to stay in touch, my skype is emperorbulbax and my snapchat is magnusm222 feel free to hmu
  22. Goodbye everyone, and I wish you all the best.
  24. :J
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