

Dec 27th, 2013
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  1. Would you be willing to provide me one or two paragraphs concerning how you make and develop ideas and your approach to writing on the site, as well as three tales and/or scps that you feel reflect your mentality (i.e. pimp 3 of your stuff)? You may also provide commentary on the three tales and/or SCPs if you choose
  3. Well, when I sit down to write, it's usually because sometime over the day, I've been hit by a concept. I just really like writing, so I frequently make SCP articles the day I think of the object, just because I enjoy the process of creation and posting. I don't really have an orthodox way of developing, it's very accelerated and relies on speed. I usually only sit and develop ideas if I think they're really good. But mostly it's 1. Concept driving around or in class 2. Write down draft 3. Get feedback 4. Post. I've really cornered the market on "good enough to upvote" and most of my stuff could be described as "good idea, could've used more time to have more development."
  5. Some people ask me how I don't get writers block. The answer is, I really don't know. Whenever I feel stonewalled or bothered by something I'm writing, I don't force myself to continue. Instead, I'll go work on my RP, or write something for the Wanderers Library, or practice drawing maps of continental Europe. I've gotten pretty good at the last one, cos I do it so frequently. So, yeah, that's my advice to you guys suffering from writers block! Go draw pictures of continental Europe from memory!
  7. Now, for three skips I feel represent my mentality to writing:
  9. SCP-744 - Assembly Required. This is one of three articles that I wrote in a day. I think the other two were my MC&D servant thing and something else that I don't remember. Anyways, this was written in a day. It's a concept, factory that does things, and some interviews in an addendum to support it. That's how you'll find a lot of my articles are structured - Presentation of an idea, addendum builds on that.
  11. SCP-5200-J - Just Say No!!! Literally written in ten minutes, then shown to Salman Corbette in chat, who thought it was funny, and is currently at +100. This is an article that I use as an example of how my style of writing can work out really well. Sometimes, you don't need to go into a huge amount of detail surrounding an article. Sometimes a mule is just a mule, and sometimes a Just Say No joke is a just say no joke. Brevity is the soul of wit, after all.
  13. SCP-1967 - Shortcuts. This article is one of a few that has deep, personal meaning for me because it's based on something I did in my childhood. There was an area, behind all the houses, where there was a field, and you could see into every house. We'd go in there and use it as a hub to play manhunt, going through all the backyards that didn't have big fences(chain link fences were easy to hop over). It was great fun. So, this article is a style I use when it's something based on what I know. How I tell a story in articles, using lots of addenda, and an interview at the end. Also, this one is amusing because people don't know what regional accents are, and kept trying to correct a non-existent typo.
  15. Now here's the 3 skip/ 3 tale author commentary
  17. SCP-213 - Anti-Matter Parasite. This was the first article that I ever rewrote. It's basically a restructuring of the way it was before, taking out the stupid shit and adding some new stuff to it. I like that, even with 5 years of residual votes, it was able to reach +50 after I redid it. The main thing I love about this one is how the discussion page is like a slice through site history. You can visibly see standards changing as the article gets updated again and again. The same goes for the page history. It's like peeling back an onion.
  19. Fun fact: Originally I cut out everything after the first paragraph cos I thought it was fluff, until VAE yelled at me for taking everything interesting out of it. I later actually reread those bits and got what they were going for, then made it a good article.
  21. SCP-1507 - The Pink Flamingos. My first successful article. I have to give my eternal thanks to MisterBibs, for helping me write this one. I was originally going to make it some lawn gnomes, until somebody else beat me to the punch by writing that plastic ecosystem SCP. So, I was bummed, thinking of how to make it better, when I looked out the window and saw my mother's plastic flamingos.
  23. It's probably better it turned out this way, because my original draft had the gnomes speaking like goofy irishman saying "it's in our nature, don'tcha know?" and it was so awfully narmy argh please kill me forever.
  25. SCP-1833 - Class of '76. Probably my favorite series of articles I ever made, the Class of '76 series are a crosslinked set of articles centering around the "Syncope Symphony" anomaly. When I wrote this, though, all I had in mind was that I wanted to make a high school SCP. I queried the chat, originally wanting to do an anomalous high school reunion, but eventually settling on a yearbook that did creepy shit. We brainstormed throughout the night, me and site19, and I posted it before I went to bed.
  27. Eventually, I made a sequel article, then another, then Remembrance... and it snowballed from there. I still look at them fondly, as I think everybody should do crosslinked articles like this. It builds the world, and brings things together.
  29. ----
  31. Diary of a Young Girl - I basically wrote this in ten minutes, at 4 am on a summer morning. I wanted to write a tale, queried some people about what I should write about. Builder Bear was still under a year old, fresh in people's minds, so I was suggested that. I banged out the story, with the only edit before posting being removing the line "I love you tommy" from the end. I've been very proud of its success.
  33. Remembrance - A series I made after TroyL wrote his series of stories with Gears and I thought "I can do that." So I sat down, wrote them all at once, shopped them to Troy and Sorts, and then posted them. It really happened that quickly. So fat its been successful, with my only major change being to alter the interludes and preludes. It really did some world building without involving the Foundation itself much at all, which pleases me. More people should do stuff like this. It's fun.
  35. lolFoundation - This is cheating a bit since it's a canon I made, and not an actual story, but whatever! I do what I want! It took me about xix months to get this canon off the ground, getting people interested and having stories made thrown up. The story I thought would be the second one, Anaxagoras', has ironically not been posted yet as of this time. A lot of other talented folks have, though, including Clef, Troy, FortuneFavorsBold. and ihpkmn. It's pretty fulfilling to see such hard work pay off. We're even working on a prequel plot arc for it... we'll see if that takes another six months.
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