

Nov 20th, 2016
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  1. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
  3. WARNING: coremods are present:
  4. ValkyrienWarfareBase Mod Compatibility Hack (VW CoreMod Fix (Required).jar)
  5. ValkyrienWarfareBase CoreMod (Valkyrien Warfare .85b.jar)
  6. Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge
  8. // There are four lights!
  10. Time: 17.11.16 13:07
  11. Description: Exception in server tick loop
  13. java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loop
  14. at ValkyrienWarfareBase.PhysicsManagement.PhysicsTickHandler.onWorldTickStart(PhysicsTickHandler.java:68)
  15. at ValkyrienWarfareBase.EventsCommon.onTickEvent(EventsCommon.java:42)
  16. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_13_EventsCommon_onTickEvent_TickEvent.invoke(.dynamic)
  17. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:90)
  18. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:185)
  19. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPreWorldTick(FMLCommonHandler.java:282)
  20. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:694)
  21. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:613)
  22. at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:149)
  23. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:471)
  24. at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  27. A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
  28. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. -- System Details --
  31. Details:
  32. Minecraft Version: 1.10.2
  33. Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
  34. Java Version: 1.8.0_91, Oracle Corporation
  35. Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
  36. Memory: 2581792264 bytes (2462 MB) / 3198156800 bytes (3050 MB) up to 4294967296 bytes (4096 MB)
  37. JVM Flags: 4 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx4096m -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=4
  38. IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0
  39. FML: MCP 9.32 Powered by Forge 6 mods loaded, 6 mods active
  40. States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
  41. UCHIJAAAA mcp{9.19} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)
  42. UCHIJAAAA FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (modpack.jar)
  43. UCHIJAAAA Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (modpack.jar)
  44. UCHIJAAAA valkyrienwarfare{0.85a} [Valkyrien Warfare] (Valkyrien Warfare .85b.jar)
  45. UCHIJAAAA valkyrienwarfarecombat{0.1} [Valkyrien Warfare Combat] (Valkyrien Warfare .85b.jar)
  46. UCHIJAAAA valkyrienwarfarecontrol{0.3b} [Valkyrien Warfare Control] (Valkyrien Warfare .85b.jar)
  47. Loaded coremods (and transformers):
  48. ValkyrienWarfareBase Mod Compatibility Hack (VW CoreMod Fix (Required).jar)
  49. ValkyrienWarfareBase.CoreMod.CompiledHack.ValkyrienWarfareTransformerHack
  50. ValkyrienWarfareBase CoreMod (Valkyrien Warfare .85b.jar)
  51. ValkyrienWarfareBase.CoreMod.ValkyrienWarfareTransformer
  52. GL info: ~~ERROR~~ RuntimeException: No OpenGL context found in the current thread.
  53. Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
  54. Player Count: 1 / 8; [EntityPlayerMP['Herobrine9500'/1, l='Airship testessssssss', x=580.09, y=64.59, z=1386.47]]
  55. Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt)
  56. Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'
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