

Dec 30th, 2015
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  1. [12:32 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin actually whines as Bobby pushes on so, so slowly and carefully. And on the one hand, Snake wants to push him more, more, more, fuck him, hurt him, he can take it. But on the other hand, the concern and care is super charming, and mostly just makes him wanna kiss Bobby a bunch.
  3. Except he's too busy groaning at that awful pun. "Ugh- d'you really have to make such a crappy pun when you're fucking me?" He says in mild annoyance. But that's a smirk on his face!! It entertained him!! "Anyways... maybe 'cocky' is exactly what I wanna get."
  4. [12:40 PM] Bobby-Fulbright would be totally up for kissing, but Snake's legs are kind of in the way right now. Maybe they can kiss later, if they're still up for that sort of thing after sufficient orgasm's been reached. Also yes. Yes, he [b]did[/b] have to make that pun. It came to him in a flurry of ecstasy, so he couldn't [b]not[/b] say it. Glad that Snake liked it anyway.
  6. "Hnnn... In that case, your wish is my command." Sure enough, he pushes in with a bit more force now. Still not enough to cause serious harm to the average person, but... y'know. It's probably gonna hurt.
  7. [12:56 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin will just have to kiss Bobby a bunch once they're done here! And trust, he will, because Bobby here is super fun to kiss. it must be the beard. And also his cute handsome face. See, this is why Snake's decided he loves having friends with benefits.
  9. When Bobby pushes more forcefully, it does definitely hurt! Snake is tight, hot, and there's only dry friction without lubricant to ease Bobby in- and Bobby is pretty endowed, obviously. It burns and aches, being stretched open like this, but the sensation comes with no small amount of pleasure, and like salt on something sweet, the pain just makes it so much better for Snake, making him whimper and groan, shaking hands clutching tight at Bobby's elbows. "Sh-Shit... nnnh!" He whines, eyes shut tight again, "Mngh... Yes, fuck. Like that, Bobby..."
  10. [01:27 PM] Bobby-Fulbright feels a chill run down his spine when Snake says his name. Ahh, that always gets him turned on even further. Then he realizes that he still doesn't know this guy's real name. Is it David or Iroquois or...? At this point, it seems embarrassing to ask.
  12. On the flipside, he's not a fan of dry friction. Again, he would've preferred to use lube if they'd had any. The tightness and the hotness are great, but the dryness... Well, if Snake's having a good time, he'll give it a pass. Snake [b]definitely[/b] seems to be having a good time, if all the sounds and clutches are to be believed. He pushes a little further, his own fingernails pressing into Snake's hips. "Hah... You like that?"
  13. [01:50 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin will probably be sure to at least suck Bobby off a little bit next time, to at least slick him up. But hey, it's only the second time they've done anything sexual together- they're still figuring each other out, what they like, and what they like with each other. And Snake is most definitely enjoying himself at least, taking one of his hands from Bobby's elbows, to instead tangle his fingers in his own hair, head turning to the side with a whimper.
  15. "Nnnh- y-yes..." He breathes, face a bit tinted pink.
  16. [02:00 PM] Bobby-Fulbright would've preferred that hand to stay on his arm, but hey, at least it leads to a gorgeous sight. Snake is already crazy handsome, so seeing him tousle his own hair just ends up making him doubly attractive. And then that whimper, mmmh! Beautiful. Bobby draws in a ragged breath of his own, the combination of sights and sounds and feelings all coming together for maximum pleasure.
  18. "You're lucky I'm n-not the kinda guy to make you beg for more," he remarks with a sly grin. Or, wait, maybe that's exactly what Snake wants. He wouldn't know. Personally, he's content to continue sliding himself in there without having Snake beg for it.
  19. [02:14 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin wouldn't know how to feel about being thought of as 'beautiful' like this, had Bobby voiced that thought. That'd be two whole people that would think of him as beautiful, and he still feels weird about it when Volgin calls him that, too!
  21. "Mnngh- d-don't make me embarrass myself..." He hisses through his teeth- he always finds having to beg so embarrassing. And of course Volgin likes making him beg, ugh. He rolls his hips up, trying to coax Bobby further into him, wanting him to be able to start fucking him properly already.
  22. [03:02 PM] Bobby-Fulbright did not think of Snake as 'beautiful', gosh. He used the words 'handsome' and 'attractive', those are basically synonyms for 'hot'. Gosh. He would never use the word 'beautiful' on a dude. ...Except maybe Fae, but then it wouldn't be flirting. It'd just be fact.
  24. Either way, good. Seems like Snake doesn't want to beg. Bobby agrees with this sentiment and just to reward the guy, he makes sure to push in with a little more force. Lucky lucky luckyyy that he's not mean like Volgin, huh?
  25. [03:12 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin doesn't think Volgin is mean! Just a huge fucking tease. Regardless, he rewards that more forceful push with a louder noise, his hips bucking up into it. "Ah!" He growls from between his teeth, and then follows it with a snarl. His cock is rock hard and aching, stuck between his legs and belly with his legs bent like this- he couldn't reach it to touch himself even if he wanted to. Instead, the hand that was tangled in his own hair reaches out to instead clutch at Bobby's bicep, nails digging in.
  26. [03:35 PM] Bobby-Fulbright very much welcomes the clutching and hisses through his teeth in response. Fingernail digging always provides such a nice sting, just like biting. There's a few seconds where he hangs his head, drawing a few quick breaths through his nose, and then he goes back to the chore at hand. With his own hands still on Snake's hips, it allows him to pull the the man closer at the same time, as opposed to just pushing.
  27. [03:45 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin gives another sound at that last shove (and tug), a funny and slightly embarrassing one in his throat, making his cheeks darken. His legs flex a bit, calves pressing into Bobby's shoulders and- finally, he feels Bobby's hips meet the cheeks of his ass and God, finally, it's so good-
  29. "Nnngh, fuck me, please...!" He growls, wanting all eight of those inches in him to fuck him properly. "C'mon, Bobby, please...!" Jeeze, Snake, what was that about not wanting to beg?
  30. [04:06 PM] Bobby-Fulbright thinks that begging is very unnecessary. He's getting to it, geeez! Just give him a second to get over how good it feels. He's not as young as he used to be. Hnnnnnnnnngh... Okay, he's got this. Time to pull back and start a rhythm, because now that he's actually all the way in there, the dry friction isn't that much of a problem anymore.
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